Here is the last chapter. Read and review please. Tell me what you think.

Helen waddled her way around her desk and gratefully sat in her chair. She had two weeks left in her pregnancy and she was excited to see her baby. The only things that hindered her good moods were swelling ankles, rib shots from the baby, and that ignorant bastard, Terrance Wexford.

The said bastard was now sitting in front of her desk glaring at her as she blatantly ignored him. She had been woken up at four this morning to the door bell and had answered it, finding him on her door step, after being thrown out of the house he ran in New York, forcibly, by the second in command there. Helen had silently cheered on the woman and had even called her after she left Terrance in his guest room, to laugh with her and to congratulate her on tossing him out literally. "Helen, you need to get rid of Alia, she is insubordinate and stupid."Helen finally looked up from her work and glared at him, she was in fact, reading the reports from the incident. All parties had dutifully given their story on what had happened; the only one that didn't match was Terrance's. Helen stood and waddled over to the couch before motioning him to do the same.

"Really Terrance, your story is the only one that doesn't match, and quite frankly I've had more complaints filed about you than I have of any other Heads in the last century combined. You think you can do my job better than me; you have a seriously deluded idea of how a business is run. I think you need to look at the facts." Helen said watching as he failed to hide his frills. He stood and glared at Helen.

"I seriously doubt that Helen, you are in no condition to talk to me about how a business is run." He said eyeing her stomach with distaste. He looked startled for a moment when Helen rose from her position on the couch rather quickly throwing a glare that would have killed him, if she had been a hydra.

"Terrance, I know you are power hungry, you have this delusion that women can't be mothers and executives but really, I think your problem is you hate working under women. You despise women in control, especially me. I could care less what you think but you will sit and talk this out like a proper sentient being, or I will not hesitate to throw you out of here as well, as it is you are pushing for time in the SHU." She said more calmly than she thought possible. Terrance sat and once again, so did Helen. "Good, now you have been removed as Head and replaced already. You will comply or I will fire you and you will become a resident of the New York Sanctuary. Those are your options. I will not stand by and have you try and make me cower like a scared girl. I don't like threats and I deal with them accordingly. Am I clear?" Helen said. She watched as his face turned several shades of red before he frilled out again. She didn't flinch or wince. He was getting on her nerves. She rose and smirked, there were few things other people knew about her abnormality, most were told she only had longevity, combined with an impressive immune system. Will knew about her increased strength and speed, though it wasn't something she advertised, and he knew about her reflexes.

She saw the muscle movements in him as he lunged at her. She, unlike Terrance, had the advantage of surprise on the half lizard. She swiftly stepped to the left and calmly brought out her phone and pressed the speed dial for Will before setting it down on speaker and dodging another attack from Terrance. She heard Will pick up and smiled. "Will do you want to put Terrance in his place or can I?" she smiled as will said he'd be right there to watch the show. She knew Will would worry but she had a lot of pent up energy and Terrance had pissed off the wrong pregnant woman. "Terrance, I dislike your attitude and I dislike your actions right now." Terrance stopped moving as he looked at her sizing her up. She was a tall woman, she was athletic (even while pregnant), and he realized he knew nothing about her fighting skills. He inwardly smirked to himself. 'She's a pregnant woman; she'll get tired at some point, long before I do.' He mused and decided that he would tire her out before ridding the world of another woman out of her place. He began to initiate the punches and found that she was faster than he had thought, and she wasn't grunting with effort at all.

"Helen you will get tired and I will put you in your place. You are pregnant, and I'm sure you don't want anything to happen to your precious child now do you?" he taunted, backing away from the woman who had so far, only deflected his blows. He was surprised to see the look she had on her face and was beginning to become a touch apprehensive about her. He looked up as Will came to stand in the doorway, stunner in hand to aide if need be.

Glaring at him, she removed the wrap that she had donned against the fall chill and tossed it onto the couch. "Terrance, there are things about me no one knows but me, and your outlook on women is severely outdated. You think that I need protection, that I am beneath you because I'm a woman, and here is a wonderful lesson for you. It's called don't piss off pregnant women who have intimate knowledge of your physiology. Terrance scoffed and lowered his frills, he obviously didn't feel threatened.

"You are a pathetic woman Helen, you couldn't fight me if you wante…" his tirade was cut short as his face connected with the edge of her desk. He hadn't seen her coming at all and now he had a broken nose to show for it. He howled in pain and swiped blindly only to find that she was already on the other side of the room, sipping from the tea that her manservant had brought for lunch. It was then that Terrance noticed that they were being watched.

