AN: Excitement and a little bit of confusion/revealing in this chapter. Feel free to ask questions after if something doesn't make sense. I just got the sudden urge to have a certain someone find out the truth. Also I am very impatient when it comes to climaxes of stories, but I'm restraining myself and writing this instead. But I did add a nice attempt at humor in the middleish, you'll know when you start reading it.

Third Person

After Reno, Cissnei, and Zack had gone through their celebration of the Cloud's new health, the blonde never wanted to see another glass of whiskey, vodka, or any alcohol ever again. Granted Zack couldn't get drunk, but that didn't mean the Turks couldn't. The party had actually been going really well until a nearly vomiting Reno, decided to try and kiss the cadet. Nearly did too, but Zack ran over and ripped the teen out of the man's arms, giving a few choice words, before running back to his apartment to bombard him questions.

So Cloud brought out the big guns.

Leading to where they currently were now, watching the Vampire Diaries on T.V. It was one of the few things that could keep Zack distracted.

"Stab him, stab him, stab him, stab him, stab him!" Zack chanted while leaning forward from on their stomachs on the floor.

"It's really amazing how smart they are to stake the right person," the raven said in awe.

"More like stupid." the blond threw in.

"Why?" he asked genuinely not tearing his gaze away from the screen as Stefen and Elena ran away from the house with the vampires from the tomb.

"Think about it. They stab a stake or some other wooden object through someone's heart to kill the vampires. Only problem is that anyone would die of wood going through their heart. A human, vampire, hell- even a werewolf would die. It proves nothing. Same thing with fire."

"Never thought about it that way... What about vervain?" and the conversation kept going on like that until the show ended and the next one came on.

"Here on Inside-Out Stars we bring you the news of-"

"Ugh, why?" Cloud groaned as he put his arm over his eyes dramatically. He hated the show to be honest.

"Last night we also got many requests to talk about the absence of Noctis, the drummer for Three Days Grace. It is said that the member had a family crisis and had to take a temporary leave,"

"Yes and while most people would have cancelled with such a loss, they surprised us yet again by still going on with the show. Of course eventually a substitute had to step in to get on the guitar here and there, but other than that the show went on smoothly. Now Roxas, the lead singer, Axel, the everything, Demyx, the lead guitarist, and Zexion, the bassist, and of course Noctis, the drummer as we have already mentioned, make up the band that won best new artist, along with best rock at-"

"That's real amazing isn't it? I see why you like them so much," the soldier cut in.

The blond turned to look at him. Those few words made him feel light and happy.

"Thanks Zack. That means a lot to me," he said. Shortly following his comment he could of swore he heard the raven say 'The lead singer Roxas is damn hot too.', but he chose to ignore it.

After a little bit of decision he moved and snuggled into Zack's chest, another step. His dreams kept replaying in his head over and over, as if urging him on to help Zack into telling the truth.

Even if Cloud had to kiss him himself.


After a little bit Cloud noticed the soldier was starting to yawn a little as he watched the news over his shoulder.

He gently shook the ravens shoulder. "Come on, lets go to bed," he said as he started haul himself up from the ground. Zack let out a whine, but got up too and proceeded to his room. Cloud was about to follow him when a thought hit him. He wasn't sick anymore. Zack didn't have to care for him and be by his side every night now. After all they were just friends.

"Hey!" the ravens voice cut in and knocked him out of his thoughts. "Are you coming in?"

"Zack... I'm all better," he choked out feeling a burn behind his eyes.

"Hey, come here," he said in a comforted tone as he wrapped his arms around the blond. "It's true right?" he added fearfully after a moment.

Golden spikes bounced up and down vigorously as he tried to confirm that he was in fact fine. "Of course, it's just... I'm scared youwontbearoundanymore," he mumbled the last part so quiet that all the soldier heard was inaudible sounds.


Cloud gulped it took him almost everything to say it the first time, he really didn't want to say it again.

"I'm scared t-that you won't b-be around anymore-" and abruptly broke off into sobs. He couldn't understand what came over him. Just that a sudden feeling of dread was choking him. Why did he always have to be so weak?

To say that Zack was shocked was an understatement. Didn't anything that had happened for the past few months mean anything to him? Although deep down through all the sadness there was a warm glow starting that the teen actually did in fact care so much about their time together.

The next movement was completely on impulse, with no thought whatsoever. He placed his lips on the pale forehead and rested his head on top of the spikes. The lavender eyes didn't catch the look of surprise and bliss on the boys face.

"We may not be together every night now, but..." the soldier paused and swept the blond into his arms only to dump him on the bed. "But that doesn't mean we have to start tonight."

The raven then proceeded to get in the bed when a something soft hit him in the face.

"Even after the most serious moments ever you still manage to be so childish," he sighed as he looked at the culprit. The raven waited until the cerulean eyes softened a bit before hitting the blond with a pillow of his own.

"Did Mr. Strife just hit me with a-"

"-Bag of feathers? Yes, I'm sorry if that hurt too much for you to bare. I be sure to spread word of the great effects of mako." the blond cut in with a mock salute only to be promptly hit with a pillow about a millisecond later.

Off somewhere down the hall a very tired Genesis was nearly pulling his hair out in frustration from the commotion down the hall. All the man wanted to do was read his Loveless book. Was that too much to ask?

When another thump and shout reached his ear the redhead found himself storming down the hall with deathly intent in his eyes. His anger only intensified when the noise didn't stop when he slammed the door open, in fact it got louder.

