Told ya I'd be back on Halloween~! ^_^ And here I am! XD (and sugarhigh… =_=;)

evemiliana: Is okay. I was going for disturbing. ^_^; But glad you still like it! XD …is she really named after a drug..? I was trying to name her after a flower…

Mitsuki Horenake: Have fun with the stabby fun time! ^_^ (J-Just as long as it's not me….)

Darker Tan Black12: I think that Iggy already took care of that. XD

Chelseaj500: Yep! Poor America. XD And look! I did actually update! :D Almost didn't get to because of studying…

Darkangels1112: I guess so. XD But the only time I got hit on I didn't even realize it..if that's not an Italy moment I don't know what it… =_=;

If's it the last chapter and I haven't own Hetalia in all the others ones…I REALLY don't think I own it now. =_=

"Ve~ it's not your fault England! It was big brother France controlling you that made you say all that to America!" Feliciano said as he held the still crying Alice in a tight hug.

Alice hit her hand against his chest and cried, "NO! It was my fault! I shouldn't have let that damn frog control me like that! N-Now Alfred's…." Then she broke down in sobs again.

"OH PER L'AMORE DI-! [OH FOR THE LOVE OF-!] If you're really that damn worried about burger bastard then stop moping around and do something about it dammit!" Lovino yelled at her and made her flinch slightly.

"Fratello! That's not nice! England's really sad right now so don't yell at her!" Feliciano whined at Lovino who rolled his eyes in response.

"N-No..he's right. I can't just sit here crying like a girl. We still have to stop Salvia, whether we save Alfred or not.." Alice mumbled as she stood up, "We can't take this sitting down on our arses."

HELL YEAH! Let's kick that unawesome chick's ass and seize some vital regions while we're at it!" Gilbert jumped up and cheered.

Ludwig face-palmed and rubbed his forehead, "bruder…"

"Ahaha~ Gil sounds like he's ready." Antonio said with a laugh while Lovino muttered, "psycho albino bastard."

"Well first things first." Alice said ignoring Gilbert, "We need to find out where they went and make a plan of action. I don't think that I'll be able to scry for her since she's probably blocking it so we'll need to do it the old fashioned way and search for her."

"Then let's go." Ludwig said as he stood up with Feliciano clinging to him.

When night had fallen again they immediately started searching the neighborhood around them. It was going well until…."This is so unawesome! We've been walking around for hours! Are you sure that fairy chick's even around here?" Gilbert ranted/asked.

"Yes Prussia." Alice sighed, "my house was where the spell was done so this area is where the highest and strongest concentration of magic is at." Then she looked all around her, "But it IS weird that we haven't been able to find some sign of them. If only he had some way to look about all these buildings instead of just Matthew!"

They all stayed silent for a minute until Feliciano smiled and said, "Ve~ what about a broom?"

"Just how the hell is a broom supposed to help dumbass?" Lovino asked with an eye roll.

"Well…" Feliciano smiled, "didn't England say that she's a witch right now? You always see pictures of witches riding brooms around Halloween!"

"That…might actually work. Thank you for the idea Italy." Alice replied as she made a broom appear out of thin air.

"Ve~ prego!" Feliciano chirped as Alice mounted the broom. When she was sitting on it she looked back and said, "well, wish me luck." Then she kicked off and rose into the air being closely followed by Matthew.

After a few minutes she saw a distant light in front of her, so she circled back and landed next to the others.

"There seems to be a light up there." She said as she pointed in the direction. "But we'll need to be careful."

Once they reached the location they noticed that it turned out to be an old abandoned graveyard.

"V-Ve~ this place looks scary!" Feliciano whined and held onto Ludwig's arm who pulled Feliciano off and wrapped his arm around him. "Don't worry Feliciano, I won't let anything happen to you." Ludwig said as he gave Feliciano a light squeeze.

"And I won't let anything happen to you either Lovi~" Antonio said as he wrapped his arms around Lovino.

"W-Well…since we're here. Is everyone ready?" Alice asked.


When they started to move closer to the light Salvia looked up at them. "Well, look who's here. Don't let them get any closer Yao." She said then she turned back Alfred who was just blankly standing there in front of her.

Yao nodded then ran up and jumped onto a gravestone. With his hand now glowing in a black aura he waved it over the ground in front of him and said, "我命令你。上升死者的靈魂,為我服務. [I command you. Rise up spirits of the dead and serve me.]" One by one boney hands pushed out of the ground with a skeletal body following. In a span of minutes they now had a army of skeletons staring then down with blood red spots for eyes.

