

Or Family Duties revised. Since I'm in a dump with most of my stories, I'll just restart an old, finished series, especially seeing I think the old version was crap. Serious crap.

So, enjoy the changes I made, and enjoy the fact my grammar improved XD


Ichi: Prelude of a Shattering World


His vision was blurry.

Around him huge chunks of debris littered the marred floor constructed of black marble. Out of the corner of his eyes he could faintly recognize the two white blurs he knew to be his friends, who had stood by him even when he lost control over the raging beast inside his battered soul. What had been left of the Cuarta Espada was gone with the wind, his ashes mixing with the sand of the Empty World.

A sigh escaped him, a small drizzle of blood escaping the corner of his mouth, and he choked.

"Damn it..." More blood fell from his lips, and his sight flashed black for an instant, dizzying him.

The sanguine liquid was rushing in his ears, overruling any clear thought he may have conceived. It sounds like an ocean...

The hand around Zangetsu's black hilt tightened, teeth grinding together and eyes narrowing. "What good... am I getting beaten up like this? What would they... think... of me right now? Of their..." His voice died, and the rushing blood in his ears made him unable to hear the opening of the bright white shôji doors only a few feet to his left. Only when a soft, delicate hand landed on his hair did his head jerk around, more blood spilling from his mouth, brown eyes widening. "You..."

The woman in the purple haori smiled, and his eyelids grew heavy. "It's alright now, Ichigo-sama."

And his world turned black.


Droplets of red splashed onto his pale, smiling face, his silver blade glinting in the morning sunlight as the last Shinigami fell in front of him, Zanpakutô broken and life seeping from him.

"How... foolish, to send... pawns to defend this fake. Pathetic."

Behind the brunette traitor a cold smile spread on a snake-like face, only hints of colorless eyes visible beneath the thick lashes of Ichimaru Gin.


The third traitor in their rows simply stared onwards with sightless eyes, not saying a word.

And without a single look back did the trio step forward, leaving a shattered world behind.


Aah, yes, it's short, so sue me XD It was only the prologue :3

I dunno when I'll write another chapter for this revision, but I doubt you'll be any more pissed at me than with my other stories, so I don't really mind XD