Fairy Tales


"All done!"

"Wow thanks, Madoka!"

I winked at him with a smile gracing my face, "No problem, Ginga!" We were downstairs in my shop, B-Pit. It had been years since we met and we had become best friends. Right now we were both 16 years old and met many friend throughout those years. But throught those years I began to feel really weird around Ginga; my heart would speed up when he got too close, I'd stutter sometimes, I'd always feel safe when he's around, I'd bush a lot than I used to, and he would always just make me feel so special for some reason. I quickly shook my head knowing where my thoughts would stray to, there was different times to think about Ginga . . . with his adorable messy hair, his warm but strong touch, that cute smile of his, and those comforting golden eyes that I could just get lost in. . . . What? Wait, no! I can't say that about my bestfriend, besides, even if I did like him he probably wouldn't like me back. Just thinking about us together made me blush and I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't notice Ginga's face come closer to mine but when I did, I freaked, "Ah! W-what?" I pushed his face away, "D-don't do that, stupid!" He mumbled something into my hand and I removed it, "Huh?"

"I said that your face is all red." His eyes filled with concern and he placed his hand on my forehead, "Do you have a fever?"

I smiled at him and put his hand down, "N-no, no, I'm fine. Thanks Ginga."

He crossed his arms and stared at me, studying me. I know he didn't belive me but this gave me time to study him as well. While I was busy checking on Pegasis I didn't realise Ginga changed his clothes. He was wearing a blue jacket with his orange shirt under it, she knew since the jacket wasn't zipped up, with his new dark brown and black fingerless gloves, some dark blue skinny jeans, and his red and grey sneakers. His signature scarf wrapped around his neck with his chin tucked behind it making him look pretty damn hott(Stop thinking that!) and, since over the years his hair got longer, three long spikey pieces of red hair fell over the right side of his blue headband with a symbol og Pegasis on it.

"Madoka," His gruff voice caught my attention and I looked into his smoldering golden eyes, "I . . . you know what, um, nevermind." He scratched the back of his head and looked away from me to his feet like they were the most interesting thing he'd ever laid eyes on.

I pouted and put my fists on my hips, "Wha-"


We both jumped at the sound of someone ringing the shop doorbell. I raced upstairs with Ginga right behind me. The first thing I noticed was that there was a storm out, a flash lightning brightened the door enough for me to notice a short man at the door. I ran up to it, unlocked it and let him in. He was holding a black box and wore a brown, raggedy coat that went to his ankles. I noticed Ginga was eyeing the strange man, glaring I elbowed him in the ribs and h frowned with a small grunt.

"Thank you, youngsters." His voice seemed worn out and old; when he put his hood down I realised he was just that. He had a balding top head with whisps of white hair on the side, a three inch long beard the same color, and his light blue eyes held a mysterious gaze.

Ginga nodded to him while I spoke, "You're welcome, sir."

His attention was brought to the oddly quiet Ginga, "What are you afraid of, boy?" Ginga tensed but the old man laughed heartily at the action which made both of us confused and we blinked at him in confusion, "Aren't you Ginga Hagane? The blader that I have heard so much about?" He smiled, completely ignoring his previous question.

Ginga gave a half smile and scratched his cheek, "Yep! That's me."

"And who is your friend here?"

I pointed at myself. "I'm Madoka Amano. Nice to meet you." I was about to reach my hand out for him to shake but Ginga grabbed it, giving me a warning squeeze before holding our hands up and grinning.

"Yep! Good 'ol Madoka!"

He eyed our hands, "Are you two a couple?"

I blushed and let go of Ginga's hand, looking out the window at the storm which had seemed to calm down. I already missed his touch.

"N-no, we're not." I heard Ginga say.

Yet. I frowned at my thoughts, Why do I keep thinking this way?

