Hello everyone. I've shown up here again and officially admitting that I am addicted to this writing thing now – the first step is admitting it right? I received a review for my first story "Playing the Part" from Hoodoo (Thanks to you and everyone else who has reviewed my stories so far btw) saying that it was good that I was willing to write about Murdock before Mexico.

Well that really got stuck in my head and I found myself wondering what did happen to Murdock and the clean slate of the movie has opened many paths for my mind to wander down. I will admit I don't think Murdock is insane (sorry to you true believers) I feel he acts out as a defence mechanism for coping or to mask what's really going on in his head. Don't get me wrong the man's got issues, but he's in control – most of the time.

So with that idea I may have built myself a whole little idea for a series of stories ;) Somehow all my stories have/will have consistent ideas from one to the next. I think they stand alone well, but you may understand a joke or an O/C better if you have read my other stories.

I don't own any content, A-Team related or any other known characters that may be referred to during my story. O/C are mine. I welcome positive feed back, so here we go!

The stars twinkled and mesmerized Murdock. He couldn't help but admire how amazing the sky looked as it reached down to the hills below. The only sounds he could hear were the low static of his headset and the hum of the rotors of the helicopter he had "borrowed" from the local news station.

He doubted that they would even miss it. The only newsworthy thing that he could foresee happening was if the plan that Hannibal had dreamed up went very wrong and Channel 4 actually wanted to use their news chopper to report on the infamous A-Team's getaway. If that happened, it was better for the team that he was the one who had it.

It was real easy to look authentic at the airport during his take off, he just mumbled something about a traffic jam on the interstate and no one even gave it a second thought. The bird was a little over-kill as far as size, but this way he could circle without drawing suspicion.

Now, high in the air, the chopper cut through the sky undetected. Murdock just smiled; planes and choppers were just beautiful to him. He looked at them like one may look at a powerful animal. They were beautiful and majestic beasts, but they could turn wild in an instant, and they possessed a power beyond the comprehension of most. But he knew.

But, his real reason he loved flying was this right here. The way the beautiful sky just seemed at peace and the low thump-thump of the rotors with their rhythmic pulse put his mind at ease. His life was twisted and messy on solid ground, but somehow, up here, he just fit and it all made sense – this was his home.

But, it was a little too quiet right now. He glanced at his watch. 20:08 hours - time for him to get into position. He listened patiently for his headset to spring to life, expecting Hannibal's pick-up request to come at any moment. As the seconds ticked away into minutes he wondered what the hold up was. He tried to not be unnerved by the plan deviation - it had happened often enough in the past, but this seemed off.

All of a sudden a large blast came from outside a warehouse and sent a horrific fireball screaming into the air. The resulting shockwave tossed the balance of the chopper dangerously. With just a few quick movements the experienced pilot had the chopper righted and back on her mark.

Murdock's mind raced - what the hell could have just happened? Fighting the urge to fly in to investigate the team's status he kept to his orders and circled the chopper, trying to control a flood of bad thoughts.