A/N: Sorry about the gap in posting after all my promises...I temporarily lost my mojo. But it's back and here I am.

Oh, my goodness. Almost at the end and I've gotten so many wonderful reviews from all of you that I'm feeling a touch overwhelmed and incredibly humbled that you would all still be with me after all I've put everyone through. My thanks are never-ending and though it is hard to put into words how truly grateful I am, I hope you can all just feel it. Thanks to Wtiger5 (love you so much sis), megameighteen, HGRHfan35, Hazmatt, miaa29, NicknHotchfan, greengirl82, melodic2686 and HPforever-after. You guys are amazing and I really hope to see you still with me as I press on forward.

Wtiger5, my sister and my friend; I just love you so much, that working with you has been such a wonderful added bonus. I can't wait to delve into the realms of the next story with you on my side. Lots of hugs and kisses my darling.

Rated M for violence, torture themes, drug use, coarse language and sex scenes. (yes, this is going to have a little bit of everything)

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Criminal Minds at all, although they do own me and I do own Carrie and Toby, Chloe and India, Kelly and Brad and Ben.

Arabian Nights – Chapter 30

"We've been discussing things, and the verdict has been decided."

Emily thought about opening her eyes to see who Penelope was addressing, but that just seemed like too much effort for her peace of mind so she left them closed and continued to idly stroke Chloe's back. She lay flat on her back on the floor in the living room, completely comfortable and content with Chloe snuggled in against her warmth. India was somewhere else in the room, but she was far too sleepy to remember who held her youngest.

In the week since the raid, so much had happened that her head was still spinning, even though the day had been the quietest she'd had for a long time.

She had walked away from the raid with a feeling of complete calm. The suspicions of everyone around her that she'd shot a man in cold blood had turned into shock at the realisation that the only blood Malik was losing was that which Lydia had drawn with her knives. That for all her 'torture', she hadn't physically harmed him. Her explanation, that all she'd wanted was to force him to feel even a tenth of the fear he'd made her feel, and that she'd accomplished that without bloodshed, had seen everyone staring at her as she'd left the raid with her head held high.

Malik had been incoherent in his shock, but Najeeb and his brothers had more than made up for their older brother. Their explanation of their parents coming to America for a new life and setting up as they had after somehow avoiding all authorities had left a sour taste in everyone's mouths. Yet the knowledge of the why behind all that had happened to them had somehow eased some anxiety they had and the additional knowledge that everyone behind it was in custody and facing life imprisonment had taken away a lot of the fear.

Returning to the hospital, they'd found all the women gathered in Carrie's room and waiting for any news of the raid. Aaron and Cameron had been shooed off and Lydia had helped her explain what they'd done. The only emotions among the ladies had been approval and support and it had been hours of talking about all that they'd been through before they chose to disperse to find their beds.

The next five days had been filled with police interviews, doctors' appointments, counselling sessions and group discussions with the other women who had been rescued. Some of them had come out like Lydia, scarred but refusing to stop fighting to return to the lives they'd once had. Most had an incredibly hard, uphill battle in front of them and they didn't even realise it. And their families were left struggling to come to terms with the changes they were finding in the women they loved.

But that wasn't something she needed to deal with. Upon their return to Virginia, they had immediately arranged necessary counselling sessions, both individual and group for the ladies. Because they all agreed that it wasn't going to be something they would just get over. And early that morning, she had phoned the gp service that got her through her first pregnancy so that she could make an appointment to see one of the other doctors. Whether she stayed with them would remain to be seen.

Mirkal's decision to leave California and his team to move to Virginia hadn't surprised any of Carrie's friends. On the other hand, the California team had been shocked to hear that Mirkal was leaving them, and the perpetual sunshine of the coast, to move clear across the country to be with the woman he'd never stopped loving. He'd decided that the snow and the cold that came with it were worth braving because the woman herself was worth everything to him.

Carrie had been apologetic all week; so much so that Aaron had threatened to fire her if she didn't stop apologising for being out of action while her hip healed. Mirkal's arrival at lunchtime had thankfully distracted her and the surprise for her, that he would be staying with them until he could find an apartment nearby, had brought her such joy that they'd all been smiling as she hugged him.

