My first fanfic, but I'm not a stranger to writing. It's my favourite hobby (well next to reading fanfiction - I'm sure I'm addicted). The story is unbetaed. Anyone wishing to Beta it please let me know.

Disclaimer - Twilight and its characters belong to Stephenie Meyer. I just like to play around with the what if's.

Outline - set in New Moon. Edward leaves Bella in the woods and a disturbing vision by Alice sets in motion a course of events that lead our favourite Major and Bella on a course that noone could have foreseen. Sometimes you have to sacrifice everything for the ones you love.

'Alice?' I rushed to catch her as her screams filled the air and her slight form crumpled towards the ground. Her agony was radiating from her like a homing beacon. 'Alice talk to me please.' My own agony at my love's pain melted into the toxic emotional atmosphere of the lounge.

Her eyes opened and my heart almost broke as the pain in her eyes was infinitely worse than I could have imagined. She was pleading with me with that look and I wasn't sure for what. I felt her resolve and the obvious heartbreak. The rest of the family had gathered in the room, minus Edward who was 'tying up the loose ends in forks' as he called it. 'Alice what did you see?'. Carlisle was just as concerned as I was. I had the feeling this would be a very big deal.

Alice ignored Carlisle and stared straight at me. Her words seering my heart as I tried to understand exactly what she was telling me, even with the vampire ability to think multiple strands of thought at once my brain couldn't cope. Her words would change everything for the entire family forever.

'Jasper you have to save her. You're her only hope.' What was she talking about? Who? Noting my confusion she took my face in her hands as she sat up right and looked directly at me. Her expression conveying every emotion my gift allowed me to feel. 'Bella. You have to go back to Forks Jasper. He leaves her in the woods. She's alone and it's going to rain.' Her voice broke along with the hearts of my family as her next words left her lips, 'her future disappears. Noone finds her Jasper.' The venom that would never fall coated everyones eyes as the anger in the room built from an unlikely source – Rosalie.

'That selfish idiot. I'm going back for my sister and if he doesn't like it I'll tear his arms off.' Rosalies reaction had the desired effect. Alice looked at her breaking her gaze from me gave me a millisecond to focus and try and digest exactly what was going on.

'Rose it has to be Jasper. If anyone else goes their futures disappear to. We lose you.' I now understood her heartbreak. Not only was she losing her best friend, but she would lose her family to. My wife needed me. In that moment I made the decision. I would save Bella and save my family. I may even teach Edward a few lessons while I'm at it. How could he cause everyone this much pain. We always knew he was essentially a selfish creature but this was taking it too far. 'Thank you.' I felt her lips at my ear as she whispered the last part and I felt a pain even more intense than the change. 'Jasper when you leave this house you leave me forever. Remember that I'll always love you and am grateful for you saving Bella and our family. Don't ever feel guilty for anything you have to or want to do. It's your time now.' Her cryptic shit wasn't appreciated in that moment. She pulled back and spoke at a level even a human would hear, 'for old times sake, let me have a last goodbye.' With that she picked me up and carried me to our room. I was pleased to leave 4 sets of emotions behind.

Her lips and tongue were soft and gentle as if memorising the contours of my skin as she explored my body for the last time. The overwhelming need to feel close to her fuelling my own exploration of a body I would never forget, the body of my wife. Our love making was prolonged and tender I refused to end the moment and realised that even in my vampire state I had never held out so long. Her pleasure was my only concern. After this we would never be together as man and wife again. The venom clouded my vision as my need overtook me and I ploughed into her mercilessly. She would never forget me. I would make sure of it.

Diamond sparkles reflected off Alice's skin as the sun made its appearance. I had to pack and leave. I would take the bare essentials. The family could send me what I needed or I would buy it once I got back to Forks. During the night Alice told me of how Edward would be leaving Forks today after school and I needed to be there at a specific time to avoid a confrontation. She told me of Bella's heartbreak. How Edward would not return to the family but would venture in search of Victoria. His actions were tearing the family apart in so many ways. I packed as I replayed the conversation over in my head.

In that moment I made some very big promises to myself. Bella's birthday was my fault. I know she had forgiven me but I needed to make this up to her and I would start now. Vegetarianism was not my first choice. I always struggled with the decision to fight what I am and everything that entailed. This lifestyle now was my first choice. I would be a better person/vampire. I would fight the bloodlust. I would not let the breakup of my marriage be for nothing. I owed it to myself and Bella and most of all Alice.

As a military man I thought everything through systematically and strategically. Alice had seen that this was the only way. I would ensure my mission was complete. I would look out for Bella and eventually bring her home to the family. If it was her decision I would bring her home as a vampire and prevent all of the issues being a problem anymore. Edward would have her back and I would come back for Alice and prove that I am in control. We could move on. I had to believe that everything would be ok.

Before long I had packed and turning back to my wife I realised she had gone. Our goodbye had been unsaid but felt in so many ways. I made my way to the front door and dropped my bags to say a temporary goodbye to the rest of my family.

'Jasper stay safe and call us if you need anything.' Esme's words were heartfelt and I realised how hard it was losing 3 of her children in the space of a few days. I hugged her and sent her my love and admiration.

'You say the word and I'm coming with you. Dickward needs his head testing. My sis needs us.' Emmett always one to speak his mind. I would miss his playful ways the most.

'Jasper.' Rose's emotions were unsure but she had compassion and a large amount of familial love, 'I know me and Bella have never got on. I want her to have a life, children, everything I couldn't have. I realise now that no matter what happens she will always be a part of us. Fate is cruel. Bring her safely home.' Carlisle stepped forward and hugged Rosalie. He really was a father. He turned to me.

'Alice has gone she said it was too hard to stay around till after you have gone. We will keep Edward out of our thoughts until the time is right. I trust that you will be strong and do the right thing. Although I did not bring you into this family, you will always have a place here with us.' His love and compassion flooded me like a tidal wave.

'Thanks Carlisle.' With the tearless goodbyes finished I picked up my bags to start a journey that would change my existence forever.

I have the whole story plotted. However your ideas are welcome and encouraged if I use one I will give you a shout out.

Please review and let me know what you think. Next chapter will be on the way soon.