Disclaimer: I do not own the characters
Author's Note: Hello there. A lovely thank you to my wonderful beta dani_elizabethx on LJ. Hopefully this wasn't too delayed. Enjoy!

The first week back from winter break wasn't as scary as Blaine thought it might be. Burt had visited Blaine and Puck on New Year's Eve, walking in on them making out. It wasn't exactly how they wanted Burt to find out them, but Burt hadn't seemed too upset. It seemed like he maybe even approved of them being together, though he never said it. Blaine still hadn't spoken to Kurt or Finn.

They threw another small party on New Year's Eve, where it was decided that for every holiday Puck, Blaine, and Quinn must through some type of party.

Although the kids in glee had been softer towards Blaine since he told them about the baby, the rest of the school seemed oblivious to him and his growing stomach, which is how he hoped it stayed. Kurt refused to look or speak to Blaine, which shocked everyone in glee. The week's assignment was to find songs that expressed how you felt or what you wanted to accomplish in the new year. Blaine's mind wasn't focusing on a lot of their performances, but he tuned in to Mike's and Quinn's, even crying when Sam sang.

That Thursday, after being back to school for a few days, Kurt got a slip in his fourth period class that ordered him to go to Ms. Pillsbury's office. He knew she was going to try to get him to talk about the Blaine situation, but he resolved that if he kept quiet and nodded his head in the right spots she'd let him go with a pamphlet or two. He was imaging what the pamphlets titles might be when he stopped in the hallway. He could see Blaine sitting in one of the chairs through the office windows. He stood there frozen for a second. He wasn't ready for a lot of conversations, but he would rather rip his eyes out than have any conversation with Blaine. He back up slowly before turning and running to the closest bathroom, where he hid until he heard the lunch bell.

Blaine sat in Ms. Pillsbury's office in silence, trying to avoid her eyes from where she was staring at him on the other side of her desk. He had arrived seven minutes ago, and besides a polite greeting and being told they were expecting one more, nothing more had been said. He let the silence stretch three minutes longer before speaking up.

"I know we're waiting for someone, but can I ask what this is about?" Blaine questions, finally breaking the silence. It wasn't that he hated missing class (lord knows he wasn't paying attention anyways), but the silence was beginning to make him itch.

"Well, Mr. Schue told me about your situation," she started, nodding to Blaine's stomach. He wrapped his arms instinctively around his bump. "And told me that Kurt has been…distant. I was hoping to maybe start a dialogue between you two." She looks up at the clock. "He must have gotten lost." She tries with a sad smile. Blaine hated sad smiles, especially when they were directed towards him.

"Or he's not coming." Blaine supplied.

"No, no of course he is." She said, shaking he head and straightening a few pencils on her desk. "While we wait for him, let's talk about you." She smiled, this time wider and much more sincere. "How are you?"

"I'm…good, I guess." Blaine answered.

"How's your home life?"

"Good. We've been talking about making some changes around the apartment to make things easier for Artie." He told her, trying to pick the least awkward topic possible.

"I didn't know you and Artie were so close."

"We kind of are. I mean, we don't talk a whole lot, but he's always around to be with Quinn so I hang out with him a lot."

"Quinn?" Emma questioned. Blaine nodded. "Blaine, who do you live with?"

"Quinn, Noah, and I share an apartment." Blaine said calmly.

"And your parents let you do this?"

"Sort of," Blaine started. He swallowed the lump forming in his throat and looked at the bookcase behind her. "After kicking me out I think they'll let me do just about anything, except come home." Emma blinked at him a few times.

"Did they kick you out because…" She started but stopped as soon as Blaine nodded his head. "But now you have a new home, with your friends?" She tried to clarify. He nodded again. "And that's going well?"

"Really well, actually." He told her, his voice shaking. He closed his eyes for a second, forcing himself not to cry. Despite his efforts a tear rolled down his cheek. Emma slid the box of tissue on her desk towards him. He opened his eyes briefly, plucking a few tissues from the box before shutting his eyes again.

"I'm happy to hear that," she said as he pulled her desk open, looking down at the pamphlet's she had put aside for the meeting. One was about being pregnant and the other was about what to expect if your girlfriends pregnant. She looked up at the clock one more time before letting herself acknowledge that Kurt wasn't coming. She grabbed the first one and closed her desk. "Now, you should get some pregnancy books, but this should be a good start." She explained as she held the pamphlet out to him. He sniffled slightly before sighing and opening his eyes.

