Author's Note: I do not own Harry Potter 1-7. I only own the idea of Rebecca. Jk Rowling owns the rest.

This movie is probably my favorite, I don't know why. Maybe because it feels more serious than the rest? Or maybe I like watching children being abused? (kidding, i swear). Anyway, I also love this one because this is where Rebecca's story comes into full affect! I can now add her and less backstory! Now, if ya'll haven't guessed what's going to happen yet, you haven't ready enough Harry/OC's to know what all of these are leading up to. I hate that i followed the crowd, but I jst couldn't help the warm feeling I got for doing it.

BTW; I'm sorry it ended up being so long, but I know that when you read it you will realize it was worth it.

Anyway, enjoy and review, my pretties!

Name: Rebecca Adhara Sherwood

Parents: Gregory and Ambrosia Sherwood

Gifts: Witch and a Metamorphmagus

Blood-Status: Pure Blood

Status: Well off (Rich)

True Features: Unknown

Current Features:

Hair: Short Straight Blond

Eyes: Golden

Age: 15

School: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

House: Gryffindor

Patronus: Unknown

Friends: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger

Family friends; Draco Malfoy (unfortunately), Cedric Diggory (deceased)

Times her father has looked creepily happy over the summer: Tons

I was sitting in my room, in utter silence, staring down at the Daily Prophet in my hands. On the front page was a picture of Harry Potter, and the line 'Harry Plotter?' Voldemort was back, though no one except Dumbledore and I seemed to believe so without the proof of seeing him, like Harry did, or being a Death Eater, like my father was. The Daily Prophet was constantly slamming Harry and Dumbledore for saying that he was back. I understood why though, everyone who wasn't a Death Eater was too afraid to admit it to themselves.

But it was stupid. All of it. He was back. He was killing, he was rallying everyone up, and no one had the intelligence to admit it to themselves. I mean, people were constantly going missing, or getting killed, which was instantly being blamed on Sirius Black. Even when ten Death Eaters were broken out of Azkaban, it was blamed on none of than Sirius Black.

My mother, Ambrosia Sherwood, though she wouldn't say anything, believed that Voldemort was back, and she was scared out of her mind. Over the summer she had gotten paler and skinnier with the fear she held. She had even told me to have the bag she had given me (with the Undetectable Extension charm put on it) packed and ready at all times. She wouldn't say it was for if Voldemort decided to pay a visit, she just said it was because the date for returning to Hogwarts would come up on me before I knew it.

But despite all of that, I couldn't help but think how wonderful my life had been, over the past four years, which had been the best in my life. You know that moment in your life where everything is going your way, or you realize it has, and it all seems too good to be true?

The past four years had been like that… kinda. I mean, I actually had friends, I had gone on adventures, stopped an evil wizard from coming back from the almost-dead twice… ish, saved an innocent man from death, learned about my mother's happy past, been asked to a dance by a boy, and at this moment, my father didn't hate the living daylights out of me.

Although, all of that happiness had come at a cost. My father hating me for almost fifteen years, my mother's unhappiness, my getting nearly killed over ten times in the past four years, disappointing my father at almost every turn, nearly eaten by gigantic spiders, being used as a gateway back to the living by an evil wizard, nearly killing half the muggle borns in my school against my will, my best friend nearly getting killed in a freak tournament and Voldemort (that evil wizard I was talking about) coming back from the almost-dead… among other things.

Despite all of bad stuff in my life… I smiled.

I threw the newspaper against my black and red satchel which sat against my dresser, waiting for me to pick it up, and go to Hogwarts. It had been, like I said before, packed for a while, packed with everything I would need, weither if it was me escaping from evil wizards, or just going to Hogwarts.

BOOM! The house shook as an explosion happened nearby, and I knew it couldn't be good when I heard a high pitched evil cackle coming from downstairs.

You know that moment when everything is going right and it's to good to be true… and then it falls to shit? Yeah, I was waiting for that.

I heard spells being shot back and forth, and instantly I grabbed my wand from the pocket in my bag and ran to my door thrown it open. I raced to the stairs which over looked the entry hall which was now covered in rubble from what used to be the door and the wall around said door.

I watched in horror as my mum fought off three Death Eaters, one of which I easily recognized as Bellatrix Lestrange, a high ranking Death Eater, a powerful witch and a crazy bitch. I immediately ran down the stairs at full speed, throwing spells, which took the two other Death Eaters out.

