1. Bottom of Form feb. of kids in america February By Julia MacGregor

My heart is empty as the fields are full February was the shortest month. There were tests, studies, meetings, moving into new places and a dance. The people who were sick with the flu healed quickly. Seiya was second string on the boys basketball team. Mina was starting line on the girls volleyball team. Taiki, Ami, Jerry and Kiyone were in first year Spanish club. Rio and Charlie were columnists with the school newspaper. Haruka was training for the track team. Michiru was in the school's classical band. Serena, Lita and Mihoshi were in the extra study club. Rei and Yaten were in the school chorus. Ayeka and Ryoko took after school jobs as candy stripers at Salem Community Hospital. Belldandy went for the courses of early childhood education at the local Career center. Allen, Tinny,
Dusty and Steve were in the metal shop. Darien took some extra courses on the human body. Stephanie took a couple of classes in homemaking. Tenchi was taking a course in chemistry. Keiichi was the second top highest in his physics class. Sensuta was in an advanced computer course. Washu and Urd were both up to their necks in teaching. Sasami, Abby, Skuld, Chibi-chibi and Hotura put together a reading club. Nick, Alex and Vachon were hot on a trail of missing computer files which were stolen from a local business. Tracy and Armand were helping Lacroix with his own missing computer files. Someone was tapping into his personal accounts. Arika was making up a foolproof computer system. Terri and Nat were busy with their work at the hospital. Jakten taught Rio and Stephanie harder levels of sword combat. Devon was taking a break from the stage.

Rio was reading the morning paper. She sat in the living room with Reenie, Hotura and Chibi-chibi. She wanted to check out the want-ads. There was a list of news carrier routes. She was busy enough with school and her own writing. Her Uncle Anthony wanted Rio to get her foot in the door of the real world. A voice said in a cheerful mood,"Hey, can I have the paper?" "Mmm?" Rio asked.
She folded over a corner of the paper. Reenie and Hotura were standing in front of her. "Sure!" she said. Rio gathered up the paper and folded it up. She handed the paper to Hotura. Rio asked,"What is it for, a school project?" "No, we want to look at the comics," Hotura said. Rio snorted with a smile. Although the three littlest one of the house were Sailor Senshi. They were still children. They played,
had fun and made friends. Their dreams were golden. Hotura began to thumb through the paper. Reenie watched as Hotura searched for the comics. Lita, Rei, Mina and Setsuna were watching cartoons in the t.v. room. Lita and Rei were stretched out on the floor. While Setsuna stretched out on the sofa. They laughed at the misadventures of Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck.
Lita quipped,"That Bugs Bunny kills me!" "I need to get my home work done, but it can wait for a half hour," Rei sighed. Her ribs ached from her laughter.

"Yea, I know what you are talking about. Kids over here have too easy. Nothing is changeling," Mina said.

All three girls studied hard in Tokyo under firm hard of Ami. When they came to America, they were surprised to find how easy seem of the classes were even without Ami's help. In the dinning room, Ami was helping Serena with her math homework. Serena hated math. She didn't pick the course. It was picked by a teacher. The two girls sat the dinning room table. Ami was patient as Serena tried to figure out the math problems. Serena was studying for last three hours. She wanted to take a break before her mind would shut down. Placing her pen down on the table, Serena was taking a pause from her dreaded math work. Ami watched as Serena folded her hands underneath her chin. Ami had a questioning expression on her face. She asked,"Are we day dreaming?" No. . .we are not taking a break!" Serena quipped with a pout. She felt the sting of Ami's statement towards her personal study habits. "Good. I was wondering when you were going take a break," Ami sighed. "Yea, why?" Serena asked,her mood changed of puzzlement. "I wanted to ask something. . .oh, it's embarrassing!" Ami blushed. She turned away from Serena. She hoped that her question wasn't too deep even for Serena to comprehend. Hey, can you tell me anything!" Serena grinned. Her voice sounded reassuring. She shifted into the nosy sister mood. Ami thought for a minute. If she would mentioned words the date and Taiki, under any situation could be imposing that she really liked him. It was easy for Mina and Serena to ask Yaten, Seiya or Darien out for a date. It was natural for them. They didn't have a mother who wasn't a doctor with high hopes for her daughter to be a future doctor. Ami was shy, quiet and questioned the love that Serena and Darien shared. She was starting to have the same feedings towards a certain male singer named Taiki Kuo. "I want to know if it's O.K. if. . ." Ami said, blushed even deeper. The words were difficult to say. "If what?" Serena was agog. "If you could ask Taiki out on a date?" For a minute Ami's mind was replaced with her heart. These feelings were strange. Serena's jaw dropped. The words that Ami spoke about were surprising. Ami had a crush on one or two other persons in her life. This was a change for everyone. Ami was going to be bold and strike out on her own. Serena leaned forward to see if Ami was coming down with a bug of some sort. She knew it was hard for Ami to ask such a question of a delicate affair of the heart. Serena questioned Ami with her own motherly stare in her eyes,"Are you O.K.?" Ami smiled nervously as she sighed,"Why do you ask!"
"You never acted like this before. . .not even when Greg was at school. We always did things together. . . when I wasn't going out Darien or Seiya. Taiki didn't mind hanging out with all of us. . .Yaten and Mina," Serena said. Her mind was buzzing with ideas. Ami interrupted,"Yes, I understand, but this is different. I have feelings I'd never had before!"

Hey. . . we need some help on this one!" Serena squealed as she laughed. Her face lite up at the fact of Ami was falling in love. Haruka and Michiru were washing dishes in the kitchen. It seemed like everything was truly normal. Haruka was going to study after she and Michiru were finished with the dishes. Michiru was going to practice her violin She needed to work on her solo for the school concert. Haruka gave a plate to Michiru to dry. "I'm going have to study a little for Mister Vance's English class. Her threw in a pop quiz! I want to be ready for it!" "Some of the classes are easy. There are a few are almost hard as back home!" Michiru said as she dried the dish. "An other thing. Did you feel it. There is a peace!"

Haruka smiled. She stopped for a minute. She glanced over to Michiru. They both gave each other a guarded look. Michiru felt a slight disturbance in the peace that Haruka felt. Her _expression changed on her face. Then, Haruka felt it too. Her eyes narrowed as she spoke,"I know it's like all evil has stop. Do you think that Galaxia as given up?" "No, if the sea is calm here. . .then, there is a storm back home. . .we have to watch and listen to the winds of home very carefully. Galaxia can strike here as well. We have to be on the stand-by when it happens!" Michiru uttered carefully. "I just hope we all ready when the evil comes." Then, quietly Michiru and Haruka went back to washing dishes. *** Taiki was tutoring Seiya and Yaten in math and history classes. They were sitting on the livingroom floor. While their books were on the coffee table. Taiki was relieving at Seiya's studies.
Yaten was reading his history text book. He was having a trying time with remembering dates and places. Seiya had a little easier time with math. It seemed his musician's mind was easily used in math quotations. Math and music seemed to follow the same route. Taiki didn't mind helping his two brothers. It seemed like Seiya's and Yaten's brains were put to a better use beside girls and music. Yaten sighed in overwhelming dismay. He was never going American history. Taiki and Seiya glanced over to see Yaten murmuring something to himself. He pushed his bangs back with a hand. "I'm going to give up and I know I'll fail. . .so, why I do even bother," Yaten sighed. Seiya and Taiki stared at their little brother. Taiki didn't like to hear Yaten giving up without really trying. Yaten closed his history book. He reached over the coffee table. He looked at his note in his hands. Yaten began to stare at it. He was hoping for an answer. Taiki readjusted his glasses. He held out a hand as a sigh for Seiya to take five minutes. Seiya saw how hurt Yaten was. He quietly closed his math work book. "Yaten, you want to take a break?" Taiki said gently. "Uh?" Yaten sighed.

His eyes were tried from the homework. "We can take a walk to the park. We have been working hard for at least four hours. I thought a walk would do us good," Seiya said, trying to sound sympathy. Yea, I need to..." Taiki began to speak.
Then, the phone rang. Seiya got up to answer the phone. Yaten stopped staring at his note book. He placed it on the table. Seiya began to talk with someone on the phone. He found it the person who was with the student union of Mount Union college from the neighboring town called Alliance. The student union find a group that could play on the following weekend. Seiya was surprised a little to hear that the Three Lights were picked for the concert. "Let's it up to the management," Seiya said.

He turned to see Yaten and Taiki stretching their arms and hands. They were busy with talking about going out on a break. Then, he said,"Yes. . .there is an International Day at your college. You want us to show up on next Saturday at five to set up! O.K. Let me talk to my two brothers and I'll get back with you."

Seiya glanced at the clock at the VRC before hanging up the phone. Seiya had to talk to his brothers about the gig at the college. They were chosen to do it. It was going to be held at the student union hall at Mount Union. Seiya walked over to the coffee. He was going to surprise his two brothers. He took his spot between Taiki and Yaten. Taiki was reviewing Yaten's history notes. Slowly, Yaten was getting the idea of the lesson. Taiki had the makings of a good tutor. He was patient and made things understandable for Yaten to grasp. "In sixteen-twenty. . .what happened at New England?" Taiki asked. "It's an easy answer." "Mmm?" Yaten began to think. He rolled a fist and placed on his forehead. Closing his eyes, he grinned. He said slowly,"Was it the Pilgrims landing on Plymouth rock?"

Taiki had a catty look on his face as scanned Yaten's notes. He said a little tartly,"That's right answer!"

Yaten opened his eyes. He was very surprised. Finally he had a right answer. He was happy. Seiya played it cool. There was a grin on his face. He nudged Taiki in the ribs. Then, he spoke,"Maybe if he studies hard enough. . .Prince Charming could go to the ball!"

"What?" Yaten gasped. His eyes grew wide. A skeptical look flashed in Taiki's eyes. He know Seiya was a charmer. He might try to use his charm to make Yaten to either study harder of give in. Taiki closed Yaten's note book he questioned.
"What do you mean?" Taiki uttered. "I mean the phone call. It was someone from the Student Union Hall at a placed called Mount Union." Seiya pointed to the phone.
Yaten felt a little fear of the unknown. He, Taiki and Seiya preformed dozens of times in front of sorts of people. There was strange feeling about this request. How did the student union find out about the Three Lights living in the states. Taiki asked as he took off his glasses,"Who was the person you spoke to?" "Someone named Susan Peterson. I think she's the president of the student union. I'll go to the library and e-mail Kaogawa today and go from there!" Seiya said in a nonchalant tone. "When is the concert suppose to be held on?" Yaten asked with importance in his voice.

