ML54: A wild update has appeared!

Arceus: Quick! Throw a Master Ball!

Mew: YAY! ML54 doesn't own Pokemon! And he apologises for the lateness of this chapter!

Let the Battle Continue!

"Good luck Latios!" Latias called, cheerfully as her brother was sent in to face Snorlax. Right now, the Legends have lost two on there side and Ash was still six strong. Latios has to really up his game!

"Let this battle commence!" Darkrai declared, waving the flags down.

"Dragon Claw!" Latios declared, rushing forward at an insane speed and throwing his sharpened claw into Snorlax's chest, causing the bear to grunt a bit.

"Snorlax! Ice Punch!" Snorlax nodded and threw his fist towards the dragon, but he swiftly dodged out of the way and threw another Dragon Claw at the large Pokemon.

Snorlax grunted as the combined damage from Jirachi's Psychic and all these Dragon Claws finally took hold and fell over backwards, swirls appearing in his eyes. "Snorlax is unable to battle, Latios is the winner!" Ash nodded and was about to return Snorlax to his Pokéball.

However, instead Arceus had used a bit of energy to heal the Pokemon up so he could watch the rest of the match. "Wouldn't be sporting if he couldn't watch." Ash smiled and contemplated his next move.

"...Staraptor! You're up!" The bird saluted and took to the field, demonstrating his own speed.

"Looks like an air battle is about to take place." Brock summarised, noticing the expansive area above their heads.

"You betcha! I love battling in here! It's very spacious!" Articuno agreed, giddily. Sky battles were her favourite and she was kind of excited to see whether Charizard had gotten stronger since she battled him. She did lose to him after all.

"Staraptor! Aerial Ace!" Staraptor dove down and shot back up with intense speed that even Latios couldn't dodge.

He grunted as his beak clipped his chin and immediately took off with the bird Pokemon following him. Though the Hall uses Pidgeot as messengers, Staraptor were always quite powerful as well. But nothing was going to out speed him.

He got to the wall behind Ash and stopped suddenly to shoot upwards. Staraptor followed the motion perfectly and continued to tail the Dragon/Psychic type. "Alright, let's see how you deal with this!"

"Luster Purge!" Latios declared, turning and throwing a ball of energy towards Staraptor, who was hit point blank with the powerful move.

Staraptor fell back for a few seconds, but managed to recover and catch up to the surprised Latios. "Wow! This guy is tough!"

"Staraptor! Use Quick Attack! Then Close Combat!" Staraptor, in a sudden burst of extra speed, shot right in front of Latios and started flailing his talons and wings into the blue and white dragon who tried his best to soak the damage. Being a Dragon/Psychic helped but damn this bird was trained!

"Dragon Claw!" Latios declared, throwing his claw out and striking Staraptor, forcing him down a bit, both trying to shake the damage they took off.

"Staraptor! Use Brave Bird!" Latios's eyes widened in fear as one of the most powerful Flying type moves in existence was heading straight for him.

But he just steeled his resolve and shot down with his claw outstretched. "Dragon Claw!" He declared, both of them meeting in the middle, causing a massive explosion in the centre of the room, causing the audience to hold their breath as they tried their best to see what has happened.

Then a shape fell from the cloud and landed on the ground with a thud, revealing itself to be Staraptor with swirls in his eyes while Latios still hovered, looking ready for another fight. "Staraptor is unable to battle! Latios is the winner!"

"YAY! GO BIG BRO!" Latias cheered, Terrakion just smiled supportively at his boyfriend, glad to see him doing so well.

Staraptor was healed up and given an affectionate head rub from Ash as a way of thanks. "You did great buddy."

"Thanks Ash..." Staraptor replied, flying into the stands to find Unfezant, Swellow and Noctowl.

Ash turned back and grinned, ready. "Ready for this Pikachu!" Pikachu smiled and gave his trainer the thumbs up, jumping onto the field.

"Always!" Pikachu declared, taking stand on the field in front of Latios.

"Go Pikachu!" Buneary screamed shamelessly, causing Buizel to cringe at the volume.

"Why did I choose to sit by you?" He felt something nuzzle into his side and looked to see Pachirisu smiling at him. "Oh yeah, that's why..."

