Heyo! Tj-san here, with her first fic ever! [Cricket cricket] hum...ok...well, I love this pair and after a lot of poking from other people (myself) I sat down to try to write a fic for them! Now a month and a half later we have this sad excuse produced by the lovely and insane bunny named Shale who lives in my mind [location location]

It is un-Betaed and most likely sucks as I have never written something like this before, but I would like to thank The-Lady-Smaell for encouraging me.

anyway WARNINGS YAOI YAOI YAOI! if you don't like and/or don't know what that is leave I have better things to do then read pointless flames [on the other hand it IS cold in here]

DISCLAMER do I really have to do this? if I owned Naruto I would be on a beach somewhere not in a cold basement writing smut about my own creatures [thats what insane fangirls are for] DON'T OWN OK?


"Maa, Ruka-Ch-"

"You call me 'chan' I will use your books to start a bonfire on top of the Hokage's tower and burn you at stake on it"

Silence filled the Mission Room as everyone turned their attention to the argument between two of the most famous (and sexy) ninja in Konah.

The Copy Ninja, Sharingan Kakashi, stood relaxed, slouched even, in front of one Uimno Iruka. The chuunin was standing behind his desk giving the taller Jounin in front of him a look that would make magma freeze and flow back up hill. That said Jounin however was standing unflinching under the glare. The small crumpled, mud-drenched, doodled on piece of paper that seemed to have started the whole thing lay on the mission desk between them.

"I really don't get was so wrong with my report sens-"

"Report? REPORT?" Iruka's voice gained a less then sane edge to it making all nin in the room back a few steps away from the Academy sensei "this-" Iruka slammed his fist into the sorry excuse for a sheet of paper "it no more a report then you are the Misukage!"

"I'm working on that acual-"

Kakashi immediately had to duck the chuunins swing as it whistled through the air where his nose had been a second before. The Copy nin smiled under his mask, not many people could get that close to hitting him, even when he was relaxed (something that was very hard to do when the chuunin was staring at you with a death glare that made Tsunade shake) Iruka's chocolate eyes glittered with a dare, a dare to push it even farther.

A dare Kakashi happily accepted

"Maa, I thought someone in your line of work would appreciate someone drawing you a picture, do you get too many already? Is that it? Or-"

Oh THAT look made him stop, hell, he'd seen ANBU in 'kill everything mode' make less freighting faces then that. He had always found it amusing (and scary) that the guy was a school teacher.

Iruka had stopped yelling - a dangerous sign - and was now speaking with a low, controlled voice that had the mission room –swiftly and silently – emptying

"That is neither a drawing nor a doodle. It wouldn't even qualify as a scribble. I don't even what to guess what it is supposed to be nor do I think I want to know. Not that any of this being important as you are not supposed to draw ANYTHING on a report" Iruka took in a deep breath and closed him eyes. When he reopened them the chuunin was once again calm – well the right side of his face was still twitching slightly – but the murderous intent that had been swirling around the room was slowly disappearing, replaced by a very tired looking Sensei.

Iruka sighed and sat back down, looking at the report on the desk "I know you're working hard and I thank you for that but-" if Kakashi hadn't had ninkin summoner hearing he would have missed the last whispered part

"Is it necessary for you to do this?"

Kakashi tilted his head to the side in confusion, he was just joking around, what was the big deal?

"Iruka-sensei-" Kakashi started to say, though he had no clue of what to say to the man after the whispered comment when the Mission Room door was blasted of it hinges and sent sailing through the window impressively (the ring of broken glass did wonders for the effect)


The one and only Maito Gai stood in the – now – door less doorway doing a pose from swan lake while still managing to do his thumbs up good guy pose.

The taijutsu user stopped spinning once he reached Iruka's desk, he grinned and held out a crisp, clean, SPARKLY mission report to the chuunin

"Greeting To You Iruka-Sensei on This Most Youthful And Glowing Day! The Fire Of Your Hard Work And Glowing Heart Are Most Wonderful O Great Sensei! You're An Inspiration To Us All!"

