After The Dude had told her his story, there was really nothing more to say. They exchanged some pleasantries and said their goodbyes. Artemisia called herself a cab. On the ride home, she thought about all she had heard. Never once had she gone bowling. It was not anything that Maude or her circle of art friends would have ever cared about. She was going to try it. She was very happy that she had finally met her father, but doubted that they would ever develop a relationship. Several days went by, and little Lebowski decided she wanted to give her father a gift. She was afraid if she showed up to present it face to face, he wouldn't be willing to accept gifts, so she would have it delivered to him. She knew just the thing.

A Delivery truck pulled up in front of The Dude's apartment a little more than a week after he had met his daughter. The driver pulled out a very big and heavy package. It was already paid for and all he had to do was sign for it. Dude had no idea what it was, or who had sent it, but he took delivery and opened it in his living room. A simple letter said, "I am glad that I met you, even if it was only once, and your story touched me. Here is a little something for you. I hope you will like it." It was signed, The Dudette.

He opened the package the rest of the way, removed that packing paper, and discovered a white oriental rug with a black design. It was a bit like the one that had been ruined so long ago, but much nicer. The Dude was moved to tears by this act of kindness. Getting his rug back was all he had ever wanted in the first place. The less rich and famous Jeffrey Lebowski moved his new treasure to the perfect spot. He looked at it, and then looked all around at everything else that was there. The Dude was happy. It really tied the room together.

The End

FYI: In case you were wondering, I did not make up Artemisia Gentileschi, the namesake for Artemisia Lebowski. She was a real renaissance painter who is an icon to female artists, and exactly the kind of figure I think Maude would have named her child after. Here are some informative links, if you would like to know more. A Wikipedia article, .org/wiki/Artemisia_Gentileschi and a documentary piece at youtube. .com/watch?v=S5qSwf-GTfs