Dawn smiled at the small group and suppressed a giggle as she saw Pikachu flinch a bit in embarrassment. Those two were always incredibly cute!

Latios noticed this as well and opened up a telepathic link to Pikachu. "Girlfriend?"

Pikachu shook his head, startled by the sudden voice in his head, but realised that it was just Latios, he sighed in relief. "Huh? Oh Buneary...Not really...well not yet..."

"Why not?"

"I'm waiting until I can settle down, but right now I have to help Ash! He needs me!" Latios grinned, noticing that Darkrai was about to start the round.

"Just talk to him since...Well you can now. Who knows, you may be able to sort something out and have it both ways!" With that he cut the link, giving Pikachu a few things to think about later, but right now he's got a battle to win.

"Let battle begin!" Latios immediately shot forward, declaring Dragon Claw and catching Pikachu on the cheek, causing the mouse to fly back, but he managed to recover.

Latios grinned, but the froze and gritted his teeth as he felt electricity run all over his body.

"Ash! He's paralysed from Pikachu's Static ability!" Oshawott exclaimed, excitedly. He knew from experience how badly paralysis can be, but also knew of Pikachu's favourite combo. "Get him with Electro Ball!"

"Huh? Well, if you so say so buddy." Ash said, nodding. "Pikachu! Electro Ball!" Pikachu smiled brightly as he gathered yellow electrical energy into his tail, creating an orb of thundery doom.

"Take this!" He declared, throwing the orb at him, causing him to try and dodge, but the paralysis halted his progress and caused him to be knocked out of the air by the ball of energy, groaning in pain. Darkrai nodded and held up a flag.

"Latios in unable to battle, Pikachu is the winner!" Ash pumped his fist in the air in celebration.

"Alright! Way to go Pikachu!" Pikachu copied Ash's motion as Latios hovered over to get healed up, Azelf taking his place.

"Hope you're not too scared to hit a girl?" Azelf said, teasingly, to which Pikachu grinned.

"Not at all, bring it on!" Darkrai nodded and raised his arms.

"Let battle begin!" Azelf twirled in the air and winked at Pikachu.

"Attract!" She declared, sending a pink heart right at the mouse which caught him in the chest before he could respond.

Pikachu then let down his guard and stared at Azelf longingly. "Pikachu! Thunderbolt!"

"No! Why would I want to hurt her?!" Ash facepalmed, but on the inside he was really worried. He wasn't expecting to run into Attract again and, with his whole team being male, he had to think fast!

Buneary glared at Azelf, menacingly. "HEY HE'S MINE!" Buizel cringed again and threw a paw over her mouth.

"It's Attract, Buneary, she's not trying to steal him away from you!" She huffed when he removed his paw and turned away, crossing her arms.

"Doesn't mean I can't be angry!" Buizel sighed, turning back to the battle to see Pikachu get thrown back by a nasty looking Ice Beam.

Pikachu grunted and stood back up. "Pikachu use Thunderbolt!" Pikachu shook his head in defiance.

"No! She's too cute to attack!" He responded as he was grabbed by a Psychic and thrown into the wall behind him, causing him to faint.

Snivy facepalmed herself while Emolga giggled. "Oh come on, Snivy! You can't say that throwing Attract around isn't fun!"

"It's a legitimate battle strategy, true, but it just turns guys into bumbling idiots!" She replied, turning back to see that Ash sent out Bulbasaur.

"Bulbasaur! I choose you!" Ash declared once Pikachu hopped back onto his shoulder, mumbling about foul play or something.

Darkrai held up both arms. "Let battle begin!"

"Attract!" Azelf said, winking at Bulbasaur. She'd already told Uxie about this and he was okay with it. He wasn't the jealous type after all. Unlike a certain rabbit in the crowd.

"Quick! Use Razor Leaf on the heart!" Bulbasaur nodded, the green leaves shooting out of the bulb and directly towards the heart, shattering hit...

...what they didn't expect was the heart to suddenly turn into dozens of smaller ones!

Luckily none of them hit Bulbasaur, but it did cause a comical situation of all of the guy Pokemon ducking and covering all over the place. Zekrom had used Reshiram as a kind of Pokemon shield, causing her to sigh and shake her head. She allowed it since Attract wouldn't affect her, but it was a bit cowardly.