"Ohyo Gai-san"

Kakashi had to hand it to the chuunin; Iruka didn't even flinch at the spandex wearing nin's performance, a very impressive skill indeed.

Gai smiled at the small sensei, a soft kindness in his eyes as he looked at scared face that was reading his report, unfazed by his antics. He leaned in closer to the brunet and did something Kakashi had only seen on rare occasions.

Maito Gai, the Beautiful Green Beast of Konha, stopped talking with upper case.

"Ohyo, Iruka-sensei, how was the academy today?"

"Oh, good, Konhamaru tried to catch me with a bucket of orange paint again but it back fired and ended up on him instead, spent half an hour trying to getting him clean. But other than that nothing major. How's your team?"

Gai beamed at the chance to talk about his genin "they are wonderful sensei, Tenten has mastered a new weapon, Lee beat me in a foot race, and Neji caught me in the ankle when we were sparing the other day, it was numb for hours!"

Iruka smiled up at the green clad man as he stamped the report and put it in to his growing pile to file later. "That's wonderful! I would love to hear more sometime."

"Of course! Drinks this week?"

"I'm free tomorrow"

"Marvelous! I will see you then!"

Gai leaned away from Iruka and quickly switched personas

"Thank You Most Delightful Man! And Grasp This Most Glorious Day With Your Youthfulness!"

With a flash of green cloth and blindingly white teeth the man was gone, leaving only a cloud of sparkles that slowly settled on Iruka and his desk.

Iruka blinked at the glitter that was now surrounding him and sighed before he looked back up at the white haired jounin who was still standing by his desk looking a little dazed and smiled "that's the only thing about Gai-san, he seems to insist on covering me with sparkles every time he puts in a report, but if that's the price for a clean neat, doodle free paper I'll pay. Speaking of doodled reports-"

Iruka sighed as he stepped through the mission room door, blinking at the change of fake to natural light. Glancing up at the sky he sighed again, this time in disappointment directed at the gray clouds that had settled of the Ninja village and were darkening in color. Rain; no walk through the woods today. Iruka gave the heavens one last longing look before settling his bag more comfortably on his shoulders and heading for his home.

He walked the alleys, slipping through cracks and navigating back roads as only an Ex-prankster could, the ease of his stance stating that it was a practiced skill and one commonly used at that.

Coming up to the apartment building that was his home, Iruka pulled himself up the drain spout to the 4th storie stair case window. Sliding through the small space he landed gracefully on his feet and strolled down the hall way to his apartment door.

Slipping through the door without even really opening it, he glided around his traps as he kicked off his sandals, and shrugged out of his vest, hitai-ate, and gear pouches, all of which were dropped to the floor mercilessly. Leaving his bag on the kitchen counter Iruka walked to his bedroom, striping as he did, he was in the shower in a matter of minutes.

Letting the water run over him the chuunin let everything in the day go, frustration, annoyance, everything. He knew he had yelled at people and there were a few he would have to apologize to on the morrow, but that didn't matter right now.

Right now he was just himself, not a shinobi; he would still have to grad academy homework and decipher some mission reports, but that was life.

Finishing his shower, Iruka quickly dried and slipped on a comfy worn gray tee and a pair of ripped, low hanging jeans before heading back to the kitchen.


Why did it have to start raining? The tall figure shivered in his ANBU uniform as the water hit his mask, dripping through the eye holes to run down his face like tears. Blood washed from his body in riveters, it pooled around the rips and tars in his cloths.

He felt cold. Animal. Alone.


That was the only word for the deep, falling feeling in the pit of his stomach and for the ache in his heart. Did he even have a heart? Could he even call himself human anymore?

Humans didn't do what he had, he was sure of it.

He stopped on top of a building; the soft glow of the small homes in the apartment across from him bathed him in warm light, lifting his head he drank it in, his mismatched eyes roaming over the windows from which the light was coming.

