Hurrah! The last chapter! I'm glad I finally finished this epic story!

Warning: You may think Mimi is crazy at one point in the chapter :P

Mimi's POV

I quickly grabbed my iPod from my room and ran outside. There were dark clouds in the sky. It was obviously that it was going to rain but I didn't care. I walked through the forest not knowing where I was going. I just wanted to get away from my problems…again.

"I need to get this off my mind!" I thought. So I hit the shuffle button on my iPod. Of course out of all my songs, it picks "There's No Solution" by Sum 41. As the guitar starts the song off, I feel the raindrops coming down through the tree line. I put up my hood and continue walking.

Maybe nothing else will ever be so clear

Or maybe that's my only fear

If just for one day I wish I could disappear

Just take me far from here

Maybe I'll find out nothing new

Maybe I'll end up just like you

There's no solution

Give me truth to my conviction

Is my confusion

Reality or fiction

Am I out of my mind?

The constant pressure that keeps hanging over me

It makes me feel so empty

It's more than anything that I could ever be

What else could you take from me?

It's getting harder to relate

Don't want to make the same mistake

There's no solution (no solution)

Give me truth to my conviction

Is my own confusion (my confusion)

Reality or fiction

Am I out of my mind?

As I listened to the song, I start to remember my conversations involving my problem.

"You're going to have to face Akito sooner or later."

"I choose never."

"You need to stop that."


"Stop running away from your problems. It does you no good."


"But nothing. You have to face your problems Mimi. Like I did."

"But there's no solution to my problem."

"Then maybe you just have to face the consequences."

"There's no solution." I said to myself as I walked in now pouring down rain. "So I just need to face the consequences." I then ran off. But I ran for a different reason now.

I've always been running. I need to stop running away from my problems.

I didn't stop running until I reached the Sohma's household. I stopped at the door to catch my breath and wiped the rain water off my face. I then stared at the door and had the urge to just run off.

No! I'm done running! I'm done!

I gained the courage to open the door and walked inside. It was quiet in the household except for the pitter patter of the rain outside.

"Ah, so you finally return." Akito said coming out of the shadows.

I jumped and glared at him or tried to glare at him because he was pretty damn scary at the moment.

"I was just getting ready to go check Shigure's house for you but I don't have to now." Akito smirked.

Haru came down the hallway and saw us. "Mimi?" He said then started running towards me. Akito quickly steps in front of me so Haru can't get to me.

"Back away or I'll punish you again." Akito hissed.

Haru looked past Akito and at me. "I'll be ok, Haru." I smiled.

Haru sighed and back away. He watched nervously as Akito grabbed me by my hood and dragged me into a room. He closed and locked the door. I felt like I was about to get raped -.-

"So, you finally stopped running away." Akito smirked at me.

"Yep I'm done running away once and for all." I said crossing my arms trying to look unfazed.

"Oh really? I doubt that." Akito scoffed. Then at the speed of lightning, Akito quickly slammed me into a wall. It hurt somewhat on my back.

"Is that all you got?" I grinned at him.

Akito glared at me. "Shut up!" He quickly grabs my hair and slams me to the floor then kicks me hard in the stomach.

I was in pain but for some crazy reason, I started laughing. Akito looked at me surprised. He grabbed my hood and got me back on my feet just so he could punch me in the face which caused me to stumble into the wall. I stopped laughing but I was still smiling. I could tell this disturbed Akito greatly.

"STOP SMILING!" Akito yelled as he grabbed me and slammed me into the ground again but harder this time.

I felt my body aching but I kept on smiling. I couldn't figure out why I was smiling when I was going through pain. Akito grabbed me by my hoodie and pulled me up to his face.

"Why are you smiling?" He asked with a look of surprise in his eyes and tone of voice.

"I don't know. I just feel so happy!" I said then started laughing.

"AHHH! STOP IT!" Akito yelled dropping me and covering his ears.

I started to laugh louder and harder. I thought I was going to die from laughter. Akito quickly grabbed me and dragged me out of the room then out of the house. Outside, we both saw Kyo, Yuki, Tohru, and Shigure. Haru came out of the house too. I was still laughing.


Everyone looked at me in astonishment. I'd probably look at someone like that too if I saw someone laughing on the ground.

"I CAN'T TAKE IT!" Akito yelled and ran back inside slamming the door.

I finally stopped laughing as Haru held out his hand and I pulled myself up. "I'm so glad you're ok." Haru said as he hugged me.

"What the hell did he do to you? Tickle you?" Kyo asked.

"No," I said. "He was beating me, but I started to laugh and smile. By the way, why are you guys here?"

"Haru called us saying you returned to Akito." Shigure explained. "So we came to see if you'd be ok."

"I just don't understand how she could start laughing while being beaten." Yuki said.

"I think," I said pondering. "I began laughing and smiling because I was so happy I didn't run away and faced my problem."

"I'm so proud of you and glad you're not seriously hurt!" Tohru said and hugged me.

"That's just so retarded she started laughing though." Kyo said.

"Well, it caused Akito to go crazy and ban Mimi from here." Haru said.

"Oh yea…where am I gonna live now?" I said looking at everyone.

"Obviously, you can come to my house." Shigure smiled.

I smiled and nodded then turned to Haru. "What about you Haru? Do you wanna come live with us?"

Haru smiled but shook his head. "I think I'll be able to put up with Akito. I want to be there for Kisa. Besides, Akito won't come out of his room for like a week thanks to you."

I grinned. I was overjoyed. It felt like I went on an adventure to find the courage to not run away. I faced my problem. I finally stopped running away…

The End XD I hoped you liked it! So yea, review and tell me what you thought of this story. You better say its beast or I'm hunting you down! Lol jk…maybe…