Hello peoples, this is my first Sonic fic I've ever made...kind of sort of lol. This fic isn't gonna be a typical horror story that I've written, it's gonna be VERY different. You'll find out what I mean. Anyways, this fic has influences and inspiration from movies like Shutter Island, Black Swan, Session 9 and Infection so you'll be seeing some elements from those in here. Anyways, I'll stop babbling on and on and get started with this.

It was a bright and beautiful Friday morning. The birds were chirping, the sun was rising above the horizon and people were out going to their jobs.

It was 10 AM. Sonic's alarm clock had buzzed, immediately waking him up. He pressed the button to turn off the alarm and rose from his bed and yawned. He lazily got out of his bed and went downstairs and into the kitchen. He made himself some fresh bagels with some sweet cream cheese and poured himself a glass of chocolate milk. He got his stuff and sat down in his chair at his computer.

He yawned again. "I haven't been on facebook for a few days so I suppose I should check it. Heh, I bet Amy is worried at the fact I haven't been on in a while." Sonic said and got onto the site and logged in with his e-mail and password.

He looked at his friend's status updates. Nothing much new there. Rouge posted that she was upset that she couldn't afford the sapphire necklace she wanted. Knuckles posted how much he hates cucumbers. Cream posted how the pop group Girl's Generation is soooo awesome. Bean talked crap about the Catholic Church a block away from where he lives. Nothing really exciting.

But then, Sonic noticed he received a private message from someone. He went into his inbox and saw that it was Amy.

"Ha! No surprise that she messaged me. Oh boy, here we go..." Sonic said, bracing for what kind of content could be put in Amy's message. He clicked on it and read:


"What the heck?" Was all Sonic could say. He expected another sappy love message from Amy, but not anything like this. What the heck could be so important? And why is everyone else gonna be there as well? He tried to think of some reason why Amy would send this, but the only one he could think of is Amy setting him up for a trap so that he'll be somehow forced to go on a date with her. But he decided to chance it anyways. After finishing his breakfast and doing some more web-surfing, he put on his shoes and did his daily morning jog.


Shadow and Rouge were on their way, walking to the park.

"So, what do you think this surprise is?" Rouge asked.

"Probably some trap by Eggman. But don't worry, I'll beat his ass before he does anything." Shadow said.

"Hmmm, I'm not so sure if this is Eggman's doing. I mean, I'm pretty sure he would've done something different than a letter to lure us in." Rouge said.

"How do you figure?" Shadow asked.

"I guess you could call it a gut instinct. But knowing my luck, I'm being totally mislead, heh heh." Rouge nervously laughed.

A few minutes later, they both reached the park and saw their friends by the water fountain. There was Amy, Tails, Knuckles, Cream, Vanilla, Sonia, Sally, Charmy, Espio, Tikal, Bean, Fang and Blaze.

"Hey guys! Glad you made it!" Tails waved.

"So, what's this big surprise that this letter says? Anyone know?" Rouge asked.

"Not really. We're kind of just waiting for something to happen now..." Bean replied.

"Ugh, I knew should've gotten some fries and a shake before coming here..." Sally said.

"Sonic should be coming here any minute, so I don't want anyone panicking!" Amy reassured.

"Um...nobody's panicking Miss-Obssessed-With-Sonic." Vector joked. Amy growled at him.

"I hope the surprise is that we all get one million dollars for being good citizens to the community!" Charmy cheered.

"Yeah, you wish." Shadow said and rolled his eyes.

"Luckily I'm prepared for any attack to happen. But everyone must be on guard as well." Espio warned.

"Do you think this could be a set up, mom?" Cream asked.

"I don't know dear. I guess we're just gonna have to find out." Said Vanilla in worry.

Suddenly, they all saw Sonic quickly walking up to the group.

"Hey guys!" He waved.

"SONIC, YOU MADE IT!" Amy cheered and hugged him. Sonic sighed in frustration.

"Get a room." Knuckles commented.

"Um, yeah anyways...I got a message from Amy saying that all of us were to meet here for...something. Anyone have any ideas?" Sonic asked.

"Naw. We're just waiting for someone and something to come by and happen." Fang clarified.

"Wait...message? You didn't get a letter in your mailbox?" Tikal asked.