Not many people still had their curtains open but he watched the few who did hungrily, soaking in their normality, the gentle kind – wait, he knew that aura.

His gaze found the fourth floor apartment in the corner so easily it was like he had known it was there the whole time – his whole life even – and just never bothered to look until now.

The open window showed the masked ANBU a short but well-built man standing in his kitchen, papers covering the counter in front of him as he attacked the white sheets with a pen. The Nin heard rather than felt his intake of breath as he recognized the dark haired man who was now moving through his house, putting things away as he did.

The ANBU unconsciously took a few steps toward the small apartment before shaking his head, trying to clear his mind. No! He could not – Would NOT go there – he wouldn't do that! The Sensei didn't know who he was much less how he felt about him! So –


A huge flash lit the sky as the lightning streaked toward the earth; sizzling and small explosions filled the air as the bolt of electricity found it mark.

The power plant.

Glowing lights flickered a few times before dying out completely. As he was plunged back in to the dark the ANBU's resolve died too, before it even registered to his brain he found himself jumping toward the corner apartment.

He needed warmth.

'There, done!' Iruka smiled to himself as he put the last of the mission reports back into his satchel before putting the bag by the door, ready for the morning. He didn't have any school the next day which meant he could sleep in. He smiled again, softly humming a song his mother had taught him as he moved around his little house cleaning up while he did.

Bumping into a side table he stopped to steady it before anything fell, looking down he saw it was favorite picture. It was one of him and Naruto when they had gone on a picnic with Izumo and Kotetsu

Naruto was riding piggy back, arms wrapped lovingly around his adopted big brother's neck, as he grinned from ear to ear, his bright eyes full of love and warmth. Iruka brushed his fingers over the frame gently, he loved the photo as you could see the whiskered boy's smile was real, the blond often would close his eyes when he did his idiot smile, so no one could see the happy face never reached the deep blue orbs.

Iruka traced the blonds face once more, damn he missed that boy, what had it been? Six months? It felt like much longer that the hyper ninja had left with Jiraiya. The chuunin sighed, turning away, when a loud crash made him jump.

Iruka blinked in the new darkness, reaching over he flicked the living room light switch a few times. Nothing, clicking his tongue in frustration he felt his way over to the drawer he knew held a flash light.

Sure he was a ninja, but he hated using his abilities for something like a power outage; besides it was kinda fun like this, and he'd been about to go to bed anyway.

Iruka shivered as a cool breeze whispered across his neck, and suddenly his instincts were screaming at him to run when he heard it.


Someone was in his apartment.

Iruka whirled around to face the masked figure that stood in his living room, their back to the now broken window they had entered through. Their frame was lit for a moment as a flash of lightning scorched the sky outside, throwing the ANBU mask features off for the first time.

Iruka's breath caught in his throat

The Hound.

Of course he had heard the rumors about the man. He worked in the Mission Room for goodness sake! But he had ignored them like all the others, he liked to make his own judgment on things not base it on what someone else had heard through their Best Friends - second Cuisine's –bosses - hair dresser who just happened to also have a crush on Anko.

But meeting the Hound was something Iruka NEVER thought would happen, when he looked at it now he would be less surprised to find a being from another dimension going through his fridge then this. The worst part was he didn't know what to say, what did you talk about to a soaking wet ANBU who was standing in your living room during middle of a storm anyway?

"Good Evening ANBU-san" well, that was as good a start as any "is there something I can help you with?"

Iruka cocked his head to the side, trying to keep his hands from scratching the scar over his nose in nervous habit.

The ANBU looked around the room then at the floor then back at him, as if the elite Ninja was trying to decide if he should do what he had come to.

When he came to the end of his silent argument the Hound nodded once and Iruka had to fight a panic attack as the ANBU moved at him with blurring speed. The Ninja grabbed him with one claw gloved hand as the other pulled a long soft piece of cloth from…somewhere.

