Rebadams7 wrote a o/s about Lilyana as an adult, In The Shadows, it is on my favs list. So read it. She did good.

Backstory: After I completed MHB, there were a few readers who suggested that I write an alternate ending, while others told me no, that I should leave it as it is. Well, there was THIS future-take that came to me & has always lingered in the back of my mind. About a month ago, I read a book titled Heaven Is For Real; A Little Boy's Astounding Story of His Trip To Heaven and Back by Todd Burpo (I highly recommend it, BTW) and my wheels begin to turn again. Then this weekend, I drove home to Kentucky to attend a funeral of a man who had been my sole grandparent for the past ten years or so, even if only by marriage, he was the only Papa I had left. At the funeral home, among our sadness of his passing, there was this heavy burden around us because of the family in the next parlor. They had lost their nine year old son by the hand of his eleven year old brother while the two had been playing with a gun. So, when I think of Papa, knowing he is now rejoicing in Mama's arms again, his life long true love, I think about that little boy too. And his parents. And his brother, and I can't help but feel sorrow. Then as I drove the four-plus hours home, it all kept running through my mind. So, I decided to let some of it spill here. I'm keeping my religious beliefs out of it, that's not what this chapter is about.

It's just some angelic fluff, from my heart to yours on this Valentine's Day. Thank you all for your support, your reviews, your encouragement. Right now, I see this as the last time I will come back to this Edward & Bella other than going through MHB & finally beta-ing it. I'm starting to get that feeling that maybe my fanfiction door is closing soon, only time will tell.

And of course, I have to mention my beegurl, this was all for her anyway. Words cannot express it Sweetie... I swear.



it's a thing of the past

only something that i once knew of

once feared and hated

now there are no more minutes

or hours

or days

maybe it's just that time is irrelevant

time no longer matters

it has no hold over us

we have forever



me and you

edward and bella

and forever is beautiful

and paradise is perfect

more so than i could have dreamed

i am happy


so happy

being with you now

was worth every tear

every rip of my heart

every sorrow that i lived

that now i can barely recall

i would go through it all again

even a thousand times worse

if the outcome leads to this

/ / /

my favorite is when we walk hand in hand

at that place where the grass is so green

and we don't talk

but i know your thoughts

as you know mine

and the land

the path beneath us never ends

my feet never tire

my legs never ache


and when we get to peek in and watch the kids

lily and masen

and their families

their children

i've never been more proud

or satisfied

or loved

they have grown into wonderful people

the best parents

how did we get so lucky?

/ / /

under my favorite tree

in the middle of our meadow

i close my eyes

the warmth of the mild sun tickles my face

i love it

the way everything here is so magnified

how when a bird flies

you hear the gentle flap of its wings

like a soothing melody in your ears

how the air ripples from its motions

and you feel the breeze it makes glide across your skin

how when it sings its song

you feel the need to close your eyes and dance

/ / /


i sense your nearness

your silhouette blocks the warmth


i ask as i open my eyes

you're standing before me with a small boy

his hand is in yours

he's beautiful

and i instantly recognize him

it's masen's son

his fourth child

and that means...

"come here sweet baby"

he comes to me

gentle and swift

he fills my arms

i start to rock

you sit on the ground beside me

your hand raises to comb through paul's hair

i kiss the top of his head

he still faintly smells of earth

and life

that won't stay with him for long


i ask you without saying it aloud

"an accident with a gun"

and for just a second

i'm allowed to feel grief

and sadness

but it leaves me quickly

and i'm filled with relief

and joy

and love

"how is masen taking it?"

you reach out your arms to me and take Paul into your own

"why don't you go see for yourself"

you suggest

so i nod and stand

i walk down the valley

and trek up the small hill

i stand at the top and look down

i see all the earth and flesh and life

i lean forward a little

closer to masen and his home

he's almost forty now

he has a gray hair or two

i think he's put on a few pounds recently

it makes me grin

then he calls out my name

it's a desperate cry

a sob

that billows from the black of his heart

that hurting place

the hollow one

and i take a step forward

and then i'm right there with him

kneeling in his floor

praying with him for the pain of his heartbreak to lessen

with a shaky voice he speaks


you and dad

please look after paul for us

please mom


i reach out and rub his back

i whisper in his ear that i'm here

i tell him it's all going to be all right

i promise to watch after paul forever

masen's crying calms a little

i continue to caress his back

whisper to him

continue to be his mother even after my death

then he lifts his head

his lip curl the slightest bit

and his cheeks raise

and he says three words

"thank you mother"

and i know he heard me

felt me

i know that he knows

i circle my arms around him one last time

i hug him

then i close my eyes

when i open them

i'm back with you


masen reminds me so much of you"

i gush

you smile and wink

"this little one has been asking a bunch of questions"

you say as you and paul stand

"oh really?"

i tilt my head to the side

paul takes off in a run across the meadow to see a family of rabbits that just came into our view

you step closer to me

your arms wind around my waist

your celestial body molds and melts into mine

we are as one

as we always were

always will be

your mouth is near my ear

you whisper my name

whisper your affections

whisper your love

paul's laughter fills the air around us

if i still had a heart

right now it would flutter

and my cheeks would warm

and i'd feel like i might die if you didn't kiss me soon

but i don't have a heart

or blood

or life

you kiss me anyway

your taste so sweet

so addicting

your presence so comforting

it's everything to me

if i had tears i would cry

because i am so happy

so loved

so full


and even though i know our family is hurting


thriving without hope

faith stretching thin

i know what is to come

i know how the battle ends

and i know that one day

this nirvana we share

will welcome the rest

and finally it will be

as it should

and there will be no more 'might have beens'

no more 'maybes'

only forever

and ever

"Paradise is always where love dwells." ~ Jean Paul F. Richter