I'm so sorry for not updating in such a long time, I hope you, my loyal readers, can forgive me for my abandonment. Hopefully you well love and give me reviews and ideas for the story.

Let's start!

The Rise of the Fallen

He felt the tears slide down his face. He never knew the outcome of the worst mistake he had been tricked into. All he had wanted was to become a ninja, and when he thought that there was an opportunity, he blindly took it without thinking of the conscientious. Now someone precious to him was paying more for his stupidity. Now all he was doing was hiding behind a tree like a fucking coward.

-(Flash back)-

He failed another graduation test. He failed to show his worth in this world and now he sat alone on the swing outside of the academy and watches the other kids be praised by their parents.

"That's my boy! One day you'll be protecting your mother and I."

"I'm so proud of you my baby girl!"

"You're starting to turn into your old man now, my boy..."

The praises kept going on, it made Naruto want to sink into the shadows and be forgotten. There was this one conversation that caught his attention, but regretted hearing it.

"...Yeah, that's him. Could you imagination if he became a ninja? He's bad enough already, no reason for him to ruin a useful group of ninja's."

"I just wish he die already, the village would be able to go back to the peace it once had without him here."

"Yeah, He's nothing but a damn de..." the girl was interrupted when her friend said something about not saying that and remembering the third's law.

Naruto just looked down at the ground, a little hurt by the comment.

'Why do they always do this to? I've done nothing to make them hate me so much, I've pulled pranks on the village, but nothing to make them beat me every night. I've even put on this stupid act of the village idiot so they would leave me alone, but that still didn't work. I just wished that I would be given the answer to why they hate me.' He was brought out of his train of thought when he felt a familiar presents behind him.

He turned around to see one of his teachers, Mizuki, walking up to him. Mizuki bent down so he was eye level with Naruto and put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry you didn't pass Naruto. You know that Iruka is just pushing you to succeed." Mizuki said.

"I know, but don't you think he could have passed me this one time? At least I made the clone look like a dead me this time." Naruto replied.

"Yeah, I think he should have passed you this time, but you know if you really want to become a ninja there's this make up test that can be given to those that have failed the academy three times. If they pass then they become a ninja, so what do you say?" Mizuki asked with a smile.


A figure could be seen jumping over the roof tops, late at night, caring something rather large in its hands. The kept moving until it came up upon a small clearing in the woods. It leaped out of the shadows and into the moon lit, revealing the figure to be Naruto and the large object in his hands to be the Forbidden Scroll of Sealing.

Naruto looked around the area with a confused face, 'Where the hell is Mizuki-sensei? He said he meet me here. He must have gotten lost on the way.' Naruto thought.

He looked down at the large scroll that was held in his hands. It was heavy, large, and had once been the Fourth's most prized possession. So he did what any twelve year old boy would do. He sat down on the ground and opened it up. Upon reading only a few Jutsu Naruto eyes widen, there was so many high leveled Jutsu on the beginning of the scroll only. He looked at the first two; The Shadow Clone Jutsu, which lets the user make solid clones and when dispelled the knowledge the clone had would be sent to the original; the other one though wasn't a Jutsu, but a blood seal that had a note written.

The note read, 'To whoever is of Uzumaki descendent. In this seal lies a most powerful weapon that I have fought with in many battles. It was crafted when there was an Uzumaki that did not have a Wind or Water, but a combination of Wind, Lighting, and Earth Chakra. Many of the techniques for the Uzumaki's are for just Wind, or Water. We Uzumaki's pride ourselves with our weapons, they are an extinction of our soul, so he forged a weapons that could he could fight with. And it was passed down to every Uzumaki that could not use the traditional ways. Now this weapon belongs to you if you hold the different elements. Along with the weapon are some scrolls for Kata's and techniques. Fight hard and with honor, this is the way of the Uzumaki's.'

Naruto was astonished. Not only had he found out that he had a clan, but said clan had left him something to fight with. He was about to summon the weapon, when he felt a sudden presents coming from behind him, and fast.

He turned around to see Iruka jump down from the trees with an angered expression.

"Naruto can you tell me why the hell you have stolen the forbidden scroll from the Hokage!" Iruka asked/yelled.

Naruto looked confused at Iruka's outrage, "What do you mean sensei? Mizuki-sensei said that if I did this test then I would become a ninja. I was supposed to meet him here, but he never showed up." Naruto replied.