And now, after a full afternoon of cooking and companionship, they were all draped across the large living area, full of amazing food that they'd all contributed to and content for the first time in weeks.

Aaron turned his head to view his team's technical analyst where she was sitting comfortably in front of Kevin, leaning back against him where he sat on the floor against the wall. They'd all tried to get her to sit on the couch, but she'd admitted that she was going through a phase where the floor was by far the most comfortable spot for her. Having Emily back her up, stating that she'd been in the same place before, had stopped all arguments and she got to sit where she willed.

Realising that she was looking at him, he smiled lazily. "What verdict would that be Garcia?"

She smiled like the cat that had found the cream. "We all think Superwoman's pregnant again."

Aaron raised an eyebrow and turned his head slightly to view Dave. The older man held up his hands in a gesture of innocence. He turned his head again to view their newest guests. The discovery that Lydia and Cameron lived half an hour away from them had delighted all of them and when they'd decided to have this get-together to celebrate that they were all alive and if not well, at least getting better, it had been an easy decision for all of them to invite Lydia, Cameron and their children to join them.

Lydia shook her head and yawned hugely as Cameron idly stroked her belly. "I swear I didn't say anything to anyone."

Aaron looked around the room and found everyone who was awake looking at him. The exclusions were the kids, all curled up together on a mattress to the side of the room, and Emily, who was now clearly asleep where she lay on the floor with Chloe resting in the centre of her torso.

He grinned and shrugged but said nothing as his eyes slipped back to his wife. He was entirely relieved that he was still on medical leave and able to be with her 24/7; being apart from her, even for a few minutes at a time was difficult. He was far too aware of how close he'd come to losing her forever, and was desperately trying to make up for all the lost time they'd had this year. He wasn't intending to take her presence in his life for granted ever again.

"Was that a yes Hotch?"

He took in the eagerness on her features and couldn't help being amused. Penelope had a thirst for knowledge that few could rival and though you couldn't exactly call it gossip, she did like to chat about what she knew, though she was very careful to make sure she was only telling people she could trust.

It was very entertaining.

"Maybe it would be better to ask the ladies to put their hand up if they aren't pregnant. It would get you a quicker answer."

Penelope beamed at him. "Good point. Right ladies; put your hand up if you aren't carrying a BAU baby."

Kelly, Carrie and Jordan put their hands up, though Jordan frowned as she did so.

"You know, this isn't an accurate way to tell if the Hotchners are in the family way again, since Emily is asleep."

This got Penelope frowning as well as Kelly looked across the room. "I don't know about anyone else, but I think I'm more interested in seeing that Teresa doesn't have her hand up."

Everyone turned to Teresa who shrugged and smiled shyly. "Well, I could put my hand up, but that would be lying and I really don't like lying; so I won't put my hand up."

Everyone turned to congratulate Teresa and Dave as Aaron turned to look at Kelly. Having already known of Teresa's pregnancy and having already congratulated his friends', he didn't join in on the salutations. Instead, he mouthed a 'thank you' in her direction and Kelly inclined her head. Then she raised an eyebrow in inquiry, and he inclined his head in return with a small smile. She mouthed 'congratulations' before turning to join everyone else in profuse congratulations of Teresa and Dave's news.

The distraction lasted only two minutes, but Emily had woken in that time and was slowly standing as everyone turned to look at her. She looked sleepily at everyone, then turned and walked out of the room.

"Was she even awake?" Brad asked softly.

"Barely. She'll put Chloe in her crib and then she'll go to bed, not remembering that we still have guests. And with her sleep so haunted by her nightmares, I'm not about to wake her up when she's resting peacefully to play hostess.

"And since you were all so wonderfully quiet, which allowed her to leave so she can enjoy her sleep while it is still restful, I will confirm that yes; Emily is pregnant again."

Everyone cheered softly and congratulated him too. The questions of the how of it so soon after the twins were born was just petering out when Penelope yawned so hugely they all heard her jaw crack.

