"Take the spoon, Kendall."

"No. I refuse to take the spoon!" There was no way Kendall Donald Knight was going to try to swallow a spoon full of cinnamon. No one had the power to make him, not even James.

"Kendall! It'll be fun! C'mon!"

"No! Cinnamon is gross!"

"Cinnamon is good! It'll be fun!"

"Absolutely not. Nope. Not going to happen." Why does he like cinnamon so much anyway?

"Please, for me?" There it was; the straw that broke Kendall's back.

"Fine! Gimme the spoon!" Kendall stared at the large mound of cinnamon. Why does James have the ability to make him do these things?

James just stares at Kendall, with an expression that shows he's about as excited as a man can be. He's so cute when he's excited. He's even cute when he's forcing Kendall to consume a large amount of the world's worst spice.

Kendall closes his eyes, and plugs his nose. The cinnamon enters his mouth, but he feels nothing. Maybe James was right, maybe the infamous Cinnamon Challenge isn't as bad as it sounds.

But then Kendall realizes, James was dead wrong.

It burns, but it doesn't. Kendall's mind settles on one thing; eject this horrid substance from my body.

Before he tries to spit, Kendall had some last words;

"I don't even know what's going on right now."

While Kendall is enduring torture worse than any that could be found in the Middle Ages, James can't help but laugh his ass off.

'Well, at least I made him laugh.' Kendall thinks as he tries to rid his body of the cinnamon.

After almost ten minutes of gagging, the cinnamon is gone. But the taste seems as if it'll last forever.

"I like cinnamon."

"Yeah, that's great, but I really don't"

"Wanna know how much I like cinnamon?


Just like that, James is kissing him. James seems to be enjoying the cinnamon tasting Kendall. Kendall, on the other hand, is about to be sick. This is mostly because James is finally kissing him. There's also the fact he still tastes the cinnamon. A fear creeps up on Kendall. What if this is the only delicious James kiss he ever gets, and all he can remember is cinnamon?

Little did he know, that kiss would be the first of many.

"Ya know what I love?"


"Well yeah, but not as much as I love you."

"I love you too, and a lot more than cinnamon."