A/N: Hey all! So I've been doing fan requests for 38 chapters(I still take them btw), so I decided to do something of my choice. I don't even think this pairing has been requested, but I think it'll be a fun read. ;) Chapter 40 will be really special, no worries. Anyway, here we go!

~39th crack pairing: Thomas and Muscle Man~

"One chili cheese dog, please." A customer told Thomas at the snack bar, who rang it up. "And make sure the cheese is really melted this time."

"Yeah yeah, I got it." Muscle Man reassured the customer, then grinned back. "Hey sir?"


"...You know who else is melted on top of a hot dog?"


"My mom!"

All he did was stare at Muscle Man blankly. Thomas as well, who gave the customer back his change. "Here you go, sir. It'll be ready soon."

"It's done." Muscle Man gave the dog to the customer, cheese freshly melted. "Hope you like it as much as you liked my joke."

"So you want me to hate it? Great customer service skills!"

As the customer walked away, Muscle Man sighed with dreary.

"I guess not every one is easy to please, huh?" Thomas asked.

"Yeah, but it's fine...no one understands my genious humor. It's become a lost art."

Thomas leaned against the register. "I hear that. I can't even make my friends laugh, let alone a girl."

"That's different. You just gotta have charm to do all that. It's gotta be natural."

As the two had their conversation, Benson pulled up in the golf cart.

"Ladies say I've got more charm than a charm bracelet. That's special, bro!"

"Muscle Man, are you training Thomas or having a Sunday conversation?"

"It's cool, Benson. I'm just trying to show him what customer service is supposed to be like."

"You've got a weird way of showing it." Thomas replied.

"Shut it, Starter Pack! No one's talking to you!"

"Just do your job, guys. I already babysit two slackers, I don't wanna have to add two more to my list."

"Yes sir." They replied, then Benson drove off.

"Anyway, like I was saying earlier, you're gonna be doing this by yourself after a while, so when it's slow and boring, you gotta make sure you clean everything, know how to prep each food item, and all that. Always clean the fryer when you close down the snack bar."

Thomas took notes."Clean the fryer..got it.."

"If it's really busy, don't take every order at once or you're gonna get frustrated. You gotta keep cool and take about 2 or 3 orders, serve those, then move on to the next customers."

"Mmhmm..." Thomas replied, writing it down.

"Any questions?"

"Yeah...uh, how long do these shifts last?"

"Ugh, I said 'questions', Thomas, not STUPID questions!"

"B-but I thought every asked question was good and unasked questions were bad!"

"No, that's a big fat lie!"

Thomas sulked. "Oh...sorry."

Muscle Man glared, then smiled at his goat coworker. "Heheh just kidding. You're right."

Thomas widened his eyes. "Wait, what?"

"You're right, bro. How many times do I have to say it?"


"You've got no sense of humor, bro. You should really learn to know when I'm joking and when I'm not."

Thomas shook his head. "Dude, it's...it's kinda hard to tell when you're joking..from my perspective anyway."

"Your perspective is lame! Anyway, I'm not really sure about the shift thing. I think it's 6 or 7 hours on average, but if there's tons of stuff to do that day, it'll be cut to like 3 or 4 hours and Pops will do it. You might wanna ask Benson though."

"Okay." Thomas shrugged it off, and looked at the man waiting to order. "Hi, how can I help you?"

The young man took his hat off. "Just two burgers, no lettuce, extra pickles. And-" He looked behind the counter to Muscle Man. "Hey, I remember you!"


"Yeah, from the comedy gig you did at Wing Kingdom last week!"

Muscle Man smiled. "Yeah, I'm a regular at Improv Night. And Wing Kingdom."

"Regular? Ha! At what, sucking?"

Muscle Man's smile washed away. "What?"

"Look pal, I had a lot of Radi-cola that time. Now that I remember your act, I thought it was the worst of the night...or better yet, worst ever! LOSER!"

Thomas glared at the customer. "You're really rude."

"Pfft, whatever man, the customer's always right!"

"That doesn't mean the customer's always a jerk! Muscle Man may not be funny to most people, but atleast he tries. What he's really good at is his job and training me, and..other things I've yet to learn."

Muscle Man slightly smiled at the compliment.

The man shrugged. "Okay, stick up for a loser, fine with me. Just get my food so I can go."

Thomas glared, getting the burgers and then faked a smile. "Have a fantastic day, sir."

He snatched the burgers and laughed. "Two losers at a snack bar. Someone write a book!"

Thomas shook his head and looked at Muscle Man, who shoved some leftover fries into his mouth with sadness. "Someone should write a book about HIM..."Jerkhole with No Life".."

Muscle Man smiled, chuckling a bit. "That's a good one, dude."


"Maybe your niche is coming up with jokes when sticking up for your coworkers. Seriously, that was really cool of you, dude."

Thomas patted his trainer's shoulder. "Hey, I never like to see a man get torn down like a wild beast..unless he has it coming."

"Haha, I hear that! But you're really awesome at keeping cool with angry customers..just do what you did today and you'll be a BOSS at the snack bar." Muscle Man looks at his watch. "Hey, the park's closing in 5 minutes, did you wanna go hang out with me at Wing Kingdom? It's 25 cent-wing day."

"Depends...are you actually asking me, or is this just one of your misunderstood jokes?"

Muscle Man smiled. "It's a seriously serious offer. Just us two dudes chowing on wings, telling jokes and all that."

Thomas grinned back. "Then I'm in, sir."

They proceeded to close down the snack bar, Muscle Man smiling to himself.

I think I'm gonna like this kid...