"The twenty-ninth. . .Almost a week from the Valentine's day," Seiya said. "I got to write the date and time down before I forget," Seiya reached out a loose sheet of note book paper and a pen from the pile of homework books, writing tools and paper. "This is our first gig since we left Tokyo!" Yaten said. His face marked with a an astonished glance. Taiki could sense his little brother's enthusiasm. He was the careful one didn't, he want his brothers to be running into any danger. He didn't want to relive the concert at the music feast. When Sailor Iron Mouse attacked the Sailor Senshi in her search for the prefect star-seed. He was going to intestate a little before saying yes. Tenchi and Kiyone were shovel the side walk. Sasami and Ayeka were checking over Sasami's homework. They were in the kitchen as Sasami was washing up the dishes. Ayeka had Sasami's work book opened. "Now. . .Sasami, what is four plus two is?" "That's easy. . .six," Sasami said as she stacked three bowls on the counter. How about. . .three plus five?" "Eight?" Sasami was quick in her answer. Ryoko was reading her short American fiction book. Ryoko sat in the living room in front of one of the big picture window. She was writing down the people in the plot of the story. Her opened note book was littered with paper-clips. She didn't like the extra paper work. The story on the other hand was quite a page turner. "I can't believe this guy wrote this back in eighteen-thirty." she thought to herself. She turned the page. "Whoa. . ." Ryoko thought again. She was nearly dropped the book. There was a spicy seance of the two main characters kissing under a tree. It was spicy for the year eighteen-thirty. "I wish Tenchi could be like that," Ryoko sighed. She pressed the book against her chest. She was become a starry-eyed school girl. Washu and Ryo-oh-ki were in her lab reviewing her students' homework. Ryo-oh-ki watched as Washu looking over the paper work. Her students were showing improvement. If only by little glints of paying attention to their short teacher. "I can't believe it Ryo-oh-ki. . .These students are trying to say something," she said to the little cabbit. There was a tone of dismay in her voice. "Meow!" Ryo-oh-ki said. The little cabbit peered over the paper. The cabbit was sitting on Washu's desk. "I wonder if I been to strict to them?" She tapped lightly the side of her head with a pen. "Meow?" Ryo-oh-ki said with her head cocked to one side.
"On the other hand, they did need to hear and learn. . .not to goof off," Washu said. She was trying to compensate the work papers.
She found out that her students were getting a grasp of her ways of learn. It was easy for them. They had a teacher who was a genus. Mihoshi was reviewing for an up and coming math quiz. Studying in the living room wasn't a good place to be. There were too distractions in the room. She needed to past this quiz. Mihoshi was going to the library, but decided not to. She wanted to stay at the house in case of a problem would accrue. She wanted to ask Washu to tutor her in her homework. She had to wait until Washu was done with her grading. Tenchi looked at his end of the sidewalk. It was smooth and needed salt. He saw Kiyone talking to a young girl dressed in a black hooded car coat and red hair. He walked over to the porch. He leaned over to grab a handful of salt from the opened salt box. He heard Kiyone say,"Yea. . .I would give Sasami the message. You want her to go to the park at two." "That's right!" said the girl with the red hair.

"Can I tell Sasami who sent the message?" "My name is Abby Johnson. You tell Sasami that I stopped in for a visit. It thought it would be nice for use to play in the park on such nice day like this one," Abby said.

"Sure. . .I'll tell Sasami after I get down here!" Kiyone said as she placed a gloved hand on her forehead. She wiped the sweat from her brow. "Thank you," Abby smiled Then, she turned to walk down the sidewalk. Kiyone went back to her shoveling. Tenchi scooped up a couple handfuls of salt. He held the salt close to his chest. With one hand, Tenchi tossed fingers fulls of the salt down on the pathway. Tenchi made his way to where Kiyone was finishing up. Tenchi rubbed the salt form his gloves. He asked Kiyone, "Who was that?" Kiyone smoothed out a piece of snow with shovel. She remarked in a joyful tone,"I think Sasami has a new friend?" "That one? I believe her name is Abby. I heard Sasami telling Ayeka and Ryoko all about Abby. I was hoping to get meet her."
"She is coming over to pick up Sasami to go play at the park."
"Do they go to the same school?" Tenchi asked as the figure of Abby disappeared in snow streets of Salem. "Yea, then. . .I really got met her face to face again. She's such a sad little girl. Her eyes are lonely in their gaze," Kiyone said. Urd was grading her students papers. She sat in the window seat in the dinning room. The Goddesses' house was quiet. Skuld went to the library to study. Keiichi and Belldandy went to the store for the weekly shopping. Urd felt the sun on her face. She was happy to be alone for a little while. She wished that her student were a little smarter. Thy were two exceptional students in her class, Ami and Taiki. They seemed to be light years ahead of everyone else. Urd wasn't going to play favorites by giving Ami and Taiki easy lessons. She was going to chancel them by extra assignments. She heard Keiichi's motorbike pulling up in the drive. Belldandy and Keiichi were home from the shops. Urd sat up and stretched. She was going to take a break and help them with the packages. Keiichi was unpacking the touring car. Keiichi car pooled with Darien, Tenchi and Setsuna on early Tuesday mornings. Then, Keiichi took Tenchi on Mondays and Thursdays mornings. Belldandy took out a bag from Keiichi's left hand. She waited until Keiichi gave her another bag. Then, she started to walk towards the backdoor. She heard Keiichi asking her,"Do you need the key?" "No, I think Urd is still in the house!" she smiled.
"Yea, is she still grading papers?" Keiichi asked. "She loves her job. It keeps her on her toes," Belldandy said loudly. Then, the door opened up. Urd stood in the doorway. A skeptically look on Urd's face made Belldandy stop. "Are you two talking about me?" Urd questioned her middle sister.
"Why yes. I just was telling Keiichi how you liked your job. Are your students improving any?" Belldandy smiled. "Oh, the job?" Urd's eyes blue-black eyes grew wide with an abashed gaze. Her face grew a little red. "The job is working out for you?" Keiichi asked. He was standing behind Belldandy with three bags of groceries in his hands. "Oh," Urd stammered. "The job is fine!"
"That's good," Keiichi sighed. "Your students are good!" Belldandy said. Yep, everything is hunky-dorrie!" Urd smiled. She swung her arms about, until they met in the middle of her chest. They made a clapping noise. Then, she let Belldandy and Keiichi past by moving away from the door. Keiichi and Belldandy made their way to the kitchen. Urd stood the door way until the air cold made Urd come to her senses. She closed the door. Keiichi and Belldandy were in the kitchen, unpacking the bags. They talked about school. Urd entered into the room. Belldandy said,"Why don't you be some help and get a bag from the side car. We need to get this done!"
"Yea, right! I get the bag. I'll have to get my coat!" Urd sounding like she knew what she was doing. She zipped out of the room. "She never changes. I will not understand. . . you, Urd or Skuld," Keiichi smiled at Belldandy. "The infinite is standing right next to me. I'll just have to wait and ask your boss, the Almighty when the time comes."

"We're almost human. The Almighty gives us powers and abilities that many humans don't have," Belldandy sounded wise. Urd entered the room carrying a shopping bag. She noticed a large bag of flour riding on top of the bag. She asked,"What's the flour for?" "I decided to stock up. We need just the very basic things. We will store up for the times that don't use right away. We can buy the normal things on a weekly bases," Belldandy said on her soft matter a fact tone. "Oh?" Urd walked over to the table. "You are doing any baking?" "Maybe. Someone's birthday is coming up," Belldandy winked. "No.. . it's Skuld?" Urd jaw dropped. She realized that a whole year had past. In normal terms, Skuld would have been eleven years old.
Belldandy nodded to confirm the date. "Yep, February twenty-third," Keiichi said. "What we are going do for pipsqueak's birthday?" He smirked as he unpacked the cleaning supplies. He was a little tart towards the youngest Goddess. He liked her, but up to a point. "I don't know. I have to come up. I have a feeling that Skuld will love it!" Belldandy walked over to a kitchen cabinet. She had a few can goods in her hands. She placed the cans on a counter. She asked,"Urd, I need some help with. . ." The door bell rang. Keiichi placed a couple bottles of juice on the table. He told Belldandy and Urd that he was going to get the door.
As Keiichi left the room, he heard Urd asking Belldandy ,"I wonder who be calling us on a Saturday?"

Keiichi walked down the hall. He said as entered the living room,"I'm coming!" The door bell rang again.

"Give me a minute!" he said, a little loudly. The door was unlocked and it opened up to a young girl. Keiichi was surprised to this girl with in a black coat and hair red. She asked in a friendly voice,"Hello, is Skuld home?"
"No, she at the library!" Keiichi said a little puzzled. "Why. . .do you need her for something!" "Oh," the girl was a bit surprised to hear the news. "Is she still there?" "Yea, I think until noon. . .she wants to study extra hard for an up and coming math quiz!" "No!" the girl turned face away from Keiichi sight. His statement hit the girl like a ton of bricks. "Mister Blish's math quiz. . .dad is going to kill if I don't get moving. Sorry, I've got to study. I nearly forgot!" "You were saying?" Keiichi questioned the girl. "How long is she going to stay?"
The girl was the point in her question. "I think until oon. She might be in the kids department! Oh, if you missed her. . .you do me to give a message?" "Yea,just say that Abby Johnston stopped over," Abby said.

"Is your name, Abby?" Abby glanced at Keiichi for a minute. She nodded her head. "O.K." "Then, I still have time to catch her!" Abby said rather hurriedly.
She turned to leave. She told Keiichi if she didn't see Skuld at the library. She was invited to play in the park later in the afternoon. Abby started to walk down the path. She said without looking over her shoulder,"Thank you!" "Yep! Any time!" Keiichi said. He watched Abby as she disappeared into the snowy day. Keiichi closed the door. He thought to himself,"What a strange young girl!" Reenie and Hotura were doing their homework. They in the living room with Rei. Rei was helping out Hotura with a her spelling.
Hotura was hoping to get least in the top twenty in the spelling bee that was going to be held at school on following Monday. She stood in front of Rei and Reenie. Rei and Reenie sat on the sofa. Rei had a card with the list of spelling words on it. Hotura felt a little nervous as Rei asked her to spell out the different words. She asked,"How do you spell, conservation!" Hotura looked at Reenie for a minute. Then, she uttered loudly,"C-o-n-v-e-r-s-a-t-I-o-n!Conversation!" "That's right!" Rei said, looking over the list.
"Good job!" Reenie grinned.
"Now. We'll shoot for the whole works!" Rei was get excited. Hotura was very great speller. She might get her wish. Rei glanced at the last word on the list. It seemed like such an easy word. Smiling, Rei asked,"Here's the word. It is homeward. Do you know how to spell it?. . .Hotura Tomoe!"
Taking a deep breath, Hotura closed her eyes. She thought to herself for a minute. The word was divided into the letters which made up the word. She said slowly,"Homeward. H-o-m-e-w-a-r-d. Homeward. I think I spelled it right, Rei?" Rei looked at the last word as Hotura spelled it out. Reenie held her breath. Rei nudged Reenie in the ribs. With a pleased smile,
Rei said,"You did it. Hotura you got everyone of them right!"
Hotura opened her eyes in amazement. Reenie was surprised. Hotura said,"I did it?" "Yippie!"

Reenie let off the sofa. She began to dance around Hotura. She said,"You didall the word. They all right! I'm really proud of you!" Hotura watched as Reenie did her little spectral. She was good. She hoped to see someone at the spelling bee. There was a spelling bee between the local schools if Hotura could go there. The door bell rang. "Save by the bell!" Hotura said. She was hoping for a break. "I'll get it!" Reenie squeaked. She ran to the front door. "Be careful!" Rei said. Rei stretched her arms. She had been working with the girls since nine in the morning. "I'll be!" Reenie said, before opening up the door. Reenie was surprised to see Abby standing in the door way. She gapped,"Hi, Abby!"
"How are you?" Abby remarked calmly.

"I'm fine! Do you wanna come in?" Reenie asked in a racious tone. "Yes," Abby walked into the entrance way. Serena was entering the living room. She was surprised to see Abby standing next to Reenie. Hotura turned to see who was talking to Reenie. She saw Abby in her heavy black car coat. She ambled across the room to where Reenie and Abby were standing. Abby and Reenie were making small talk about school. Serena stopped in the hallway. She asked as she saw the three girls,"Reenie, Who is this?"
Reenie and Hotura wanted to talk to Abby. Abby had to get home and study. She might study at the library if she made her visit short with the girls. Reenie glanced at Serena and said,"She's a friend." Abby turned to see Serena standing near the entrance way to the hall. "Ma'am. . .name is Abby Johnson." "Hello," Serena sounded excited. She didn't want to made the girl feel uncomfortable. "Nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you too, Miss?" Abby said. She wanted to know who she was talking to. "Call me Serena!" Serena beamed.
Abby turned to speak in front of Hotura and Reenie,"I just need to tell you guys that you and Hotura are invited to the park."
"Cool!" Reenie squeaked. The idea of play was tops in Reenie's book. Serena didn't want her future daughter to be a slacker like she was. She cleared her throat and said,"Reenie what about your homework?" "I need to spend some time on it," Reenie said. "But, I don't goof off like some people!"