"I already have a few books, but thank you," He tried to smile as he took the pamphlet.

The lunch bell rang out and Blaine stood to leave, thanking her one more time.

"Blaine," she said as he got to the door. He turned around to look at her. "Congratulations."

Blaine stopped by the bathroom to splash some water on his face before heading to the choir room for lunch. Quinn had already set aside his and Puck's lunches on the top riser and was doing her homework with Artie. Puck came in a few minutes later, heading straight towards Blaine. They greeted each other quickly before Puck sat down.

"So, Burt just called me. Told me he wants to see us in his office after school." Puck told Blaine as he opened his own lunch.

"That doesn't sound good." Blaine said, slightly deflated. He took another bite of his sandwich before deciding he wasn't hungry and putting the rest of his lunch back into his brown paper bag.

"It can't be that bad. I mean, we haven't done anything." Puck reasoned. Blaine nodded before letting his head fall onto Puck's shoulder. "You okay?" Puck asked as he continued with his own sandwich.

"I got called into Ms. Pillsbury's office. Kurt was supposed to come but he never showed up." Blaine explained, feeling his throat get tight. They hadn't talked much about it, but Puck wasn't stupid. He knew Blaine missed Kurt, and the fact that Kurt had completely deserted Blaine was killing him slowly.

Blaine scooted closer to Puck, putting his forehead on Puck's shoulder. Puck put his hand on Blaine's knee, giving it him a reassuring squeeze. Blaine moved to push his face into Puck's shoulder and Puck let him cry into his shirt until lunch as over.

After school Blaine and Puck found themselves sitting in Burt's office.

"Do either of you know why you're here?" Burt asked. The both shook their head. "I think it's time we really start talking about your guy's futures. Puckerman, what are you planning on doing after you graduate this year?"

"I'm not really sure," Puck started, scratching the back of his neck nervously. "I thought that I'd still work here, if you'll let me. Maybe take some mechanic courses and some classes at the community college."

"Are you thinking this way because of Blaine?" Burt asked. Puck didn't answer. "Puckerman, you're a smart kid, and you shouldn't hold yourself back because you feel like you have some kind of obligation to Blaine."

"Yeah," Blaine agreed. "I mean, before I came into the picture what did you want to do?"

"I never really thought about it. I kind of just assumed something would happen and I'd end up in jail for the rest of my life." Puck admitted. Both Burt and Blaine wished he was joking, though they knew he was being completely honest.

"We'll that's not going to happen on my watch, you hear me? Starting today I want you to think about what you really want to do with your future, okay?" Burt told him. Puck nodded and looked down at his lap. "What about you, Blaine? What are your future plans?"

"Well, my dad always wanted me to be a lawyer, and I kind of just blindly followed him," Blaine started, his eyebrows furrowing as he started to think, "but now…I don't know. I've kind of thought about it. I think…maybe I'd like to teach…maybe. I'm not sure. I still have some time to think about it, though, right?"

"Of course, as long as you are thinking about it. And don't let your baby stop you from doing whatever it is you want to do, okay?" Burt nodded at him. Blaine was quick to agree. "Now, the other reason I wanted you guys to come here is to tell you that I took the liberty of calling Blaine's parents and arranging a dinner at their house on Saturday night."

"What?" Blaine almost screamed in surprise.

"I think it was time I met your parents," Burt reasoned. "I figure I could talk to them and try to knock some sense into them, and I also figured that since you two are so close, that maybe Puckerman would like to come."

"Yeah," Puck agreed, turning to Blaine. "I mean, if you want me to."

"Of course I do." Blaine said softly. "And Quinn." Blaine added, looking back at Burt. "I want her to come to."

"Alright, Quinn too," Burt allowed. "I'm going to try to get Kurt to come but…we'll see."

Blaine nodded slowly. Puck wanted to say that maybe that wasn't the best idea, but he knew it wasn't his place. Kurt was the father, after all, even if no one wanted him to be. As they were about to walk out of Burt's office Blaine stopped and turned to Burt.

"I have a sonogram next week, on Tuesday. They said I could find out the sex this time. Do you want to come?" Blaine asked with a soft smile. Burt smiled back.

"Of course."

When Puck closed the office door behind them he put caught Blaine's arm to stop him.