"Ouch; that hurt. Right, I think it's time for this pregnant mamma to head to bed."

Kevin agreed wholeheartedly and just like that the night had broken up. Aaron saw everyone out with the exception of the Scott's before returning to the mattress in the living room which Carrie, Mirkal, Lydia and Cameron stood staring down at. He sighed softly as he saw the dilemma.

Not a single child was completely untangled from the child beside him or her. Six year old Arianna Scott was completely wrapped around Jack, and vice versa. One of Jack's legs was also mixed up with Toby's arms and eight year old Gavin Scott had somehow ended up with his head on Toby's lower back, since the younger boy was on his stomach, and his legs tangled with both his sister's and with Jack's.

"Look's like somebody's got a girlfriend," Mirkal said with a gesture to the way Jack and Arianna were wrapped around each other.

Cameron smiled slightly. "Damn, and it's too early in Jack's life for me to be getting out the shotgun."

Aaron raised an eyebrow. "Do you know, depending on how long this lasts, this relationship is either going to entirely entertain everyone, or else it is going to put us at loggerheads as we threaten each others children with certain pain if they hurt the other."

Cameron grinned suddenly. "Maybe we should let our wives do the threatening for now and see how long it all lasts before we get in on the act."


Aaron fished out his phone and took a couple of pictures, knowing Emily would want to see. Then Carrie moved her hand, showing that she had the camera the whole house used for opportunities just like this one, and that it was on. She showed him the last shot and he grinned in delight.

"Can we get a copy of that?" Lydia asked softly.

"Of course," Carrie said with a warm smile. She looked back at the children and shook her head slightly. "We have two options, the way I see it," she added, amusement clear in her voice as she leaned all her weight on a very willing Mirkal. "We can either wake them up to move them, or we can let them sleep where they are."

Aaron nodded slowly. "Good point Carrie." He turned to Lydia and Cameron. "You would both be more than welcome here tonight. The spare room is incredibly comfy as well as roomy and we could probably find clean clothing for you for the morning."

Lydia was almost asleep standing up so Cameron nodded. "I think that this would be best. Lydia isn't allowed to lift anything heavy and I can't move both children at the same time without leaving someone in the cold of the car when we get home unless I wake them and I'd really rather not if I can avoid it. Could we leave a note telling the children where we are in case they wake before us?"

Aaron readily agreed and this was penned quickly as Mirkal retrieved a couple of blankets at Carrie's instruction. The blankets were wrapped around them, the note placed where they would easily see it and they left the living room, turning out the main light and leaving only a small lamp on across the room. After deciding to leave the heating on in the downstairs room, Aaron led the way upstairs, left Lydia and Cameron in the spare room and bade everyone goodnight.

Entering the bedroom, he smiled to see Emily sprawled out across the bed. He was tempted to leave her to it and sleep on the floor until she woke and demanded he join her, but decided sleeping without her was too much effort, even if it meant waking her briefly to move her over. Yet, after showering and changing into sweats, he returned to the bedroom to find her sitting up and looking around blearily.

"Aaron? Where were you?"

"Just in the bathroom love. You're safe and I'm here, I promise."

She nodded and lay back down, shivering slightly in the cooler air of the room. He walked to the panel by the door to adjust the heating before returning to the bed and wrapping his body around her own. She snuggled into him and murmured something unintelligible. He soothed her back into sleep and closed his eyes.

He was home and she was here in his arms and she was safe. Jack was sound asleep downstairs and the girls had been tucked into their cribs. And for tonight, that was all that was important to him as sleep pulled him under and the house settled down to dream.



I wonder who else is sitting there and thinking, "Finally, she's finished it!"? I'll be the first to put my hand up.

So Arabian Nights has drawn to a close and I think I answered all unanswered questions, but if I did miss any, I'm really sorry. Just mention the questions to me and I'll do my best to answer them for you.

As to NPH, it is far from finished. I've already got the next piece in mind and though I can't wait to get to it, I feel that I need to devote some attention in other directions for a short time. So watch this space; I WILL be back!

Please review with the conveniently placed link right under these words. I love to know what you think and it makes me type faster and update quicker.