Lily Luna

Lily thought her name was absolutely beautiful. In fact, when she was little, she used to repeat it over and over again, letting it roll off her tongue slowly. Everyone thought it was adorable that she was named after Harry's mother and Ginny's best friend, and she was always proud to carry those names with her.

"I have the perfect name for her," said Ginny. "If you don't mind."

"I could never say no to you."

"Charming," said Ginny, her red hair falling over her shoulder. "Tell me that in three months when I'm demanding that you buy me a whole packet of spinach-flavored Every Flavor Beans."

Harry groaned. He was all too familiar with Ginny's cravings by now.

"That's what I thought. Anyway, do you want to hear the name or not?"

Harry nodded, kissing her hand.

"Lily Luna."

Ron and Hermione burst in. "Oh, that's so sweet!"

Harry grinned. "It is, Ginny."

Ginny smiled. "Thanks. How 'bout you, 'Mione?"

"Hugo," announced Ron proudly.

Harry and Ginny nearly choked. "Hugo?"

"Well, yeah."

"Where did you-"

"Don't ask."

That's all! It's totally pointless, but I was bored and in a NextGen phase. Bye!