What!" Serena screeched. Then, she looked at the three girls. "I heard about you guys from Reenie and Hotura both," Abby said. Serena now glared at Reenie. Then, she said through clenched teeth,"I hope it's all good!" "Yea. . .I'm going not to blab about your personally life, big mouth!" Reenie snorted without even batting an eyebrow. Serena looked as through she was going to blow a gasket.
Hotura saved the peace by asking,"Why do you want us to come to the park?" "I wanted to have some fun at the park," Abby said. "Does Serena and Reenie yell each other?"
"Eh. . . most of the time!" Hotura shrugged her shoulders. "Who else is coming?" Reenie added in a short spurt to keep from yelling at Serena,"Yea. . .who else?" Rasing a hand to her chin, Abby thought for a minute. She uttered,"Let me see. . .I think Sasami Skuld and you two!" Then, a small voice squealed,"Chibi-chibi!"
"Uh?" Abby asked.

Who is there?" All eyes in the room fell on a little girl with candy red hair. She stood right next to Serena. She had one hand one Serena's leg. The other was near her lips. Abby saw Chibi-chibi on rare events. She asked,"Who's that?" Reenie cocked her head to one side. She said,"Oh, that's Chibi-chibi!"

Chibi-chibi beamed shyly. "She looks like you Serena! Is she your little sister?" "She a cousin!" Serena lied. She didn't want Abby to find out that Chibi-Chibi was really Princess Kakyuu's Star-seed in human form. "You got it wrong, Meat-ball brain! She's your little sister. . .and I am your cousin!" Reenie squeaked. She was surprised to hear Serena getting it all wrong.
Well, sumimasen to you. . .Miss Reenie-san!" Serena sounded flustered. "Chibi-chibi!" the littlest girl squeaked. "When do you want us to be there?" Hotura asked. "At two. I've got go. . .Hotura, do you have mister Bliss's math class?" Abby asked, the quiet Sailor.
"Nope. . .I've got Mrs Mansfield. Wh y?" Hotura asked. "I've to book-it to the library. He's got a math quiz on Monday. I've got to study!"
Chibi-chibi and Serena looked at each other. There was something sad about this little girl. It was like with Hotura when her father was still alive. Hotura said,"Then, I'll see you later?" Serena asked,"Yea, we hope you, Reenie and Hotura have a really good time!"
"Yea, bye!" Abby turned to leave.

Hotura and Reenie said in union,"Bye, Abby!" ***

The girls showed up at the park. Reenie, Chibi-chibi and Hotura showed up with an escort. Rio said that she wasn't doing anything. She was done with her homework. Skuld was with her sister, Belldandy. Belldandy told Urd and Keiichi to come up with a birthday plan. While she was with Skuld. Abby came alone. Her father was called up for a last minute case at the hospital. She was a little disappointed in her father. She understood he was a hard worker. Abby just wished to spend a bit of time with her dad. Sasami showed up with Kiyone and Ryo-oh-ki. The girls went to the swing-sets in the wooden play palace. Rio said,"Listen, Reenie. ..you let Chibi-chibi take turns with you on the swings."
"Why?" Reenie asked. There were plenty of swings on the lot.
Rio said,"If you want to become a lady. . .you must share." "Skuld, be careful!" Belldandy said. She didn't want Skuld to get hurt.
"Bell. . .I'm not a little kid!" Skuld sighed as she rolled her eyes. Skuld didn't want to be reminded of her birthday. As a Goddess, Skuld didn't have a birthday. This was going to be a special treat for her. "Sasami. . .do you want me to look after Ryo-oh-ki?" Kiyone asked. "Meow?" Ryo-oh-ki said, looking up at Sasami who was carrying her. Yea. . .If you don't mind!" Sasami said. Sasami patted the little cabbit. "Meow!" said the little cabbit. Rio glanced at Abby. Abby was talking to Hotura. The two girls could have past as twins outside of eye and hair colour. Rio felt a great deal of sadness in Abby. She heard Abby saying,"Dad can't come." "Why?" Hotura said as she looked at a swing.
"Work," Abby sighed.
"I now how that is," Hotura said, remembering how her own father was. Even before the fire, he was so busy with his work. She rarely saw him. "You do. Your dad. . .was he a doctor?" "Yep, in a way. He worked with genetics!" Hotura said as she sat on the swing. "A scientist?" Abby asked as she took the swing next to Hotura. Abby was intersead in Hotura. "You got that right. I didn't like when I was alone. . . especially after school."
"I get to see dad a little more than yours. He always makes it a point to spend the weekends with me." The two girls heard a noise. It was Chibi-chibi. She had discovered the chimes near the exit. She found a rock on the wooden floor. She picked it up and started to hit the chimes with it. Rio and Belldandy watched Chibi-chibi as she played one note endlessly. Rio tried to teach her a very basic song. Chibi-chibi wouldn't have anything to do with that. She tried to push Rio away with her hands. Rio got tired of teaching the little one a song. Rio and Belldandy and Kiyone started to talk about school. A young girl entered into the play castle. She was wearing a green jacket and black boots. She was going to play with the others. The girl walked over to the slide where Sasami and Reenie were. She asked if she could go after Sasami. Sasami didn't mind. Reenie noticed something about this new girl. It was her hair. It was green. Sure, Reenie had seen people with green hair. This girl was different. Her long braids trailed behind the girl. The girl was really Jun-Jun formally of the Dead Moon Cirrus. She was told by Galaxia to look for pure Star-seeds. She spot a holder of a pure one. Then, take the holder and drain every last ounce of the power from the Star-seed. Ryo-oh-ki was sniffing around the slide. Jun-jun never saw a cabbit. She asked Sasami,"What's that?" Sasami looked at Jun-jun. Then, she glanced at Ryo-oh-ki who was now padding over to see Reenie. She said,"That's my pet. .
"Meow!" the little cabbit peeped. She tried to jump up to get Reenie's attention. "What's it? A rabbit or a cat?" Jun-Jun was puzzled. "A mix!"

"A WHAT?" Jun-jun barked is surprise. "It's a new pet." "I never would live to see something like that. . .in my life!" Jun-Jun's jaw dropped.
Rio and Kiyone walked up to the girls. Rio said,"Everything has to chance in a little while. Then, it hits the reverse button to look around what and where it's been!"
"What do you mean?" Reenie asked "Everything doesn't keep still. It has to change for the good or bad of the world. There are things that will not change," Rio smiled. "Like what?" Kiyone asked. She was just as puzzled as the girls. "Laughing, snow, moms telling stories to their kids and hope," Rio said as she picked up Chibi-chibi who was now digging a hole in the snow. She ran to where Reenie was at. "Now. .
.little one. "
Chibi-chibi began to squirm. She didn't want to be held. She wanted to play. "Chibi-chibi. . .play?" she looked up at Rio. "No, your snow suit is wet," Rio sighed. "You stay with me!" "No," Chibi-chibi squealed.
"Munchkin, I don't want you getting wet," Rio felt Chibi-chibi moving in her arms. Rio sighed,"Kids never change either. You lot are getting tired?" A chorus of girl voices said,"No."

"Great. You sit with Miss Bell and Ryo-oh-ki, Munchkin?" "Meow?" Chibi-chibi peeped. Then, she pointed to the little cabbit. "Yea. . .Meow, meow!" Rio tried to agreed with the littlest one there. Rio lowered Chibi-chibi to the ground. She went to the bench that Belldandy and Ryo-oh-ki were siting at She reached out a finger. The little cabbit leaned forward to smell Chibi-chibi's finger. Kiyone asked Belldandy,"How is the J-school?"
"Fine. . .I see nothing wrong with it. I love being around the kids," Belldandy smiled.
Rio was sharp with her quip. She pointed her left thumb at Chibi-chibi. Chibi-chibi was petting Ryo-oh-ki on the head. "How about her? She can be a real hand full." Rio chided. "She can be. . .but, I can see that she has a lot of things to play with," Belldandy said.
"Meow!" Ryo-oh-ki said.
"Chibi-chibi!" said the littlest one. Then, Chibi-chibi found a loose stick in the snow. She bent down to pick it up. After she picked it up, Chibi-chibi tossed it in the air. It fell down without a sound. She went after it.

Chibi-chibi tossed the stick for another four times. Rio watched as Chibi-chibi started to use the stick in another way. She started to draw lines in the snow. She drew lines around Ryo-oh-ki, Belldandy. Then, she ran up to Hotura and Abby. The two girls sat on the swings. They just talked for the longest time. They found that they had some in common. They had dads that worked for long hours. Then, the loss of their mothers was shared. "It seems like daddy when he died. . .I got a better chance in life. I grew up with a set of good friends who act like my family," Hotura said.
"I didn't know your dad died," Abby said. She was shocked to hear that Hotura lost her dad as well. "Yea, a couple of years back. His heart gave out," Hotura said as she bent her down. Her sadness was going to get the better of her. Hotura knew that she had the best start of life. She had wonderful friends and family. She was still weak, but as a Sailor Senshi she had the power of both life and death in her hands. Chibi-chibi popped in between them. She held up the stick in front of their faces. She squeaked,"Chibi-chibi!" "Yea, I see you," Hotura said with an off guarded smile.
"You are full of surprises, Chibi-chibi!" Abby said, coking her head to one side. The two girls giggled at the little stick carrier. The day wore on. Skuld told the girls that she had to go home and help Belldandy with her housekeeping. Sasami, Ryo-oh-ki and Kiyone had to go home too. They had to get home and start supper. All was left was Hotura, Chibi-chibi, Reenie, Abby, Jun-jun and Rio. Rio asked Abby if she didn't mind hat the girls were would walk home with her. Abby said,"No. . .I don't mind! I don't like walking sometimes by myself."
Jun-jun started to walk by herself. She pretended that she headed for home. She was going to wait and spring a trap for Abby. Jun-jun felt a great source of pure energy in Abby. Abby could be carrying a pure Star-seed. She was going to fail her mission for Galaxia, like her times that she and others Amazons for their Queen. "I just need to stand here and wait." Jun-jun said. She was nearly beaming in evil joy. "That kid. . .Abby is dripping with Star-seed power. I bet it's pure. I hope Galaxia is happy with the results!" Abby and Hotura were turning the corner. Rio, Chibi-chibi and Reenie were walking behind the two girls. Chibi-chibi wanted to play a little longer. Reenie was tried and wanted to get come. She needed to get her reading done for school on Monday. Rio held Chibi-chibi's hand as she thought of Dusty, school and her new job. She finally made a phone call to the Salem News. She told them that she willing to a couple of routes starting on Monday. She had to contact her cousin and Charlie about taking up a couple of routes for themselves. Hotura and Abby saw Jun-jun trying to climb up a tree. She was going fake the idea of losing a favorite toy plane that got stuck up in the tree. She asked the two girls with a boost up to the lowest branch of the tree. Hotura and Abby looked at each other for a minute. Then, Abby asked,"Why?" "I was playing with my mini-glider and it's now stuck in that tree!" Jun-jun pointed out.
Instant, a toy glider appeared in the lowest branch. "I need to someone to help me get it down." "It looks very expensive. . ." Hotura said. She peered up at the toy. "Yea, dad is going to kill if come home empty handed," Jun-jun lied. She tried to sound like she was going to be in trouble by her misadeverses with the plane.
"I know how that is," Abby expressed a great deal sympathy. "Me too!" Hotura added. Both girls lost favorite toys and things by carelessly misplacing them. They willing to help. Jun-jun told them to lower their hands. She was going to use their hands as a platform. Both girls lowered their arms. Then, they bent down to make a human platform for Jun-jun to climb on. She climbed up the tree after climbing up on the girls' arms. She reached up to get the toy plane. She pretended to loose her balance. She wiggled in place. She was going to make Abby and Hotura lose their balance as well. "What's going on?" Abby asked a panicked. "I'm losing my balance. Did someone move?" jun-jun asked sharply. "I don't think so," Hotura gasped. "Oh, no!" Jun-jun squeaked. She began to wave her arms around. Then, each girl fell down to the ground. Abby fell down on the snow pavement. She felt a little pain as she laid on the pavement on her side. Hotura fell on her chest. She hit the cold frozen ground. There was slight pain as she breathed. Her breath was knocked out her. Jun-jun on the other hand, did a hand flip. She landed gracefully on her feet. She stared down at the bodies. An evil look flashed on her eyes. She boastfully laughing as she apologized, "Hey, look. . .got my plane. . .Sorry, I wanted to get something. . .but, not for my dad!"

