AN: Here we are the very first chapter of yet a new story! I really hope you enjoy it because I tried to tie it all together. This is sort of based off of season 2 but I don't really follow much of the Glee concept in my stories anyway...Disclaimer: I do not own any of the companies/shows mentioned nor do I own Glee or its characters. I apologize for spelling errors!

PS: I ALREADY know that Blaine is GAY. We established that a looooong time ago for those who watch Glee. This was just a requested Glee fic so I posted it. Don't like it? I suggest you stop reading now. Thank you!

PPS: Don't forget that reviews are LOVE!

Chapter one: It Doesn't matter

There was this odd spark that built up in his chest when he saw her that day. She was perfect. Her figure, her eyes, those heart shaped lips. Everything. He had the urge to run over this every moment and kiss her, right in front of everyone. Of course he knew that this was ridiculous, he's supposed to be gay right?


He glanced away from her, returning his eyes towards the boy he had claimed to love. At this very moment he wasn't so sure of his feelings. He wanted Kurt to be happy, but doesn't he deserve some happiness too? He nibbled nervously on his bottom lip before glancing back over to where she stood. Her back arched, the glossy black waves of her hair flowing down to her shoulders, brown eyes glinting with a mixture of excitement and utter happiness. He cringed when he saw Sam's arm encircle her body, it took all of the fight he had in himself to not break the gullible blondes arm right off. He wouldn't do that because that was out of character. He was Blaine "the other gay singer" not some random hormone driven jock like Karofsky. With a sigh he leaned forward to inform Kurt that he needed to get some fresh air. Kurt's eyes perked up when he began to register what Blaine was saying and he then waved Blaine off, returning to the rest of the drunken crowd around him.

Thanks to Rachel, not only was Kurt intoxicated, but he was coming completely unhinged. His hair was a mess standing on end as if he had stuck his tongue in an electric socket and his eyes were bloodshot. He hadn't even noticed Blaine's existence the entire party. His arm was slung around Brittany's shoulder and in one pale hand he held a red cup of Mikes Hard Lemonade. Blaine staggered out of the room letting himself out the front door and down the porch steps. Taking a slow deep breath through his nose, he stared at the dark road, wondering if by some chance one of the dying streetlights would awaken and give him some light to see by. He tucked his hands into his pockets the cool wind sending chills through the thin layer of his school uniform.

He sighed, resting his back up against the passenger door of Finn's Honda. His feet were resting in a pile of broken leaves each one a distinctive pattern. "Are you alright?" a soft voice came from the porch. Instinctively, Blaine's eyes snapped up towards the voice he'd become so familiar to. She stood underneath the busted porch light wearing a loose fitting zebra print hoodie. The faint glow of the moon illuminated her face as she stared down at him, looking concerned.

He flashed a crooked smile and nodded. "Yeah I'm okay." Blaine blew the frosted wind out of his mouth, "Its getting crazy in there isn't it?"

She leaned up against the wooden post of the banister and smirked.

"I guess you could say that" she replied.

Blaine threw a hand through his hair feeling his cold fingers graze his scalp. The air hung low all around feeling even heavier in the darkness. "Blaine, why did you leave Kurt in there all alone?" her voice added some warmth to the bitter wind.

He flinched, tucking his chin in the collar of his shirt in a stupid attempt to get warmer. "He didn't need me" his voice came out so small. Blaine cleared his throat, feeling the tears bubble into his eyes.

That was the truth. Kurt didn't need Blaine, not anymore. He had a whole bunch of people to hold his hand whenever he needed someone to comfort him. It was almost as if Blaine were only there as an accessory. A very fashionable one but still…

Blaine heard her huff, and that sound was followed by the echo of her converse covered feet descending the steps. Her hand was warm against his skin as she gripped at his chiseled chin. Blaine's heart stammered at the direct contact of her skin on his. Blaine felt that he was becoming way too emotional. This was getting ridiculous.