"Hey," Puck started, and then stopped for a second, not sure how to continue. Blaine turned around completely, looking up at him with wide eyes. "I…could I come to the sonogram?" Puck asked, scratching the back of his neck. Blaine blinked up at him a few times.

"You would really want to do that?" Blaine asked, surprised. Puck nodded. "Of course you can come." Blaine smiled before leaning forward and giving Puck a quick kiss. Blaine let his hand run down Puck's Mohawk until he was holding the back of Puck's neck. Puck put his arms around Blaine's waste as he was starting to pull away, dragging him in for another kiss. Blaine let his hand slide down to Puck's chest, burying his head in Puck's neck. "Thank you."

The next day when the lunch bell rang Puck searched the school for Kurt. He saw Kurt ducking into the bathroom and was quick to follow him.

"We need to talk, Hummel." Puck said, using his tough voice. Kurt, who hadn't noticed Puck come in, jumped from where he was leaning over the sink. He signed before turning to Puck.

"What do you want, Puckerman?" Kurt sneered.

"You need to stop being a dick to Blaine."

"Why? Because he's your boyfriend now?" Kurt snapped. Puck froze. "Yeah, I know. I saw you two kissing in my dad's garage yesterday. If you're trying to hide your sexuality, you're doing a terrible job." Suddenly Puck was furious. He clenched his jaw and took a step closer to Kurt. "What are you going to do, hit me? Go ahead, hit me." And Puck did want to hit him. A lot. In the face and stomach area. But he knew that wouldn't help anyone, maybe it would drive Kurt away even more.

"I'm not…I'm not going to hit you. But I am going to yell at you," Puck started. Kurt rolled his eyes and crossed his arms as he leaned back against the sink. "I don't know what your problem with Blaine is, but he needs you more than ever right now. I know you didn't ask to be the father of this baby, but you are. And guess what? He's keeping it. So you need to get your head out of your ass and start pitching in. I never got to be a father to Beth, and that something that hurts me every single day. This baby is a blessing, and the sooner you realize that the better." When Puck finished his rant he left to go find Blaine in the choir room.

When the door swung closed Kurt slid the floor.

Puck got home after work around eight to find everyone on the patio. He set the food he had brought home down in the small kitchen before seeing what was going on. When he opened the sliding glass door he saw Artie with a towel around his neck, Quinn standing behind him cutting his hair. Blaine was sitting on the ground with a guitar in his lap.

"What's going on here?" Puck greeted as he took a seat next to Blaine, taking the guitar from him.

"It's haircut day," Blaine smiled. "I'm next."

"Really? I was thinking of shaving my head." Puck admitted as he started to strum a new song.

"Don't," Blaine protested. "I like it." He said as he let his hand ran down the back of Puck's head. "Maybe trim it though. We do have a big dinner tomorrow after all." Blaine tried to joke but it fell flat. Puck stopped playing.

"Are you scared?" Puck asked as he leaned his head onto Blaine.


"Don't be. I'll be there, and Quinn will be there," Puck tried to assure him. Blaine just nodded. Puck kissed his temple before pulling him closer.

The dinner was more tense than expected. Kurt had actually shown up, which shocked Blaine but made Puck feel somewhat proud. The only person who didn't notice the tension was Belinda, who was just happy to see Blaine, Quinn, and Puck again. Belinda was the only person who really talked during dinner. Blaine and Quinn would ask her a question everyone now and again to keep her going. When the dinner was finally over Burt dismissed the kids to go upstairs so he could talk to Blaine's parents. While Quinn was immediately pulled into Belinda's room with promises of tiaras, Blaine opted to take Puck to his old room and Kurt dismissed himself to the bathroom.

Blaine flopped down on his old bed with a sigh. Puck stood awkwardly near the door, taking in the room.

"There's nothing wrong with our bed," Blaine started, turning on the bed to look at Puck, "but sometimes I miss this bed." Blaine smiled. Puck nodded. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Puck answered quickly. Before Blaine could call him out Kurt appeared in the doorway.

"Hey," Kurt greeted. Blaine sat up slowly, his eye's catching Kurt's. "Puck, can I talk to Blaine alone for a second?" Puck looked at Blaine to see if he should go. Blaine gave him a slight nod and Puck excused himself from the room. He went to Belinda's room where he was quickly invited to invisible tea and lemon bars.

Kurt walked into the room slowly, stopping halfway between the bed and the door.

"Thank you…for coming." Blaine started after a minute. Kurt nodded.