Jun-jun threw her plane into the air. It quickly changed into a ball. Jun-jun raised right her hand into the air. A pool stick appeared out of nowhere in her hand. She believe her luck. Galaxia was going to be well pleased. Abby looked up at Jun-jun who was cuing up. Her mind was sharp as she spoke,"What are you doing. . .who are you?" "Nobody. . .just a kid who wanted to look at something that you own," Jun-jun sneered. Her coat and long pants instant changed into her Amazon Circus outfit. "What?" Abby demanded as she tried to sit up. "A look at your Star-seed!" Jun-jun took careful aim. Then, she let her stick hit the ball which appeared instantly in her hands. She watched as the ball stop sign. Then, it flew across the road to a large tree. It zipped past Reenie, Chibi-chibi and Rio. Reenie and Rio jerked to attention. "The enemy!" Reenie gasped. "Yea," Rio said. She picked up Chibi-chibi. They darted in back of a garage. They watched as the ball hit the tree that Jun-jun had climbed on. It bounced off and slammed into Abby*s back. She let out a scream. Abby felt to the ground in an unconscious state. Hotura glanced up. She realized who that girl was. Galaxia found the Sailors in Salem. She tried to set up. "Oh, no. . ." she cried out of her own pain. "PINK SUGAR HEART ATTACK!" shouted a child*s voice. A shower of pink hearts hit Jun-jun in the face. Abby*s Star-seed came into view. A ball of sparkling white light surrounded the Star seed. It was pure. . .but not like the Star-seeds of the Sailors. jun-jun had to work fast. If that blasted Sailor Chibi-moon wasn*t there. Jun-jun would have a great chance to take that seed. Sailor Chibi-moon stood in front of Jun-jun. She had her Moon Kaleidoscope in her hands. Jun-jun didn*t like the idea of this little pip-squeak trying to stop her plans. Jun-jun jumped up to avoid those dang pink hearts. She landed on a porch roof. She had to think of something. There was just one Sailor Senshi. Or so Jun-jun thought. "Only little Star-seed stealing creep runs and hides,"
shouted another voice. "What?" Jun-jun glanced around nervously. "Why do you have to take her seed?" Sailor Acardia leapt up on the roof to be with Jun-jun."It hought you were gone and the Dead Moon Circus was destroyed." "You. . .How do you know me!" Jun-jun glared at Sailor Acardia. "Beside that Galaxia gave me a new start." Jun-jun was now mad. She had to call up a lemure. She snapped,"I call on the Illusionist Calypso. . .Front and center!" "As you wish. . ." a voice sounded like breaking glass echoing in the street. "Oh, no. . ."Sailor Chibi-moon gasped. "Hurry, put back Abby*s Star-seed. . .I*ll transform into Sailor Saturn behind that garage over there!" Hotura said as she spotted a garage across the street. A dark shadow came out from the tree. It twisted and formed into a crystal walking doll. It*s little pin curls were made out of pink glass, while it*s face, arms and legs were made out of green glass. A translucent glass dress shone like silver in the day light. The Sailor Senshi were out numbered. Jun.-jun was going to make short work on Sailor Acardia. She was pushing with all of her might, trying to get Acardia off the roof. "Take care of those brats on the sidewalk now. I will deal with this one, myself!" Jun-jun screamed. "O.K." the doll*s voice crackled. She saw Sailor Chibi-moon and Hotura together. Chibi-moon instantly helped Hotura to stand up. "Let*s play. . .doilies. I have got all the time in the world to play!" "Not on your life!" another voice commanded. Sailors Jupiter and Mars came running down the street. The two girls saw the sailors. Sailor Jupiter told Mars to take out the doll while she was going to help Sailor Acardia. Jupiter ran up and jumped towards the roof. She shouted as she took careful aim at Jun-jun,"SPARKLING WIDE PRESSURE!" Calypso saw the other two running towards Abby*s body and Sailor Chibi-chibi. Sailor Mars stood her ground as she shouted,"MARS FLAME SHOOTER!" She was near the two girls. A flaming arrow came out of Sailor Mars*s fingers. She took careful aim. The arrow flew past the girls. It struck the doll with a fiery blast. The doll was consumed with the heat. "Sailor Mars!" Sailor Chibi-moon squeaked.

"Where is Abby and Sailor Chibi-chibi!" Sailor Mars asked the two girls. "Abby and Sailor Chibi-chibi are together," Hotura said. She began to walk on the grass. Then, she felt her ankle twist. She let out a quiet yip. The Star-seed is with Sailor Chibi-chibi," Sailor Chibi-Moon said. Then, she heard Hotura*s yip. While this was going on, Jun-jun was nearly pushed off of the roof by Sailor Jupiter*s blast. Jun-jun had a hold of Sailor Acardia*s hands. She was going to down the ground with Sailor Acardia clinging to her. Sailor Acardia closed her eyes to avoid the blast. She relied on her other seances to keep from falling. Jun-jun was losing her grip on Sailor Acardia*s arms. Sailor Acardia was going to let go. She was going to her own powers to make this child of the Dead Moon Circus stop. Staying focused, Sailor Acardia said,"Mystic Dreams!" A bracelet on Sailor Acardia*s left arm began to glow. A rose coloured light flooded around her arm. It instantly slammed against Jun-jun*s chest. It felt like her heart was going to stop in a blink of an eye. There was nothing that felt so warm which Jun-jun had experienced before. She broke away from Acardia*s gasped. Standing Jun-jun was going to leave buy the looks of things. Then, she screamed,"CALYPSO. . . TAKE THE SEED, NOW!"
"Shoot. . .my powers like yours Jupiter, I can only stun them," Sailor Acardia uttered. "We work as a team. . . you are just as important as Sailor Moon," Jupiter said, trying to consul her sister Senshi. "The real trouble is the monster down there." Then, she pointed down to the glass doll. Calypso was now poised over Abby and Sailor Chibi-chibi. Sailor Chibi-chibi tried to act brave as she held the Star-seed in her hands.
"WORLD SHAKING!" a voice shouted. A blast of yellow light hit the doll. On the corner stood Sailor Uranus. The doll began to scream. It cracked under the pressure from another attack.
Sailor Chibi-moon and Hotura glanced over to the outer Senshi. "Sailor Uranus!" cried Sailor Chibi-moon.
"Take Hotura to safety, Little lady. . ." Sailor Uranus sharply called out. "O.K." Sailor Chibi-moon said as she led her friend Hotura across the street. "What?" Jun-jun snapped. "I think you lost out," Sailor Acardia said. She pointed out to Sailor Chibi-chibi replacing the Star-seed back into the right body. "How?" Sailor Uranus questioned the other Senshi. The other were puzzled. Did Sailor Chibi-chibi what the purity level in the Star-seeds. Could she tell which kinds of purity they are. Sailor Mars said,"We disgust about that later." "Yea. . .let*s get rid of this doll and her put in the trash," Sailor Jupiter said. "How?" Sailor Acardia said. "Planet Power!" Sailor Mars said.
I wasn*t in the use of planet power. I don*t know if I*m strong enough!" Sailor Acardia said. "I had enough of this chit-chat. I*m leaving," Jun-jun said. She turned to say,"You play nice with your playmates. I*m going home, empty handed." Then, Jun-jun disappeared in a fleche of green light. "I want to play. . ." the doll uttered in a blank tone. She turned to face Sailor Uranus. She held out her hands. Instantly, a dark crystal ball took shape in Calypso*s hands. She began to bounce it in place. The crystal ball rattled as it hit the pavement. After a few bounces, Calypso said,"Dark Crystal ball turn into a Star-seed." The ball did what it was told to. It smacked into the pavement. It cracked in to three Star- seeds. "What?" Sailor Mars gapped. "No. . .way," Sailor Jupiter growled.
"The right one is in the body of Abby. . .it*s just a trick. I*ve seen it done with pick-pockets. They try to fool you with the same in the looks as the purse or wallet that they stole," Sailor Acardia said. "She*s right. . .Sailor Chibi-chibi was there with Abby all the time," Sailor Uranus said. "She had the seed." "Why trick us. The seed is back in Abby. . .there is no possible way of getting it out," Sailor Jupiter remarked, a little angry. "Illusions. They are trying to fool us. . .but, it*s too late!" Sailor Mars, huffed a little ticked off. "Let*s do it. . .before she attacks Sailor Chibi-chibi!" Sailor Uranus uttered loudly. The other three agreed. Each one of the Sailors turned to face the doll. Sailor Mars shouted,"MARS CRYSTAL POWER!"
"JUPITER CRYSTAL POWER!" Sailor Jupiter shouted. "URANUS PLANET POWER!" Sailor Uranus shouted.

"ACARDIA PLANET POWER!" Sailor Acardia shouted. Then, the four Sailors shouted,"SAILORS PLANET ATTACK!" The doll was infused with brilliant rays of red, green, yellow and rose coloured lights. Each Sailor felt the powers drain from their bodies. Then, the doll smashed in to thousand pieces. The crystal pieces floated in the air. Instinctively, the Sailors geared up for one more attack. "WORLD SHAKING!" shouted Sailor Uranus. MARS FIRE IGNITE!" Sailor Mars shouted. "SPARKLING WIDE PRESSURE!" Sailor Jupiter shouted.
"MYSTIC DREAMS!" Sailor Acardia shouted. The crystal shards were quickly turned into dust. Abby started to wake up. Sailor Acardia called for Hotura come and help Abby. The others were going. Sailor Chibi-moon wanted to stay. Sailor Acardia said it was O.K. but, she wanted to be there too in case something else would happen.

"Wow! Look at the poster!" Serena squeaked. In the school lunch room, there was a crowd that stood in front of the large plate glass window. A double sided poster was being taped to the window by a student. It nearly screamed the fact there was a sweet heart dance at the gym. Rei, Rio, Seiya, Ryoko, Serena and Ayeka were standing in front of the window. Rei studied the poster,"It sounds like fun!" "Yea. . .I never been to a sweet heart dance before!" Ryoko said.

Seiya asked as he glanced at Ryoko,"First time?" "
Yea, I just wish I had a dress. . .A really super one!" Ryoko sighed. "I would like to have a dress too. . .I have been to many balls and dances before," Ayeka sighed. She placed a hand up to her left check. "It sounds like Cinderella," Seiya giggled a little. He was trying to play up the fact that the girls were acting like princesses until the night of the dance. He glanced up at Ayeka. Serena said in resolution,"I*m going to get me a dress this weekend!" "As long you didn*t spend all your grant money at the quick mart!"
Rei jokingly griped. Serena felt the sting of Rei*s statement. She turned to glare at Rei. "Rei," she snapped. "For your information. . .I didn*t spend all of my money at the quick mart!" "When is the dance?" Rio asked. She was standing behind Serena and Seiya. Then, she saw Stephanie walking up to the crowd. They were now waiting for lunch to start. "It says here. . .at seven, on Valentine weekend," Ryoko said. She placed a hand up to her chin. "It sounds like there is going to be a lot of fun at the dance!" Seiya smiled. He was hoping to ask Serena on a date for that night.

