Happy summer~! Today marks the revival of Meeting you again! Except... well... it's more like rebirth since I decided to rewrite it. Now, I know the poll majority was for keeping it the same, but there were only 5 votes and I wanted at least 10 to go on. Also, it was 3 to 2 and not 5 to 0 or 4 to 1. So I went with my gut instead and decided to start rewriting. I will keep this version of the story up though since it has sentimental value and all that stuff as my first fanfiction. I could probably delete it, but I don't have the computer I originally wrote it on and don't feel like copying and pasting everything into word files to keep this story... It'll probably vary in many ways, the storyline, my deadlines, etc. Updates will probably be irregular honestly, deadlines hate me. I believe it will have the same main plot point it was supposed to... or at least close to it. I haven't really thought about it much since I wrote the first chapter almost 2 years ago. I hope that you'll still enjoy it. I'll work hard to keep this alive this time!

If you want to read the new version then go to my page and find it. Or just type Meeting You Again into a search bar again. Either way works.