Azelf laughed, rubbing the back of her head sheepishly one she had dodged the Razor Leaf attack. "Hahaha whoops!" She grinned, before shaking it off and fired off an Ice Beam attack.

Bulbasaur, without waiting for a command, jumped out of the way, causing the area behind him to freeze solid. "Bulbasaur! Leech Seed!"

The Grass type nodded and fired a seed out of his back, which hit Azelf on the top of her head.

For a couple of seconds, nothing happened, but then the seed sprouted and vines started to wrap around her and she cringed as she felt her HP drain away. "Urg...Psychic!" She yelled, picking the helpless Bulbasaur up and throwing him at the wall behind Ash.

"Bulbasaur, use Vine Whip to stop yourself!" Bulbasaur nodded and threw his vines out to lie against the wall, allowing Bulbasaur to slow his momentum down to allow himself to bounce back and throw his vines into Azelf's side, throwing her to the ground as Bulbasaur stood, Leech Seed once again, draining health away from his opponent.

"Attract!" This time, Bulbasaur was much too close and the Attract hit him in the nose, causing him to blush and face away from the Willpower being.

Now free of being attacked, Azelf used Psychic to removed the Leech Seed from her body and threw them onto the ground. "Bulbasaur! Solarbeam!" Bulbasaur shook his head in defiance as Azelf gathered ice blue energy between her palms.

"Ice Beam!" Bulbasaur was hit and thrown to the ground, his eyes swirling in defeat. Darkrai rose his arm.

"Bulbasaur is unable to battle, Azelf is the winner!" Bulbasaur was promptly healed up and he made his way over to the stands.

"You did great, Bulbasaur..." Ash called after him, before looking over his remaining options. Charizard and Oshawott.

"I want to save Charizard for Giritina, so that only leaves..." "Oshawott! You're up!" The otter saluted and jumped onto the field, ready.

Snivy face palmed once again. "Great, the idiot who's been an Attract slave more times than I can count. This is gonna end badly..." Emolga grinned.

"I wouldn't be too sure..." She sung, much to Snivy's confusion and annoyance.

"Why did I sit next to her?"

"Let battle begin!"

"Attract!" Azelf declared, winking and hitting Oshawott in the chest.

"Looks like Ash is done for. Oshawott and Charizard are both males, so Attract will render them useless." Paul said in a deadpan manner, Gary nodding I agreement.

"Um guys...Isn't Oshawott supposed to be lovey dovey right now?" Dawn asked, pointing out the otter who seemed perfectly normal, much to their surprise.

There was a pause for a few seconds as Oshawott blinked, confused. "Um...Isn't something supposed to happen?" Azelf blinked too, just as confused.

"I don't know? Do ya think I'm pretty or something?"

"You're good looking, if that's what ya mean, but what's that got to do with anything?" Everyone sat there confused, wondering why Oshawott isn't blushing or gushing compliments or any of the tell tale signs of being under attract.

"Uh...Oshawott! Aqua Jet!" Oshawott shrugged and fired straight at Azelf, surrounded by the blue surf, taking her by surprise and knocking her down.

Azelf grunted and shook her head a Darkrai. She had taken too much damage against Bulbasaur and the Aqua Jet had hit her before she could brace herself. Darkrai nodded and rose his arm.

"Azelf is unable to battle, Oshawott is the winner!" Oshawott jumped up and down, excitedly, while Ash cheered.

"Way to go buddy!"

"Two on two now..." Brock mumbled, noticing Keldeo trot onto the field, jumping at the chance to face something that wasn't terrifying like that Charizard!

"Keldeo is a Water/Fighting type Pokemon so Oshawott's going to have a hard time, especially since he's already had to face Entei." Iris summarised. "But why didn't Attract do anything? Emolga's hit him enough times, and Snivy's Attract worked perfectly fine earlier."

"I don't know..." Brock replied, confused. "But we'll have to figure that out later, right now the battle is getting intense..."

ML54: Again, I apologise for how late this chapter was and I hope to get the next one out faster...key word being hope...

Celebi: Til then, review but please no flames.