There was a major shake up in the English department at the high school. A new subitatue teacher took over for a teacher who was sick. He was old fashion, strict and proper. He didn*t like the students who were lax on their studies. He ran across Seiya and Ryoko in one class. He thought that Ryoko was coarse and Seiya was just another pretty boy goofing off in class. They were hard workers, but they didn*t come up to his standards. Rio had no trouble with the class. Although she did feel uncomfortable about being stared at by the teacher. There was an evil that Rio couldn*t place her finger on at the time. Washu was getting a can of soda when she met the new teacher. She stood in line at the Lunch room, waiting for her can form the pop machine. The new teacher was tall with a careworn face, slightly wavy brown hair and brown-blue eyes. He wore a nondescript black suit. He walked up to Washu. He asked rather sharply,"Shouldn*t you be in class?" Washu jerked her head at the head. She raised a surprised eyebrow at him. She was going to be mistaken of a little kid because of her height. She didn*t mind the comment, but the inflection of the teacher*s voice gave Washu a biting feeling. "I*m sorry. . .I*m not a student. . .I*m a teacher at this school,"she said, her voice was practically harsh in tone. "Oh, are you sure?" the teacher asked. He raised a black eyebrow towards her.

"Yes, I*m Miss Washu. . .the school*s newest chemistry teacher. I have been a teacher for about a month!" Washu said, trying to keep her cool. She was starting to not like this guy who calls himself a teacher.

Realizing that his comment was felt as an insult, the teacher apologizing. "I*m sorry," his teeth clicked. "I thought you were a child." Then, he bowed his head sightly as he spoke,"Good day!" Washu watched as the teacher walked away from her. She turned to reach down to her can of soda. She thought to herself,"What a strange man!" "What a gorgeous dress!" Reenie said.

She was peering over Rei*s shoulder. "Yea, I don*t know which one to pick from," Rei sighed as she tossed the magazine that she was reading on the coffee table.
Rei and Reenie were at Miss Gina*s house. Miss Gina didn*t mind having a house full of young people. They came to her house to study and hang out. There was something to do. Some of the girls were in the living room, looking over a stack of magazines. Some sat on chairs from the dinning room, some sat on the living room floor and others were perched on the sofa. They were trying to gear up for the valentine*s dance at the high school. The floor was littered with magazines, notes and coloured pencils. "I don*t know about this one," Urd sighed as she held up a picture of a wafer thin girl in a green Victorian gown with a train. The other girls stared at the picture. Lita said as she stared at the picture for a minute,"It*s pretty. . .but," "But, it*s too much for a school dance!" Serena spoke with a surprised glance.
Rio, who was looking at a doll magazine to get an idea or two said,"Ever since Titanic they have been pushing that look for a couple of years!"
"You don*t like it?" Reenie asked, coking her head to one side. "It*s too," Rio began to say. "Too formal!" Kiyone uttered with a pout.
"The train is pretty, but is needed?" Mihoshi asked. Taiki and Tenchi were sitting at the computer table. They were doing some research for one of Tenchi*s classes. Tenchi was sitting at Taiki*s left. He turned his head to view the girls. The two guys heard the girls chattering. Tenchi signed in an appalled mood,"Girls! I can*t believe it. Why the fuss?"
"You know how some girls are. They want at least two or three dresses to pick from. . .even it*s the last minute!" Taiki murmured loudly as he clicked on a web page of links. "The girls want to go through that? I am going to keep away from out there. If I want to finish my homework," Tenchi rolled his eyes. Taiki sensing a disagreement rising up from nowhere, uttered,"Don*t count your chickens before the hatch!"

"Oh, Tenchi dear!" Ayeka said in little girl voice. She squeaked loudly so Tenchi and Taiki could hear from across the room. "How about this?" She held up a magazine in Tenchi*s direction.
"Oh, boy!" Tenchi yipped softly. He gripped his note book.
"See, I what I told you," Taiki said as he sat back in the chair. He raised a hand up to his chin.
Ayeka walked over to where Taiki and Tenchi were sitting at. She clutched at the magazine to her chest. The perturbed look on Ayeka*s face was not in the best situations of finishing up homework. Tenchi raised a hand up to forehead. His eyes were closed. He didn*t want to face Ayeka. Ayeka noticed that Tenchi wasn*t paying attention to her. She had to keep her cool, if she wanted to remain graceful. She needed Tenchi*s opinion about this dress. "I*m going to stay focused on this stuff!" Ayeka pouted. "But, I need your opinion too!" Tenchi was too busy to even look at her. Ayeka was really not ticked off with Tenchi. She marched over where Yaten was. Yaten sitting on the last step on the stair case, doing his homework. He wanted to get done with it before reading an assignment for English class. Ayeka stood in front of the pretty boy singer. She held out the magazine for him to look at. She asked him in a clear prissy voice,"What do you think, Yaten!" Yaten looked up at Ayeka and the magazine. He didn*t like to be bothered by a girl who could not choose anything for herself. He huffed a little annoyed,"The dress is prefect for you. . .if you fix up you hair differently!" Yaten*s quip made Ayeka steamed. She rolled up the magazine in the left hand. She began to strike her open right palm with the magazine. Snarling, Ayeka asked,"What did you say?"
Yaten wasn*t paying attention. He learned to shut himself from the rest of the world in order to pay attention to the task at hand. Taiki and Tenchi glanced over to Yaten and Ayeka were. "What are you doing, Ayeka?" Tenchi asked. Taiki said as he observed,"I think she*s going to smack Yaten on the head with the magazine." "Hey, Yaten. . .what did you get for question ten?" Jerry asked she walked from the kitchen. "Uh?" Yaten uttered as he watched Ayeka was going to lower the boom on his head. "What did you get?" Jerry asked. He tapped his chin with the end his pen. "Forty-eight," Yaren appeared to be nervous as he prayed in his mind that Ayeka wasn*t going to hit him. "Oh, are you sure?" Jerry looked at Yaten. Then, he witnessed what was gone to unfold in front of him.
Ayeka wanted a fast apology. She asked,"Are you going to say sorry Yaten?"
"What*s going on?" Jerry demanded Ayeka. A perturbed look was now set on Jerry*s face.
"I just told Ayeka that she was prefect in the dress if she wore her hair up," Yaten gulped nervously.
Jerry was going to save Yaten from being smacked by Ayeka. He instantly came to Yaten*s defense. He gazed at her as he quietly demanded,"Let me see the dress?"

"Uh?" Ayeka gaped. She was flabbergasted. She wasn*t excepting Jerry*s reaction. "Come on. . .let me see the dress?" Jerry held out his left and which above Yaten*s head. Yaten quickly covered his head with both hands. He was still afraid of Ayeka. Jerry was handed the magazine. He unrolled it and study the picture. After a couple of minutes of Jerry*s studying the dress. He came up with a salutation that Yaten had in the fist place. He said,"Ayeka. . .you should wear your hair up. It would like nice." His voice a little more gentle in the tonal inflection. Ayeka*s jaw dropped. Both Jerry and Yaten shared the same idea. Ayeka was a little self-centered. She needed to drop her ego a few pegs. Yaten was spared the torture. He heard Jerry tell Tenchi to catch the magazine. The magazine glided past Yaten*s head and into Tenchi*s hands. Ayeka heard Ryoko asking her,"Hey, Ayeka!"

Ayeka couldn*t say a thing. Jerry*s quiet attitude blew the Prissy Princess away. Yaten uncovered his head. He noticed Jerry was standing next to him. He saw Ayeka walked back to the group of girls. Seiya who was sitting at the window seat with Allen was working on irregular verbs. Seiya was like he was getting the hang of English. Allen poked Seiya on the foot with his foot as Ayeka tried to talk to Mina about another dress. They over heard Yaten*s verbal assault on Ayeka*s pride. Allen and Seiya both signed out of disbelief,"Girls!" Allen slapped the end of his pen at the top of his English book.
Seiya shook his head. Gina had the table in the dinning room set up as a nerve center. She was helping Steve with his history notes. A tiny smile flashed on her lips as she heard the girls chattering. It reminded her of the days of going dancing with her boyfriend. Rio told Belldandy, Ami, Haruka and Michiru that Dusty was going to be in his dress whites. While Abby told Reenie, Skuld, Sasami and Hotura that she wished she was seventeen. Galaxia felt like she needed more power. Jun-jun had caught pure power from Abby. The power was average. She knew where the Star-seed of almost Sailor Senshi purity. She was going to set trap. He heard about the person*s who were in Tokyo who had pure Star-seeds. It was the fate of that Senshi or carrier of a pure Star-seed. In the throne room, Tigereye and Jedeite stood in front of Galaxia. She instructed the two in where the next target was. "This is a prefect creature! She had a pure Star-seed!" Galaxia purred with an evil grin. A ball of green light appeared out nowhere. It hoovered in front of Tigereye and Jedeite. A picture came in to focus. A young girl with brown hair was being viewed. The two made mental notes. This wasn*t special on the outside. One the inside the power could open up a door that was long sealed shut. A shadow of the moon was going to rise. "The good Prince told me of a creature that hosted off the keeper of Pegasus. Reenie*s other self is named Wicked Lady!" Galaxia spoke darkly.
"Yes. . .then, there is Mistress Nine," Tigereye agreed.
"Professor Tomoe said the Mistiness Nine was in his daughter*s soul. Hotura was born with the power of planet Saturn!" Jedeite added. Tigereye recognized who the girl was. He had seen the girl at school. He told Galaxia and Jedeite that she was a student at the high school. She was really a nobody and she wouldn*t be missed. Galaxia instructed them to attack the girl on her way home. The Sailor Senshi wouldn*t suspect two normal high school students would be working for Galaxia. ***

The next day, Seiya and Jerry were going to study hall. A girl wearing a long dress walked down the hall. She was coming from study hall. She was deep in thought. She hoped that her ex-boyfriend wasn*t going to stop her in the hallway. Tigereye stopped in the same hallway. He pretended to wait for someone. He looked like a student with a blue sweater and black jeans. He was spying for the right time to strike. Seiya stopped in the hall when he saw Mina and Rei walking down the hall. He was going to ask them how their reports for Mister Lewis*s English class went. He saw the girl who was Tigereye*s victim. To Seiya, the girl was just a normal person. Then, he noticed her sporting a bruise on her left cheek. Seiya felt sorry for her. She walked into the void of faceless beings in order to vanish. She walked to another class. Seiya walked to the study hall. Jerry was already at a desk chair, reading a book. Seiya walked over to a desk-chair that was front of Jerry*s. He sat down as the last bell rang. Without looking, Seiya asked Jerry in a whisper,"Did you see that girl with the bruise on her check?" Jerry whispered back in the same manner,"Yea. . .but, we can*t do anything unless we see it happening. We can help, but at a safe distance."
Seiya didn*t like the answer that Jerry gave. He wanted to help the girl anyway he could. "Is that all?" Seiya*s eyes burned a little anger. "Yea, I knew about," Jerry was starting to say before the teacher told the class to settle down. Seiya had his book bag on the desk. He unzipped the bag to get out his grammar book. He grabbed it from the opened book bag. He opened the book to start on his homework. ***

Tigereye waited for the last bell to ring. The end of the school day was going to pay off quite well. Most if the student were getting ready to go home. Seiya wasn*t going home with Taiki or Yaten. He received a note from the basketball coach. The coach was interested in Seiya as a sub during the season which was in full swing. Seiya walked down the hall when saw the girl with the bruised cheek putting a couple of books in her locker. The words from Jerry when they spoke in study-hall,*keep your distance* were on Seiya*s mind. Jerry knew about cases of a girl or boy in an abusive relationship. It was best to let the teachers help the person in trouble. Seiya continued to walk down the hall. He was headed for the gym. He stopped in front of the lunch room. When he saw Rio and Charlie standing at one of the set of double doors. The two girls were going to buy over the week-end. Seiya said as he stopped in front of the girls,"Hi, girls!" "Hey, Seiya!" Rio said. "Where you are going?" Charlie said. "Gym. Couch Muller was asking about me. He wants me to play as a sub for the rest of the season," Seiya smiled. "You must be good!" Rio said. She loved to encourage people. "Always," he blushed. "Then, I*ll be covering you when you are on the court!" Charlie said. "You!" Seiya sounded surprised. "Yea. . .you are looking at the new sports writer for the Quaker!" Charlie squeaked. Then, she clasped her hands in front of her. "That*s cool!" Seiya said. Then, there was a scream that filled the hallway. This was a scream of a student who was playing around. Seiya and Rio snapped to attention. There was a dead calm before the storm. Charlie said in puzzlement,"I wonder what was that?" Seiya said in a rapid tone,"Charlie. . .go down the gym and tell Coach Muller that I will unable to meet him today. I*ll see him tomorrow."
Charlie surprised at Seiya*s statement, asked,"Where are you going?" "I*m going to investigate," Seiya turned to go back the way he came.
"If you mind the company. . .I*m going with you!" Rio said. She turned on her heels to follow Seiya. Then, there was another scream. There was not time to loose. Seiya and Rio darted up the hallway. Charlie stood in the hallway very much confused. Around the corner, Seiya grabbed Rio by the arm and pulled her in a doorway. Rio asked as she felt Seiya pulling her in,"What?" "I saw someone," Seiya whispered. Rio craned herself over Seiya*s left shoulder to see who was in danger. It was that girl who Seiya saw coming out of study hall. She was trapped, trying to find a way out from a guy who was a foot taller than she was. He was at least hundred and eighty pounds. The girl had been crying hard. She was pleading to be left alone. Tigereye was at the other end of the hallway. He witnessed the same events that Seiya and Rio were watching. The guy had the girl pinned to a wall of lockers. He snarled,"Listen. . .where do you think you are going?" "Home," the girl nervously uttered. There were tears rolling down her cheeks. The guy leaned forward. His breaths were hot against the girl*s face. There was an evil look in his eyes. He said cooly,"You think. . .that*s where you are going. . .not really!"