"...No. Why?" Sonic asked.

"Because all of us got a letter, except for you apparently." Espio said.

"Okay then...that's really weird." Sonic said in confusion.

"Oh who cares? Sonic is the main hero in this group so he can pretty much be invited to anything! Anyone who says otherwise will meet my hammer of fury!" Amy threatened. Everyone else tried their hardest not to laugh.

"Anyways, we might head back home soon cause we've waited here for quite a while. Plus, it's getting hot out too." Vector said.

As Tikal was getting impatient by the second, she put her hand in the fountain water and splashed around with it. The water was perfect. Not too hot and not too cold. But, as she was staring at it, she noticed something. The water color seemed to be turning darker for no apparent reason. Nothing seemed to be in the fountain that could be turning it dark.

"Hello! I assume you guys are the ones in the Sonic gang?" Said a suspicious character, walking up to them.

"The Sonic gang? Are you for real now?" Sally asked.

"Hi there. Who might you be?" Sonia asked.

"My name is Aoi Murasaki. I'm the one who sent you all the letters to come here." He said. Aoi was a super-tall blue-ish fox that looked a bit like Tails except Aoi only had one tail.

"Aoi Murasaki? What a weird name." Blaze said.

"Don't be so rude!" Charmy said.

"Ah! So that's you then. So, what is this surprise that you want us to know about?" Fang asked.

Aoi smirked.

"The surprise is that...I want you all to be in a mainstream film I'm currently making." Aoi explained.

Everybody's jaw dropped in tremendous excitement and shock.


"No way! Somebody pinch me, this is a dream come true!" Tails said.

"Oh my god, mom! WE'RE GONNA BE IN A MOVIE!" Cream excitedly shrieked and hugged her.

"Awesome! I've always wanted to be an actress!" Rouge cheered.

"Ahhhh...I think I'm gonna faint from over-excitement..." Charmy dramatically said.

"Hmph." Was all Shadow could say. But inside, he liked the idea of being in a movie.

"Wait so, how come you want all of US to be in your movie?" Amy asked.

"Because I've been big fans of you guys ever since you were helping to save the world and all that stuff and just recently I figured, 'well, what could be a better way to start off my film making career than to have Sonic and his friends star in my very first movie?' It would be such a humongous hit, I can already feel it now. So...what do you guys say?" Aoi asked.

"YES! WE WANT TO! PLEASE!" All of them yelled at different times. Aoi smiled again.

"Woah, okay! Heh heh, I guess I should've known your guys' answer before asking. Anyways, I want to talk about this movie further but the Pule Productions place would be a better setting to discuss, no? Of course. I want you all to be there at 4 PM. The company is on...Anrego Street, you can't miss it. The room we'll be discussing the movie in, is in room 333. I'll meet you all there." Aoi said and bowed to the group and then walked away.

"Bye!" They all waved to him.

"Man, I seriously can't believe we're gonna be in a movie. This is such a dream come true!" Blaze cheered.

"I wonder what the movie's gonna be about...hopefully it's something scary or an action movie." Knuckles anticipated.

"I want it to be a comedy! I would be so awesome at humor!" Charmy said and jumped up and down.

"Hmmm...let's just see how this goes. I'm not fully convinced that this isn't a trap." Espio said to himself.

After everybody was talking about how psyched they were for the movie, they all went back home, all excited for 4 PM to arrive.

Blaze went into her room, still smiling at the thought of being in a movie. Like the others, she had no idea what it will be like but the excitement and thought about it was killing her.

"Oh man, I am SO gonna post this news on my facebook!" Blaze shrieked and opened up her laptop and got onto facebook. She typed:

"OMG guess what? Me and my friends are gonna be starring IN A MOVIE! We have no idea what it's about yet, but I'll let you all know of the details later!"

"Hmmm, since I'm gonna be meeting with Aoi and probably some other famous people, I want to look as good as possible!" Blaze said then went to her bathroom.

She turned on the shower faucet and waited for it to get warmer. While that was doing that, she looked in her mirror to see if she had any unwanted facial hair she needed to shave off. Nope. Her face was smooth as smooth can be.

As she turned to go to the shower, she noticed something odd that made her look back in the mirror and immediately got a confused look on her face.

She could've sworn her reflection didn't move with her.

