hay everybody you're all were probably looking for a new chapter weren't you? Well first, let me explain something. Mr. A., the original author of the activist citizen house, wants me to stop writing this. He's seen the way it's been going and he doesn't like it. So to prevent me from getting in trouble with fanfiction I am going to stop writing the story. Yes he and I are still friends but he just doesn't want something like this to be going on any more. I told him that I wouldn't delete this story so you all can use it for your all and he agreed. But the story is now, and forever will be, complete.

hay i got alot of questions why i stoped well first let me say people should get profiles on here. next, here's the thing like stated if i continued he'd get mad and report me to the fanfiction people/persons and if they find out about mine chances are they'll find out about other's too. so to prevent that i have to stop.