The guy stopped talking and looked around. He thought he was being spied upon. Rio and Seiya pushed themselves against the wall in order not to get caught. They were going to help this girl. There was no room for thinking or talking over ideas of helping the girl. She needed help in the worst way and fast. Seiya said to Rio,"I*m going to take the jerk on." Rio was shocked to hear Seiya*s statement. She gasped,"What if a teacher spots you?" "I*m going to risk it!" Seiya*s eyes burned with anger. Seiya promised himself that he would help those who were on trouble when he and his two brothers came down to earth in their search of their princess. Rio*s mind was sharp, sharper than Seiya*s in her planning. She said,"No. . .I*ve got a better idea." "What?" Seiya questioned Rio*s idea making. "Throw something to distract the brute and run like heck!" Rio brushed a few stray hairs away from her face.
"That sounds like the most stupid of ideas," Seiya began to say. Then,they both heard a fist slamming against a locker. Then, Seiya said sadly,"But, there is no choice!"

"Yea. We*ve got to it fast before she get hurt!" Rio breathed with conviction. "Do you have anything?" "I want you to run past the office. There are still couple of teachers inside. Yea," Rio pulled out an audio tape from her purse. "Here!" She handed it to Seiya. He held it in his left hand. Taking a deep breath, Seiya started to walk down the hall. Rio closed her eyes in prayer. She hoped that Seiya wasn*t going to get punched into coma. The guy who had the girl pinned to the lockers was at least forty pounds heavier than Seiya. Seiya waked up to the guy. Out of the guy*s left eye, he saw Seiya approaching him and the girl He snapped turning away from Seiya,"What do you want?"
Seiya said trying to sound defense,"What I want you to leave this girl alone!" The guy grunted,"What if I don*t!"
"Then, that*s a real sign of being be a real Baka-san!" Seiya*s eyes narrowed. He could feel the girl*s terror as she shook out of fear. Seiya remained calm. The guy*s head snapped in Seiya*s direction. He growled,"What did you just call me?" "I called you a Baka. . .which means in my language a real jerk or fool. . .that*s what you are," Seiya stared to walk backwards. "Why you!" the guy huffed. His arms were now at his sides. He seemed to tower over Seiya. Seiya still never showed fear as he began to taut the guy. Then, he jerked his hands around in waving movements. He spun around in order for his back to be facing the guy. "A fool. It real a sign of weakness when you have pick on a girl who doesn*t need your kind of personality." "Oh, yea," the guy growled again. He started to walk in Seiya*s direction. He was going to flatten Seiya for inferring. "I*m going to teach you a lesson!" The guy never did like anyone who wasn*t an American. Seiya was an exchange student, which gave the guy plenty of reason to him Seiya. He was going to take Seiya down a few notches. Seiya had a few things over the guy, speed and skill. Even as a Sailor Senshi, Seiya as Sailor Star-fighter had a prefect counter from the many battles against Galaxia and her minions. Seiya movements seemed to be calculated. He began to walk a little faster. He hoped that Rio*s plan was going to work. Seiya*s ears stained to hear the guys shoes as the guy began to walk a little faster too. The guy ignored the girl*s screams. "LEO!"
Seiya jerked away a little when he felt the air change. Leo was trying to hit him in the back. Then out of nowhere, Seiya broke in to sprint. Leo became instantly ticked off. Leo started to started to fellow Seiya down the hall, a little faster. "He*s cruisin* for a briusen*!" Leo yelled down the hall.
Seiya ran down the hall with graceful speed. He dodged Leo*s punches. It seemed Seiya was at least five steps ahead of Leo. Seiya felt pair of hands grab his left arm. He was whipped into a room. Then, he heard a door slamming. He skidded to a stop. Seiya wanted to know who pulled him in. "Are you Ok?" asked a voice. Seiya*s heart was pounding. "Yea," Seiya said, before swallowing hard. He tried to catch his breath. He asked, unsure about the voice,"Rio?"

"Yea, don*t worry. . .I took the liberty and locked the door," Rio said, not giving a chance to ask any questions. They heard Leo screaming for the now missing Seiya. Meanwhile, Angie was trying the use time that she had. Angie prayed, Leo didn*t come back.
He was going to hurt her. Then, she hoped the guy who was trying to stop Leo from hurting her didn*t get hurt himself by Leo*s fists. A voice out of nowhere asked,"Are you O.K.?"
The voice made Angie stop. It was dark, pulling Angie*s senses aside. A false feeling of security encircled the girl. She gasped,"What?" "I asked,*Are you O.K.?" the voice asked again. She looked around to find Tigereye standing next to her locker. It seemed like he popped out of nowhere. His fake look of concern on his face took Angie by surprise. She shook a little as she tried to speak. She gasped,"Yea, I*ll be fine."
Tiger asked,"Who was that anyways. The guy who you were talking to?" "My boyfriend. . .or ex," Angie sighed as she closed her locker. "Do you let him walk all over you!" Tigereye griped. He was trying to sound a tiny bit up set. "Yea," Angie dropped all of her books she was carrying. She was afraid of walking home. Somehow she felt safe at school.
Bending down to pick up the books, Tigereye purred gently,"Here, let me help you!" He was lulling her into a fake state of security. She said blankly,"Yea, I need someone to walk me home!"

"Is O.K." Tigereye noticed that Angie was calming down. He thought to himself with evil intentions,"This is too easy. . .it*s like taking candy from a baby!"

Angie was helped with her books. Tigereye wanted to contact Jedeite who also posed as a student. He decided not to. He wasn*t a Baka to share on this sweet power drain. Tigereye used his charm to aid Angie with her fears. Tigereye was patient as he asked Angie down the hall and out the door. Angie heard Leo yelling at Miss Washu. He was still looking for Seiya and Angie. Washu grabbed him and marched him down to the offices. She was commanding Leo to calm down. In the room, Seiya heard Leo going to the offices. Seiya and Rio walked over to the door. They stood for at least five minutes. Seiya pressed his left ear against the door. He whispered,"Is it safe?" "I think so," Rio whispered back as she stood stock still. Seiya stepped back a little. He grabbed the handle and slowly opened the door. A small beam of light spilled out of the crack as he peered out the door. He didn*t hear any more noises. The coast was clear. Leo was now at the vice principal*s office. The two of them walked as quiet mice. They moved to their lockers. After grabbing their coats. Seiya and Rio were heading for home. He and his two brothers were invited to the Senshi*s for dinner. Ayeka would invited the Senshi or the Goddesses. The Goddesses would do the same. Fridays were the super long study sessions at Dusty*s house. There were snow ball fights at a football field near Stephanie*s. Seiya and Rio stopped in their tracks. In the middle of the parking lot, stood Tigereye. A figure was handcuffed to a knife throwers board. It*s head dropped from a great loss of power. . .life giving power. Rio noticed the figure was Angie. "Seiya. . .who*s that ?" she pointed to Tigereye. "I don*t know. . .but, I feel a sense of evil about this creep with the girl," Seiya hissed coldly. Seiya perceived danger in the air. The girl was definitely in trouble. "Duck behind this wall and transform!"
"Yea," Rio said in determination. They ducked behind the wall. Rio pulled out her necklace that she wore to change into Super Sailor Acardia. She said in quietly,"Acardia Planet Power!" Seiya snapped his fingers and said,"Fighter Star Make-up!"
White and pink lights flooded Seiya*s and Rio*s bodies. Angie was now unconscince. Her Star-seed was floating in front of her. Tigereye noticed that Angie*s Star-seed was pure and had power. It wasn*t like the ones that Prince Diamond or Jedeite had stolen from other bodies. He was reaching up to grab the Star-seed. He grinned devilishly,"This is going to be great!" He was completing a task on his own. No one was there to get in the way. Then, Tigereye heard a voice shouting. "I hate to bust your bubble. . .but, you can*t take something that doesn*t belong to you!" A white light blinded Tigereye as Sailor Acardia stood beside the wall. "Who are you?" Tigereye asked. He tried to cover his eyes with his left arm. "Out of the stars I came from. . .I*m Sailor Star-fighter," Sailor Star-fighter said. He stood on other beam of white light. "Yea, who*s the girl?" Tigereye pointed to Sailor Acardia. "I*ll shall shake up your dreams. . .I*m Sailor Acardia!" she said. "Now let her go. . ." Sailor Star-Fighter commanded. He hoped that Angie wasn*t hurt. He and the other Senshi hated when Galaxia and her crew picked on innocent humans as victims. "What if I don*t!" Tigereye snorted, feeling a little smug. He started to walk towards Sailor Star-fighter. "Galaxia needs new scouts of her own. I*m might take her after Star-seed power is drained." "HERE SAILOR ACARDIA CATCH!" Sailor Star-fighter shouted. He grabbed out it of Tigereye*s hand. He threw the seed at Sailor Acardia. Tigereye was closing in on Star-fighter. "Got it!" Sailor Acardia said. The Star-seed fell gently into her hands. "WHAT?" Tigereye screamed. He whipped around to see Sailor Acardia standing next to the wall. He glared at her to see if she the Star-seed. "I*ll take that!" a hand instantly snatched at the Star-seed. "Hey," Tigereye turned in a blink of an eye. Sailor Star-fighter stood two feet from him.
"I can*t believe you. . .you have to pick on a helpless girl like that one!" Sailor Star-fighter huffed. He rolled up his left hand into a fist.
"They are so weak," Sailor Acardia said.

"Gotta," said an other voice. A hand stopped Sailor Acardia. A guy dressed in a skier*s jacket and jeans stood in front of Sailor Acardia. He held the Star-seed like a delicate jewel between his hands.
"WHO ARE YOU?" Shouted Sailor Acardia.
"Would you like to know!" sneered the person. "Yea. . .I would like to know who the bully is. What*s use will be intended someone else*s Star-seed," said another voice. "Because out lady needed the power!" All eyes turned up towards the roof. Two more Sailor were now standing on the roof. "I don*t think so," as the first Sailor jumped and landed next to Sailor Acardia. Sailor Acardia said as she glanced at Sailor Moon,"I am glad for you to show up!"
"Hey. I can join in too?" the second Sailor asked before landing in front of the guy.
"Sailor Mars. . .you can join us anytime!" Sailor Acardia grinned. "What a pity. . .I and my associate have to leave this little party," the guy said. He shifted the Star-seed to one hand. Then, he balled the other hand into a fist. A light shot out of the fist. It changed into a cloud of grey mist. The guy instantly changed into Jedeite. Sailor Moon recognized who stood in front of her and others. She gapped,"Jedeite!" "It seems like Galaxia may of enjoyed the changed of location!" Sailor Star-fighter said. Anger burned in his eyes. "Right we are looking for the near perfect STAR-seed! Like this one!" Jedeite sneered. "I'm going finish this little together with a bang!" Sailor Acardia said in anger. She raised her fist and shouted,"Mystic Dreams!"