"You were saying Terrance, something about women and me being pathetic?" Helen said handing the now empty cup to Will as she turned and glared at Terrance. He lunged at her again trying to get a shot in at her precious stomach. He couldn't believe that she was moving so fast. He let up briefly to change tactics and quickly found himself on the floor, the wind knocked out of him. "Have you ever pissed off a pregnant woman before me Terrance, I assure you I am not normal, I may look normal, but I am far from it." She growled and squatted, grabbing him by the collar and pulling him to his feet roughly. He struggled against her before she aimed a well placed jab to his neck causing him to choke. He fell to his knees and suddenly felt very afraid. Helens eyes had changed; they were no longer completely blue. They showed black swirling through them. She had a look of pure hatred on her face.

Terrance stood and rubbed his neck where she had hit him. He knew he was beat and so he backed down, much to Helen's dismay. Helen had been enjoying throttling him. "Consider your choice made, Will put him in the SHU and leave him there." Helen said looking at Terrance with disgust.

Two days later Helen watched the security footage from her office with the other heads. She had shipped Terrance to the Egyptian Sanctuary in order to get him out of her hair and because Pili had requested her chance to deal with Terrance, Helen found herself unable to deny her good friend. When the footage finished Declan and many of the other heads looked at Helen in awe.

"Magnus, next time don't scare us like that, that tosser could have killed you, and did you see how close he came to hitting your stomach?"Declan said rubbing a hand over his face. It was true Terrance had come close and she had a bruise on her arm and left leg to show for it, but she was fine and so was her baby. Helen smiled at Declan and looked at the other heads, finally shaking her head.

"Declan, I am perfectly fine and so is the baby. I would have been hurt worse if I'd slipped in the tub or the shower." She laughed resting a hand on her lower back and rubbing at a sore spot. The action did not go unnoticed by Ravi of the Mumbai Sanctuary.

"Dr. Magnus, are you okay?" Ravi said a look of slight panic on his face. Helen couldn't help but laugh at the young man.

"Ravi, I am fine just a few aches that are common at this stage of the pregnancy. Believe me, I will inform you when it is time." Helen assured the other heads as they nodded and started to cut the link.

After all the lines had dropped, Helen was disappointed to find that for once, she was completely caught up. She had nothing to do but wander around. She decided that another pass through the nursery was needed and so se hefted herself up with a little more difficulty than the last few days. The baby had dropped during the night, making movement and comfort a lot more difficult to achieve.

When she arrived at the nursery she looked around and was pleased that everything was in place as she had left it the week before. The stuffed animals and things that had been sent for the baby shower that had been sprung on her last week were now set up around the room. All that was needed now was little Gregory or Amanda to come into the world. Helen gasped as a foot connected with her ribs and smiled; placing a hand over the spot she felt the press of a little foot against her hand.

She was taking a bath when she heard the bedroom door open that night. She smiled as she heard Will coming towards the bathroom. He appeared in the doorway grimy from his recent mission. He smiled when he saw Helen lounging in the bathtub, her bodies mostly hidden by the mass of bubbles that 0made the whole bedroom smell like lavender and chamomile. "Hey are you enjoying a bath?" Helen nodded rubbing her stomach. She liked the feeling of a bath at the present time, it relieved the pressure for a while and then she would sleep better. "Good, I'm going to take a shower and hopefully sleep hard for the night, that cat thing was not docile, just so you know." He looked at her as he stripped and started the shower.

"I said not to provoke it." Helen smirked as Will scrubbed the grime away and washed his hair. Helen waited in her bath for him to step out so he could help her up and out of the tub. She had tried and failed not two minutes before Will had walked in to get out of the tub. "When you're finished, would you mind helping me up, I think this may be my last bath until the baby arrives." She said sitting up straighter as he stepped out and smirked at her. It was the same smirk he had given her when she had admitted she couldn't reach her feet anymore that morning. "Don't smirk please, I just need help standing." She whined in a very un-Magnus like way. Will nodded and toweled off before grabbing Helen's black oversized towel and padded across the bathroom to the garden tub. He set the towel down and went to the end of the tub behind her and put his arms under hers and lifted her up until she got her feet under her.

He was captivated as he watched the bubbles run down her form. He grabbed the towel and began drying her off after he had unplugged the tub. Helen smiled as he dried her off and lifted her arms as he wrapped the towel around her, holding her elbow and hand as she stepped out of the tub. He smirked again and before Helen could protest she was being carried into the bedroom and laid on the bed. Will went to her dresser and pulled out underwear and a nightgown. She let him dress her and tuck her in before he donned his nightwear and climbed in beside her. She rolled onto her side and curled into his arms smiling as his hand came to rest where the baby was. They fell asleep in that position, neither saying anything because they didn't need to.

