Pink and Black goes well Together

AN: Well here's another Fairy Tail fiction featuring our favorite pink haired Dragon Slayer Natsu Dragneel and a very less likely person he could end up with Ultear Milkovich, our resident bad girl who joined Grimoire heart and learned the lost magic the Arc of Time just so she could go back and be happy with her mother again. This is a 'what if' story of what would happen if during the time she returned after assuming she is replaced and agreed to be experimented on, Igneel and Natsu suddenly drops by.



Prologue: Faithful meeting

A woman with short black hair is running through snow covered road holding a child no more than 5 yrs old wrapped in a thick layer of clothing to help protect her from the harsh weather. She could see the worry etched in her face, worry for her well being. She didn't know what happened; all that she could remember was that they we're playing before her body felt like it was burning and the next thing she knew she was on the floor and her mother calling her name before she passed out.

"Hang in there Ultear, I'm going to get you help, so hang in there dear" she heard her mother's voice from the darkness that surrounded her. She opened her eyes to see her mother smile while trying to hold back the tears. She tried to ask why her mother's crying but her throat felt sore which only ended up with her coughing until she passed out again.

It was dark, but she didn't feel alone. She could feel her mother's presence around her and she felt safe. Until she felt that same presence slowly pull away and she begins to panic. The calm silence broken by her mother's pleas as she opened her eyes to the last time she'll ever see her mother. There was her mother crying while standing outside the door, her cries mixed with the voices of the different people dressed in white surrounding her and moving around the same white room. She wanted to go to her mother, to ask her why she was crying, to tell her that everything will be alright. But her small body refused to move, she felt like someone was pinning her down.

She tried again to stand, to find her mother this time unknowingly tapping to her enormous magic reserves causing her to scream as white hot pain to surge through her small frame. Her mother barging into the room crying as she desperately tried to reach her as the people dressed in white held her calling out to her before she slip into unconsciousness.

Please come back to me Ultear…

Those were the last words she will ever hear from her mother for a long time.


A year went by in isolation and spent almost every waking minute being the focus of experiments her young mind can't comprehend. She endured the painful procedures they have done over her body as she cried every time asking to herself what's taking her mother to so long find her as she found out the truth inside. The doctor she trusted lied to her mother telling her that she was dead but it didn't stop her from coming and demanding to show her the proof of her supposed death. One night she decided to escape and whether it was by faith or by luck she has managed to do so without alerting anyone in the facility.

After running half a kilometer she stopped and looked at her surroundings and just like last time she saw her it was snowing. She felt the snow under her bare feet cold as it always was but it didn't bother her and even the cold breeze that pass didn't made her shiver even though she's wearing nothing more than a simple white dress. She was determined to see her mother again and continued her journey as she realized that the place where she was kept is just a few kilometers away from the town they visit meaning that home wasn't that far away.

It was morning when she arrived at their house to find it empty. Thinking that she went to train, she immediately ran through the different places she could remember where her mother would train and soon enough she found her. She was running around with only her underwear just like she remembered as a tear fell from her eyes. The first time she cried not out of pain but of joy, of finally reuniting with her mother. She was about to run towards her mother when she noticed that her mother wasn't alone.

Red stained the white snow below as her hands clenched into a tight fist, her nails digging into the palm of her hands drawing blood. Anger consumed her being as she watched her mother interact with two boys she didn't know, they were happy and to her eyes she was happy. The next thing she knew she was running with no apparent destination in mind as she just wanted to get away, far away from the person that easily replaced her the moment she had a chance. She stumbled down and she cried again unable to hold it any longer as the pain she felt every time they experimented on her couldn't compare from the pain she felt now. This time she doesn't have something to numb the pain that seemed to come from within.

She stood up and wiped her eyes a determined scowl on her face as she walked back towards the place she escaped from to gain power and show her mother the mistake of forgetting and replacing her.


It has been six months since she returned and though the experiments were still brutal their treatment of her outside of the laboratory change. It was pretty much another ordinary day for her. It was always wake up at 5, breakfast at 5:30, painful experiments from 6:30 to 11, lunch at 12, another set of painful experiments at 1 to 6, dinner at 7 and finally sleep at 8. It was her day to day schedule but not today as she saw a group of men wheeling in an unconscious boy with pink hair into one of the vacant rooms. Her curiosity is piqued at seeing another guinea pig beside her. Leaving her lunch behind she followed and hid in the hallway to find some information about the boy.

"Where did you found the boy?" the head doctor asked.

