Title: Yesterday I Died

Author: OfficialBulletproof

Rating: M (Only if I decide to add a smut to it. If not rating will be bumped down.)

Pairing: Shizuo x Izaya

Disclaimer: If I owned Durarara I wouldn't be on here. Now would I?


"To know why, hope dies." Shizuo realizes he doesn't hate the flea. He hates it took this happening for him to see he loves Izaya.


Reaching the door to Shinra's, Shizuo bent over panting. 'Sh-shit.' He thought to himself as he struggled to breath. Slowly standing back up he knocked on the door.

Hearing a knock on his door shocked the underground doctor. Usually people just come in.

Jogging to his door he swings it open only to have his jaw drop at who was standing at the door. "Shizuo?"

Shinra's high pitched voice and tilt of the head only made Shizuo even the more anxious. Although he knew his motive for being here well.

"Eh, can I come in?" He ran a hand through bleached locks.

Shinra just stood there.

"Fuck it, I'm coming in." With that he pushed himself by the still stunned doctor.

'What's up with him.' Shizuo stopped only to turn around and practically drag the smaller burnet by his shoulder to the couch.

"Hello, earth to doc?" He waved a hand in front of the blank man's face.

Still no reply.

"Goddamnit… Stupid, idiotic, brainless…." Shizuo continued to sputter insults to the paralyzed man before realization slapped him across the face.


Running to the only open room in Shinra's house he kept internally scolding himself for forgetting why he had come here in the first place. Stopping at the door he placed a hand on the knob.

"Oi." He suddenly began to rethink what he had originally planned to do. 'What if the flea doesn't feel the same? What if he tells me he hates me, wants me to die, what if..What if… He doesn't love me..?'

Looking at the ground his hand lost its grip on the knob. It fell to his side and limply hung there. Shizuo kept his gaze fixed on a blood stain to the carpet. For if only a moment he lost complete composer and let his fears get the best of him.

To little people's knowledge he's not the big, ghastly monster everyone sets him up to be. Deep down, he was just as human as anyone. He had likes and dislikes, he laughs, he cries, he fears, he has problems just like anyone else. Mostly, he does love.

He loves Izaya and to hell if he doesn't let him know. Opening the door slowly he gulped. There on the bed in front of him was a lithe and lean body with vermillion eyes and ebony hair; chest rising and falling in a perfect rhythm. He didn't want to wake him up so much to his enlightenment he turned around to leave.

Just then a faint rustling was heard followed by a raspy and low comply, "Shizu-chan?"

Turning back around he gazed as the bandages and stitches. He inwardly cringed knowing he cause these, hopefully, temporary flaws on the informant's once flawless pale skin.

With those lovely vermillion orbs looking to him masked by the haze of painkillers, confusion, and then curiosity.

He took a deep breath. "I have to tell you something. One… I'm sorry. So sorry."

Those stunning eyes widened and he opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Shizuo's steadfast words.

"Two. Izaya… I – I really. Ugh." He couldn't quite put his feeling into words. "I like you. I mean… I really, really like you." He flicked his mocha orbs up to meet credulous crimson ones.

"But, you said you hated me; on numerous occasions." Was the smaller male's retort.

This only frustrated the blond more. "Damnit Izaya."

Running a shaking hand through his bleached hair he sighed. "I guess. The best way to explain it is."

"Go on."

"When you are angry with someone for some reason and it boils down to the point of you telling them you hate them. Yet deep down you know that no matter what, you'll honestly and truthfully always love them." Giving a shrug to the shoulders he rubbed his index and middle fingers along his temple. "You can say that's how I feel about you."

For the longest time everything was silent.


"Hmm?" He didn't dare look up as Izaya stood up and made his way over to him.

"I love you too."

And for the first time, and definitely not the last, soft velvet lips clashed tenderly with the heated ones of a certain protozoan.

I hope you guys liked it. I do apologize for my updates being so slow. I only have one more week before fall break and to bring my grades up. Haha and so far I have about three C's. (Mainly in Alegbra.) Then I do have a life that has been haywire as of late. T-T

I might add one more chapter to this; more than likely smut. If you'd like this, please say so. If not, then I'd say this short story is done. I really did it only to get my muse up, but then people liked it, I like it and so on. It grew from there. I am happy with it though because it's not bad. c:

Next update will be chapter 3 to Truce.

Thank you all for reading and reviewing. It means a lot to me.

Love to you all,

Amber-chan. (Shizuo-chan~)