Iruka looked at Naruto with a shocked face and wondered if the child spoke the truth, "Naruto, are you sure that is what is really going on here?" Iruka asked.

Naruto nodded, still in his confusion, and looked up to his teacher.

"Iruka-sensei, what's going on? This is all some test, right?" Naruto asked.

Iruka placed a hand on Naurto's shoulder, and gave him a worried expression, "I'm sorry Naruto, but Mizuki...WATCH OUT!" Iruka pushed Naruto out of the way as a hail of Kunias and Shurikens nailed him to the wall, though not killing him.

Both of them looked up to see Mizuki perched on a branch with two large Shurikens on his back.

"Naruto! You did a good job for getting the scroll, now give it to me." Mizuki yelled out.

"NO Naruto! Don't give him the scroll! Mizuki is a traitor! He's using you to steal the scroll, run Naruto! RUN!" Iruka screamed out.

"Don't listen to him Naruto. Don't you want to become a ninja?" Mizuki asked.

Naruto look back and forth between the two. He didn't know which one to believe. He hugged the scroll closer to his body.

"What's going on here? Why did you attack Iruka-sensei, Mizuki?" He asked, but felt a string of fear for the answer.

"Because, Naruto, he wants to take the scroll for himself. Give it to me and we'll turn him in for the traitor that he is." Mizuki tried to convince Naruto.

"STOP LYING MIZUKI!" Iruka yelled out.

Mizuki smiled at Iruka, then he started to laugh, "Okay, you caught me. I'm lying, but it is nothing compared to the one you're telling Naruto!" Mizuki said loud enough to make sure that Naruto heard him.

Naruto eyes widen at what Mizuki said. He took a step forward to him, "Lie? Iruka never lied to me. NEVER!" he yelled.

Mizuki shifted his gaze towards Naruto, still holding his metallic smile, "Oh, but he has. Not just him though, everyone in the entire village has been lying to you since the very day you were born. You see there's this decree that makes people from ever telling you the truth!" Mizuki said.

"NO MIZUKI IT'S FORBIDDEN!" Iruka yelled out, trying to stop Mizuki from telling Naruto the horrid truth.

Naruto looked at Iruka in disbelief. Whatever Mizuki was talking about, Iruka didn't want him to find out. He turned his head back at Mizuki and asked the question that Iruka dare he shouldn't.

"What decree? What has everyone been lying to me about?" Naruto shouted out.

If possible Mizuki's smile just grew in size, "Do you know the story about the Kyuubi no Kitsune?" he asked.

Even confused by the question Naruto still answer, "Yes, he was killed by the Fourth Hokage sacrificing his life to save us. What does this have to do with the decree?"

Ever so slowly, Mizuki reached for his giant shuriken, "Oh, it has everything to do with the decree. Even it has to do with everyone hating you!" despite the cry's Iruka was yelling at him, Mizuki continued, "You see the Fourth Hokage couldn't kill the fox, no, instead he sealed it into a new born infant, but no just infant he used his own son. That infant… was you Naruto! You hold the Nine Tailed Fox in you, you even cost your own father his life! YOU ARE THE KYUUBI!" with that said Mizuki threw his shuriken aiming to kill the stunned Naruto.

Frozen in shock, all Naruto could do was stare at the ever growing shuriken come closer to him. That is until he heard Iruka yell out to get down, and then he was pushed down.

Naruto just look at his teacher in disbelief, "Iruka-se-senei? Why?" he asked in a croaked voice.

Iruka's tears fell from his eyes and landed on Naruto's face, "Because, Naruto, you are like a little brother to me. And an older brother can't see his younger sibling get hurt. Having the Fox in you doesn't mean you are the fox, it just means that you are Naruto Uzumaki, Holder of the Demon." Iruka said.

Naruto just looked at Iruka with tears of his own. He felt guilty that his teacher took the blow for him, it was meant for him. He was an idiot for being so easy tricked, and now had Iruka paid the price of his stupidity.

He felt guilt wash over him, so he ran.


'Why was I so stupid not to notice Mizuki's plan? Steal the Forbidden Scroll from the Hokages' vault. How could I've been so fucking blind? Now, Iruka-sensei is paying the price!' Naruto thought as his tears fell to the ground.

He stayed at his hiding stop until he heard noises a few yards ahead of him. He walked over to a bush and quietly looked over it, he gasped at what he saw. Iruka was sitting against a tree with Mizuki standing twelve feet away from him asking a question.

