AN: I'm on a roll! Enjoy ;]

When Touko awoke, it was cold. And she was strapped down to a table.

"N? N?! NATURAL!?" She wailed, immediately beginning to thrash against the leather binds that held her. A pinprick in her arm, and the world became woozy again before going black.

She awoke again, and this time... just looked around. Her clothes were still on, but she noticed a stiffness in her muscles that she couldn't get rid of because she was strapped down. "Why am I here?" Touko's voice was shrill, echoing in the damp room.

"Because you will take us away from the goal. Natural will not agree with you in the way. Harlot." Ghetsis' voice rose at her right, and she turned her head as far as restraints would allow.

"Harlot?" Touko rolled her eyes.

"Do not mock me." Ghetsis warned, his voice as sharp as a Seviper's fang.

"I will do as I please." Touko shot back. Her head jerked to the side as a sharp smack from her right met her cheek.

"You will not." A completely different voice, deeper and far more ominous, came from her right. "You will cooperate. N is coming today to.. discuss things."

"Who the fuck are you?" Touko rarely cursed, but she was pretty sure this was as good a time as any.

"My name is Giovanni."

Touko gasped. Even in Unova, they had heard of the deeds of Giovanni, boss of the elusive and terrifying Team Rocket. He had gone into hiding many years ago. And now, apparently, he had come out of hiding, and teamed with Ghetsis.

"Now. You will obey, you will listen to us, or you will pay. N is coming here and if you do not listen, you will lose your nearest and dearest, girl. The less you cooperate, the more you will suffer." Even the dullest of people could have seen the imminent threat in Giovanni's dark eyes as he circled her, calculating and sadistic. This man was dangerous. His hair was a medium brown, cut close to his head. His skin was tanned, and his dark suit immaculate. For an evil genius, he was well groomed. Touko laughed inwardly at her own humor in such a situation. Better than panicking, right?

"No." The young girl snarled. Lights flashed in front of her eyes, quickly accompanied with a horrid pain as Giovanni landed another blow, a 'crack' sounding in her nose. Warmth washed over the lower half of her face, and she tasted a sharp, coppery liquid on her lips. She let out a pained cry.

"Will. You. Cooperate." Giovanni repeated, firmly. A 'shhhnk' noise warned Touko of a weapon nearby. Something metallic. She shook her head. She would not give in.

The blade slid evenly down her exposed neck, a blinding line of pain. Too shallow to kill, but deep enough to cause Touko to wail in pain. "Nope." Touko ground out, squeezing her eyes shut to keep tears from falling, as Giovanni ripped her shirt off, bringing the blade down her stomach repetitively. Each cut broke her resolve a little more, she could feel the blood pouring down her belly.

"Cooperate." Giovanni hissed.

"Fine!" Touko finally cried, her voice cracking with a choked back sob.

"Good girl." Giovanni said, praising her as he would a young Pokemon for not peeing on the floor.

Yelling from outside the room caught Touko's attention. A loud sound, a thump and a bang. Ghetsis and Giovanni both turned towards what she assumed was the door, rage bubbling up to the surface of both faces, in different way's. Giovanni's eyes narrowed to slits, his teeth clicking and mouth becoming a straight line. Ghetsis' brows furrowed and his fists clenched. A dull yell entered the room and Giovanni marched over, pressing a button on the wall. The door opened, and there stood N.

"Give me Touko." He growled, his expression nearly identical to Ghetsis'.

"How did you get in here?" Ghetsis growled.

"When you love your Pokemon and tell that Pokemon that their friend has been taken, they will fight for their friend."

Giovanni sneered. "Pathetic."

"You would not understand." N hissed, mossy eyes flashing. "Did you harm her?" Touko stared at him, tears finally escaping, along with a sob. Ns head whipped towards her, and an irate growl rose from his throat.