Sailor Acardia's left wrist glowed with a pink light coming from her coil bracelet. Jedeite three his fist the air. A shock wave of Naga-power slammed into sailor mars. It knocked Mars off of her feet. Sailor Acardia's aim was at Jedeite. It shot out and burned on to his left cheek. He held the star-seed tighter. He tried not to touch his cheek. "Sailor Mars are you O.K.?" Sailor Moon asked as she ran up to Mars. Trying to get on her hand and knees, Sailor Mars groaned,"Yea. . .I'll be fine!"
Sailor Acardia ran towards Jedeite up into the air. He wasn*t going let anyone have the star-seed. "Venus. . .love me chain encircle," shouted another voice. Jedeite was now sneered in Sailor Venus's chain. The pull for the chain made Jedeite drop the star-seed. Sailor Acardia was quick in her catch as it landed in her hands. She dropped in a kneeling pose before sprinting away from the Nega-creep. Jedeite screamed out of pain and anger. He was now upset. Sailor Star-fighter had his hands full as Tigereye used his whip at this pretty Sailor Senshi. Dodging in twisting, turning movements Sailor Star-fighter managed to avoid the whip. Tigereye growled loudly,"Stand still, you little fool!" "Why should I. This is a good work out," he teased the former Dead Moon Performer. Sailor Venus was standing at the door near the wall. She was taking it all in. "Mars Flame Sniper!" shouted Sailor Mars. It was aimed at Tigereye. Sailor Star-fighter leapt into the air to avoid the attack from Sailor Mars. He landed on his feet. Tigereye felt the heat of the attack on his face. He tried to shield his face. Jedeite took a little power from the STAR-seed and turned it against the Sailor Venus. She jerked her hands away from the chain. The chain disappeared in a blink of an eye. Sailor Moon brought her hands together. Instantly the Eternal Tier appeared. She was going to use her Eternal Tial to cleanse Tigereye and Jedeite. Tigereye heard Sailor Moon shouting, "Honeymoon Starlight Kiss Therphy!"
He fell to the ground to avoid the blast. He thought of Galaxia and her need for power. He and Jedeite was letting her down. Then, he felt a cloud of mist creeping over his body. It was a sign from his mistress to pull back. In the same monument Jedeite waw taken away in the same fashion. Galaxia watched the seance unfold in front of her in her throne room. She felt a surge of power when Jedeite swiped some of Angie's pure Star-seed power. It might be not enough but, it was another step in her plans. The Star seed was dropped before Jedeite could escape. He let it go as Sailor Venus dropped her chain. The Star-seed got entangled in the chain. She pulled it back to find the seed in her hands. Angie fell to the ground after the knife throwing board had disappeared. The Sailors were left as the victors. The star-seed The star-seed was returned to it's rightful place. Sailors Acardia and Mars knelt down on Angie's left side. while Sailors Star-fighter, Moon and Venus stood on her right. Angie never knew who saved her. When she was waking up. . .the five Sailors left her.

Ami and Luna were watching for Mina, Serena , Rei, Rio and Seiya. Finally in the distance, five figures were walking across the street. Ami and Luna were worried for the girls and Seiya. Ami and Luna sat on the sofa in the front room. The door was opened to let the battle weary soldiers in. Their seances were still in full alert. Galaxia did shake them up to the very core. Seiya let the girls in first. Mina let Rei lean on her left shoulder. Serena and Rio came in after the first two walked to the end of the living room. Then, Seiya brought up the rear. Luna saw Rei. She asked after the door closed,"What happened?" "A girl from school was attacked by Galaxia's goons!" Seiya said out of concern. "What?" Ami asked. Then, Luna and Ami glanced at each other. Luna hopped off of Ami's lap. She walked tp Rei and Mina. Rei appeared to be a little sore. "I was attacked also. . .Jedeite and Tigereye seemed to be more powerful than ever!" REI sighed. Serena had a feeling that Galaxia was stepping up the powers of some in order to make her point across. Pure Star-seeds were very easily caught. Why are they just taking hunting down such normal people who don't have powers. Her mind back for a minute to the Death Busters. The Death Busters were gathering pure Heart-Crystal to release Mistress Nine. Was Galaxia following the same path? Serena wasn't certain. She looked at the others in the living room. She said,"Scout meeting. . .on call. Grab the others."
"Right!" Mina, Seiya and Rei agreed in unison.

"Galaxia is gearing up for an attack?" Rio said as she started to make her way to her bedroom.
"I got a bad feeling about this," Ami said. Luna noticed Rio walking to the hallway leading to the bedrooms. She asked,"Where are you going?" "To drop off my books. . .I*ll be back in a few!" Rio said. *** "It seems like Galaxia is using tacit that reminds me of our oldest of foes. . . Queen Beryl," Luna said. "What do you mean?" Taiki asked.
The Sailors were all there for a meeting. It was held in the T.V. room. Mina, REI, Serena and Lita sat on the sofa. Rio, Hotura, Reenie, Taiki and Ami were sitting on the floor. Haruka leaned against the one walls. Seiya sat on of the sofa arms. Yaten, Darien, Michiru, and Setsuna were on some chairs from the dinning room. Chibi-chibi sat on Rei's lap. Luna sat on Yaten's lap. While Artemis was sitting on Mina's lap. Finally, Diana was sitting sphinx like between Hotura and Reenie. "Queen Beryl was our first foes. She was a queen here on earth. She became Queen of the dark forces after she let the Nega-verse consume her," Ami said. "She had my brain washed. I turned against Serena and the others,"
Darien said.
"What was she after. . .the Silver Imperium Crystal?" Seiya asked. "Yes, she did fail. It cost Darien his memory if only a little while," Michiru said.
"It wasn't until Alen and Ann from the Doom Tree I got my memory back," Darien said. "Then, why the gathering of power. . .her dark army did attack Steve, Jerry and Dusty," Rio said as she cocked her head to one side. "Maybe to release someone in equal force . . .such as Queen Metalia or Pharaoh Ninety!" Artemis uttered. "I hope you are not right in that prediction!" Haruka said. "We have to be our highness of guard!" Rio said as the night had a hint of dark murmurs of the unknown future. Ryoko and Sasami were in the local fabric store, called Textiles and more. Ryoko had a simple idea of making a dress for the sweet heart dance. She found the idea in a magazine. A movie star used three yards of red cloth to make a body wrap. She showed it to Sasami. She loved the idea. Sasami was going to help Ryoko with the dress. All it really took was a simple stitch along one side to hold the dress together. There was no extra fuss. Ryoko and Sasami asked Washu to help with the sewing. The right cloth had to be bought. Ryoko and Sasami were standing in front of a rack fabric bolts. Ryoko asked Sasami as she pulled out a piece of fabric,"What about this. . ." It was a plain fabric. Sasami ran her right hand past the cloth.
Then, she ran a scepitrcal eye. She wondered what kind of fabric it was. She asked Ryoko what was the fabric it was made out of. She replaced the piece that she was holding. She reached over to pull on the bolt. She became confused as she stared at the edge of the bolt. It was a mixture of letters and numbers which threw Ryoko off balance. She tried to make out any sense of the bolt. Sasami watched asRyoko tried her best on reading the bolt. She asked,"What's wrong?" "I don't know. . ." Ryoko gaped as a puzzled look was stuck on her face.
"Let me look," Sasami said. Ryoko lowered the bolt at Sasami's eye level. She glanced at it for a minute. "I think it's cotton." "Oh, we then we need three yards of this," Ryoko said as she moved the bolt back to an upright level. "We also need some coloured thread to match the cloth," Sasami added.
Ryoko thought of adding a little spark to her dress. "Maybe something to add a tiny bit of zip!" "How about a silver mid-drift?" Sasami asked. She came up with a great idea. Following the idea. She said,"I wonder what kind of gauze or netting we can use!" Sasami giggled as she was enjoying herself in the making of Ryoko's dress,"Let's check out the netting and the gauze!" Sasami and Ryoko walked over the bolts of netting and light weight gauze. They were looking for a shear silvery material. As they glanced over the bolts, a young girl began to watch them at the end of the isle. She was in the same age group as Sasami. She was extremely pale in colour. Her eyes were haunting blue. She watched in cold rapture at Sasami. The young girl stood in the isle way as Sasami and Ryoko glanced over bolts of netting. The young girl was named Yugi. She walked up very slowly to Sasami and Ryoko. Ryoko felt the back of her neck began to prick. A feeling of evil gnawed at her. She heard Sasami,"I'll take this.
. .it's pretty." Ryoko had a flood of memories. They hit her like a ton of bricks. She remembered a young girl who was a terror. the girl was named Yugi. Yugi was born on the planet of Juri. She came to earth in a frozen state. AFTER a two millennium sleep, she attacked the Masaki shrine. She nearly destroyed the shrine and hurt Yoshou. She tried to Tenchi from guarding the planet. She had three shadowy creatures to do her bidding. Hotsuma who lured Ryoko back her former life as a space pirate. Then, Tsugaru who taunted Ayeka into believing, Tenchi had feelings for Sakuya. Sakuya was another shadow who had no memories of anything, except meeting Tenchi at school. Finally, Matori battled Ayeka for Sasami in which Ayeka lost out. Ryoko incited front of Sasami in order to protect her. She hissed coldly,"Yugi." The girl lied blankly,"I don't know what you are talking about!" Her eyes were stared coldly at Ryoko. She was trying to see Sasami. There was no way of getting through when Ryoko was there. "Yugi?" the little girl snorted. "What a name!" "Why you little, brat!" Ryoko hissed coldly. Sasami stepped back to see where Yugi was. She wondered who Ryoko was talking to. She was surprised to see Yugi. She and the others believe that Yugi was sealed in a crystal tomb after the battle with Tenchi. Who had the power to open the tomb. Yugi's henchmen didn't have enough strength to awaken this little demon child. Sasami gaped. The words seemed to fall out of her mouth,"Yugi. . . you are here?" "Sasami?" the little girl cried out in a whisper. Somehow the smoke screen of lies, crumbled in front of the three. Yugi was remembering how nice and kind Sasami really was. It seemed like a bad dream forcing itself into a headache. Yugi quickly placed a hand up to her cheek. She gaped. then, she whipped her hand into a fist. She pointed at Ryoko. A beam of lightcame out of her fist.
It shot out of her hand. It was aimed at Ryoko. Ryoko couldn*t dodge it in time. Ryoko winced at the pain after the beam smacked her in the stomach. Then, Yugi said before disappearing,"Let this be warning to you, Ryoko. I'll take Sasami this time and I'm not giving her back." Yugi vanished in beam of black light.