This cloth was quickly tied around Iruka's head tightly; more panic, hot and viscous, coursed through the small man's vanes as the blind-fold was tied, undoubtedly with knots so complicated there'd be no way Iruka could undo them even if he could see.

The breath left his body as he was pushed - hard - against the wall. He heard something hit the floor with a 'ting' and realized it must have been the ANBU's mask. More panic, mixed with confusion this time, hit him. Why was the Hound taking off his mask?

He struggled in the other man's hold only to find himself being push into the wall harder as a thick, well-muscled thigh was shoved between he's legs, forcing them apart, farther pinning him.

He felt hot breath brush his ear and jumped when it was licked. He felt a face bury its self in the side of his neck as a hand came and tugged his hair. Iruka heard a soft sniping sound as his hair came out of its binding to swing around his face; he realized the other man had cut his tie with the claws on the ends of his gloves.

A low moan whispered by his ear and the body pinning his shuddered, leaning into him harder; a deep intake of breath was heard as the elite nin inhaled the others scent. There was no space between anymore; Iruka could hear his heart racing in the silence as he tried to think. ANBU were even more insane then Jounin and there was no way to predict them, the most worrying part was that Iruka could smell blood on the Hound and with ANBU-really any Ninja- that was not a good thing.

"Hound-sama?" Iruka choked out the words, trying to keep the fear and terror out of his voice. Years of being a teacher had given him a natural 'everything's fine, just tell me what happened' voice that was used on distress and hurt children. He just prayed it worked on ANBU in panic mood too.

"Hound-sama? Are you alright? Are you injured? Or do you need me to get something?" Iruka moved slowly. Feeling his way up he placed his hands on the taller man's shoulders he tried to get his legs free. This prompted an instant reaction from the ANBU.

The man growled and pulled his face away from Iruka's neck. The Chunnis arms were grabbed and pinned back at his sides, before one hand returned to grip his hair tighter, a gloved hand ran through the chocolate brown waves, careful not to slice any off, the Hound wove his hand deeper in the soft locks and pulled.

Iruka's head was yanked back violently, the sharp pain of his hair being pull at the roots made him gasp. The sound was cut short by lips being forced aggressively against his.

He made a shocked scream like sound into the others mouth that turned moan as a tongue pushed in and began to violate his.

Hands started to drift over his body, touching, stroking, he flinched as one claw cut his tee and nicked the skin underneath. The whole time his mouth continued to be abused, the hand in his hair kept his head in place as the ANBU's tongue lapped and sucked. He was shaking, he knew he was shaking.

The Hound licked the inside of his cheek and the smaller man made a choked sound of distress, gaining enough strength to pull free of the hand in his hair and break the kiss.

Keeping his head turned to the side, so his mouth couldn't be claimed again Iruka sucked in huge breaths of air, trying to get oxygen back into his brain, which was already fizzy from lack of it.

The ANBU once again growled in his ear, but this time it seemed more amused. The heavy body pulled away slightly as he felt something cold at his neck.

The claws

Terror ripped through him but the chuunin knew saying something would make the bad situation worst. He tensed, waiting for the ANBU to strike.

To his shock, the clawed hand slid under his tees collar and in one fluid motion the other man sliced all the way down and Iruka's shirt slid down his arms, the front split open.

If he hadn't already been blind from the cloth around his eyes Iruka has fairly sure the white hot panic the seared through him would have done it.

The reason the ANBU was here. The Hound, Konaha's greatest and most deadly assassin was going to use him as mission stress relief.

Iruka was quite sure he could feel a heart attack coming on.

His mind still reeling the burnette felt the shirt being ripped off his arms and heard a soft thud as it was obviously thrown across the room. A strangled cry left his throat as lips reattached to his skin, teeth nipping at the soft, sensitive flesh of his neck, a hot mouth dragged its way across his collar bone, up to his shoulder and teeth snapped back out to bite down hard. A moan echoed through the room but Iruka didn't know if it was his or the Hounds.