The next few days Helen spent marveling at how much she had to rely on Will. She didn't have the flexibility to get her feet to where she could put on stockings, or latch her shoes anymore since the baby had dropped. She marveled at how much she was waddling. She hadn't gotten as big with Ashley and she had been told that this baby would more than likely top nine pounds, where as Ashley had only been six and a half pounds.

The morning before her birthday she was on edge. Braxton- Hicks contractions had caused a false alarm the day before and her back was achy. She paid no mind and went about her day. That evening she was eating in the dining room with everyone else and laughing paying no mind to the ache that had been present for the better part of the day.

It wasn't until she stood to take her plate to the sink that she felt the wetness running down her legs and pooling at her bare feet. "Oh dear." She said looking down. The others looked astounded as she calmly placed her plate in the sink and walked back with a towel to clean up the mess on the floor. A few minutes later she grimaced against the pain. Will was at her side in an instant rubbing her lower back.

"Helen, what do you need me to do?" Will asked as she used his hand for leverage to stand.

"I need to change, the other heads need to be informed, and we need to set up the pool and then I need to be checked. Timing the contractions is crucial now and I do not want to hear your voice. It's irritating right now." Will just nodded. He had heard about women who couldn't stand the sound of their lovers' voice during labor and he wasn't going to contradict Helen Magnus while she was in labor, even if her water had just broken ten minutes ago, he wasn't suicidal.

Ten hours later Helen was laying on her side in the infirmary bed moaning and watching her manservant and Will fill the pool with luke warm water. She was at seven centimeters dilation and she was currently in her swimming top with a sheet over her lower half. She could care less about the state of dress as she was helped from the bed to the pool. She couldn't step over the barrier but she was lifted and placed gently in the water. The water was good, soothing, just like the hand that had been rubbing circles down her spine and around her lower back through the blinding pain for the last ten hours.

She had spent the last hours in a haze. She demanded quiet, except for the Moonlight Sonata the piano version, which she had Will put on repeat. She liked down, that was important and water was too. Rubbing down her spine was good, up bad, down good. Music good, Will's voice, bad. She felt the need to push and grabbed for a hand. She leaned forward and breathed, bearing down she wasn't supposed to push yet. When the contraction passed she relaxed and decided she didn't want to be in the water anymore. Will nodded and helped her walk some more.

After another hour, she was finally able to actually push. She was now in the water, that had been replaced, and Will had donned his swimming trunks to get in behind her. He was her support as Biggy just waited. His job would be to check the infant and clean it after it was born. Helen bore down with eyes closed breathed through it all.

Another hour saw her still pushing and at that point she had demanded Will to start talking. He did. Will told her when he could see her crowning and with a grunt and cry of effort she reached down and felt the head of her baby. She rested, knowing that the baby and her body would wait while she caught her breath. Once ready she bore down and pushed with all her might and she passed the shoulders. On the last push she cried out and watched the baby slide from her body into her waiting hands. She lifted the little girl out of the water and set her against her chest, rubbing her back before lifting her to gently blow into the little face. There was a sharp intake of breath and the baby started to cry. "Hello Amanda, welcome to the world." Helen said cuddling the baby to her chest and looking up at Will and kissing him soundly, letting the tears fall down her face leaning back so Will could cut the cord.

They sat in the pool for a bit, Helen had nursed the baby, which had allowed the placenta to pass easier and then her manservant had whisked not so little Amanda away to be weighed and measured and dressed. Will helped Helen out of the water and cleaned her up and changed her putting the exhausted woman in the infirmary bed before returning the pink bundle, to her mother's arms.

Helen watched the baby for awhile in her arms and finally succumbed to the need for rest smiling as Will took his daughter and placed her in the bassinet. Before she was fully asleep she felt a kiss to her forehead. "Happy birthday Helen, you only spent thirteen hours in labor, you share a birthday with our daughter." She smiled and opened her eyes.

"I know, she the best birthday gift ever, and I don't have to be in pain the whole day either." She joked before turning on her side and letting sleep claim her. This was the way life was supposed to be.

Will climbed on the bed behind Helen and just watched as his girls slept. He felt so happy, and no longer minded the fact that he never wanted to hear the Moonlight Sonata again, all was right with the world and he fell asleep knowing that the woman he loved and the child he had with her were going to be the most important things in his life. He slept well in the knowledge that when he awoke again, He could hold his daughter and kiss her and spoil her without the hindrance of Helen's skin.

So tell me what you all think about the ending.