
Sakura awoke to the blinding light penetrating the windows of the room. All too soon she remembers it.

Sasuke. drugs. rape. sex.

She sits up immediately one hand digging through her hair and the other cupping her damp womanhood. She's about to look for a mirror when she realizes the bedsheets. It was pink. Sasuke's bed had white. Then she realizes the truth.

It was all a dream.

'It was... so real' she muses, bits and pieces of her dreams slowly dissappearing beyond the reach of her memory.

She sobers up a bit and inspects her body. Sweat generously covered her and needless to say that wet dream had her really wet. Sakura groans on her palms. 'I knew it. It was to good to be true' she thinks.

From downstairs her mom bellows, "Sakura, honey! You'll be late! Get ready!"

Sakura heaves a deep sigh, stands up and drags herself to the bathroom.


...not. I'm kidding. What, you think I'll let Sakura off that easy? The real sequel to this badass is posted as a separate oneshot entitled In Finis.

I just dropped by here because I noticed a whole bunch of you put this on your alerts list. Well, you've been alerted. Go and check it out. And, for heaven's sake, review. I'm drowning in alerts and favorites but the reviews, the reviews are just puddles. How would I know what you guys want?