The mouth pulled away and he heard the ANBU grunt, as if trying to pry something lose. A clink of something metal hitting the tiled floor made Iruka cocked his head to the side, another clink followed and left him wondering what had been dropped.

He found out the very next moment as hands-un-gloved and bare - came forward to run up his torso. Iruka's breath hitched as moist lips followed and continued their assault of his neck. Hands dropped low to run over his hips, round the front and came to rest on shivering thighs, a whimper whispered out and he quickly bit back on his tongue to stop the sounds from coming out as the now glove-less hand began to stroke up and down, well teeth grasped his pulse point as a tongue and hot breath lathed over the area.

If he hadn't been so freaking scared Iruka reasoned that he'd be very turned on right now.

The mouth moved lower, toward his chest, licking and sucking the whole time. Iruka suddenly realized that his hands were no longer pinned to the wall as the big arms that had been holding them there were now happily exploring his legs and hips. If he did this carefully he might be able to get the ANBU off without getting hurt. It was a long shot but as Iruka saw it he was going to be in pain tomorrow anyway.

He just had to make sure there was going to be a tomorrow.

"Hound-sama?" Iruka whispered softly and was pleased –and frightened- when the lips and hands stopped. Once again the elites head was buried in the crook of his neck, a soft hum vibrated his ear and Iruka realized the ANBU was asking him what he wanted. Slowly, so not to startle the other man he lifted his arms up, feeling around slightly as he couldn't actually see the ANBU. Iruka was quite pleased with himself as one hand found a shoulder without any problem not so pleased when the other one hit its mark to low and he ended up having to run a hand up the ANBU's body to find the peak.

"Ano" Iruka gasped, hoping it didn't sound like a plea, with a stressed ANBU that would be VERY bad "I can't help you if I'm pinned to the wall" trying to distract him was as good a plan as any, if he could get the ANBU to let go all he had to do was make sure the Hound didn't get a hold on him again. That shouldn't be too hard…right?

"If you require medical attention I'm not the best-"

A jolt of shock shot through his body as the Hound's chuckle vibrated in his ear and the whisper slid past like silk.

"All I require is you, my little Umi-no-danca"

The hands on the ANBU's shoulders tightened at the unexpected pet name, well the meaning of the words sank in. Iruka tried, again, to free his legs from where they were pinned, only to have the ANBU snarl and react in the most unexpected way.

Iruka gave a yelp as the Hound's hands grabbed behind his knees and yanked, forcefully pushing him up the wall.

He blindly tightened his grip on the broad shoulders. Any protests turned to moans as the ANBU brought his lips to the skin of the blindfolded sensei's chest, which was now conveniently at his head level.

Iruka felt the ANBU smirk against the sensitive skin. The hands that were holding him up began to slide away; to stop himself from falling the chuunin instinctively wrapped his legs around the Hounds waist.

A happy growl came from the ANBU's throat at this as the elite nin sank his teeth around a small nipple. Still humming he began to nip, suck, and lick at the nub, changing sides every now and again so the chuunin didn't get used to the sensation. One hand sat on a tanned hip, pushing the lose pants dangerously low: the other hand crept up the sensei's back as it began to trace the scars that riddled its surface.

The Hound lifted his mouth from the sensei's body and took in a deep breath "damn" the ANBU breathed and licked the panting chuunin "do you know how long I've wanted to do this? How much you've been pushing my control? All the times in Mission Room I've almost crawled under your desk and just taken you there, fast and hard."

Iruka's foggy mind cleared at the whispered information, the Hound had just told him they knew each other, now that he thought of it, the Anbu's voice was a little familiar.

Now he just had to put a face with it.

He opened his mouth to reply in some way but all that came out was a moan. The Hound swore again and ground his hips into Iruka's so the chuunin could feel the others arousal.

Iruka groaned, no matter what the ANBU said the sensei still had a bad feeling that any actions from the Hound that night would be anything but gentle.

