Hi~ Kimchi here! I was browsing around at the facebook 100 day photo challenge (I could never try, really, I suck at keep up with stuff) and I thought for a mement about how many people would be able to do a 100 day fanfic challenge~ So just write one-shots about each prompt and well, I guess if you survive doing this for a 100 days, you deserve my virtual cookies :) I really don't care about the setting, or how you twist each prompt :D

Good Luck!

(P.S. Sadly, I do not own Hetalia, BUT I WANTS IT!)

Step 1: Choose your absolute, most attention-grabbing pairing~

Step 2: Make sure you have a cup of milk nearby

Step 3: See if you can survive 100 back-breaking days of fanfic writing~~~~


Day 1 - Hey! Let's start with introuductions!

Day 2 - Beach day!

Day 3 - Studying

Day 4 - Cooking~!

Day 5 - Truth or Dare?

Day 6 - Best Party on the block

Day 7 - Movies

Day 8 - TV browsing

Day 9 - Phone calls

Day 10 - Man's best friend

Day 11 - Someone's hero

Day 12 - Nightmares

Day 13 - If you could trade lives with someone...

Day 14 - Kidnapped

Day 15 - Three wishes

Day 16 - Childhood memories

Day 17 - How did we meet?

Day 18 - World Peace? Will it ever happen?

Day 19 - Invisible

Day 20 - Right now, I'm feeling...

Day 21 - How old am I?

Day 22 - Poetry

Day 23 - My Invention

Day 24 - Guilt

Day 25 - Lust

Day 26 - Secrets

Day 27 - Envy

Day 28 - Religious?

Day 29 - Define 'L.O.V.E.'

Day 30 - Seen enough prompts yet? :)

Day 31 - Write a haiku!

Day 32 - The Dark side

Day 33 - Meet the family

Day 34 - Alone

Day 35 - Don't hit me!

Day 36 - Epic names

Day 37 - What's weird in my world

Day 38 - Cleaning

Day 39 - Childhood friend

Day 40 - Why should I be responsible?

Day 41 - Laziness

Day 42 - Fishing

Day 43 - Time to teach (fill in the blank)

Day 44 - Why change anything about yourself?

Day 45 - Hobbies

Day 46 - Lost

Day 47 - Winters

Day 48 - Springs

Day 49 - Summers

Day 50 - Sacrifice

Day 51 - Fall

Day 52 - I'll catch you

Day 53 - embarassment

Day 54 - I never want to see you again

Day 55 - Hate

Day 56 - Enemy

Day 57 - Colors

Day 58 - Christmas!

Day 59 - My Birthday

Day 60 - Festival time!

Day 61 - Technology time!

Day 62 - Forgetful

Day 63 - Rainy day

Day 64 - Spongebob?

Day 65 - One word to describe you...

Day 66 - Nekotalia!

Day 67 - Shoes

Day 68 - What would you get with 100$

Day 69 - Stranger Danger

Day 70 - My fingers feel like they're going to fall off...

Day 71 - Spa day

Day 72 - Comic book time!

Day 73 - Moving

Day 74 - Photos

Day 75 - Funeral

Day 76 - Books

Day 77 - Mine, you no touchy

Day 78 - Nostalgic day

Day 79 - Amnesia

Day 80 - You did what?

Day 81 - Orange Juice

Day 82 - Genderbend!

Day 83 - Lollipop

Day 84 - Pocky games!

Day 85 - Flags~

Day 86 - A place to call home

Day 87 - Instruments

Day 89 - I really do care

Day 90 - Did this just become awkward?

Day 91 - Listen to me!

Day 92 - Nightclub

Day 93 - Forget it

Day 94 - I hate you, and I really mean it this time.

Day 95 - I'm not talking to you

Day 96 - WAIT!

Day 97 - Don't leave me behind

Day 98 - I'll follow you always

Day 99 - I love you

Day 100 - Future

So you think you can stand my ultimate 100 day challenge?

REMINDER: There is a virtual cookie at the end :)

Now and Forever,

~ Kimchi