A/N- This chapter is going to be a little bit different than the others (it's going to be Bellatrix's diary). Thanks to Sabrina (check out her author page here) for the idea that is marked with an asterisk.

DISCLAIMER- I do not own Harry Potter, Pixy Stix, or Pokémon. Those belong to J.K. Rowling, Wonka, and Nintendo (I think...) PLEASE DON'T SUE ME!

Dear Diary,

Today was awesome! Until I got arrested, that is. Here's what happened; Rodolphus locked me in a closet because I was 'too crazy' after drinking coffee (the best thing EVER! I can't believe I'm saying this, but I like it more than Voldy.), and, in the pocket of one of his sweatshirts, I found these Muggle candies called Pixy Stix*! Pixy Stix (no, seriously, that's how they're spelled! Weird, right?) are basicly tubes filled with sugar. So, anyway, I ate about seven Pixi Stix, and broke into the Ministry of Magic! Then, I went to this fantabulous place inside of it called the 'Department of Mysteries.' There were all of these sparkly glass balls inside of that place! Yay! So what did I do then? What anyone else would do; I threw the balls around everywhere screaming 'Go, Pikachu, go!' Several security guards found me, and sent me to Azkaban for twenty more years. Wahhhh!

But at least they let me keep my diary...



End Note- Yes, that is the last chapter of this story. But don't worry; I'll write another one about Bellatrix soon.