The Hound pulled away from the wall, forcing Iruka to stop his backward decent by wrapping his arms around the ANBU's neck. Hound put his hands back on Irukas thighs to insure the legs stayed around his waist, he then returned to biting and licking the chuunin's neck as he carried the smaller man to the other room.

Iruka knew where he was being taken and considered fighting once more, but dismissed the thought when he realized he'd just get hurt, well the Hound would continue to do whatever he wanted.

The chuunin lost all the air in his lungs again as he was dropped onto his twin bed, the Hound instantly was on top of him, straddling his hips. Tanned hands were grabbed, pulled over a chocolate head and tied to the headboard. Iruka felt hot breath on his face as the Hound came back up.

Soft, light and teasing tongue snuck out and ran, slowly, across the long facial scar. Iruka whimpered at the strange sensation, as the hot, moist, tongue traveled lower, not stopping its journey down his skin.

The Hound ran down his jaw, over his neck and back up, licking and biting the whole time before the sensations stopped and the mouth left the top half of the tanned man's body to move lower and taste.

A strangled gasp escaped from Iruka's throat as the hot tongue dragged up and over his hip. He felt hand at the waist line of his jeans and moaned as they were roughly tugged, he heard the top button give and winced as the article of clothing was ripped off of him and thrown somewhere.

The weight on his legs returned as the ANBU settled back down. Iruka shivered, as the reality of it sank in. He was blindfolded, bound, pinned, and now he could add 'completely naked' to the growing list, to top things off he was pretty sure the Hound was examining him.

There was a small part of him that wanted to cry, another part was confused, but for the most part – Iruka was furious.

"What's wrong Anbu -san? Am I missing something?" whoops, Iruka hadn't been going for sarcasm – damn his treacherous, snappy tongue.

He heard a sharp intake of air, signalling the other ninja's shock to the jib, it was followed by a soft chuckle that was hummed by his ear.

"No" the word slid over him and burned into his memory "no Iruka, your fucking perfect"

A blush heated small face. The sensei once again opened his mouth to reply and once again completely forgot what he was going to say as his body –once again – rebelled against his mind, reacting to the sensations and making the chuunin cry out.

The Hound was delighted with the reaction he had received from the sexy sensei and immediately repeated his action. Hands on the smaller man's hips, still pinning the strong legs to the bed the ANBU brought his face back up to nuzzle the inside of the tanned thigh again. The moan filled the room, and that was all it took to snap what was left of the elites control. With a feral growl the Hound bit down hard on the soft skin beneath his lips, sucking to insure the mark would stay as the cries of the other man made him shiver and continue his work faster.

Iruka nearly screamed in shock when the first finger entered and was swiftly followed by the second, then the third, the ANBU didn't spend very long prepping him, but Iruka was grateful the nin was doing something.

This thought and all others were smashed and flung from him mind as the intense feeling of pain and pleasure hit him at the Hounds first thrust. There was no way to stop it this time, the scream ripped from the chuunins throat.

The room was filled with the sound of panting and moans as the heat grew and the air thickened

It all began to blend. Iruka lost track of time and everything else, and through it all the touching, the kisses and biting, the sounds continued. The chuunin would drift asleep for a time, only to be woken in the most sensational ways.

By the time he finally felt the Hound pull out Iruka felt strangely like he was drunk, with the warm fuzz that surrounded his body and the soft pounding in his head. The weight on him shifted as the Hound rolled to lie next to him.

He was dimly a where of his hands being untied, but his mind didn't even process that he could have taken off the blindfold.

The last thing he heard before slipping into sleep was the sound of the other nin's breathing as it too evened in slumber.

The dark enveloped him.

haha..umm, ya...it sorta was a lemon...sorta...

Oh and 'umi-no-danca' if you didn't know means 'sea dancer' I thought it was cute *shrugs*

I think there's more to the story but Shale has me writing other things now [still yaoi *facepalm*]

Hope you liked my sad excuse for a story! Cha! Rythum.