Meanwhile, Sonic and Tails were at Sonic's house, having lunch and getting pumped for the movie discussion.

"Gosh, I know I've said this about a million times, but I am so stoked to be in a movie! How much do you think we'll get paid? What do you think the movie's gonna be? OOOHHHH I CAN'T HANDLE THIS!" Tails said in over-excitement.

"Calm down dude! I have no idea what the movie is, but I'm just hoping for at least a decent script. I don't want this movie to make us look stupid." Sonic said.

"You're right, you're right. I gotta keep my cool or else the people there will think I'm a freak." Tails said, trying to cool down.

"I'm still confused as to why I never got a letter...I mean, Aoi made it seem like I was invited to be in the movie even though I wasn't 'really' invited." Sonic said.

"Yeah, that is kind of weird. How did you get there, again?" Tails asked.

"Amy invited me which actually was good because if it wasn't for her I probably wouldn't have been able to join you guys." Sonic said.

"Oh really? Well that was nice of her. At least she didn't send you a stalker-love message this time." Tails laughed and so did Sonic.

"I know, right? I rolled my eyes when I saw that I got a message from her. I was all like, 'Ugh, can't this girl leave me alone for once?'" Sonic joked.

Tails immediately stopped laughing.

"Wait...what did you say?" Tails asked. Sonic's smile turned back to plain.

"Um...what?" Sonic asked back.

"What did you say? Right after you said that you rolled your eyes when you got a message from her." Tails said.

"Uhhh, I said to myself why can't this girl leave me alone for once?" Sonic said, scratching his head.

"Oh...I thought you said something else." Tails said.

"What did you think I said?" Sonic confusedly asked.

"I...nevermind. Forget it." Tails said and put on a forced smile.

4 PM finally arrived. Some of them arrived at Pule Productions by walking and some by driving.

Shadow stared at the humongous building. It was a dark shade of blue and looked totally professional.

"Hmm...it's hard to tell if this is really for real or not." Shadow said, rubbing his chin.

"Oh lighten up Shadow! Come on, we're about to be MOVIE STARS! Don't you realize how even more popular we would be if we did this?" Sally said. Shadow sighed and scratched the back of his head.

"Whatever. I'll just go with the flow." He said and walked in with Sally.


"Calm the heck down, Charmy! I swear, if you get us kicked off the movie I am gonna do unspeakable things to you!" Vector threatened.

"Huh. Not sensing any dangerous energy around here. Maybe this is legit after all..." Espio said in caution and went in.

"Wow! This place looks just like an office building! So neat!" Sonia said in awe.

The group got into the lobby. It looked like your typical company lobby. There was a painting job going on, all around the area.

"Okay, the guy said we're in room 333 so I assume it's on the third floor?" Tails said, pressing the up button. The doors opened and everyone went inside.

The inside of the elevator had mirror walls, which made a few of them uncomfortable. Tails pressed the 3 button and the doors closed.

"God, it's so warm in here. Don't they have air conditioning?" Bean complained.

"Woah cool! I've never seen mirrors like this before!" Charmy said, making faces in the multiple reflections.

"Ugh. I don't like these type of mirrors. I always feel like something will appear out of nowhere in them...or something will happen to my reflection." Tikal said.

Suddenly, the elevator came to a sudden halt, making everyone stumble about.

"Woah! What's going on?" Blaze shrieked.

"Crap. I think the elevator is malfunctioning..." Knuckles said.

"Guys this isn't good! I'm claustrophobic!" Sonia panicked.

"Don't worry! Sonic will take care of this problem, right Sonic?" Amy asked in a cheesy way. Sonic just rolled his eyes in reply.

The elevator started moving again. Everyone sighed in relief.

"Hoo. I was getting really worried there for a second." Vanilla said.

The elevator doors opened and out the group went. There was a painting job going up here as well.

Fang read the directions sign right in front of them.

"Okay, it says here room 333 is to the right..." Fang said and all of them followed suit.

They got to room 333. Everyone was nervous in anticipation and excitement.

"Here we go..." Sonic said. He breathed in and out deeply in anticipation.

He opened the door. Everybody gasped in shock at what they saw.


So, what do you think of this fic so far? I know not much has happened yet, but things will definitely pick up more next chapter. R AND R!