Once I reached the bottom of the stairs, however, a spell hit me, knocking my wand out of my hands before arms grabbed me and a wand pressed painfully against my throat. I froze in place as I felt someone's hot breath against my ear and prayed to the gods that it wasn't a werewolf.

"Hello, Rebecca, dear," I heard a familiar voice say into my ear, making me freeze in horror.

It was my father.

I had always know that my parents weren't right for each other and that my father was an evil man, not to mention a Death Eater, but I couldn't believe that he was letting my mother be attacked by other Death Eaters, and was keeping me from helping her.

Sick bastard.

"Let's just watch your mother for a minute," he muttered.

And so we did. I watching in fear as my mother dodged the Killing Curse a couple of times, and winced as she barely deflected other curses. I could tell it was taking a lot out of her to keep up such a fight with Bellatrix Lestrange. But it didn't last long.

"Stop or I'll kill her!" my father suddenly yelled, making the two dueling women stop to look over at him.

My mother's eyes widened as her eyes traveled from my father, to me, to the wand at my neck. "You wouldn't kill your own daughter, Gregory," my mum murmured, though I could tell she knew he would.

"You're right, Ambrosia. To bad she's not my daughter," he growled.

"Crucio!" Bellatrix cried, and my mother crumpled where she stood in a yelp of pain. I cried out too, and fought against my fathers hold to no avail. After a moment, Bellatrix smiled and danced over to her and snatched her wand from her hand. "My, my, my, Ambie. It thought you'd be harder to beat,"

"She's been having a rough time lately," my father commented with a shrug.

"Not to mention it's not everyday I fight a crazy lunatic," my mother murmured.

"Shut up!" Bellatrix yelled angrily, using the Cruciatus Curse on my mother again, making her twitch, much like the spider from last years Defense Against the Dark Arts class had. I had to look away then too. "Why, is this your daughter, Ambie?" I heard Bellatrix ask. I looked up to see her slowly walking up to me, looking a little like a cat as she watched me closely.

"Get away from her, you bitch!" my mum shouted as she pushed herself part of the way off of the ground to glare at Bellatrix as she reached me.

Bellatrix cackled happily as she let the tip of her strange looking wand running over my cheek bone until she tapped it against my cheek. "She looks a lot like you Gregory, like your mum before she died," she smiled.

"Not really. She's a Metamorphmagus," my father growled.

"Ah! Like our cousin, Nymphadora!" Bellatrix smiled before her face curled into an angry snarl. "Filthy half breed,"

"Our?" I asked quietly.

Bellatrix smiled again before turning back to my mother. "Now, I think you have a few things to tell your daughter Ambie… before you die," Bellatrix said happily, nearly singing the last part, making my stomach churn.

"Yes," my father growled. "It's time she new who she really was, what she really was… a bastard child,"

"What are you talking about?" I exclaimed.

My mother slowly looked up at me, sadness in her eyes as she took a deep breath. "Gregory Sherwood… is not your real father, Rebecca," my mother said slowly, looking away from me half way through the sentence.

"What?" I asked in shock.

"Your real father is Sirius Black," she said, looking back up at me.

"Sirius Black," Bellatrix spit. "A blood traitor, and my cousin,"

"But… I was born after you and father were married," I said quickly.

"Aw yes," my father laughed humorlessly. "The best part of it all. The fact that you could have easily been conceived on our wedding night,"

My mother looked away from my father… step father?… and I, glaring at the floor next to her. "I was with Sirius before our wedding,"

My mind reeled at this whole thing. My evil, hateful father, wasn't my father, but it was actually a kind man that I had saved from death not two years ago. I was Sirius Black's daughter. I was a Black! Black's were known for being Death Eaters, I mean… Bellatrix, Narcissa… Malfoy.

Damn it, I was related to Malfoy!

But why was my mother married to my- to Gregory?

"Why did you marry him?" I asked.

Mum looked up at me with hopeful eyes. "I was apart of a group that was against You-Know-Who during the first wizarding war. After I broke up with Sirius, Gregory asked for my hand in marriage. Everyone agreed that it would be a good way to get information," she told me. "Then, before the wedding… we came together for the last time,"

"And then there was you," Bellatrix smiled angelically, giving me shivers.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I yelled. "Since I can remember, I always thought my father hated me! That was a disappointment to him! But he was never actually my father!"

