Me: ok everyone its time for my first Multi-chapter story. With that said lets get this started. Oh and i dont own Soul Eater or any of it's characters.

Soul: R&R or I will eat your soul.

Chapter 1: Dreams and Nightmares

"Where am I?"

I was floating in what seemed like pitch black darkness. Nothing else. Just space.

Then light seemed to appear out of no where, and from that light came a familiar looking shadow.

"Evans," I know that voice anywhere, "we need to talk. Please step inside."

What did the demon want this time?

I stepped into the black room expecting the same as always.

As I stepped into the room I was dressed in my pinstripe tux with red dress shirt under it, and black tie.

The room resembled that of a 20's club. Complete with a record player, leisurely looking chairs. And even a grand piano.

Out from behind the piano appeared a short, ogre like creature. He adorned two horns off the top of his head. He wore an odd zoro-like mask, and a tuxedo.

"What is it this time ogre? Don't even try giving me some boring speech about how cool I would be if I let you take over. We both know how it will end." I said giving him a smug look.

"No Evans I did not call you here for that. I actually have something important I need to tell you. Something that concerns your girlfriend." the demon said with a serious expression.

"She's not my girlfriend but whatever. What's so important that you have to disturb me in my sleep. Its not cool to bother me like this."

"Just shut up and listen."

Wow. He means business. I don't like this.

"Out with it then." I said sternly.

"Now try not to freak out when I tell you this." there was a pause, "You're dieing."

I looked at him wide eyed. That cant be right I feel perfectly fine.

"Please what are you talking about. I feel just fine. There's nothing medically wrong with me."

"Just shut up and let me explain. Listen. Your body is starting to reject the black blood. It will not process it through you system willingly. If this keeps up your heart will strain to pump the black blood and will eventually stop functioning all together."

I couldn't believe my ears, but now that I thought about it. I have been getting unexplained aches and pains.

I took a deep breath. Taking the news in little by little.

"So how long do you think I have?" I asked the demon.

"At the rate the black blood is spreading I'd say you have a year left. Give or take a month or two. We need to act fast if we are going to prevent this."

"And why would you want to help me? I thought you would want this to happen." I stated a little confused.

"You idiot. If you die then I die too. I cant let that happen now can I?" the demon said looking smug.

"Well then what can we do to prevent this?"

"Well the way I see it you have two options," he paused giving me a weird look. "Option 1. You give into the madness."

"Ha. How did I know you would bring this up. Not happening ogre." I said plainly.

"I figured that much which leaves us with option 2. You step your game up and get closer to your meister if you know what I mean." he shot me a devilish grin.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GETTING AT?" I pretty much yelled it out.

"DON'T GO YELLING AT ME YOU IDIOT!" he took a moment to breath and calm down. "Look Soul I KNOW you have feelings for her and you have for a while. By getting "closer" to her, her anti-demon wavelength will be able to suppress the black blood maybe even stopping it from spreading any further.

I couldn't argue with him there. That little fucker is smarter than he looks.

"Ok yeah so I have feelings for her but I don't want to ruin what we have. I mean what if she doesn't share my feelings. Being rejected isn't cool."

"WHAT CHOICE DO YOU HAVE? IT'S EITHER MAN UP OR DIE! Dieing isn't cool either Evans." the demon snarled.

He's right. I really don't have a choice.

But it's not like I gotta get right to it. After all I have a year.

"Alright then ogre. It's settled. I will make Maka my girlfriend. It cant be that hard. I mean I AM the coolest guy at school. Capturing a bookworms heart cant be that hard." I said confidently.

"That's the spirit Evans. No go get her player." he said slyly.

That cocky little bastard.

I opened my eyes and glared at the clock.

4 in the morning huh?

I've got a couple hours before I gotta get up for school.

After about 10 minutes I closed my eyes and fell into slumber once again.

Except this time I wasn't in a black room.

I was in Death City.

And it was on fire.

Everywhere people were screaming and running. Bodies lay lifeless on the floor.

"What the hell is going on here?" I yelled, taking in my surroundings.

I ran around looking for answers. Anything that could clue me in on what was going on.

I turned a street corner and found a sight I thought I would never see.

A fully clothed Blair.

But she was unconscious.

I ran to her and sat down next to her.

I picked her head up and patted her cheek in an attempt to wake her up.

"Blair! Wake up damn it! What's going on around here?" I yelled.

Finally she came to.

"Soul? How can you be here when your over there?"

She pointed down the street.

My eyes widened.

There, maybe a few blocks down. Stood Maka holding a familiar looking scythe.

Wait! That's me!

And was that Black Star and Kid? What are they doing?

I ran toward them. Then hid behind a few trash cans. Just what the hell is going on here?

"Maka, Soul, Stand down or I will be forced to dispose of you." Kid said in a demanding yet compassionate tone.

"I don't want to have to make the two of you feel even smaller. Its bad enough that I'm here I'm sure." Black Star said in his usual cocky tone.

Maka only smiled. But it was more of a crazed grin.

Then she busted out in maniacal laughter.

"You guys were always good for a laugh. But you see, Soul and I are invincible now. We just cant be stopped. isn't that right dear?" Maka asked chuckling.

"You got that right babe." the Scythe said in an equally menacing tone.

What the hell? This isn't Maka. It cant be. She's….she's….

And then it hit me.

She's overcome by madness.

And so was I.

It was just like the second time we faced Crona.

The black blood has taken over the both of us.

"Its not too late to save the two of you," Kid said seriously. "We can find a way to get rid of the black blood and turn you guys back to normal."

"And what makes you think we want to be normal reaper-boy?" Maka asked him. "Soul and I are happy like this. We are happy together. Are you maybe jealous?" she asked with that maddening look.

"Don't be stupid Maka. There is nothing symmetrical about the two of you right now."

"SHUT UP YOU OCD BASTARD!" both Maka and the scythe screamed.

And then they charged.

My meister, and my best friends, were about to collide and I didn't know what would happen.

So I charged.

I wanted to stop them before someone got seriously hurt.

But they were so far away.

Everything was moving so slowly.

And just as they were about to collide, I heard a scream.


It was Maka's voice.

The next thing I knew I was sitting up in my bed. Sweat pouring down my skin.

My heart was racing and I was breathing heavily.


I looked up and there was my meister, still in her pj's, giving me a worried look.

"Maka? What's up? Why are you in my room?" I asked. Trying to act annoyed.

"You were yelling in your sleep. I think you were having a nightmare."

I was yelling?

So there was a scream. Was she trying to wake me up?

"Oh. Sorry about that. I didn't mean to wake you up." I said, slightly blushing.

"Are you ok Soul?" great now she's worried.

"Ye-yeah I'm fine." I lied.

"Ok, get dressed then come out for breakfast. I'm gonna make us some scrambled eggs." and then she left.

That nightmare.

The Maka in my dream.

She was insane.

I was insane.

And it was all because of the black blood.

But why?

Was it possible for Maka to get devoured by madness?

And then a thought occurred to me.

What if getting closer to her does the opposite of what the demon thinks will happen.

Maybe I should tell someone else about my dream and my nightmare and get their opinion.

Unfortunately I knew who I was gonna need to ask.

That damn screw head.


"Ugh this is a bad idea. But whatever I will worry about it later. I'm starving."

**Me: Yay for first chapter! I promise to update soon.

Soul: Huh pretty cool chapter. And I'm cool as always.

Maka: I wonder what everyone else will think of it.

Me: I'm wondering that myself Maka. I guess we will just see. Send me out with a bang guys.

Soul and Maka: Review or we will take your soul!