I do not own anything except for Dr. Angie Connery. This is an mpreg story. Read at your own risk. I would like to thank my beta. She has turned this story from the way it was before to the great way it is now.

Chapter One

Harvey woke up that morning, reaching his arm over to where Mike usually lay in bed but instead of the warm puppy-dog associate, there was a quickly cooling space and the unmistakable sound of retching from the bathroom.

"Mike?" Harvey called in concern, walking to the bathroom doorway. Mike was sitting there, praying to the porcelain god and when he seemed to finally stop hacking and spluttering, he dropped to the floor with a moan. His blonde hair was messy from sleep and his pale face was tinged red from the exertion of vomiting.

"Uh why do I have to get sick again?" Mike said, pressing his head to the cool tiles, a small comfort for his sore head. Harvey walked over and felt his forehead, he wasn't warm, but you definitely don't fake vomiting to this degree, especially since Mike had been like this for four days.

"Um Mike I think you should go to the doctor today," Harvey suggested, helping his boyfriend sit up and wash his mouth out with water and mouthwash before trying to make it back to the bedroom.

"Really? I don't think it's that serious," Mike tried but Harvey knew Mike would try to avoid going to see a doctor if he could.

"Yes really, you've been like this for a while and something might be wrong. Look, I'll even go with you if it makes you feel better," Harvey offered and Mike leant into Harvey's side, kissing his neck in an display of affection that was not really very normal in this situation where Mike was hacking up his spleen just a moment ago.

"Thank you Harvey," Mike said, and he continued kissing along Harvey's neck, moving to sit on Harvey's lap but Harvey stopped him.

"Woah, hold on there, Mr. Libido. After the appointment. Let me go and call the doctor and call Ray over to pick us up," Harvey said, getting his phone and kissing Mike on the lips when he saw Mike pouting. Mike brightened up a little and nodded.

"Ok, I'll go and change," Mike said, walking over to the wardrobe, intentionally swaying his hips provocatively as he went. Harvey bit his lip, weighing the pros and cons before he remembered that he'd put clothes out for them that night in accordance with his normal nightly routine.

"I already laid clothes out on the bed for you Mike," Harvey said, getting up and getting the phone.

"Thanks Harvey. I really hope the doctor can get me to stop throwing up," Mike said to Harvey but mumbled the other half, only really intending himself to hear it but Harvey heard it anyway.

"Me too Mike, but let's just hope that everything is ok," Harvey said, finding the phone on the kitchen counter, going through his cell to find the numbers. "Hello, I need to make an opponent for Mike Ross. Vomiting and headaches…Yes today at 9:30 is fine. Thank you." Harvey hung up the phone on the receptionist and dialed Ray's number, "Hey Ray I need you to pick me and Mike up and take us to the doctor. Appointment is at 9:30….Thanks Ray."

Harvey hung up the phone and went back into the bedroom, seeing Mike getting dressed at an abnormally slow pace, wincing whenever he moved in a way that would require any abdominal muscles. Harvey added that to his mental list of symptoms and called for Mike.

"Hey Mike get a move on. Your appointment is at 9:30," Harvey said, grabbing his clothes and getting changed quickly.

"Alright Harvey I am almost done," Mike said, buckling his belt and finishing off on buttoning his shirt, "Ok I'm done. Let's go," Mike finished, grabbing his jacket and his phone as they left the apartment.

"Alright Mike, Ray is out front so let's go to the doctor and see if they can find out what is wrong with you," Harvey said almost absent mindedly as he locked up the apartment.

"Alright Harv," Mike said, leaning into Harvey's side as Harvey wrapped an arm around Mike's waist on the way down to the street.

They got to the hospital quickly and went straight to the front desk and Harvey addressed the woman in the nurse's uniform with curly red hair and she looked very busy.

"Hello, Mike Ross is here," Harvey said and the woman looked at the two of them with a smile, holding the phone to her shoulder.