"Blaine, look at me…he needs you. Trust me." She leaned close her eyes filled with determination. He shook his head doubtfully, trying to rid himself of the fuzzy feeling in his chest.

"Yes he does! If he didn't then he wouldn't have come to his party in the first place. You're the one who convinced him to come, if it weren't for you he would've stayed in his room watching reruns of Ugly Betty" she smiled and nodded removing her hand from his chin, almost as if she were certain that she had proven a point.

"You're right" Blaine sighed removing one of his hands from his pocket and placing it awkwardly at his side. She placed her hands on her hips and smiled. Blaine's heart began doing a slow waltz in his chest. "I'm always right" she stepped back and began to make her way back up the porch steps. He knew that this was his only chance. This was the only other time that they would ever be alone. If he wanted to tell her how he felt it'd better be now.

Blaine sucked in a deep breath, pulling it down to the soles of his clean shoes.

"B-but what if I don't need him?" he managed to stammer out as soon as her hand made contact with the front doorknob.

She swirled on her heel eyes glowing with a spark of some kind of unfamiliar light. "What do you mean by that?" she barely managed to sound polite. Blaine took a step away from Finn's car, taking his other hand out of the warmth of his pocket. "I mean that maybe I don't need Kurt" nervously Blaine loosened his collar, ignoring the chill of the wind.

Okay this was totally selfish of him, but what the hell. It was too late to take back his words now, even if he wanted to.

"What if I needed someone else?" he asked her, slowly moving up the steps. Her eyes sparked with realization and she backed as far as she could from him. "Y-you don't mean that" she spat waving her hands in front of her face. Her eyes were wavering between a million emotions but Blaine refused to let her gaze escape his own.

"But I think I do" he shook his head. What the heck is wrong with me? This is wrong. What if she doesn't even like me? He thought.

Then all of this would have been for nothing.

Something in him told him that it was too late.

"I know this is wrong. But I can't ignore it anymore…."he was struggling with his words. How could he express himself without sounding stalkerish? He didn't want to frighten her….

"I like you Mercedes" Blaine said quietly, "A lot"

Mercedes face softened and she let out a heaving sigh. She shook her head toying with the zip of her hoodie.

"We wouldn't work Blaine" Mercedes stated matter of factly after a long pause. "I mean you're gay. And you're dating my best friend. I can't do this" she clenched her fists together. Something in him shattered into a million pieces. He couldn't tell if it was his heart or his sense of hope.

He swallowed the butterflies in his chest and stepped down from the porch. "But that doesn't mean that I won't do this" Mercedes whispered. That caused him to stop in his tracks.

He didn't dare turn around to face her, instead he stared out at the blackness of the road. He was afraid that if he looked at her he might burst into tears.

"I don't know how we'd work" her voice came from directly behind him causing him to shiver. She spun him around gripping his shoulders with her tiny chocolate colored hands.

"Just this once" Blaine whispered as he leaned over her.

An odd tightness clenched itself around his stomach like an iron fist as she leaned in and pressed her lips to his.

He could feel her warmth surrounding him, flowing through his body and melting his core. He couldn't help it when his arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer. She let out a tiny giggle as he licked at her lips, gaining passage to explore the rest of her mouth. Her hands worked in soft light circles at the smooth skin underneath his collar, sending goose bumps along the rest of his body.

A low moan escaped him as she fiddled with the short hairs standing upright on the very back of his neck. Mercedes broke the kiss off after a long moment and gazed into his eyes. "Who would have thought you were such a bad influence?" she laughed unable to resist pulling him down for another kiss.

Blaine smiled against her mouth, slowly running his hands through her hair and resting his fingers on the curve of her neck. "Who would have realized you were such a good one?" he asked not removing his mouth from hers. He hadn't even realized that the streetlights began to flicker on, and at that very moment it didn't matter.

AN: The end of this chapter!

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