Day 1

Will was pounding into her, his face above hers breathing heavily as their sweat glistened bodies slapped together at his movements. Her hands were running down his sides, her nails scratching him as he pressed into her again. She moaned as his hand snaked its way between them and pressed against her clit.

"Helen," his voice was soft against her flesh as he placed kiss after kiss on her cheek and neck. She groaned and rubbed her lips against his, moving her tongue against his mouth until he obliged her. He pulled to ravage her neck again, calling her name, "Helen."

She gasped "Will," as he found that sweet spot on the underside of her jaw. She felt his hands on her shoulders shaking her lightly. Opening her eyes she was stunned to find Will, fully dressed sitting above her looking down into her eyes with a very peculiar look on his face.

"Magnus." He stated simply and with only a slight question to it.

"Will," her surprise rang through her voice, "I'm sorry." She sat up, pushed his arms away from her and scooted into a sitting position. Her cheeks turned a slight red but that could have just been a reaction from being roused from sleep. "Is something wrong?" Her hands were clasped in her lap as he stared at her, calculating.

"It's just after eight and no one had seen you yet, which is not normal."

"What?" She looked at him with disbelief before leaning over and pulling her watch from the bedside table and looking at it. "Dear God, I missed a conference call."

"Yeah, so um…everything alright?"

"Uh, yeah. Everything's perfect, if you'll excuse me Will I really do need to get ready." He nodded silently and made his exit.

"I'll see you at the staff meeting then." She swung her legs over the bed as he made his way out of the room. "I'll bring some tea for you."

She needed a shower, the sticky feeling between her legs was not one she wanted to live with all day and perhaps the hot water would help relax her now very tense body. She turned the water on about as hot as it would go before stripping and stepping under the spray. Her hands slid over her body provocatively as the steaming water ran over her flesh, cooling her aroused skin.

Will was not a stupid or ignorant man and she was certain he had known what she had been dreaming about or at least had an inkling in the right direction. She figured he wouldn't bring it up in conversation. Perhaps he might think twice before coming into her rooms again, although she was lucky he had come in at all to wake her. She hadn't slept in since she was pregnant.

And she most certainly was not pregnant this time around. Still maybe her body was just tired and trying to tell her something. Running her hands between her legs she began where her dream had left off. Her fingers pressed and released instantly, well this wouldn't take long. She pinched lightly and then pulled hard. Leaning against the cold tile her other hand found her breast and twisted a nipple.

She slipped her middle finger inside of her warmth and curled it instantly while her thumb pressed hard. There, that instant she had been waiting for when her body would build and build and she wouldn't be able to stop it. Pressing harder she added a second finger moving her other hand down to take over for her thumb.

Her voice echoed around her as her muscles clenched tightly over her fingers. Slowing her breathing she turned back into the running water throwing her hands through her hair. That should satisfy for a while at least. Lathering the soap in her hair she began her routine that would take her through the rest of her day.

Will found her in her office just as the staff meeting was beginning, she looked pristine and put together as always. Nothing of the woman he had woken this morning. He found himself staring at her legs, which was not out of the normal at all. Yet today, she had worn a lovely black skirt with a slit that ran halfway up her thigh. Her stockings were black in color but light enough to allow the color of her skin through. His eyes traveled up her body to her face where their eyes locked. He had been compromised. Blushing he coughed into his hand and turned his face to his side and away from her gaze.

It was flattering to know that she could still attract the younger crowd, and it was obvious she had with the longing that Magnus found in his eyes. "Well then, shall we begin?" All the appropriate parties nodded their assent and the meeting started.

Day 2

He walked straight into her office locking the door behind him. Moving quickly to the other he locked it as well before stalking over to the desk she was sitting behind. Helen gave him a strange look waiting to find out what the big secret was. Instead of stopping in front of the desk like he normally did he moved right around it and to her chair. Leaning forward he tilted it back until his lips were just above hers and his arms blocked any exit.

His mouth crushed down on hers without a word being passed between the two. She moaned and lifted her hands to his cheeks, one brushing down his neck and to his chest while the other tangled in his hair. Will pulled her roughly up only to shove her into the desk, her bottom hitting the edge of it before he pushed her back so she was sitting. The papers behind her slid onto the ground with the force. He ground his hips between hers as he unbuttoned her jacket.

Her nails dragged over his scalp as her tongue swam a furious dance with his. It was a sloppy kiss as she pressured her lips further against his. He gasped in breaths when he could as his fingers slid over her skin. She bit his lower lip when he squeezed her breast through the material of her bra. Her hand on his chest moved down to cup him through the denim.

He moved his body into hers laying her down on the top of the desk. Her legs bent up to keep the most contact with his body. Her hand glided up his back and under his shirt to flesh, glorious hot flesh. Will's hand traveled down her body to her skirt laying a flat palm on her thigh before brushing upwards to her center. He slipped his fingers under her panties the backs of his fingers gliding over her before he tugged the material down.

