i've been listening to 'freak the freak out' all afternoon and it's stuck in my head badddd.
disclaimer- i don't own anything.

you never listen

She listens to the hum of people talking as she lies face down on the grass. The warm sun beats down upon the throng of teenagers, and she pushes her bangs out of her face half heartedly. She feels like being quiet today, for once. Everyone around her is making happy conversation, and she lies intently listening to the mix of them, only picking out little details every so often.

He's sat beside her.



Why does she find it so hard to stop thinking so hard about his presence?



He leans down to whisper in her ear, 'I'm bored.' She's perfectly happy where she is, but suddenly she's got some new insane desire to please him, and so she agrees to get up and go to the Groovy Smoothie with him.

She finds the fact that he doesn't bother to ask Carly to accompany them oddly nice.

Then she straight away feels like a bitch.



His hand is just inches from hers.

There's just a few centimetres between them, they're almost touching...



'Sam,' He starts, as soon as they've taken a seat in the Groovy Smoothie. She jerks her head up immediately, her ice blue eyes clashing with his warm chocolate ones. 'I need to talk to you.'
She nods for him to go on as she stirs her smoothie and thinks about how odd what he's just said is really. It sounds like a break up line, and it's ironic cause they've never had a relationship more intimate than rare moments of empathy between them. He seems to pause as he thinks what to say, and she tries to avoid his gaze cause for the first time ever, a boy makes her feel self concious, and she swears to God above if he doesn't stop with the smouldering eyes thing she's gonna kiss him.

'You're gonna hurt me if I tell you...' He seems to be reconsidering what he's about to say and she feels a pang of guilt. Does he feel like he can't talk to her about everything?

'I promise, I won't.' And that promise is one of the rare genuine promises she'll ever make.

'Okay.' He breathes out, and now he's looking at her and she's looking at him and he smiles and she smiles and then she just knows. 'Sam, I really like you. I just... You're my best friend and I thought that was all there is too it... But there's more and now I can't get you out of my head.'

She blinks at him.

And she's thinking seriously? Is she really gonna sit there and blink at the boy she's head over heels for while he's confessing that he might like her?



She doesn't have much time to think, because suddenly they're-



Kissing, and his lips taste so sweet, they're soft, but forceful, and she could stay here, attached to his mouth, forever.

She wants to kiss forever.