"It's weird being here when your parents are here," Kurt joked. Blaine smiled, and another few minutes of silence passed. Blaine was looking down at his lap when Kurt spoke next. "I'm sorry."

"No you're not," Blaine argued. "Not for everything."

"This isn't easy for me either you know," Kurt said, taking a step forward. "I had planned my future out, and 'have a baby in high school' was definitely not on the list. I mean, I didn't even know you were pregnant." Kurt started pacing. "I didn't know, and I thought maybe if I made you feel bad enough you would go back to Dalton, where you belong. But you stayed, and you made friends, so I tried pushed it more. Then suddenly you're pregnant," Kurt stopped in his tracks, "You're pregnant and everyone knows but me. You're pregnant and I need to get out of Ohio."

"You still can."

"Can I? Can I go to New York while I have a child here?" Kurt almost screamed as he finally took a seat next to Blaine.

"Remember when we used to talk about marriage and kids?" Blaine asked. Kurt nodded. "What would we always say?"

"It's going to be hard but we can do it." Kurt said like it was his mantra.

"And we still can," Blaine said enthusiastically. "I'm not saying it won't be hard, but as long as you come back during holidays and at summer you could still go to New York. I mean, if you don't want anything to do with this baby, that's your choice, but I don't think that's what you want."

"I don't know what I want anymore," Kurt sighed, leaning his head on Blaine's shoulder.

"You better figure it out before this baby comes." Blaine said before leaning his head onto Kurt's.

"Does that mean you forgive me?"

"Not yet. But I'll work on it."

"Thank you," Kurt whispered. "So, what's pregnancy like?"

After tea, Belinda had Quinn help her pick out pajamas for the night and had Puck read her a bedtime story. After Puck finished the story they both notice Belinda had finally fallen asleep and they excused themselves into the hallway. Puck started to make his way to Blaine's room but Quinn's hand on his arm stopped him. When he turned around to look at her she was looking at her feet, hands fidgeting from where they were clasped in front of her.

"Do you think we could have done it?" Quinn asked. She looked up. "If I decided I wanted to keep her, do you think we could have done it?"

"I don't know." Puck answered honestly. "I try not to think about it."

"I think we could have." Quinn breathed out. Puck sighed before wrapping her up in a tight hug. She was quick to return it. "We made the right decision," she repeated a few times in a whisper, assuring herself more than him. When they finally made their way to Blaine's room they found Kurt and Blaine lying on the bed talking. They didn't hesitate before jumping on the bed with them.

Tuesday afternoon Puck and Blaine were excused from glee and went on their way to the doctors.

"Have you ever been to a sonogram?" Blaine asked when they were a few blocks away.

"No. Quinn never let me go." Puck admitted. Blaine nodded silently.

"Burt said my parents are going to help out with money when I can't work anymore."

"When do you think that'll be?" Puck asked.

"I'm not sure. Soon maybe. I'll ask the doctor."

When they got there, Burt was already in the waiting room, having already checked them in and paid. Soon they all piled into the doctor's office, and when the doctor brought up the image of the baby there wasn't a dry eye in the room.

"Would you like to know the sex of the baby?" The doctor finally asked. Blaine said no while Burt said yes. Blaine agreed that Burt could know as long as he promised not to tell Blaine. The doctor took Burt in the hallway to tell him the news, and when he walked back into the room, the smile that had been on his face had somehow gotten bigger. The doctor told Blaine that he should probably take it easy as much as he can, and that he'd probably have to cut back at work in a month or two, depending on how he felt.

Burt ended up taking them out to eat, paying for that as well even though Blaine protested. When Blaine and Puck finally got back to their apartment, Blaine fell onto the bed with a huff while Puck took off Blaine's shoes and started rubbing his feet.

"Can I ask you something?" Puck questioned after a minute.

"Of course."

"Why don't you want to know if the baby is going to be a boy or a girl?" Puck asked, switching from left foot to the right.

"Because it doesn't matter," Blaine shrugged. "Boy or girl, I'll love it." Puck stopped for a second, considering what Blaine had said. He then crawled up the bed and hovered over Blaine for a second, searching Blaine's eyes. He finally ducked down and captured Blaine's lips in his. When he finally pulled away he kept his eyes closed.

"I love you."

Author's Note: Oops. Silly Puck. Anyways, the next chapter is going to be Valentines day, so get ready for a shit load of love songs.