Hi guys, well it took a while but I finally made it, the final chapter of Aerrow in Wonderland. I just want to say thanks to everyone who has read this fic and reviewed it it's been a joy reading your reviews ^^ Anyway I hope you enjoy my final chapter!

disclaimer: I don't own Storm Hawks


Aerrow froze with terror, what on Atmos was he going to do now! He was a hell of a fighter but there was no way he could take on this entire army and the manic master herself. He began to stumble back, tripping over his dress as his mind told he to make a run for it.

"Please my queen couldn't we give the young boy a trial? Just a short one, hm?" The king asked Cyclonis with a wimpering voice, thankfully she seemed entertained by the idea of giving him a trial and agreed.

The next thing he knew Aerrow was standing on a stand before the queen waiting to be questioned, for atmos knows what. He spotted Radar standing upon another stand blowing his trumpet and announcing everyone

"Your majesty! members of the jury! loyal subjects!...and the king." He then began reading out the sky knight's crimes against Cyclonis, every word that Radar spoke made Aerrow feel heavily betrayed by his co pilot and his friend. Why was Radar treating him like this? Like nothing more than a criminal? After everything Aerrow had done for him, after everything they had been through.

"The lady-boy at the stand is accused with enticing the queen of crystals, Master Cyclonis, to a game of keep away. There by treating her majesty disrespectfully, teasing, tormenting and attacking Cyclonis-

Cyclonis herself interupted him "Enough with all of this! Lets just get on with it!"

Radar cowered a little and answered "Yes your majesty."

"So my little girly boy, are you ready for your sentence?" Cyclonis asked him in a friendly sarcastic tone, she was really loving this. Aerrow had to fight back, not just for himself but for his friends, he didn't know how but he had to get them back. He would take down all of Cyclonia if he had to.

"Hey wait a minute! There has to be a verdict first!"

"Quiet! We have the sentence first, and the verdict after!"

"Hold on that isn't the way!" The two of them argued at each other, losing their tempers. Cyclonis obviously had the upper hand here, but Aerrow couldn't help himself, he'd had enough and was completely sick of this whole situation. He wanted nothing more than to get off this terra with the other Storm Hawks. He would do anything, he would even shake hands with the Dark Ace if it meant leaving this hell hole.

Unfortunately, Aerrow had to destroy the rash hot headed ideas flying around in his mind. He needed to focus and be smart with his words.
If he played his cards right he could keep on her good side...well get back on her good side anyway. Which is why he began agreeing with her, that all ways were of course her ways.

It seemed to work, she had that satisfied grin on her face at least. That is until she declared that his sentence was still a beheading. The king interviened again asking her if they could have a few witnesses. The young boy had no clue why the man with the scar was defending him, but one thing was for sure he had to thank him later.

"Very well, a few witnesses BUT HURRY UP!" The king called for the first witness, Aerrow had no clue who might be called up for this, he prayed that at least one would be in his favour though.

Radar called upon the first witness "The march hare!" Aerrow turned to find his first witness strolling smugly along the hall with two gaurds behind her, leading her to the stand. Aerrow couldn't believe it...it was Ravess. Oh terrific he had Cyclonians for witnesses! She wasn't even at the 'crime scene! What possible evidence could she provide to this case!

She sat there with a confident posture unbelivably sipping a cup of tea, stirring it with her finger. She was giving Aerrow the impression that she was just here for the fun of it.

The king asked her what she knew about the apparant crimes the red head commited.

"Nothing at all." The woman in the crazy bunny costume answered. She really didn't care what so ever about the situation she had been thrown in, she just looked like she wanted to get on with her own thing. Probably missing her violin, at least she had her tea.

The queen was the one to speak next "You know nothing what so ever about this?"

"Nothing what so ever!" The violinist replied with a loud mouth.

"Well that's very important isn't it. Jury you better be making notes of this!" Aerrow was speechless, was she serious? Surely the master of Cyclonia didn't actually find her statement a valid comment to make note of.

"I'm sure you mean that it's not important didn't you your majesty?"

"SILENCE!" Cyclonis screamed at Aerrow, this was not looking good.