"Have a seat and a nurse will be with you soon," She said and motioned towards the seats nearby.

"Thank you," Mike said and sat down next to Harvey, leaning into him, feeling very affectionate towards his boyfriend all of a sudden.

"So what next Harvey?" Mike asked quietly, watching the hospital staff bustle around.

"We wait for the nurse to call us back," Harvey said, pulling his phone out to check a text before putting it back in his pocket, watching the hospital staff as well.

"Alright I guess," Mike said. They waited in the room for a couple of minutes, Harvey getting distracted by Mike's near constant fidgeting. Harvey got him to stop for a few minutes by putting an arm around his shoulders but then Mike started kissing Harvey's jaw-line and Harvey had to whisper to him to 'stop that sort of thing in public' but with a smile on his face when Mike whined almost imperceptibly.

"Mike Ross," A male nurse called with a chart in his hand. Harvey and Mike turned and stood up.

"Yes," Harvey answered.

"Come on back," the male nurse answered, motioning to an examination room. Harvey and Mike follow, closing the door behind them. The nurse checks something off on the clipboard before addressing Mike and Harvey.

"Ok, I need you get on the scale so I can get your weight," The nurse said and Mike stood on the scale, suppressing the urge to fidget. "120. Alright, here we go. The doctor will be with you shortly," the nurse said, checking something off on the clipboard.

"Thank you," Mike said, sitting down on the bed as the nurse left. Harvey paced around the room, watching Mike fidget, his eyes darting around the room.

"Are you ok Mike?" Harvey asked, leaning against the bed next to Mike. The young lawyer's head snapped towards him, pausing for a moment as he processed what he was just asked, as if he hadn't really heard him.

"Yeah I am just worried," Mike admitted, staring at his hand, which were sitting in his lap as he fiddled with the hem of his shirt.

"About what?" Harvey asked. Mike bit his lip thinking for a moment before answering, a nervous look on his face.

"What if it is really serious and they can't help me?" He asked quietly. Harvey put an arm around Mike, pressing his lips to the young man's hair in an attempt to comfort him.

"Mike there is no reason to think that. We will cross that bridge when it comes along. Alright?" Harvey said, looking Mike in the eyes. The blonde smiled, leaning forward to press a light kiss to his boyfriend's lips.

"Thanks Harvey," Mike said, pulling away when the door to the examination room opened, revealing a woman, a little over 5 feet tall without heels, long red hair done up with a pencil in a makeshift ponytail and stormy blue eyes. She was staring intently at the clipboard in her hands before she looked up at Harvey and Mike with a smile, showing off pearly white teeth and light freckling on her cheeks.

"Alright Boys, I'm Dr. Angie Connery. I hear that you, Mike, have been throwing up lately," She said, clicking her pen and putting it into the front pocket of her lab coat. Harvey nodded.

"Yeah that's right," He said.

"Okay, how long has this been going on?" Dr. Connery asked, pulling out her pen once more.

"For four days," Harvey said, seeing Dr. Connery look at Mike in interest but not that 'Oooh, a hottie' way but in a scientist's 'Flesh eating virus? I'm there' way.

"Okay so it's not that stomach flu that's been going around. Mike, I am going to go and get a nurse and we are going to get some blood from you and see if we can't figure out what is going on, okay?" Dr. Connery asked, waiting until Mike nodded before she left, closing the door behind her. That she needed to draw blood to figure out what it was made Mike a little more nervous than he was before and he was going to start up a conversation with Harvey to calm himself down when the door opened again, revealing Dr. Connery and a female nurse with black hair and olive skin.

"Ok Mike this is Nurse Nellie and she will be taking your blood. I will be back I when the results come back. It should be about 30 minutes after the nurse is done," Dr. Connery said, smiling at the men as she left the room, calling after someone. Mike smiled nervously at the nurse as she smiled at them, unpacking a kit of supplies. She swapped Mike's arm and pulled out a needle and Harvey tried not to wince too visibly at the size of it. Mike didn't really have a problem with the needle but what the blood going into it might tell them.