"You know," I noticed the sad smile on the old man's face as he looked to the ground inbetween the two of us, "I used to be in love. Do you want to know what brought us together?" We both nodded, not wanting to disappoint him. The old man smirked and reached into the box he was holding, "Catch!" He threw a large square object at Ginga who caught it with an 'omph!' so I guess it was heavy knowing full well that he had a six-pack under that shirt. I blushed at the memory; I had walked in on him when he was changing to tell him that dinner was ready, luckily he had boxers. Now that I think about it wasn't that a year ago? Yeah it was. I looked at his arms to see his toned biceps and triceps and inwardly smirked, He's been training more.(A/N: No, Ginga is not a body builder person, it's just the usual 16 year old hott muscles teen which I would SO love to see. :3) Her attention snapped back when the old man spoke again.

"Your answer is in that book." He pointed to the object, supposedly a book, in Ginga's arms. I noticed he was beginning to walk away.

"Hey!" Ginga shouted, "Where do you think you're going?"

"I wish you two luck. To tell you the truth the adventures can be quite dangerous." He turned and grinned at them, closing his eyes, "A fairy tale may have its own ending," his eyes opened and I noticed that seemed like they were twinkling, "but don't be afraid to make your own."

Ginga and I watched as he walked out leaving us both dumbfounded. I looked at the book in Ginga's arms, "Is that heavy?"

"Well," He fiddled with it, "not really. I just got surprised when-" I snatched it and began walking downstairs, "Hey!" I heard him run after me, "Madoka, what are you doing?"

"He said that the answer was in the book. So," I smiled at him, "we're going to open it." I was about to open it but he grabbed my hands, preventing me. I angrily glared at him, what was up with him today? I tried getting out of his hold but al he did was tighten his grip, "Ginga, let go of me!"



"You'll open the book."

"And what's wrong with that?" He was beginning to get too close for comfort.

"Didn't you feel it?" His eyebrows furrowed together.

That confused me. Feel what? I stammered at the look he was giving me, it was too intense to be a normal Ginga expression, "H-huh?"

He gave me a surprised look and backed up a bit, "So you didn't? Hmm. . . ." He studied me for a moment, his hands still clasped on mine, "You're weird."

My jaw dropped at his conclusion, "What?" I stood on my tip toes to get in his face, "What's that supposed to mean?" There was a pause before Ginga burst out laughing. I pouted and stomped my foot, how could he laugh at me? After a few seconds he finally stopped laughing, his fingers ran over the back of my hand causing me to blush at the gesture. His expression grew mildly serious.

"I'm just worried." I gave him a confused look and he sighed, "That old guy said that the 'adventures',whatever they are, are dangerous. I have a feeling that it has something to do with this book." He looked down at it. It was old and brown. The edges were eteched in a gold color and its whole appearance was faded but it look . . . magical in a way. Like a book of fairy tales.

I smiled sweetly at him, "Ginga," he looked at me, "it's just a book, how much harm could it do?"

He stared at me and sweatdropped, "You know you just jinxed us, right?"

I finally pulled away and clutched the book to chest. I hit him on the chest lightly, "Shut up!" He chuckled and I pouted.

"Sometimes you can be just so cu-" He stopped and looked away from me,the blush evident on his cheeks.

I decided to ignore him and ran my fingers down the spine of the book. I lightly opened it to find a blank page, "Huh?"

Ginga came up next to me, looking over my shoulder at the blank page, "What is it Madoka?"

Suddenly black, curly writing appeared on the paages, I read it out loud, "Welcome to your fairy tale." I screamed when I felt like I was being sucked in, "Giiingaa-!" I reached my hand out to him.

"Madoka!" He grabbed my hand and I felt, just a tiny bit, safer.

My world went black.

This is a GingaxMadoka fic obviously and it'll be about, including this one, nine chapters long. The next chapter will take a long time along with the other ones but I'll just have to take my time because I really wanna succeed with this story. Thanks everyone who read this and please, oh please, Review! :D

~ Yours Truly, Star ;)