"You... bastards." He whispered, striding across the room. Ghetsis made a move to block him, but in a flash, Emboar and Meganium both stepped forward, causing Ghetsis- apparently without Pokemon- to back away. Giovanni kept his distance. "I am taking her." N said, his voice level and emotionless as he leaned forward, quickly unbelting the leather straps. He wouldn't meet Touko's eyes. Emboar was howling with rage.

You HURT my TRAINER! He screeched, taking huffing steps to Giovanni. Giovanni laughed.

"Foolish Pokemon." He reached to lash out with the blade still in his hand and Emboar lunged to the side, snatching the blade and shoving Giovanni halfway across the room.

Do not touch me. He huffed, turning back to face N and Touko. N had her supported.

"We are leaving." He said, before turning back towards the door, helping Touko walk.

It was a long journey back to the inn, and N refused to answer any questions, essentially ignoring anyone. He helped bandage Touko's wounds, bringing her in to the local Pokemon Center after a few hours. Chansey healed her nose easily, Nurse Joy spraying an ointment and re-bandaging her other injuries.

"They won't heal immediately, but they'll heal quicker." She informed Touko, giving a sidelong glance at N.

"He didn't do it." Touko said. Nurse Joy shook her head sadly as the two got up to leave.

Back at the Inn, they were silent for a while. Touko laid, staring at the ceiling. She had asked the Pokemon, who had been hovering, to step into their area for a while.

"I am sorry." N said, finally breaking the silence. He shifted closer to her.

"Nothing to apologize for..."

"I got you into this."

"You got me out." She retorted.

"I couldn't agree with them. I couldn't go along with it. I had to get you out, Touko." His voice was earnest. "The anger I felt, is not something I have ever felt before. They took you from me, and I could not save you. I am sorry."

"You did save me." Touko pulled herself up, the pain essentially gone. Thank Arceus for modern medicine, and for healing Pokemon.

"Not soon enough." His hand brushed the bruise on her face. Touko leaned in, welcoming his touch.

"Plenty soon enough, N." She stated, trying to reassure them.

"But it was too easy. They were expecting me. This can not be the end."

Touko shook her head. "For now, please, let it be." She begged, her voice cracking. "Even if it's just for today, just let it be the end."

N looked at her, studied her face, oceanic gaze meeting forest. His face softened and he leaned into her, a quick, soft peck. Touko leaned into him, deepening the kiss, but N pulled away.

"Touko, I cannot." He said, voice hoarse. "I let you get hurt."

"N..." Touko sighed. "It isn't your fault." She reached up, brushing his face with her fingers. "I'm... shaken. But I'm okay. I mean. It's horrifying, N. And it hurt. But thanks to Chansey and Nurse Joy, the hurt isn't there so bad, and thanks to you, I'm safe." She leaned forward again, N meeting her halfway. His kisses were feather light, gentle and soft, and she sighed contentedly against his lips.

"But... I am sorry." He said again. "I am truly sorry."

"It's okay." Touko whispered. N stared at her, and then slowly kissed her nose, her bruises, her cuts. He moved down, raising her shirt, kissing along each cut left. Between each press of his lips, he whispered again, "Sorry."

"N..." Touko said, tears welling up in her eyes. He was so kind, so sweet. He looked alarmed as her tears spilled over.

"Touko, Touko what is wrong? Did I hurt you?" Touko shook her head, sniffling a little.

"You're just so kind to me." She sniffed, swiping at her eyes. N snuggled close to her, kissing her face slowly, over and over, before meeting her lips again. One hand caressed her hair, running his fingers through it, and Touko sighed contentment. The feeling was wonderful. His other hand cupped the side of her face, pulling her in and deepening the kiss.

N pulled away and gasped. Touko tilted her head to the side, silently questioning. "Touko..." N sounded baffled. "I feel for you in a way I've never felt for a human. It is like the feeling I get from my Pokemon, but far more. I want to protect you, to be here for you, to care for you." He paused. "Do I... love you?"

Touko shook her head. "Time will tell." She had no further answer.

"It worked the way you wished?" Ghetsis asked Giovanni.

"Perfectly." Giovanni answered with a smirk. "The chip is implanted."