Wow, it's been more than a week since I updated this story. Well, this chapter didn't turn out exactly how I had envisioned, but it works to get this part started. We have now reached the middle of my plot ladies and gents, from here on we will see mostly Kisshu 'courting' (I've been watching Gulliver's Travels too much) Ichigo. And then after this middle is through, we will get to the real excitement! And I will finally be able to add those ending chapters that are so bugging me to be added (ending chapters: YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO! Me: No! It will spoil the ending!). I want to thank Nightshadowmidnight, Shadow Raccoon and Shadow Wolf, 1411alexis, MewPainappuru, Fangirlgonesupernova, CelticLily, and Mew Ayame-chan for your reviews! And I would also like to thank the 17 people who favorited this story! Ichigo, disclaimer, now!

Ichigo: Tokyo Mew Mew does not belong to Nilla in any way shape or form. Only the plot and idea for this story.


9. Can I Walk You Home?

Kisshu's POV

When Kisshu opened his eyes the clock told him he had only gotten three hours of sleep. He stretched and yawned. The sun was still low so the light in the room was dim.

He decided to skip breakfast, there was not much eating would do for him. He teleported outside, the morning air was cool. There was dew on the grass and the sky was starting to turn orange.

Kisshu took a deep breath, the fresh air was nice. Today he didn't feel like floating, no instead he walked.

He popped a little white pill in his mouth and swallowed. Pai had come up with this when they were on Earth the last time. It enabled them to appear human for about an hour.

After a few seconds, the pill started to work. Now he would look like your average teenage boy walking down the street. The only thing strange about him now was the color of his eyes, well that and his clothing. He teleported inside a nearby house and grabbed some clothes out of a boys closet. Trying them on, he was satisfied when they fit him.

Now Kisshu could walk around without anyone really noticing, or possibly recognizing, him. He knew people would still remember him and his brothers. It had only been a year.

Kisshu listened to the sound of birds chirping in trees as they woke up and the sound of his footsteps on the pavement. That's all he heard for an hour really, he popped another pill in his mouth.

She sun was getting higher in the sky now. Cars drove by on the road, people started to walk past him, the noise increased.

A third pill later and Kisshu was starting to get tired. He had no idea where he was walking or why the heck he was still walking. He was bored out of his mind. Then his heard a familiar voice.

"I can't believe he said I could die from a stupid sore throat." She said, Kisshu looked up to see a familiar redhead.

"Ichigo, honey, you go home and get some sleep. It won't do you any good to stay up and around right now. I have to go pick up your medicine. You better be home when I get there."

"I got it." Ichigo said, Kisshu noticed her voice sounded slightly different.

The woman who was with her, Kisshu guessed it was her mom from what he remembered, walked his direction. He hid behind a nearby tree, why he had no idea.

After her mom had disappeared, he heard Ichigo's voice again. It sounded like she was talking to someone, but no one answered back. He looked over at her and saw she was holding her cell phone up to her ear. 'Of course she's on her cell phone!'

He heard her mention she had strep throat, she said the name of the green haired mew, she told her that she wouldn't be able to make it to work, and she said she was sorry for something.

"I will, bye Lettuce." After a short pause she hung up. I came out of my hiding place and walked up behind her.

"Not feeling well today, kitten?" Ichigo turned around to face the golden eyed, green haired alien.

"Kisshu!" Her eyes were wide. "Wait…Kisshu?"

Ichigo's POV

She stared at him, looking at his features, it looked like Kisshu. Except he was wearing normal clothes, and his ears were normal, yet everything else about him looked like Kisshu.

"He, don't recognize me, figures." He shrugged it off.

"So, you are Kisshu?" Ichigo was still confused.

He chuckled, "Yes. I just happened to be passing by."

"Liar." Ichigo said, it was suddenly like nothing had changed, like nothing had happened the day before, like she was still used to him being around.

"Why am I a liar?" Kisshu asked.

"I know you're following me! You always have!" She said to him, he smirked.

"True, and I've gotten some nice sights while I was at it."

Ichigo got a disgusted look on her face, "Pervert!" She said, but her voice cracked and she started to cough.

Kisshu's smug face turned to worry. "I-Ichigo are you OK?"

"I'm," she coughed again, "fine…" She said and rubbed her throat, it hurt like crap.

"Maybe you should go home and get some rest like your mom said." Kisshu said.

"So you were following me!" She tried to yell, but her throat hurt too much.

"No, I just happened to walk up at that moment." Kisshu said.

"Liar!" She said again.

"Ichigo, I'm not lying." He said in a sincere tone. "You could at least let me walk you home."

She stared at him blankly. "Huh, why would you want to walk me home?"

"To make sure nothing happens to you." Kisshu said. She continued to stare at him,

"W-why do you care? Besides, I don't need to go home anyways! It's just a little cold…" She lied.

"Ichigo, I know it's more than that. So who's lying now?" Kisshu said, looking into her eyes, she turned bright red. "Can I walk you home?"

"I- uh…" She didn't know what to say, so she said the first thing that came to mind. "S-sure." 'Crap! Why'd I say that! I'm such an idiot!'

Kisshu held out his hand. Ichigo hesitated, 'What would Aoyama-kun think if he- Wait, that's right, I broke up with him…' Finally she took his hand, against her better judgment.

She had been expecting him to teleport her away, or grab her even so she couldn't get away. But he just held her hand and started to walk her home.

"I'd ask if you know where I live, but…" Ichigo said.

Kisshu chuckled. "Well, if it makes you feel better you can still tell me."

Ichigo shook her head. "No, I think I'm good." For some reason she was trying not to blush.

Kisshu's POV

He was trying hard not to smile at her obvious attempt to keep from blushing, which only lightened her blush slightly.

He looked forward but still watched her through the corner of his eye. She was beautiful even when she was sick.

"Kisshu," Ichigo stopped walking, Kisshu turned to face her.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Why are you back?" She asked, he didn't want to lie to her.

"I missed you." He said with sincerity. She frowned.

"Why can't you just give it up already?" She let go of his hand. He could sense a little tension growing, this was quite different from her mood before, it's like someone turned off her anxiety for two seconds and then flipped it back on.

"Give what up?" He knew what she meant, but he still looked confused.

"Trying to win me over. It won't work Kisshu. I love Aoyama-kun…" She said, he could tell by the look on her face those words tasted bitter in her mouth, but she wouldn't admit it.


"No! Shut up!" She shoved him back, "You stay away from me! I don't care what you think! It's not just their fault I believed you were dead! A whole year and I don't even see your face!"

"I didn't want to make it awkward for you if we came back right away…" Kisshu said.

"And what's not awkward about this? Tell me, Kisshu, did you really only come back just 'cause you missed me? Or did you come back for something else?" Kisshu opened his mouth to speak but Ichigo didn't let him, "Whatever. I don't care. Just…stay away."

Kisshu watched as she started to run in the direction of her house. He wanted to follow her, but he held himself back.

If he was going to convince her he'd changed, he'd have to stop following her around like the stalker she thought he was.

Yeah, there will be more annoyance on Ichigo's part in future chapters, and more of Kisshu trying not to annoy her which will annoy her even more! Courting a kitty is hard work for a green haired alien. I am part alien and I am having a hard enough time trying to get Brandon to know I exist still. Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please review! Love you, kittens!