"I didn't tell you because until a year ago, everyone thought Sirius Black was a felon. Most still do!" she said back.

"What about the past year?" I cried.

"I… I don't know," she said, looking defeated.

"And that's why you always had me use my Metamorphmagus powers to look like your mother… so that I'd look more like you and less like my real father," I growled at- Gregory.

"If I had to live with a bastard child, I was at least going to have it look like me," he growled into my ear, pressing his wand harder into my throat, making my jerk a little.

I ignored Gregory and looked back to my mother as Bellatrix grabbed her chin, murmuring something to her. "Does he know?" I asked quickly, making the two woman look up at me.

"No," my mother said, jerking away from Bellatrix so she could talk properly and look at me. "I never told him. The only person I ever told was Remus Lupin,"

I nodded, I had had an inkling that he had known more than he was telling me about my mother and Sirius when he had been my DADA teacher.

"Go to them," my mother told me quietly, as tears formed in her eyes and fell down her face.

"I don't think your darling daughter will last that long, Ambie," Bellatrix smiled down at her, using her wand to brush a piece of hair out of my mum's face.

"Go to hell," she growled.

Bellatrix however, just cackled loudly as she stood up and walked toward me with an evil smile on her face. "Anything else, Amdie?" Bellatrix smiled, as she danced away from my mum.

"Rebecca?" I looked to my mum as I felt a pain begin to burn painfully in my chest. "Can I see you? The real you? Once last time?"

I nodded slowly, and let the sensation I always felt when I morphed run over me, that feeling of an egg cracking over my head and the insides running over me like water.

I knew what my mum, Gregory and Bellatrix all saw now that I had changed into what I actually looked like. They would see waist length curly (a little frizzy) brown hair that nearly looked black in anything but a brightly lit room. My eyes no longer looked like gold coins, but were bright blue like my mothers were. I also now looked more so like my mother, a little softer and skinnier than the angular face I had once had that represented my- Gregory's family. I was also a lot shorter, I was probably only five foot five now, versus what I had made myself, five foot seven.

"I love you, Rebecca!" my mother cried.

"Avada Kedavra!"

"NO!" I screamed in vain.

The bright flash of light his my mother and circled around her for a moment before she dropped, lifeless against the marble floor, covered in debris. Her eyes stared into nothingness, the light in her bright blue eyes gone, her skin white as a sheet of paper, her body angled oddly from where she had fallen.

Mum was gone forever.

My eyes grew hot as tears blurred my vision, until the fell down my cheeks like rivers of pain. I sagged in my father's arms as nearly all hope and love left me, as I listened to that happy high pitched giggling from the woman who had ended my mothers life.

"Now for my dear, dear cousin,"

My eyes opened slowly, glaring at Bellatrix as smiled happily at me as if she had something good to tell me. There was no way that I would die like this, that I would let myself be blown out like a candle on someone else accord.

As fast as I could, I elbowed Gregory as hard as I could in the stomach, causing him to let go of me and double over. I ran to the stairs, stooping down to pick up my wand in the way up the stairs. Bright green curses I knew all too well followed me as I ran up the stairs and ran into my room, slamming the door shut.

I ran to my bag and threw the strap over my head so that it lay across my body before grabbing my cloak and broom. I then ran to my window and unlocked it, throwing it open.

"Where are you, cousin?"

I didn't turn around. I just forced the broom between my legs and took off as fast as I could, flying over the back yard and away from the house. I did my best to dive and duck away from the curses following me as I heard Bellatrix and my father Wisping after me, but I mostly only missed them because of my horrible flying skills. I flicked spells and curses back at them, Stupefying Gregory out of the sky, and about twenty minutes later, knocking Bellatrix out of the sky with a Levicorpus.

Name: Rebecca Adhara ?

Parents: Sirius Black? and Ambrosia Sherwood

Gifts: Witch and a Metamorphmagus

Blood-Status: Pure Blood

Status: Homeless

True Features:

Hair: Dark Curly Brown

Eyes: Blue

Current Features:

Hair: Short Straight Blond

Eyes: Golden

Age: 15

Questoins: Tons

Author's Note: After writing this, I had to run out of my room and check on my mom and give her a huge hug. This really affected me and I hope that no one has to experience what Rebecca just did.

Review about what you think about this chapter please. (Especially this one!)