"Why do you continue to fight for that damn demon? Don't you remember that it killed your parents?" He heard Mizuki ask with a sneer.

"Yes...I do remember the fox killing my parents..." Naruto looked away, thinking that Iruka saw him as a demon as well.

" But..." Naruto snapped his head up and continued to listen, with hope coming back to him.

"...Naruto isn't the demon! He is the protector of this ungrateful village. He should be praised by the villagers for protecting them every day, but instead they shunned him, throw him out of stores, and beat him! They think that they are doing the world a favor by hurting the Fox, but in reality they are trying to kill a CHILD! HE'S NOT THE MONSER, YOU ALL ARE! AND I'LL FIGHT FOR HIM TO MY VERY LAST BREATH!" Iruka yelled.

Naruto looked shocked from his teacher's words. He couldn't believe that Iruka cared about him so much that he would fight for him , even if it cost his life. Iruka had already done so much for him. He had taught him when no other teacher would. Took him out to eat, and let him hide out at his house when the mobs would try and hunt him down. Now he said that he was willing to die for him. Now Naruto couldn't let that happen, he wouldn't let it happen!

'What kind of person would I be if I let him die? I will not let this happen!' Naruto had a sudden thought spring from the corner of his mind.

Naruto quickly lifted up his shirt and jacket. He saw the seal still tattooed to his skin, he looked for the kanji for the Shinigami, 'You helped my father when he sold you his soul, help me and I'll give you something better...', Naruto took out a kunai and stabbed his hand. He smeared the blood over the seal before he whispered out, "I summon you, Shinigami!"

Suddenly everything around Naruto turned black. He stood up and looked around, all around him was darkness, and suddenly Naruto felt a shiver run up his spine. Somehow he felt something behind him, something dark and powerful. He turned around and looked up at the towering figure before him.

"Why have you summoned me child?" the voice of the Shinigami came out rasped.

Naruto could only look at the creature before him. He was frozen with shock, awe, and fear. Every time he tried to open his mouth, his lips would get dried, he would lose his words, or he would just shut his mouth again.

The Shinigami had a scowl on his face. He was getting annoyed by the mortal child, "Speak Child! Before I take my leave!" he said.

Naruto quickly shook of his shock, and looked up at the Shinigami in the eyes, "I need your help!" Naruto yelled.

The Shinigami looked down at the boy with an annoyed gaze, "Why should I help you? You are nothing but a mortal." He replied.

"Please..." Naruto begged, "...Please help me. That is all I ask of you."

The Shinigami kept looking down at the child, before a small shark-like smile graced his lips, "Say I do help you...What would I get in return? I've always like a good deal or two for my serves."

Naruto looked at the soul reaper; he had already figured out that the Shinigami would want a deal for helping him. So with a serious face, he began to speak, "What I offer you is more valuable than a soul. What I offer you is my body." Naruto said.

The Shinigami bellowed with laughter, "Fool! Why would I need a body of a mortal? I am a reaper of the souls. What would a body do me any good?"

Naruto swallowed with fear crawling up his spine about having to make a deal with the Shinigami "If you help me, I will become your servant on the Mortal Plane." this caught the Shinigami attention.

Naruto kept on, "I know that you can't interfere with the human world unless a deal is struck, and I'm sure that you have plenty of people that you want dead. You can send me after them and I will bring them to you. All I ask is that you help me." Naruto said.

The Shinigami looked at the mortal child and thought about the deal. The longer he kept thinking about the idea of having a human reaper to retrieve the souls that he wanted without having to wait for a long period of time was way better than just eating his soul. He looked back at the child, who was still kneeling, and smiled.

"Rise child, from this moment forth, you are to do my bidding. I will give you my essences to help you do my missions. When all of my missions are completed you will have your freedom from my services." The Shinigami extended his hand towards the child.

Naruto reached and grasped hold of the entities hand.

As soon as it touches his hand, Naruto let out a scream of pain. It felt like he was being pulled into a raging, hot, fire that burned his skin. The substance slowly engulfed his body. Naruto fell to his knees as the black substance covered the rest of his body, leaving him a blacked out body.

After three minutes the black substance finally started to move. It slowly moved up his body up to the center of his head. It finally made its way up to his face and started to recede into his forehead, as the last of the substance disappeared the changes it did to his body was seen.