"We found him in the forest a 5 kilometers south of our location, he was alone and the interesting part is he knows a form of Lost magic. I think he's a fire Dragon Slayer" the man who captured the boy replied as the doctor's expression turned from curious to sick amusement.

"I see how long will he be out? I want to begin studying him now" the head doctor asked eyeing the unconscious boy eager to start his experiments.

"I'm sorry but the kid put up a fight and we kind of shot him thrice, so he'll most likely wake up tomorrow morning" the man that caught the boy had a sheepish look on his face before he was backhanded by the head doctor.

"Useless idiot, you're lucky I spared your life because of the kid you captured" the head doctor seethe before leaving and ordering the door closed as he left.

Ultear slowly walked back to her room another thing that changed since her return is the ability to walk back on her own cell without escort. The experiments today were more painful than the usual seeing that the head doctor was angry about not being able to examine his new guinea pig. She passed the door where the pink haired boy is kept and slowly shook her head at the fate that would fall on the poor boy.

"I just hope you survive the hell they're going to put you through" Ultear whispered. Looking at the door one more time before walking back to her room and moments later the door that's supposed to be locked opened with the pink haired boy walking out and heading the opposite direction.

She ran back and examined the door to see the lock melted. "How?" she looked back from the boy and the door before deciding to follow the boy.

"Hey, how did you do that?" Ultear asked the boy who seemed to be sniffing the air.

"Is there food in this place? I'm starving" the boy muttered as he started wandering again ignoring Ultear's question.

"What the hell? Don't ignore me" Ultear grabbed his shoulder and spun him around to find him frowning at her.

"Hey let go, I need to find some food I haven't had lunch yet and now I missed dinner" the boy whined before shrugging her hand and continued walking as his nose caught a scent and followed it leaving Ultear behind.

"Why you!" Ultear seethed glaring a hole at the pink haired boy's head. "Nobody brushes me off! Nobody!" in a few quick strides she caught up with the boy and hit him in the back of the head with all the strength her small body could muster.

"What was that for?" the pink haired boy turned around tears pooling at the corner of his eyes as he refused to cry while rubbing the back of his head.

"That was for ignoring me; now tell me how you got out of the room" Ultear retorted as she loomed over the boy who seemed to shrink at the sight of the terrifying girl.

"I burned it" he answered simply as Ultear rolled her eyes as she hit him again in the head and asked him again. "Your mean" he said whining before showing her his fist as flames engulfed it.

"That's amazing!" Ultear stared at the flames with rapt attention as she found the heat it generates soothing but what grabbed her attention is the power behind it. "Teach me!" she ordered

"What?" he asked not hearing the last thing she said as his thoughts are preoccupied with finding food.

"I said teach me how to use that kind of magic" Ultear repeated as he looked at her oddly.

"No" the boy crossed his arms and ran away. Leaving Ultear stunned and ran after him a moment later thankful for the lack of security. Catching the boy by his scarf, she pulled it backwards as he fell on his back before bring pinned by in his opinion a crazy girl.

"Get off me!" he thrashed amazed as the girl managed to keep him down.

"No! Not until you agree to teach me that magic that you use" Ultear ground out. Grimacing as the pain slowly returns.

"Hey are you hurt or something?" the pink haired boy asked concern written all over his face.

"J-just tell me are you going to teach me or not" Ultear stuttered looking away unable to look at his concerned face.

"Fine" he sighed "I'll teach you if you feed me" his stomach growled emphasizing his point as she got off him staggering a little bit before a steadying hand held her upper arm. She looked at the owner of the hand to see the look of concern before she shrugged his hand and looked away.

"Stay in your room, I'll see what I can do" Ultear muttered as she started to walk away.


A few minutes later she was back with a small tray containing single loaf of bread and some weird looking mush. It didn't take awhile before he ate it all. It wasn't much but it was better than nothing in his opinion. He looked at the weird girl who sat beside the wall staring at him.

"So will you teach me?" Ultear asked patiently.



"I'm Natsu, Natsu Dragneel, so what's your name mean girl?" Natsu asked as she bristled at being called mean but let it slide.

"Ultear, are you going to teach me or not?" Ultear grumbled her patience wearing thin.

"Ok, ok don't get you panties in a bunch" Natsu stood up looking at the dark room a small lamp outside the room is the only source of light. "Let's go I can't teach you in here. Besides I'm sure my father will be looking for me"

"We can't leave this place" Ultear sighed the downside of having some leeway inside was the tightening of security in the outside the prison cells as she realized that the only way she could get out is to kill her way out. "Were prisoners here"

"Well then let's escape! I'll break us out of here!" Natsu declared while puffing his chest as Ultear just gawked at him before laughing.

