Authors' Note: Hey everybody, I'm all knew to the Teen Wolf archive but tell me what you think.(No spellcheck) I don't own Teen Wolf.

Stiles Pov:

I just got home from work, it was around 7pm. Having a job at the office, working for Jackson was hard work but it was worth it when I got my pay check. Of course the paycheck never went towards something I wanted for myself; it went towards Derek's alcohol and other dumb stuff he wanted. I could never say no to him, he would always make things difficult. But hopefully tonight will be a peaceful night. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the front door slam. I ran downstairs to welcome Derek. As I saw him barely standing straight at the front door, I could already tell tonight wouldn't be going so well.

"Derek, where you been? I thought your shift would be over at 4pm."

"I w-ass o-uut with me frwends." I could smell the alcohol radiating off his clothes and breath.

"You're drunk; you should really just go to bed."

"Don't tell me what to do Scott."

My face dropped, I'm pretty sure I looked like I just seen a ghost. I didn't care if he was drunk or not he knew how I felt about his ex Scott. Scott tried to break us up countless times and attempt to get back with Derek to show him what he was "missing". Derek seemed to not even care about what he just said and fell asleep on the couch. I ran up the stairs and slept in our bed, my pillow soaking up my tears.

The next morning

Derek Pov:

I woke up to the noise of Stiles vomiting again and a killer headache. I vaguely remembered what happened last night. I had to have said something terrible because when Stiles finished re-brushing his teeth from the bathroom, he didn't give me a second glance.

"Are you alright?" I asked him with concern in my voice

"Yeah, I am going to be alright." He said back to me dully

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair as I got up from the couch.

"What happened last night? Why do you seem to upset at me?"

"You called me Scott, last night." He stated bluntly

"You know I wouldn't bring him up on purpose Stiles."

"Mhm I know, but I got to get to work."

"Why are you in such a hurry? You have some time before you have to go." I looked at him suspiciously.

"I am always late because of you; I don't want Jackson to fire me."

"Fine, go ahead." I said to him kneeling down to give him a quick peck on the lips.

"See you later baby." He said as he got into his car.

Stiles Pov:

I wondered if he noticed me throwing up every morning or my growing stomach. I was about four weeks pregnant and Derek seemed to not even notice. He's been so emotional and clingy lately which was strange since I'm the pregnant one. My thoughts were once again interrupted when my cell phone rang. I checked the caller id and the person calling me managed to put a smile on my face.

"Hey Jackson." I said sounding like I haven't seen him in forever.

"Hey are you coming in late today, again?"

"Surprisingly I'm going to be early today." I told him with a smile on my face.

"Since you're going to be early, maybe we can meet me in Starbucks and catch a coffee?"

"I would love to but I got a lot of paperwork that needs to be filled out, maybe next time?"

"Yeah, sure." He said with disappointment and hung up

I sighed a bit. I could see why Derek didn't like me around Jackson. The only reason I even got this job was because Jackson stilled loved me and thought this would bring us closer. Little did he know I was already engaged at the time and now I'm carrying Derek's baby.

I parked in the employee's parking lot, making sure I had everything. I begun to walk into the large office building, I took the elevator and as I walked past the front desk my assistant stopped me.

"Yes, Rose?" I said to her sounding a bit annoyed.

"Uh you have 3 missed calls from Mr. Hale."

"Alright thanks." I said rushing past her and into my office.

I quickly dropped my things on the chair and ran towards my office phone. I quickly dialed my home number and prayed Derek would pick it. It took 5 rings but he finally did.

"Hey,baby" I said calmly to him

"You should have been in your office 15minutes ago. What have you been doing?" He said sounding irritated.

"I ran into a bit of traffic on my way."

"Whatever." And with that he hung up.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I picked up this nervous habit from Derek

I sat down in my comfy chair and placed my head gently on the desk. My mind was going a mile a minute at this point. I didn't want to go home tonight is what I knew for sure.


I looked up from my desk and saw Jackson leaning on my door.

"May I come in?"

"Yea, sure"

"Is there a particular reason you are wearing shades on a cloudy day like this?" he asked pointing to my face

"Oh, I totally forgot I even had them on" I chuckled a bit and took them off

"Woah, what the fuck happened to your eye?" he asked sounding concerned.

Fuck. I know remembered why I put them on in the first place. Derek came home a couple nights ago drunk and the night ended with me having a black eye. Thankfully it was fading now.

"Nothing calm down, I just tripped and my eye hit the coffee table."

"So are you just going to continue to lie or just tell me the truth?"

Author's Note: Chapter 1 complete let me know if you wish for me to continue. Til then Adios:3