I have seriously died and gone to heaven! I would like to thank everyone who reviewed BeiberHendersongirl, JennyLovesU, TexasSupernaturalCowgirl, wittnesgreatness21, and guerrero. You guys just made my day. At first I thought my story wasn't that good, but you guys changed my mined. Here's your cookie dough! Ok here's the next chapter.

I was immediately hit with a wave of panic. Were in the world were my friends? Why had they left me? Hadn't they noticed my absence?

I walked forward. There was only hedge and spiders. I tried to stay as far away from the bush as possible. I had something to worry about. The vicious, man eating spiders.

I came to an intersection. It looked the exact same as the rest of the maze. I turned to the left. I walked down it for awhile, but it turned into a dead end. It was the first one I had encountered since coming into this death whole. I turned around and went straight passed the intersection.

I walked through the maze for awhile, finding nothing. Panic started to take over and I started walking faster. There was nothing. No one.

I felt like I was going in circles. Everywhere looked the same. I started to run. It seemed like I was in there for hours when it was more like twenty minutes. I hit multiple dead ends, things kept popping out at me, and there was creepy music playing.

It was hard to see. They had fog going now, witch mixed with the strobe lights. I was starting to feel sick, it was cold, windy, and I was scared out of my mined.

I ran for what seemed like forever, when I found a row of hedge that looked familiar. Yes, all of it looked the same, but this hedge had a familiarity to it. I looked around and realized it was the same hedge as the one were the spider jumped onto me. I'm not really sure how I knew, but I did.

I immediately broke down. I wasn't getting anywhere. I was going in circles, I was scared, I was cold, I was sick from the fog and strobe lights, it was windy, and I was lost. Tears streaked down my face. I was sobbing. I had never been in a situation were I was this scared. I thought I was never going to get out.

My knees buckled from underneath me. I couldn't stand anymore.

All of a sudden I puked viciously on the ground. My body couldn't handle the stress anymore.

I gave up and sat on the ground. I curled myself into a ball and cried. There wasn't anything I could do anymore. All I really could do was hope for my friends to find me themselves, but I didn't have any hope. I didn't have anything but fear.


Meanwhile, Kendall, James, Carlos, and Katie walked in the maze, trying to find the candy. Carlos stayed as close to James as possible. James because he was the closes person to him.

"Guys, can't we just get out of hear?" Carlos asked, obviously scared. "No, we haven't found the candy yet," James said, looking intensely for it. Carlos sighed and looked longingly at Kendall. "I agree with James," Kendall said. Carlos looked at Katie. "Nope," Katie said simply. Carlos went for last hope to get out of here. He looked around but couldn't find him.

"Hey guys, where's Logan?" Carlos asked. Kendall, Katie, and James finally noticed that Logan was gone. They were all confused as to were he could have gone. "I have no idea," Kendall said. "Is he dead?" Carlos asked, his overactive mined taking over. "No," James said. "Well we have to go look for him," Carlos said, jumping up and down on James' shoulders. "We should split up," Katie said. "Ok, Carlitos, you go right, James, you go left, Katie, you go straight, and I'll go back were we came from," Kendall said in his planning voice. It so happened to be that they were in a four way break in the hedge. All five of them went in there directed direction.

They looked for awhile. They hit dead ends, had to go back, hit more dead ends, and had to go back again.

Carlos was scared, but was on an adrenaline rush to fined his smaller brother, and the fear disappeared. They were all starting to get slightly dizzy from the lights and fog, but it was also pushed aside for their best friends finding.

It seemed like they were looking for Logan forever. Where could he have gone? They weren't really sure how big the maze was, but seemed to be pretty big. They went in giant circles over and over again.

Carlos hit a dead end. He realized something. It was weird, but when they were all together, they hadn't hit one dead end, but alone, he seemed to hit every dead end in the maze. But he new that wasn't true because he hadn't found Logan yet.

But he wasn't about to give up. He came across an intersection and looked down to the right, witch was the only other way you could go other than straight.