"Alright Mike. This might sting," Nurse Nellie said putting the needle into Mike's arm. The blonde didn't flinch and resisted the urge to shake his head from the mild dizziness that came with having his blood drawn. When she was done, there were five vials sitting in a stand, marked with his name and a series of numbers he instantly memorized on instinct.

"Very good Mike I will take this to the lab and Dr. Connery will be back with the results," Nurse Nellie said. The men said thank you and she left the room, Harvey sitting on bed next to Mike. He sensed Mike's nervousness and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, rubbing a hand up and down his arm as they waited.

"Alright Boys I have the results back," Dr. Connery said as she returned to the examination room. Mike sat up straight and watched the doctor.

"And?" Harvey asked, his grip on Mike's shoulders tightened slightly.

"Well I guess I should say congratulations," Dr. Connery said, looking though the folder on the clipboard. The two men looked bemusedly at each other and then at the doctor.

"What?" Mike asked and Angie smiled at them.

"You're pregnant Michael," she said in a deadpan.

"What?" Harvey said because Mike was in shock, staring at the linoleum floor, trying to process what was just presented to him.

"Michael's pregnant," Dr. Connery repeated and Harvey spluttered for a response.

"But how, he's a guy," Harvey said, his hold on Mike tightening more almost to keep a hold on reality because this world must be a dream.

"Well Mr. Specter more and more men can actually get pregnant. It's a mutation that just keeps getting passed on and is becoming more and more common as time goes on," Dr. Connery said, closing the file and placing it on the countertop to put her hands in her pockets.

"How far along am I?" Mike asked, still in a daze from learning that he's with child.

"Well I can't tell you for sure until we do an ultrasound. So if you unbutton your pants and pull them down to just below your waist and pull you shirt up, we can do an ultrasound," Dr. Connery said, pulling over a piece of equipment, the ultrasound machine, from the corner of the room. Mike nodded and turned, sitting up on the table as he tried to unbutton his pants but his hands were shaking slightly from the shock so he stumbled a bit. Harvey took one of Mike's hands as Mike laid back, moving his shirt up a bit.

"So, Mike the gel might be a little cold," Dr. Connery warned, squeezing some of the gel on Mike's stomach. The young man flinched but calmed down a bit.

"You're right it is cold," he said, settling back into the table with one hand behind his head and the other clutching at Harvey's hand like he was drowning and Harvey's hand was a bundle of straws.

"It'll warm up in a bit," Dr. Connery said with a smile, staring at a monitor. "Okay, so by the look of things, I'd say you are about 5 weeks along," she finished, looking at the men, then she frowned and then the frown was replaced by a smile,"Um there actually is more. If you look here you see these two dots," she said, twisting the monitor so Mike and Harvey could see, pointing at two points on the monitor.

"Yeah Doc?" Harvey said.

"Well that means that you boys are expecting twins," Dr. Connery said, enunciating each word carefully and watching their reaction. If Harvey's jaw dropped any further, he'd need to pay damages to China.

"Twins," Harvey said slowly, staring at the monitor, unable to say much more than the one word and that was just repeating the doctor.

"Yep. Twins," Dr. Connery said, putting the equipment away before she handed some tissues to Mike to wipe the gel off. Then she sat down on a stool and allowed Mike to button his pants and sit up properly, Harvey sitting next to them, all the while holding hands.

"Will Mike be okay?" Harvey asked, his voice wavering a bit.

"Yeah, but it would be best for him to go to a specialist because of Michael being male and having twins," Dr. Connery said, taking out some paper, writing something down.

"Is it okay for him to keep working?" Harvey asked, Mike still not really able to talk, his tongue still stuck in his throat as he processed.

