Wild Tiger, as much as Barnaby, Agnes, and many of HeroTV's fans liked to sometimes speculate, wasn't stupid.

He was fairly oblivious, to be sure, and doted on his daughter like a fool, and more often than not made an ass of himself on national television, but he'd like to think of himself as a fairly intelligent man working his way into his late thrities.

However, he'd been extremely stupid when he'd been younger. And no, not the 'oh, I smoked a little pot and stole stuff from a few stores', kind of stupid. More like, 'I hero worshipped a guy who'd perfected killing to an art form, could read minds, and was convicted to roughly around six hundred years in jail. Oh, also, I joined a crime ring and got a small, but really noticable and terrible tattoo that will out me as a member for the rest of my life' kind of stupid.

More often than not, Kotestu resented/raged at his younger self for being such a complete moron.

Especially when coupled with copious amounts of booze and perhaps Antonio, who didn't actually ever manage to understand his half drunken ramblings as far as he knew (probably because, at that point in his intoxicated state, he usually wasn't terribly coherent).

Usually, nothing was to be gained about worrying about something like this. Yes, he was dumb when he was younger, so what? He was a reformed man now, thanks to his late wife, bless her. Kotetsu regretted doing the things he did back when he was a brat, yes, but well. That was almost 25 years ago. A shoddy past was something you kind of tended to...avoid, really, and it made his life all the better for it.

There had been no scandals, no media coverage, no nothing. Kotetsu was actually kind of proud of himself for not letting anything slip about his past. Well, nothing important or incriminating, anyway. Just a few mentions of going to school with Antonio, boring stuff like that.

He'd worked hard to redeem himself as a man, even harder as a husband and father. He'd built himself the "perfect" life-minus his beloved wife, but well, things like that happen, right? And he'd worked so hard for that. In order to do his job, he had to be able to look his coworkers in the eye without feeling like he was cheating them out of something important, like, oh say, basically a mafia upbringing.

His tenth year into the business of being a Hero, just after Ben quit and he'd become the sidekick to the latest addition to the team, the tightly woven life that he'd painstakenly created began to unravel. And the results would be devastating, for both him, and the man he would soon come to call his friend.

A/N: This was posted for an awesome request on the kink meme. I haven't posted anything in so long, haha. Sorry about that. This story will be rated M, yes. My first one! *sparklesparkle*

Please enjoy. I have a lot more in store for you :)