It didn't make it far before his fingers returned and thrust into her. She cried out and his lips covered hers again in an instant, her eyes closing tightly. His palm covered her clit as his fingers curled deliciously. She groaned and her body wiggled under his weight. "Will, God—" She breathed in heavily when his hand twisted inside her. His mouth suckled on her bare stomach causing a light purple to appear when he moved away. Her hips were squirming nonstop under him.

She felt fingers against her hair, brushing it softly away from her face. Opening her eyes she realized her face was laid heavily on her arms across the file littered desk. "Magnus, maybe you should take the afternoon off and rest." She moaned and closed her eyes at his voice—why couldn't it be someone else to find her.

"I'm fine, Will." She lifted her head and he could see lines from her shirt sleeves cutting red over her cheek.

"Obviously not, this is the second time I've caught you sleeping today and this time it took you ten minutes to wake up."

She only gave him a smoldering look before turning back to the papers on her desk. "I'm fine, Will." She repeated hoping it would finish the conversation and he would get on with what he wanted.

"It's dinner time."

"It's—what?" Glancing at her watch it read half past six. She had lost three hours!

Her surprise made him curious. "What time did you fall asleep?"

"Um, around three I think. It's the last time I remember looking at a clock."

"Some nap, come on." He pulled her by her hand until she stood up. She swayed lightly but caught herself against his shoulder and side as he wrapped a hand around her waist. "Sure you're alright?"

"I'm fine, Will. Just drowsy is all, dinner would be lovely." Her stomach was rumbling slightly hinting that she had forgotten breakfast and lunch that day. Releasing her body he held onto her arm tucking it into his, just to make sure she made it to the dining room.

"Well then, let's go." They made their way down to join the rest of the crowd.

Day 3

Magnus had to stay up the majority of the night in order to catch up on what she was supposed to be working on when her body had crashed out in her office. It was frustrating because she was having a very difficult time keeping her eyes open. She let her eyes slip shut for just a moment as her head rested on her fist and she started to feel hands and a mouth running over her flesh.

Gasping loudly, she opened her eyes and sat up straight. "God, what is this?" Standing abruptly she walked out of the office and down to the kitchens to make some tea. Walking into the kitchen she found Will sitting at the table with a newspaper in front of him and egg on his fork poised halfway to his mouth, his lips parted waiting for the food but his arm unmoving.

Groaning inwardly, Magnus walked around him, her heels clacking on the floor as she moved to the stove. Letting the water fall into the top of the kettle she glanced over at him again, he was leaning forward to read the small print in front of him, his elbows resting on the table and the muscles straining in his back. Drawing in a deep breath she turned back to the kettle and placed it on the stove letting it heat.

"You're up early." Her voice was huskier than she would have liked, but she was tired.

He turned to look at her, his eyes speaking volumes of exasperation. "It's past eight, seriously is something up?" Glancing at the clock on the wall, he was right, once again she had lost track of time.

Resting back against the counter she closed her eyes, "Perhaps I have been more weary than usual lately." He stood up moving to her and leaned against her slim form; his mouth next to her ear and she could feel his breath on the tiny hairs of her neck. She breathed in deeply, his scent permeating her brain and clouding it as his hands roamed over her sides from her hips to just under her breasts.

She could feel him, hot against her as his hips locked in place with hers. His fingers moved over her bottom and squeezed tightly before his thumbs ran down the front of her thighs and back up. She shivered as his arms circled her and he laid a kiss over her collar bone. "Helen." His voice was breathless. "Helen…Magnus!"

Her eyes popped open in an instant to find him staring curiously at her, his face only inches from hers. "What was that?"

"I—I…" Shaking her head she was at a loss for words, she honestly had no idea what was going on.

"That's it; you're going to the infirmary." Leaning around her he switched the stove off wrapping his hand in hers entwining their fingers as he tugged her out of the room.

"I'm fine, Will, really it's nothing."

"It's not nothing, Magnus. You zoned out, left for a good five minutes back there. I was shaking you and you still didn't react. You are getting checked out, Dr. Lee can do it or the Big Guy can, take your pick but this is happening." He pressed the button for the elevator calling it to their floor. He didn't let go of her hand, knowing that if he did she would walk away.

"This is ridiculous." She tugged her hand from his and took a step back, but he was quick and grabbed her forearm pressing his fingers hard into her skin.

"Humor me, please." She thought about it a moment, at least she wouldn't have to go back to her office and work on the paperwork from yesterday that she still had yet to complete. Conceding she took a step forward and stood next to him until the elevator arrived.

She was sitting on the cot, her elbow bent tightly with a finger and cotton swab in it, preventing any lasting bleeding from the blood the good doctor had stolen from her body. She let Will do most of the talking for her about her symptoms because she really didn't want to explain what was really happening to the two men standing in front of her. Moving her arm down she checked the needle prick for bleeding and when she found none she removed the cotton laying her hand across her lap.

Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath she waited for this whole situation to end. She did not want to be here. She should have just refused, but there was always the chance that the good doctor would find some reason as to why she was feeling so exhausted. Will brought her back to her office and it wasn't until they arrived that she realized she still hadn't had her morning tea. Deciding it would be too much of a hassle she settled down on the sofa to get her work done—hopefully she would have time for a nap later in the day.

She woke to lips on her bare flesh, pressing softly against and down her body. Her clothes were already stripped and his hands were everywhere, his mouth closely following his fingered exploration. Her hands slid up Will's naked torso, tangling with his hair before she pulled his mouth to hers. Her tongue dove into his mouth and dueled with his while her hand moved down to grasp him. He leaned into her, pressing her body against the soft cushions while she stroked him up and down. She positioned her hips under him so he could slide easily in, but instead he just rubbed against her, teasing her entrance.

Her body was jerked upwards until she was sitting and staring into Will's worried face. "Magnus, I've been trying to get hold of you for hours." Her mouth only opened and closed, she didn't know how to respond. Her body was still humming from whatever the hell that was and her brain was hard pressed to catch up with what was going on. "We got the results from the blood test." When she still didn't answer he continued, "There's a weird chemical thing going on. Dr. Lee wants to run more blood tests and do a CT scan to rule some things out." She nodded, it was the only thing she could do. "He also wants you to stop working."

"No." Her voice was hardly above a whisper. "I know I'm not getting much done, but at least I have something to focus on."

"Alright, I'll move some things in here to keep an eye on you because I'm fairly sure that's the only way Dr. Lee will agree to let you keep working."

Day 4

Magnus hadn't slept in five days by her own estimation and was too exhausted to even get out of the bed that morning. She decided that a day lounging around would be a good idea and she continued to stay under the covers.

That was where Will found her, her eyes open and staring out the window, again nonresponsive to any attempts on his part to get her attention. He sat on the edge of the mattress running his hand up and down her arm waiting for her to snap out of it. It took a while, but her eyes did move over to lock with his. Her hand came up to rest on the back of his neck as she pulled him down to meet her lips in a wet and deep embrace.

He braced a hand next to her head trying to pull away but her other arm snaked around his back holding him in place. Giving in, he allowed his tongue to massage against hers causing a glorious noise to emit from her throat. Her hand moved down his back and began to pull his shirt up over his head. Again he tried to stop her but she ignored him, actually he wasn't even sure she was aware of what she was doing.

Her lips moved from his as his shirt fell to the side of the bed, "Will." Her tongue darted out over her lower lip and her eyes glided over his face. "I want you." She softly raked her nails down his back to his butt and pulled him into her. Turning her body until he was under her, the blanket tangled between them.

Her mouth took his and Will's hands ran over her body and the silk covering her skin. Her flesh was radiating heat, how could she be so hot. Their breathing increased monumentally as they began to fight for control. She was stripped of clothing by the time she had his pants half way down his body.

He moved her to straddle him as she positioned herself above him. She had waited for this for so long. It was then that she heard the knock on the door. Will turned instantly throwing her off him as Dr. Lee's voice flitted through the wood, "Dr. Magnus, I need to speak with you immediately, this is a matter of great importance concerning your condition."

She groaned, "Dear Lord, could you not let me finish this just once?"

That got Will's attention as he was climbing into his jeans, "What?" He moved closer to her.

"Just once, that's all I ask."

"What are you talking about?" Dr. Lee knocked again, louder this time.

Her hand found his bare chest as she sat up, naked in all her glory. Touching his chest and then his face with one and then two hands she gasped and pulled the blanket over her. "You're real. Oh God, you're real." Her cheeks were fire engine red and her eyes refused to meet his.

Grinning because he had never seen the great Helen Magnus embarrassed before he tried his best to turn the smile into a look a worry. "Magnus, is that what's been happening? Every time you zone out, that's what you're thinking about?" She only nodded meekly as Dr. Lee pounded a fist against the wood.

She cupped her face in her hands, "You better let him in before he breaks down the door." Nodding, Will zipped his pants and slid his shirt over his head as he walked towards the door giving her ample time to cover her body. He opened it with one glance back towards the woman.

Dr. Lee's fist was raised and swinging down to bang again when it opened suddenly causing his entire body to rock forward. "Oh thank god, I was getting worried I was too late."

"What do you mean?"

"An abnormal burrowed its way into her brain, saw it on the CT. I have a dose here of a massive cocktail of antibiotics that will cause the abnormal to die and release its self from being embedded. It should be absorbed over time, but there's a very limited window that I can give it to her."

Will moved aside and motioned for the man to continue. Magnus pulled her arm out from under the covers and laid it out for the doctor to inject her. At least one problem was solved; unfortunately she had easily caused another.