As the years past Uther's mental state became more and more unreliable, soon Arthur was king in all but title and the people knew this. Arthur began to change subtle laws such as taxes and the law of only nobles becoming knights. Of course nobody told Uther, the kingdom was more prosperous under Arthur's control.

Arthur even changed the law of social class marriage at one point a few years in, some of the older generatoin scoffed at this, especially when Arthur took Gwen as his bride. However the people became much more open minded with time, Gwen was the perfect Lady, even Uther approved of the match not realizing the girl once waited on him.

The rules against magic however remained in tact, not until Uther died could that be changed, though Arthur made sure to only kill those who had used magic for evil, the people of Camelot couldn't help but notice magical healers and children were always pardoned for one reason or another.

Even after these changed however Leon had still not confessed to Adiana. Merlin and Arthur had at first had a bet going to see how long it would take him when the social class marriage laws were past, but it seemed the man couldn't bring himself to do it. Adiana had become a common face in city, the visiting sister of the princes man servant who lived in a small village just outside of the city. Though some did notice she spent more time with Sir Leon than with her brother.

"I never though i could enjoy living in a castle you know, I should stay for longer this time" Adiana admitted looking up at the huge stone battlements from the training field where Leon had just finished training with Arthur.

"You could stay here all the time you know" Leon blurted out looking slightly nervous "If you wanted to"

Adiana gave Leon a funny look, "As much as I would love too Leon Gaius has no more room for me and even though I do love it here I don't really want to become a servant"

"No I mean," Leon sighed "You could stay here...with me...become a lady of the court"

"Leon" Adiana replied slowly "Are you asking me what I think you're asking me?"

"Adiana I am asking you to marry me" Leon finally managed to say looking her straight in the eye, Adiana smiled widely.

"You have any idea how long I've been waiting for you to ask me that?" She laughed hugging him, following the gesture with a kiss which Leon swiftly returned, resulting in much cheering from the knights still on the field, along with Merlin.

"Its about time you two!"

Artemus and Anmres approved the match naturally and the wedding took place not long after. Lady Adiana was welcomed into the court with open arms. Merlin was glad Leon had finally married his sister, though that didn't mean he didn't give the knight just as much teasing as Arthur.


A little over a year after Adiana and Leon married Merlin returned home from work to find his sister waiting in the physicians chambers.

"Adiana are you feeling ok or is this a social visit" Greeted Merlin hugging his sister happily.

"I was hoping Gaius could make me something for my stomach actually" Adiana replied with a strange smile.

"What about your stomach is giving you trouble" Asked Merlin concerned "What kind of sickness?"

"Morning" Grinned Adiana, turning o the side revealing a small, barely noticeable bump.

Merlin grinned ear to ear and hugged his sister again, "Congratulation Adiana!, Does Leon know?"

"Not yet, you know how things can go wrong in the early stages so I kept it to myself till I hit the three month mark" She laughed blushing "I suppose I better tell him soon"

"Lets go tell him right now!" Exclaimed Merlin grabbing his sister wrist and pulling her outside, both were sporting cheeky smiles as they made their way to the council room where Arthur and Leon were discussing training techniques.

"Leon, Arthur" Adiana called as she entered the hall with her brother still smiling "I have some news for you"

"What is it, it must be good cause you are both smiling like crazy" Arthur laughed.

"In six months time" Merlin said dramatically giving his sister a light bow "The Lady Adiana is going to have a baby"

Arthur laughed and Leon's jaw dropped in surprise, though a smile quickly over took it and he hugged his wife happily.

"Thats great you two!" Arthur exclaimed giving Leon a pat on the back.

"Yeah" Smiled Merlin "Leon would you mind standing there for a second" Merlin pointed to a space a few feet from his sister, Leon moved slightly confused. Though he wasn't for long as Merlin's eyes flashed gold and he found himself being soaked by a spray of water.

"That's for knocking up my sister" He joked as Leon ringed out his cape.

The whole group laughed.

There we go all finished! I think this is the last story with these characters now, but who knows I may write more different stories :) I Hope you liked the ending, Please give me feedback on anything you think could of made it better.