"Dammit! Now I know why they chose a graveyard!" Alice cursed. Then she jumped out of the way as one of the skeletons rushed at her. Just as another almost grabbed her it broke to pieces as a large axe cut through it.

"You go get Estados Unidos. We'll handle these guys." Antonio said as he broke through another skeleton. Alice nodded then took off while dodging as Lovino and Feliciano sliced through some with their claws, Matthew froze some, and Ludwig burned a large amount of skeletons into dust that blew away.

"SALVIA!" Alice cried when she reached them. "STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!"

Saliva just smirked at her, "Too late England. Look at the time. It's 11: 55 right now, just four more minutes until I win. But I'll commend you on your efforts even if it was all in vain."

"You bitch.." Alice growled. Dammit! Think quickly..what are a fairy's weakness…? Alice thought as she glared at Salvia. Then she noticed the small necklace around Salvia's neck. That's it! They're weak to rotting organic matter! That necklace must be some sort of protective charm.

Inwardly smirking, Alice started walking up to Saliva. "Actually Salvia. You're right. I am a fool to go against you, maybe a world full of Halloween is a good thing." Alice said with a smile.

"Ha! I knew you'd see it my way eventually." Saliva exclaimed. In a fit of excitement Salvia flew over to Alice to hug her but stopped when she saw Alice pull back.

"England..? What's wrong?" She asked with a confused look. "I thought that-!" Then she doubled over coughing and started turning green in the face with sores appearing all over her body.

"I'm sorry Saliva." Alice said as she held up the small necklace. "But this is the only way…"

Salvia glared but then smirked again, "You may have stopped me but the spell is still in place. It's contained in a real spirit right now." Then her legs started disintegrating.

"Real spirit…?" Alice asked confused. Then out of the corner of her eye she saw Alfred. "NO!" She gasped.

"Yep, exactly. So if you want to end the spell all you have to do is destroy the one person you hold most precious in your heart…" Saliva replied, then disintegrated into nothing laughing all the way.

"No no no no!" Alice cried as she shook her head. "How can I do something like that to him? I love him with all my heart! I can never kill him!"

"A-Arthur…" Alfred asked with his eyes starting to clear. "You don't actually hate me..?"

"NO! I might call you a bloody brainless git and insult you, but I love you! Do you hear me! I . LOVE . YOU ALFRED F. JONES!" Alice cried with tears streaming down her face.

"Then…this is okay." Alfred said with a smile. "I'm the hero after all. This is a real chance to save the world. Even if I'm gone you'll still be my most precious person too Arthur. So you can do this, go ahead and save the world for me Iggy."

"A-Alfred…" Alice stuttered. Then she whispered an exorcising spell. Right before Alfred disappeared he leaned in close to her and kissed her on the lips whispering, "I love you Arthur Kirkland.." Then he was gone and a bright blue flash of light covered the entire graveyard.


"ALFRED!" Arthur cried as Alfred started to sit up.

"GAH! IGGY!" Alfred exclaimed as Arthur pulled him into a tight hug and started crying. "Wait..I'm alive..?"

"I think that the exorcising spell lifted the Halloween one…but Alfred, I'm so sorry!" Arthur said crying. "It's cool Iggy! I'm still here and the world's back to normal! All's well that ends well!" Alfred said with a huge smile.

"Yes." Arthur smiled. "I suppose so. But I wonder how the others are. Maybe we should go check."

When they had found them there were all in the meeting room.

"What the hell are you sprouting now burger bastard..?" Lovino asked with a look that suggested that Alfred had gone crazy.

"Dude! Don't you remember? We all had to fight that evil fairy friend of Iggy's who wanted to turn the whole world into Halloween! And everybody was turned into some type of monster! But Iggy was the hero this time and stopped it from happening!" Alfred exclaimed and waved his arms back and forth as he tried to explain.

"Um…Alfred?" Matthew asked, "Are you sure that you didn't eat too much candy last night and have a dream because of it? Remember? You did that last yeah, eh."

"Ve~ that sounds like a scary dream!" Feliciano chirped.

"WHAT? NO! It really-!" But Alfred as cut off by Arthur's hand on his shoulder.

"Shh.." Arthur whispered. "This'll be our little secret then." Alfred smiled and then kissed him on the lips without caring about the other people in the room. "Whatever you say Iggy. Whatever you say."

AND THAT'S ALL FOLKS! …candy still hasn't worn off yet. =_=