"Break us out?" Ultear managed to rein in her laughter as she gave him a level stare. "Tell me how old are you?" he raised his fingers and counted up to five "It's impossible to escape this place they have a lot of guards patrolling outside the prison cells"

"I don't care if they tightened the thing that you called. I'm going to break us out and that's final" Natsu huffed grabbing her by the wrist and began dragging her behind.

She tried to break free but his grip was stronger than she had imagined as he began dragging her along. After some help with the direction and a lot of running from the group of people that started chasing after the two escaped prisoners they managed to escape. She was amazed at the boy's strength as he fought his way through some of the guards smiling all the way. But it didn't take long before they got cornered outside with Natsu acting as a shield protecting her.

"And here I thought you would never escape again in exchange for helping you gain power" the head doctor appeared behind the group of thugs.

"Sorry but I found less painful way of getting what I want doctor" Ultear spat with venom glaring daggers at the man that has been the cause of her pain and suffering.

"Be that as it may, it won't change the fact that there is no escape and that you are my property" the doctor explained simply.

"Hey I don't know who you are! But I don't like you already for keeping the mean girl here" Natsu declared before getting hit behind the head by Ultear.

"I have a name you know" Ultear muttered in annoyance as they began to argue.

"As amusing as you two are, I'm a busy man and I don't have time for this foolishness, capture them and bring me the boy" the doctor ordered as his men rushed forward.

"Not so fast" Natsu roared as he spun around, reared his head back and shot flames from his mouth that created an explosion upon impact clearing the group of men charging at them. Natsu fell on his butt panting using all of his remaining magic at the attack.

"You insolent brat!" the doctor growled as he extended his hand forward and a black energy shot out of his hand heading towards Natsu.

"No!" Ultear screamed as she went in front of Natsu to block the attack. Crossing her arms and closed her eyes preparing for the pain that is about to come.

A terrifying roar was heard and a slight tremor was felt before she opened her eyes to see a massive wall with thick scales in front of her.

"Father!" Natsu shouts at the massive figure behind them. She slowly looked behind her to see a creature she only heard in stories as she realized that it was the dragon's tail that protected her.

"A dragon?" Ultear stared in amazement at the powerful and imposing figure as the people that were supposed to capture them ran away in fear as it released a deafening roar.

After making sure the place was clear the dragon looked at the two children its eyes narrowing at the boy who grinned sheepishly still unable to stand. Using one of its claws he lifted Natsu until they are eye level at each other.

"Hi father" Natsu greeted his adoptive father who let out an angry grunt.

"What did I tell you about leaving the site" the Dragon's voice rumbled frightening Ultear but Natsu just pouted and looked away.

"Hey I didn't leave, I was training when I was hit by something three times then everything went dark and when I woke up I was in this strange dark place…" Natsu went on with his story and exaggerating some of the events on how he met Ultear and fighting their way out.

"Is this true girl?" the dragon asked its eyes seemed to bore at her soul. It took her awhile to respond but she nodded unable to speak. "I see… you should return home little girl" the dragon ordered spreading its wings preparing to leave.

"Wait!" both children shouts in unison gaining the attention of the dragon halting its ascent and dropping Natsu on his butt beside Ultear.

"Father that hurts" Natsu whined rubbing his sore butt.

"What do the two of you want?" the dragon growled in annoyance.

"Teach me your lost magic" Ultear ordered staring defiantly at the dragon that narrowed its eyes. She couldn't afford to lose her only chance of obtaining the power to get her revenge.

"Who are you to order around the one and only Igneel" Igneel sneered grabbing the girl with one of its claws in a tight grip but her gaze never withered as she came face to snout with the dragon.

"Natsu promised to teach me but I realized that it'll be better to learn from you" Ultear stated glaring at Igneel. A few moments later Igneel put her back on the ground studying the brave or extremely stupid human girl.

"Where are your parents?" Igneel asked

"Dead" Ultear replied with barely restrained hate. Igneel narrowed his eyes sensing the girl lying but kept silent.

"What would you want with that kind of power?" Igneel asked as her face took up a determined scowl.

"Revenge" Ultear uttered the single word that motivated her to attain power.

Igneel silently studied her ignoring Natsu asking what it means. Revenge a word that motivated a lot of humans obtaining power that would destroy them in the end. He knew that she was lying about her parent's demise. His instinct told him to refuse her request but his curiosity won out as he watched the interaction between his adoptive son and the girl.

"Very well then, I shall teach you" Igneel finally answered as Ultear bowed in thanks 'I just hope the time you'll spend with Natsu will help save you from the path you chose to take'