Sasami was deeply shaken up. Ryoko rubbed the sore spot on her stomach. Ryoko knew evil was coming to plague the house of Masaki. She thought to herself,"I got a bad feeling!" Sasami placed a hand on Ryoko's arm. She gasped quietly,"I'm scared. . .Ryoko." ***

Where is Dusty taking you?" Serena asked Rio.
"Out to Columbiana! There is a dress I heard that is smashing!" Rio said as took a cup from the counter. The two girls were in the kitchen. Rio was grabbing a quick lunch before Dusty was picking her up. "I'm going to pick up an old dress I saw in this shop!" Rio said as she walked over to the sink. She turned on the tap to run a bit of water into the cup. "Cool! Are you going to wear at the dance?" Serena giggled. "Yea," Rio sighed a little dreamily.
"I hope you have a good time." "I will."
*** Urd was trying out the dress which she was going to wear to the dance. She stood in front of a full length mirror. The dress was black, long, strapless with a plunging back and clung to every curve on her body. She began to move about. Urd wanted to use this dress. It seemed like Belldandy was making Urd wear was what in Belldandy's closet. Pretty, normal and old fashion was Belldandy's liking. This was Urd in the most of daring of ways. She began to dance very slowly. Urd didn't know she was being spying upon by her little sister Skuld. Skuld was dropping a set of blankets and sheets to Urd and Keiichi. Belldandy was doing the week's washing. The door just happened to unlocked and opened to Urd's bedroom. After three times of knocking, Skuld got tired of just standing with the sheet in her arms. Urd was too wrapped up the music playing in her head to know that she was being watched. She slowly glided and spun around. Then, out of the corner of her eye, Urd saw Skuld standing in the doorway with the laundry basket in her arms. Skuld had a surprised and amused look on her face. She asked,"What are you doing? Waiting for your prince?"
"Uh?" Urd blushed. She stopped dancing. "I didn't see you come in." "Yea. I've got your blanket. Where do you want me to put it?" "On the bed!" Urd pointed to her bed. "O.K." Skuld said as she stepped in to the room. She walked over to the bed. She gently placed the blanket on the bed. Skuld noticed Urd's dress and the alluring, back. She blushed as she how plunging that back really was. Urd noticed that Skuld was staring over at the dress. She grinned dreamily, trying to impress her little sister,"Well what you do think?" Skuld placed a hand on her chin. She hummed a little as her mind began to think. Then, she flatly,"It's pretty, but, if I were you. . .I would cover up you boney back!" What?" Urd jerked to attention. She balled up her fists. She hissed like cat,"Why you little?" "Outside of that, you look fab!" Skuld said, shrugging her shoulders. Throw for a complete loop, Urd didn't know what to make of her little sister. She gaped in goofy, bug-eyed glance at Skuld,"I look like a bottle of laundry soap?" A little abashed at Urd's statement, Skuld shook her head. She said,"No. . .it's a word that I picked up from Reenie. she picked it from that Rio girl!" The answer came very plain from Urd's mouth,"Oh, I take it. . . she not from here!" "She's from the U.K. Where ever that is." "England." "I wish I was going. so, I can wear a dress. . .a really great dress!" Skuld was little jealous of her oldest sister.

"Oh!" Urd repeated. This was a surprise. Skuld was thinking of other things beside ice-cream and robots. "You do? You want to talk about it?" Urd moved over to the bed. Then she pointed to the bed. She was indicating to her little sister to sit down on the bed. They were going to have a heart-to-heart talk about the puzzling thing in the world. Boys!

Belldandy was looking for Skuld. She went to Urd's bed room. Belldandy was surprised to see Skuld and Urd talking, not fighting. She smiled as she listened to her two sisters. Belldandy peeked in bed room. Skuld was laying on her stomach with her feet in the air.
While Urd was sitting next to Skuld on the edge of the bed. Skuld asked all sorts of questions about the boys who attended the High school. She was curious about them. What they were like. She did have a slight flirt with a human boy who was trying to teach her how to ride a bike. It was Skuld's first experience with a boy on her own. Urd told Skuld that some of the boys were O.K. A few were flat out dumb. Couple of them were gentleman. Smart, funny and sensible. Urd was beginning to like teaching school. Then, they heard a gentle knock on the door. The two Goddesses turned to see Belldandy standing with a smile on her face. Blushing, Urd asked,"How long have you been here?"

"Not long. I was wondering if you guys will care to help me with the rest of the laundry?" Belldandy asked. "I was going to," Skuld said with a starry eyed look. Then, she sighed.
Urd said as she looked up at Belldandy,"I was just talking to squirt here. . .*bout boys!" Urd waggled her thumb at Skuld. Urd*s words stung a little at Skuld*s ego. She became defensive.
Skuld rolled over to her left side. She moved her hear to the side in order not to get her hair in the way. She sat up on the bed. She snapped,"I*m not a squirt. Beside I was just curious about the boys at where you work. . .ya big dope!" "Le de da. . .stay a kid. . . you*ll find someone. Soon!" Urd teased. She turned way to pout. She folded her arms over her chest.

"That*s right. . .you*ll find someone very special. Like Keiichi!" Belldandy added. She was trying to sooth the rift between her two sisters. "Keiichi? Is he special?" Skuld and Urd asked in unison. They were both shocked to hear their sister*s answer. They looked at themselves. Then, at each other.
"Yes. . .he*s very special. He had got a good heart," Belldandy smiled as she closed her eyes. She placed a hand over her heart. "How nice!" snapped a voice. "Uh?" all three Goddesses were alerted to an evil force. Belldandy apprehensively looked around to see who was talking. Then, a bright glow came from the dress mirror. The Goddesses were drawn to a faint glow in the mirror. It changed into a dark form. The three Goddesses were starting at a demon. It glared at them. It was the demon Mara. "I finally found you! Belldandy, Urd and runt!"
"I*m not a runt!" Skuld protested with anger. "Things never change," Mara hissed with delight. "The master need a new vessel for his work." "What?" Urd hissed. The anger was growing in Urd*s mind. The memory of Mara splitting Urd into two people made Urd unbalanced for weeks. "I*m not going to use you. . .Urd! I*m after bigger stakes," Mara said devilishly. "Who?" Belldandy asked. She remembered the pain of the near loss to her sister to the devil. "You," the word was teasing threat. Mara was cold to the touch. In her voice was dark,"Dear sweet. . .innocent. . .Belldandy!" Then, Mara laughed darkly. Keiichi was walking in the hallway. He was going to ask Belldandy for something. Mara heard his voice. A powerful beam instantly radiated from Mara*s right hand. When she saw Keiichi entering the room, she aimed her hand right at Keiichi*s chest. "Let this be a warning!"
A red beam of light shot out from her arm. It shot through the hall. It slammed into Keiichi. He bucked against the wall as he screamed.
"MARA!" Belldandy shouted. She ran over to see if Keiichi was hurt. Skuld leapt off the bed. She stood up and screamed,"YOU WITCH!"
The evil surrounding the area was closing to a chock hold. "Shut up, runt!" Mara snorted. Then, she turned to Urd. "I*ll wait for Belldandy. I*ve got all the time in the world." Then, she vanished. Belldandy cradled Keiichi in her arms. She was crying quietly. She whimpered,"Keiichi. . .everything is going to be all right!" Keiichi slowly opened his eyes. Belldandy noticed Keiichi was waking up. She closed her eyes and opened her heart. She let her beautiful power of healing flow in to his body. He smiled sightly as a healing warm flow into his body. He mouthed the word,"Bell?" "That witch is after Bell? For what?" Skuld asked, the colour in her face was drained. "I don*t know. . .I think she*s bluffing! I could be wrong!" Urd sighed as she stood up. She walked to the doorway. "I hope you are right!" Skuld sighed as she glanced at the mirror very wearily.

Rio was in an antique store, looking over a rack of old dresses. Some of them were dating back to the early 1920's. Dusty was with her. He had disappeared to the area of tin toys and old signs. Rio didn*t mind it if Dusty had left her to see something else in the store. Rio saw a blue taffeta which stood out of all the rest. It the floor in length. The sleeves were long. A tight collar and a little hood finished off the dress. This was an old fashion dress. A bit of cloth that was asking her to take it home. Rio was not like all the rest of the girls. She loved old movies, radio shows and reading. Rio fingered the dress. It was smooth and light. The dress still gleamed in the light. She carefully picked up the dress. Holding it in front of her, Rio stared to image herself at the dance. "Hey, nice dress!" said a voice with a giggle.

"Uh?" Rio snorted. She was brought back to earth in a blink of an eye. "I said nice dress!" it was Lita who spoke. Rio peered over her left shoulder. She saw Lita, Ami, Mihoshi and Ryoko standing near the racks. "I was looking at the mirror," Rio smiled. "It's a little bit old fashion," Ryoko said. she cupped her right hand under her chin. She had a skeptical look on her face. Rio was going to be a smarty girl. "I don't care. I just want Dusty to be smashing!" "Oh," Mihoshi said. "What kind of tux is he going to wear!" "Dress whites. Who brought you lot here?"
"Miss Ono," Ami said. "She has a mini-van." "What are dress whites?" Ryoko asked Rio. She had never hear the term. "Dusty in the RAF! He's a pilot!" Rio sighed.
"Did I hear my name mentioned?" inquired a male voice. "Dusty!" Mihoshi said. The girls saw Dusty ambling across the floor towards them. Dusty peered over at Rio and the dress. He seemed to like the style of dress. She never followed anybody else style but her own. She didn't like anyone else ideas or options. She had a strong will and a hard head. He loved to test her limits.
Sometimes Dusty or Rio would end up with egg on their faces, but they were learning. "Are you going to buy this dress?" Dusty griped. "Maybe. . .it all depends," Rio said. She carefully replaced the dress back on the rack. She had to check out her cash and how much the dress was. "I'm going to make my dress," Lita said.

"Yea. I*m going to the mall," Mihoshi said. I can*t decide!" Ami agreed,"Yea. . .me too. I found one. I'm not sure how can I afford my dress. I might have to call my mom." "Sasami is going to make my dress. I and Washu are going to help. The dress is very simple," Ryoko said. "I got a little from my last job!" Rio said. "I hope it's enough!" Ryoko looked at the rack. She never saw so many old dresses in her life. She picked up another dress of the same rack. She placed it up to her body. She tilted her head to one side. She smiled. it was a very pretty dress. it needed some repair. Then, Ryoko looked at the price of seventy dollars which was on the paper sleeve on the hanger. She gulped at the price. Some new dresses were the same amount and not half as nice as this was. She replaced the dress back on the rack. She watched as Mihoshi and Lita walked over to a display of antique jewelry. Then, she saw a box display of old hats, scarves and gloves. Rio said to Dusty,"I think if I get this dress. I might need shoes and gloves."
"Don't count your chickens before they hatch!" Dusty smiled.

"Oh, you!" Rio said. She was in playful pouty mood. "I think it's cool to have a dress that is not like anybody else." Lita said. She gently picked up a cheap dime store pin from the 1920's. "like Rio's?" Mihoshi asked. "Yea. . .she has got her ways of living!" Lita said.
Abby was doing home work in the library at her home. The rich smell of fir in the fireplace as the fire was burning couldn*t be more enjoyable. Dr. Johnson was reading a local newspaper. He sat on the sofa as Abby laid stretched out on the floor with her books lined upon front of her. She looked up at her father. Then, Abby asked her father,"Why do we have go?"
"To represent Friends of America. Remember I'm a member of that group," Her father, Dr. Johnson replied as he read the newspaper. "I don't have anything to wear!" Abby sighed. A rustle of newspaper was a sign of her father was done with the newspaper. He folded it up and laid it next to himself. He thought for a minute. Then, he said,"What about your green dress? The one you wore at Christmas time." "That dress?" Abby asked her father. Her left eyebrow was raised.

"Yep. . .you looked nice!" Dr. Johnson smiled. "I don't know,' she folded her hands under her chin. "Meow!" said small voice.
"See. . .Grey seems to agree with me!" A little grey kitten padded into the room, It quietly came to see Abby. "Dad!" Abby winced in a playful mood. She moved her pen in front of Grey. "I'm just teasing!" Dr. Johnson laughed a little. "I wish mom was still here. She would know what I looked good in for this dance," Abby rolled over to back. Her eyes shifted over the picture of her mother. Grey walked over to where Abby laid. It purred as it pushed a paw on Abby's right cheek. Abby reached out with a finger to stroke the kitten on the ear. The purring grew louder. Tracy and Vachon were pulling up on the drive way on his motor bike. They were taking a drive around Salem. They had no better excuse to goof off. As they put the bike away Vachon asked Tracy,"Did you get the Address for the Sweet Heart dance?"
After Tracy undid the chin strap to her helmet, she said,"I don't have anything yet. . .monday night, I'm going to the mall! Have you have been to a high school dance?"

Vachon did the same to his helmet strap. He said,"No. This is my first time. I've been to balls and formal dances!" "Hey, Vachon!" said a voice. "Who was that?" Vachon asked. He and Tracy were scanning the garage.