His physical appearance was a tall and athletic build body. His orange clothing had changed to a pair of black combat boots with spikes, black pants, a belt with pouches on it containing his Kunais and Shurikiens. All was covered by a long, black, trench coat with three metal clips along the torso. His hands were covered by fingerless gloves and his face was enshrouded by a hawk beak hood.

The Shinigami looked onto his creation and smiled, "Now that is done it's time for you to go..." "Wait...There's something else I wish to ask of you." Naruto interrupted.

Shinigami raised an eyebrow at the boy, "And what be it?" he asked.

"I…I would like the Kyuubi stripped from my soul…"Naruto said.

The Shinigami frowned at the suggestion, "And why do you ask me of this?" he demanded.

Naruto paused, before replying, "Think about it. What if I'm not strong enough by myself? I might need help to do my missions, even with the abilities you have given me." Naruto said.

The Shinigami looked at Naruto with scowl, "Fine child, I will let you have this last request. Now ready yourself, this is going to be painful for you." Shinigami warned.

Naruto just stood there in place and waited for his master to begin. He took in a deep breath, "I'm ready..." he said.

With the okay, the Shinigami thrust his hand into Naruto's stomach and began to extract the demon. Naruto threw his head up and screamed in pain to the black abyss as the Shinigami worked his hand into Naruto's seal. Finally, with a strong jerk, the Shinigami had taken the demon fox out of Naruto's seal.

Naruto fell to his hands and knees, panting hard. He had never in his whole life had he felt something like that. It felt so horrible, yet at the same time a great burden had been lifted away from his shoulders.

He was bought out of his trance when he heard what sounded like a little girl sniffling. Lifting his head to look at the source of the noise, but what he saw shocked him to the core. There bowing before him was a little girl, who looked no younger than eight, with long red hair flowing down to her feet, and wearing what looked like a night gown, but that's not what shocked him. No, it was the fact that this little girl had two fox ears and a tail.

He could not see how this innocent looking girl was the demon fox that attacked his village years ago and was imprisoned into his body.

"Please..." the girl said, snapping Naruto out of his trance, "Please spare my life, I don't want to die, not yet. I still have something to do before I have to die. I'll do anything for you...just let me live..." she choked out.

Naruto kept staring at her, still in shock that she was the nine-tailed demon fox. He quickly shook his head and knelt in front of her, he lift her head up so that she was looking at him.

Naruto stared at her, he finally spoke to her in a calm, but still demanding voice, "Do you have another name I can call you by, or is your name actually Kyuubi?" he asked.

"My parent, before they died, called me Eri (Ear-ee is how I pronounce it; meaning Blessed prize)." she said.

Naruto kept his gaze on her and asked another question, "Then tell me Eri, why did you attack my village? And what is this thing you have to do before you die?"

Eri took a deep breath before she spoke, "I didn't mean to attack your village, but the reason I attacked was because two men attacked my parents den while I was out. When I came back all I saw was my parent's corpses on the floor and the two men standing there over their bodies. I was so mad and so enraged that when they tried to kill me off I swatted one of them away and clawed out one of the others eye out. They tried to escape, but I was already at their heels, I destroyed everything in my way. Finally I came up to a village, and started to demolish everything in my way. That's when a man on a giant toad came out and sealed me into you. I'm sure that you already know, but just in case, the thing I've have to do before I die is simple. Kill those that murdered my family."

Naruto thought for a moment before he stood up. He still held his gaze on Eri and spoke, "Eri, I can understand where you stand. So I want you to know, if you're serious about taking revenge on these two men to avenge your parents then take my hand and stand with me. Together we'll kill those men that did this."

Naruto held out his hand to her and waited for her to take it. Eri looked at him and his hand for a minute, wondering what she should do.

"Why would you help me? I'm the one that ruined your life in the first placed, so what could you gain by helping me?" she asked.

"I want to help because you're not the only one that life was ruined by those bastards. They're as much as responsible for ruining my life when they led you here after they killed your parents. So the question what would I gain in helping you is simple...I'm going to gain the ones who really put me through this hell of a life that I had." Naruto replied.

Eri looked at his hand and placed hers within his. Naruto grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet, he smiled at her and she did the same.

"Good, now that that has been done, I am sending you both back…Good luck my servant, because if you fail…your soul will be sweet for me…"