He only took a quick glance, and continued on forward. His steps came to an immediate stop when he realized he had seen a dark shadow on the ground of the last isle he could go down. He went back and looked down the isle again. Sure enough, there was a black shadow there. Carlos cautiously walked up to the figure. As he got closer to the shadow, it backed up fast. It made whimpering noises. When the strobe light flashed on, Carlos caught a glimpse of Logan's face. It was streaked with tears and his whole face read fear. Carlos smiled and sighed with great relief, he had found Logan.

"Logan, it's ok it's just me, Carlos," Carlos said, trying to comfort Logan.

Logan stared at the figure. When the strobe light came on, he saw Carlos' face. He stood up and ran straight into Carlos' arms. He started sobbing even harder knowing that he was safe.

Carlos was startled by the sudden outburst, but soon gave into the hug and started to comfort him. "It's ok," Carlos said, "You're safe now."

Logan took awhile to calm down. To Carlos it seemed as if Logan had been traumatized out here. He didn't really know what happened to him.

When Logan finally calmed down to the point of sniffling, Carlos decided to see what happened. They were sitting on the ground, Carlos' arm rapped around Logan's shoulder to comfort him. "What happened Logan" Was all he simply asked. Logan heaved a deep sigh. "I got scared. Well I didn't get scared, I've been scared. I've always been scared of Halloween. So many bad things happen at night, I'm scared we might get hurt out here. And then I got stuck out here all alone. I couldn't find you anywhere," Logan said, shakily. "Why didn't you tell us you were scared?" Carlos asked, completely confused by this. "I don't know. I guess I was just embarrassed. I know it's all fake, but it still scares me," Logan explained. "Logan, you knew we wouldn't care if you were scared of this. We wouldn't have laughed or anything. There's nothing to be embarrassed about, Logan. And I know just how you feel, this place is creepy," Carlos said with uncharacteristic maturity. Logan sighed, " I know," he said.

All of a sudden, Katie popped out of nowhere. "Logan!" She said excitedly. Carlos and Logan both nearly jumped out of their skin. "Katie!" Carlos said, " You scared us half to death," Carlos said but welcomed her to sit with them. "What happened?" Katie asked, sitting down.

Logan started explaining how he was scared of the dark and Halloween, the whole time his cheeks burning red.

In the middle of explaining what happened, James showed up. Logan had to re-explain everything. He wasn't irritated like he normally would because he was still scared and wanted to go home, also Katie and Carlos were helping him explain now.

Finally, Kendall came and everyone explained to Kendall what happened, except Logan who had fallen asleep. He was exhausted after today's events. He had been getting help explaining to James what happened because he was yawning and his eye lids were getting heavy.

They all looked at the cute sleeping Logan. He looked like a small child.

They knew Logan needed some sleep, so they tried their best trying to carry him as carefully through the maze and out as possible. Than they carried him to the car and Kendall drove them home.


When Logan woke up he was home, in his cozy warm bed. He was so happy last night was over. There was one thing he was sure of, he was never going to get over his fear of Halloween, the dark, and his new found fear, spiders.

He looked down and found his night light on. He wasn't sure how his friends found it or knew about it, bout it was there. He figured Kendall woke up in the middle of the night and saw it.

Logan got out of bed, still in his cloths from last night, and went into the living room. Everyone was in the room. "Nice to see you awake, sleepy head," Kendall said. Logan looked at the time. It was 12 o'clock. Logan was shocked. He had never slept in like this before. "Wow, it's late, and I'm hungry," Logan said holding his stomach as it growled.

"Here you go sweetie, I kept some for you just incase," Mama Knight said. She handed him a plate full of eggs, bacon, and pancakes. "Thanks Mama Knight," Logan said with a smile. He sat sown at the table and shoved the food in his mouth. He was feeling much better know and didn't have to worry about Halloween for a whole a year.

Stupid ending, I know, but I didn't know how to end it. Yup you read correctly, this is the last chapter. *starts crying*. Ok guys review this please. This actually started out as a one shot but yah. And this last chapter was a lot longer then I thought it was going to be. But I need ideas for another story. This one came out of nowhere, so please give me some ideas. Requirements are simple: no slash, Logan has to be the main character or it could be about all of them. I guess that's it. Thanks guys Love ya! Virtual cookie dough to anyone who reviews and anyone who gives me any ideas.