What met his eyes in that instant was the last straw. These two kept distracted him for a fucking pillow fight?

Ah hell no.


Angeal was having a perfectly normal day. Lots of paperwork and reading the mission reports. Yeah the elder was happy to say in the least. That was until the receptionist called to tell him that he was wanted in Zack's apartment. He slowly made his way down to the elevator and across the hall to hear yelling and bangs echoing through the corridor.

He was expecting to see Zack with his hands knotted in his shoelaces again or with burnt food on his plate, hell even the blond and the raven sitting on the couch waiting to be entertained. So this was the last thing the soldier thought he'd see was Genesis with Zack's hair in one of his hands, while beating him with a steel toed boot. The blond on the other hand was sitting calmly on the bed with a ham sandwich watching the pair with gleaming eyes.

"Care to explain Cloud?" he said after recovering from shock.

The blond gave him a devious smile while shaking his head. Angeal took this time to notice that there were feathers in his hair. He laughed quietly to himself, if you didn't pay attention they almost blended right in. Chocobo, no doubt.

"ZACKARY FAIR AND GENESIS RHAPSODOS WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!" his voice boomed throughout the entire floor. The two men immediately stopped to stare at the general for a moment before they let the gates open.

"Genesis started it! I was just trying to have a nice friendly pillow fight with Cloud and-"

"I am not at blame here! These two fuckheads were interrupting my reading! There was nothing friendly about it when I got in here!-"

Angeal sighed and waited for them to stop rambling and picked out a few keywords to the story. Pillow fight, fun, annoying, interrupted, and idiot.

"Okay so let's see if I got this right-" he tried to say, but the two kept going on. He sighed exasperatedly and turned to the cadet who was still sitting on the bed for help. The blond seemed to be getting tired of it too so he nodded his head in agreement. Angeal couldn't help but wonder what he was going to do to stop them.

Cloud opened his mouth and took in a long breath and then screamed out, not quite from pain, but almost musically.


In the next few moments he found himself watching Genesis fly across the room and Zack magically appearing at the teen's side with a worried look.

"What's wrong?" the raven said carefully, scared of provoking the blond.

"Nothing! You two were just being childish," was the bland reply. He couldn't help, but smile when the lavender eyes lit up again once reassured.

While they were sharing their moment, Angeal had pulled his unconscious comrade out of the apartment and back to the redhead's room. No need for him to remember this...


It was later now and the two had fallen asleep after a little bit. At least one of them did. The blonde however was in the living room staring at the screen of his iPhone, as if he was willing it to bring him a message. It had been nearly three days since he last checked his non-ShinRa issued phone. It wasn't like he had the opportunity much. It would only raise questions as to why the poor country boy had the new, expensive, top of the line technology. People would either do one of three things.

One, they would steal it. Two, they would accuse him of stealing it. Or three they would do whatever they wanted. He thought, come on it was a fucking iPhone why wouldn't you want one? … You know what? He didn't need an answer to that.

A slight buzzing informed him that he had a message. He quickly checked the sender before getting too excited.


The teen couldn't help, but let out a little squeak as he read the message.

Axel: Hey Roxas, Noctis says we need to get back to the studio tomorrow. Can you make it?

He thought for a moment before replying. Cursing, whenever he hit the wrong keys multiple times. See? This was why he needed to be able to get on his phone more often. Alternating between keyboards was hard.

Roxas: Yeah, we just never get a break do we? Did you talk to Demyx recently?

Axel: Is that really even a question? Of course. That drama queen can't even keep his mouth shut about his new wardrobe. I got every fucking detail about how his stupid brother called him Demyx over a ShinRa issued phone and blah, blah, blah. Drama, drama, drama, something about designer jeans and then I hung up.

Roxas: How kind.

Axel: Oh shut up. He's used to it by now. See ya tomorrow Rox.

As short as the conversation was it really lifted the blond's heart to be able to talk to one of his best friends. One of the few people he could be himself around. He was a famous musician and still had self-esteem issues when it came to being around people.

He sat there shocked for a moment. Sure, he had acknowledged that he had a double life, but the blonde hadn't really ever put this much thought into it in a long time. It wasn't as simple as it seemed.

2+2 so did not equal four for this problem. No one would ever think that Cloud Strife equaled the rocker Roxas Bennington. He gave himself credit though. Most people would crack under a lie this big. It wasn't necessarily how big the lie was that bothered him, it was who he had to keep it from. As mean as it was he didn't mind lying to people he didn't know in order to get peace. No, it was the people he cared about that he didn't like leaving out the truth.

Zack, Angeal, Genesis and- well actually that was it. Sad really.

"Cloud? What are you doing out here?" some one said from behind him. The blond promptly let out a shriek and jumped only to realize it was Zack with relief and horror.

"Z-Zack I-" he tried but he couldn't get the words out.

"What's that in your hand?" the raven kept questioning.

The cadet found himself speechless and unable to answer the questions that were being thrown at him. The raven seemed to be fed up with his sputtering and took the device out of the blond's hand.

"Why in the the world would you have an iPhone?"


AN: Dun Dun Dunnn. I'm SO SORRY it's so short I just had to post something today because it's 11/11/11 and I'm going to post this at 11:11PM so This is sort of a filler chapter with a twist. I might go back later and make it longer. Maybe not, depending on whether you guys want me to or not. But seriously tell me if you guys have questions. That's a part of the mystery! Please review! XD

P.S. Sorry for my rambling, I'm rushing.