He opened his eyes. Everything was white. Was he in heaven? He groaned when his head suddenly hurt. Okay, so not in heaven. But then where was he? He tried to move his arms and legs, but he stopped as soon as he saw there were wires attached to his arms. He followed the wires to a big monitor. He was in the hospital? Ofcourse he was. He must have fainted right after the gunshot. Suddenly he gasped. The gunshot! So... he was dead? This was finally over? He smiled of relieve.

All of a sudden the door opened and a nurse came in. She made some notes and wanted to leave when she saw he was awake.

'I see you're awake. The..'

'Is he..dead?' The nurse swallowed before she answered.

'Yes he is.' He could barely hide his happiness. The nurse forced herself to smile. It had been a crazy day for her too and he couldn't blame her for not being happy.

'They are waiting for you outside. I'll send them in,' she said. He nodded, and hoped he'd see Camille. He just wanted to hold her for as long as possible. He closed his eyes. He heard the door open and people move in.

He swallowed. Suddenly he was nervous. What would happen? Would they blame him for what happened? Ofcourse they would...he was the one to blame after all. He swallowed again and then opened his eyes. They just stood there, tears in their eyes.

'It's all over now.' Camille entered the room too. Her face was pale, except for her eyes, which were red because she had been crying. Suddenly she stormed towards him, and based on her facial expression, he couldn't tell whether she was going to slap him, or hug him. It was neither.

'Oh Logan, I thought I was going to lose you! I love you..' and she kissed him.


2 Weeks later, Logan finally left the hospital, together with his best friends and his girlfriend. His wound had healed, and he was excited to go back home. Kendall held the door of the car open for him. He grinned and stepped in the car.

'Guys, I've been thinking. I can't really remember what happened that night. The last thing I can recall is being dragged into an elevator, and vaguely a gunshot some time after that, but everything else is blurry.' Kendall sat down next to him and put his arm around the smaller boy's shoulders.

'Your wound was bleeding and I believe you had a fever, so no wonder you don't remember. But Steve was trying to kill you, and suddenly he just..well I don't know what was going on in his mind, but he kept saying "I can't live without her" and then all of a sudden he pointed the gun at his own head and… I think you can fill in the rest for yourself.' Logan sighed and nodded. He was glad all of this was over, but it didn't have to end this way. Ofcourse he was relieved when he had realized Steve was dead instead of him, but now that he had the time to think about it, it felt wrong.

'Hey, don't worry so much okay? We're all okay now!' Carlos said smiling. Logan smiled as well and looked to his right. He had the most beautiful girl in the world as girlfriend. Their lips met again and Logan felt all his worries slip away.

Ofcourse I wouldn't kill Logan! I love him :) If I killed him, I'd hate myself! So slight plot twist in the end, and unfortunately, this is the end of this story. Thanks for all the reviews! 3 you all!