Chapter 1

Present day

Vatican City, Italy

Father Alexander Anderson chased something through an abandon building. People always thought they were fiction, vampires. Bram Stoker has likely never seen a real vampire.

This vampire was different somehow. Stronger and faster than most. Its skin was richly tanned as if he was turned in the heat of the summer.

Anderson finally caught him, "Escaped the hunter in Egypt just to be slain by the likes of the Catholic priest," the vampire hissed as Anderson impaled him to the wall.

"What hunter?" Anderson Irish accent clearly showing.

"Wouldn't you like to know," the vampire laughed bitterly, "You can kill me but more will come by the hundreds."

"What hunters?" Anderson asked again.

"Go to Egypt and find out," the vampire said right before Anderson killed it.

Vatican Church

"Maxwell, you know I never listen to a vampire, but when they say something about a hunter in another country..." Anderson trailed off.

"England," Maxwell growled.

"No, Egypt," Anderson revealed.

"Egypt," Maxwell was shocked, "I never heard of a slayers being there. Must be some crazy men doing a poor job," Maxwell said angrily.

"We should tell them to let the expert take care of it," Anderson looked out the window as the sun came up.

"We will Anderson," Maxwell picked up the phone.

Cairo, Egypt

Isis and Sakhmet entered their room ready for a hot meal and a shower. Isis put her sais on the table as Sakhmet put hers on her bed, "You look tired," Isis said with a smile, "Take a shower and I'll start dinner."

"Thanks, sis," Sakhmet headed to the bathroom.

Isis heard the shower start. Knowing she wouldn't age in her human form but it didn't stop her from feeling. Remembering everything from both lives she lived. Isis still remembered the day and the look on Anubis's face when she was face to face with him on the opposite side of the scale. Ra came to her rescue and told the God of the dead the Isis was to be reborn.

Sakhmet came out as Isis put her favorite meal on the table, "Thanks, Isis," Sakhmet said as Isis gave her as sad smile.

They ate in silence knowing trouble was brewing in the near future. After dinner Sakhmet took their dishes to clean them.

Isis took a long hot shower to take the stiffness out of her sore body. Getting out she put on a long flowing white gown that was loose on her skin and almost see through.

She crawled into bed and past out. Sakhmet slept not far from her.

Vatican Church

Maxwell got a hold of Anderson and informed him that he would be going to Egypt by himself. While Maxwell would be staying behind at the Vatican to help keep vampires under control in Italy.

Anderson was outrage about this. Why does he have to go alone. Yumiko and Heinkel should go with him, but he kept his mouth shut.

Now he was sitting in first class on his way to Cairo not where to look. So he would wait till night fall.

Cairo, Egypt

Isis's nightmares where always close to the surface. Sakhmet wokr hearing Isis soft cry, "Stop, Set. If you're going kill just do it yourself."

"Isis wake up please," Sakhmet pleaded to her sister, "Wake up sweetheart," Sakhmet whispered gently to her, "Set is not here sister."

Isis woke in a cold sweat. She felt Sakhmet next to her, "Sakhmet," she whispered, "Why is he so dark," she cried softly in the arms of the woman who usually had a head of lioness.

"We will stop him, Isis. Look it almost dawn and I know you to do magic for the people of the city. Let fet you out there."

Isis smiled and got up and got ready too. Wearing what a queen would wear in the ancient Egypt.

Isis's long black hair was like silk reaching her knees she always had it back in a tight braid.

People lusted after her, but it was mostly men. She blamed a mingled blood, but she also had to be careful who she could trust. Only man she wanted was Osiris. Her husband that Set killed in a jealous rage.

"Quit day dreaming, honey," Sakhmet said getting her attention.

Grabbing her stuff Isis followed Sakhmet out of the room. At the market place they placed a large mat on the ground. Everybody came to see her magic act. It was usually in the center of the market.

Today Isis sensed something was going to happen but not when it was going to happen.

Once Sakhmet and Isis got the large mat spread Isis took a deep breath a Sakhmet got things ready rope, handcuffs, swords, and daggers. Isis knew show must go on and stretch her sore muscle.