"As long as he takes it easy I'd say he can still keep working," Dr. Connery said, finishing off what she was writing, tearing the piece of paper in half and clipping one half of the paper in the folder then handing the other half to Harvey, "This is the name and number of the specialist and the times she can be reached," Dr. Connery added.

"So that means more paperwork than anything else," Harvey confirmed.

"Yep and no heavy lifting," Dr. Connery said, always with that smile like this was the most normal thing in the world while Harvey was looking rather confused and Mike was having an internal panic attack.

"Sometimes Mike rides his bike through the city," Harvey said.

"Well no more of that Michael," Dr. Connery said, giving Mike a look that was supposed to break the tension but he was still staring at the linoleum like it held all the answers of the universe.

"Is there anything else you guys would like to ask before you leave?" Dr. Connery asked and Harvey shook his head.

"No, I think that's it," Harvey answered, getting down from the table and helping Mike, who was slowly getting his ability to function properly back.

"Okay then. You have the number of the doctor and all that. Just take it easy and make an appointment with her in the next week," She said and Harvey nodded, putting an arm around Mike's waist as he led the young man out of the door of the examination room.

"Thank you," Harvey said to the doctor and they walked out the door of the hospital and to the waiting town car outside.

"What should we tell the others Harvey?" Mike asked, having regained the ability to talk around ten minutes ago.

"Well first things first, when we tell them, try not to rub your stomach 'til after they know," Harvey said, eyeing Mike's hand which had been going to rub his stomach every 10-20 seconds.

"Alright, but now that I know there's a baby in here it just feels right to rub it," Mike said a little self-consciously.

"And that's fine Mike but everybody will expect something if you keep rubbing it before you say anything," Harvey said, taking the hand Mike was rubbing his stomach with and kissed it, lacing their fingers together.

"Okay, no rubbing my stomach. Anything else?" Mike asked.

"Well we'll just come right out and tell them," Harvey said.

"Okay then," Mike replied as they pulled up to the firm.

At Pearson and Hardman

Harvey and Mike entered the building, Harvey going against his 'no-PDA-at-work' rule and keeping his arm locked around Mike's waist and shooting glares at any of the associates that stared. They went straight to Harvey's office, where Harvey was going to be keeping an eye on Mike for a long while. Donna looked up and stood up from her chair, walking into the office after them and closing the door.

"How is Mike, Harvey?" Donna asked and Mike gave them a look that said 'I'm right here'.

"Well we have something to tell everybody," Harvey said, leaning against his desk while Mike walked around and sat down in the desk chair, playing with one of the baseballs on Harvey's desk.

"Well we have some big news," Harvey said, watching Mike, a little concerned that he wasn't talking.

"What sort of news?" Donna asked and Harvey was trying to think of some other way of telling her without just coming out and saying it.

"The same reason why Mike is going to be taking it easy for the next eight months," He replied, saying it more to Mike than Donna because he knew that Mike would try to ignore what he and the doctors were telling him.

"And why is that Harvey?" Donna asked, furrowing her brow in confusion. One of the few times she had no clue what the secret was. Harvey bit his lip and decided that the 'blunt-as-a-brick-to-the-face' way of telling her was really the only way to go.

"Mike is pregnant," Harvey said and Mike smiled a sarcastic smile, holding up his hand in a wave like saying 'Hi'.

"WHAT?" Donna nearly shrieked, covering her mouth. Her face went through a myriad of emotions, ranging from insanely happy to shocked to veeeeery confused.

"And there's more. We're having twins," Harvey said, waiting for her next response.

Then Donna fainted.


{I know that this is the first mpreg for Suits and I hope that being said that everybody will like it. This is also my first mpreg so if anybody has any suggestions on how to make it better or on what to write I am open to any ideas. This is also my first slash. Please review. Also since I am not used to writing slash or mare and starting college on Monday the updates my not come every week. I will try and update as often as often as I can. I hope everybody loves or at least likes this story. I am also on Facebook as Gibbsgirl Caffery. Until the next chapter gibbsbabygirl93.}