WARNING: You know the drill. Yaoi and lemony goodness. Don't like don't read.

Everyone else enjoy.

"A Zero of My Very Own"

Today had been one of my more stressful ones. It all started when I woke up for class and found that my uniform had a giant stain across the back from what looked like a spilled glass of tea. So, I had to walk all the way to the laundry room at 12:00 at night. Then at cross over Zero was glaring at me, again. Sometimes I wonder what he's thinking behind that trade mark scowl of his. However, Yuki's smile helped a bit, but it seemed like my classes got about three hours longer.

Now that I'm walking back to the Moon Doorms to go back to sleep, I can't help but think that God felt like torturing me today.

Just as I passed Kiryu, who was still glaring at me, I heard something odd. "See you later Kaname," it was nothing but a whisper, but I knew what I heard. I quickly spun around only to see that the gates had already closed behind us. "Hmm, must have been Yuki," I mumbled to myself as we all walked into the building.

I didn't even want to sit in the lounge with the others. I just wanted my nise, soft bed, so as soon as I walked through the big entry doors I shuffled past everyone else and went up the stairs and down the hall until I reached my room.

"Kaname-sama, are you ok?" I'd know that light hearted voice anywhere so, when I turned around I wasn't surprised to see Ichijo standing before me with a worried look on his face.

I felt kind of bad, knowing I had caused that look so, I put on a fake smile and said smoothly "I'm fine Ichijo, just a little tired. I think I'm going to bed now." He simply nodded, gave a slight bow, and went back down stairs with the others.

I walked into my room and cut the lights on. Suddenly I felt a presence behind me, but before I could turn around something hit me over the back of my head. I fell to the floor and then everything slowly went black.

to be continued

This is a new idea I had.

Hope you like it and as usual if you want more just say so.

Thank You!