The next witness was called, Aerrow prayed to everyone up there that the next witness would be actually some what helpful. The witness was titled as 'the door mouse'. Firstly the sky knight was confused as to who he was, and he couldn't tell as the witness was being carried in under a large metal dome and sitting on top of a giant plate, who ever it was the talons were having a difficult time carrying him in.

The dome-lid was lifted, revealing none other than a snoozing snoring Snipe who was slumped on the plate, his arms hanging over the side.
He showed no resemblance to a mouse at all, apart from the mouse ears he was wearing, which Aerrow actually spotted earlier at the tea party.

Cyclonis went to yell for a statement as always, but was hushed by the talons who had been carrying him. Aerrow expected them to recieve the death penalty, but she surprisingly respected Snipe's wishes not to be disturbed and whispered "What do you have to say about this?"

Snipe replied in a petite but gruff voice "Twinkle twinkle little bat...how I wonder what you're at...up above the world you fly...like a tea tray in the-" he yawned "...in the sky..."

Cyclonis and her talons seemed bewildered by this odd advice the sergeant door mouse had given them. Of course it was completely useless, and of course Cyclonis would class it as something to use against him, by simply whispering that it was probably the most important piece of information she had heard so far, then ordered the jury to write it all down.

The final witness was called to the stand, as his name was announced all hope had pretty much sank down to Aerrow's feet, and drained out of them to the floor. He swallowed his sorrow as the Dark Hatter strolled down the aisle with a hot steaming cup of tea. His confidence contined to escape him as the Dark Hatter made his way to the stand, although instead of using the steps, he kicked the talons leading him down and used them as a staircase. Aiming his feet at the heads mainly, and ensuring that he caused them a lot of pain.

The king asked him where he was during this tragic event against the queen. He replied in his regular intimidating voice. "I was at home,
drinking tea. If you have a problem with that I will happily force my silverware down your throat!" That gleefull smile he wore, when he talked about those insanly violent acts sent shivers down Aerrow's spine, he kept thanking himself for fleeing the tea party when he had the chance. "Today's my unbithday you know." There was a merry ring in his voice when he told them this.

The king joined in with this merriment by announcing that it was the queen's unbirthday too. Suddenly everyone in the whole room was getting excited over the queen's special day. And unfortunately everyone started singing a ridiculous jingle for her unbirthday. What even was the point of an unbirthday? Aerrow found it all a lot of nonsense, so he simply covered his eyes with his hands and waited for the ludicrous moment to pass by.

It had felt like an eternity fir Aerrow and yet she was still savouring her unbirthday moment of joy. At first Aerrow was exstatic that he was getting more time to evade his sentence, but now it was just getting...well samey and Aerrow wanted things to move forward. All the while he was thinking of his friends and that these moronic mad-men were holding him back.

"OK I think that's enough celebrating! Let's just continue with the trial shall we?" He was yelling up at her but got no response what so ever.
Now his temper was rising, he started to lose his cool and foolishly begin to yell offensive things "Oh come on! This is just pathetic, I'm sick of standing here waiting for you and your pompous talons to stop singing this lame song! How can you even call yourself a queen or a leader! You're a mean, selfish,
annoying, bullying-" As he kept shouting at her, he began to realise that the crowd had stopped and were now listening to his every word. Including Cyclonis herself, this was not good. Just as he shut himself up he gazed around the room, and took in all the hurtful stares they were all now piercing him with. He only managed a quick glance at Dark Hatter as he threw his now empty cup straight at Aerrow's forhead, leaving a small gash.

Cyclonis chuckled evily at what the sky knight had gotten himself into. No need for anything else to say, her voice cracked as she screeched her famous four words "OFF WITH HIS HEAD!"

That was it, the final blow. No more life lines, Aerrow left all sanity behind and turned completley to his instincts. His instincts ordered him to leap over the stand and run for the exit. Although as soon as he made a move the whole entire army lurched forward and started running after him. He only just made it out in the open.

Now everyone was chasing him, absolutely everyone, except his team. The craziness of this terra was catching up with him as he began retracing his steps faster than he should have.

The sky knight started weaving through trees with the queen and her army hot on his tail. But as he did, he spotted Finn and Junko up ahead playing some game. As soon as he caught up with them they proceeded to join in with the chase, and unfortunately looked just as sinister as the enemies.
Like they wanted nothing more than to tackle him to the floor.

Very soon after, he was running through the swamps, his dress dragging him back as it got caught in the mud and twigs. He was almost out of that particular area when Stork sat before him on that branch of his, smiling a massive grin. Aerrow looked at him for help and guidance. But all he had to say was "You're doomed..." and faded away.

He began passing through fields, Aerrow had only just managed to pull off his burden filled shoes without being caught, and thank atmos he did as it gave himself a bit of an advantage. He was now moving a little faster. His heart sank as his emerald eyes caught sight of his dear Piper, now with beautiful sparkling wings, but she merely looked down on him and called out to him asking who he was. It crushed Aerrow inside to know that she of all his team mates wasn't jumping to help him. She was too wrapped up in her crystals to concentrate on him. He wanted very much to stop by her and run away to the condor with her, but there was no time and he admitted to himself bitterly that she probably wouldn't join him.

He never passed Radar again during his run. The young boy was beginning to tire from this mad chase, he looked down at his now manky socks which were wearing thinner with every step.

Another thing caught his eye though, the ground looked like it was moving, like it was travelling somewhere. Aerrow feared that he was going to collapse, he rushed his head up and looked straight ahead, but it was the same thing. The space around him was moving, infact it was whirling now. Whirling around him like a crazy portal way, was this the end for the sky knight? Was he going to faint and find himself chained to a wall in the dungeon of Cyclonia waiting to be beheaded? Maybe he wouldn't even wake up.

He tried to look forward, and as he did he spotted something up ahead...a door! Oh great it was Harrier's door. Never the less he reached for the handle and pulled on it trying to force it open. He looked back and saw that the fierce crowd was closing in on him. Harrier's face winced in pain as Aerrow tried to open the door.

"Oh my goodness! There's no need for that, I'm still locked after all."

Aerrow breathed heavily, he was exhausted "But Harrier the queen! I have to get out of here please help me!" Now his legs had given away, he was now kneeling on the floor, his chest heaving.

Harrier actually giggled a little then said to Aerrow "But don't you see dear boy? You're already outside!" The Rex Gaurdian signalled for Aerrow to look through the key hole by enlarging it. Aerrow blinked and peered through the door and saw none other than himself, in a deep sleep on his bed.

"I don't believe it after all this time...I've been asleep!" Suddenly he heard the queen yell something sinister, which recreated the panic within him. He may be asleep but that didn't mean he wasn't in danger. It could be that Cyclonis had found a way to capture him through his dreams, or maybe the Master had created a crystal that would send him mad in his dreams. Could that have happened to the others?

The red head, fearing for his life yelled through the key hole at himself "Aerrow wake up! C'mon you've got to wake up!"

His eyes were suddenly shut closed firmly, nothing but darkness surrounded him. All he heard was his name being called out repeatadly. It began to get louder and sounded different. The sky knight suddenly found his eyes peeling open.

"Aerrow?...Aerrow?...Hello? Wakey wakey Aerrow it's morning!" Piper's soothing voice finally reached through to Aerrow, he opened his eyes and found himself back in the safety of his room with Piper standing over him, shaking his shoulder to take him away from his dreams.

He finally done it, he escaped the terra. It felt so unreal that it was all just a dream, Aerrow couldn't believe it. He sat up in shock taking in his surroundings and actually whispered to himself "I made it." He looked at Piper , his Piper, the regular Piper with her amber eyes looking at him with a caring, concerned look. He knew for a fact she had no intentions of leaving his side, she was his best friend. They all were and they were all still with him.

She laughed a little at him and then said "It sounds like you were having a pretty intense dream, are you OK?" He smiled at her and replied

"Oh yeah, I'm great, everything is fine, everything is just...normal."

Well there we go the grande finale! I hope you enjoyed reading this fan fic as much as I have writing it. If you did like it I hope you'll leave a review I would love to hear what you thought about it thanks!