A/N: WELL, If you haven't been able to tell yet, I have a HUGE obsession with demon hunting. c'8 I was listing to A7X when I came up with this idea, as well as reading Maximum Ride (Good book, BTW) 83 anyway, I been trying to work on my other stories, but eh...IDK. x3 anyway, hope you enjoy!


Please know that I've never been to Church or have read a bible, so I just used Hollow Ichigo-Ichigo's advise to make some of my own as well as other's I've heard from different shows I watch. e.e" I'm not trying to sound insulting in any I make up. Please understand that, m'kay? e.e"


Kurosaki Ichigo is good at what he does- Demon slaying. Since the age of seven, Ichigo had been training to be the best demon slayer in the world. He has a normal life by day, but when things go bump in the night, everything changes. A group of vampires on the run enroll in Ichigo's high school, and an unlikely relationship if formed when he is Turned. Thus, a war is set between Heaven and Hell. Who will win? And most of all, what will Ichigo do? (Bad summary, sorry. e.e)

Pairs; Dark Ichigo (Shiro) x Ichigo , Grimmjow x Ulquiorra, Rukia x Renji

Main paring is ShiroxIchi, the others are just extra.

Warnings/Disclaimer: Yaoi (manxman), I don't own Bleach, Rated T for language, rating probably will go up. 83

Chapter 1: Fated Meeting

Saturday, October 1st

10: 21 PM, Karakura Town; Kurosaki Church

An orange-haired male sat alone inside the polished white church. He was leaning back on a bench near the front, eyes closed, tapping his foot slightly. His hair seemed to glow slightly in the candle light. He wore a lose white T-shirt and baggy tattered pants, a cross necklace carefully clasped around his neck. After a few minutes longer, the teen opened his eyes, warm chocolate brown pools blinking away the sleep. With a grunt, the male stood and stretched his arms, forcing them high above his head. He held that position for a few seconds before letting his arms drop to his side. The male then walked across to the single lit candle, gently blowing it out. He blinked a few time, allowing his eyes to adjust to the sudden darkness. With another sigh, he turned and walked out, his footsteps unnaturally loud.

After checking to make sure everything was perfect, the orange-haired teen made his way out of the church, locking the door behind him and pulled out a cell phone. He walked off punching in a few numbers before putting the phone to his ear, hearing it ring., then a voice coming on the other line."Hello?" The male scratched the side of his neck. "Oi, dad, I'm on my way to get my gear. My turn for patrol." He could hear something clatter in the background, and guessed his father was just eating. When you ave a job as an exorcist, you usually don't eat dinner until late at night. "Alright, Ichigo. See you when you get here. May God look over you." There was a click, and the call ended. The teen slipped his phone back into his pocket, continuing his way home.

10: 45 PM, Ichigo's Bedroom

Ichigo sighed as pulled on his sleek leather jacket and combat boots. He had changed from his earlier cloths to a tight fitting black T-shirt along with black skinny jeans. He always tried to have light cloths that wouldn't get in his way or tear if he were attacked by a demon.

Reaching under his bed, Ichigo pulled out a large green duffle bag. Pulling back the zipper, he opened it and peered inside. There were many different types of guns inside, all sitting and waiting to be used. He picked on of his favorite ones- A sleek black pistol. On the handle was the symbol of the exorcist- A shield like form with a pointed end at the bottom It was all blue with a single white line going down as well as across, giving it's cross-like shape.

Next, Ichigo pulled out a small white box. Carefully opening it, he pulled out a few silver bullets and loaded the gun before switching the safety on and slipping it in the loop of his pants. He then reached inside and pulled out a small clear bottle. Inside was water. holly Water, to be exact. Allways best to keep some close incase of an emergency. Ichigo knew very well that a silver bluuet would kill a werewolf, that wasn't always the case with vampires. He usually had a sword for that, but tonight he wouldn't be taking it.

After gathering a few more things, Ichigo zipped the bad back up and stuffed it under his bed. He then closed his eyes and held his hands together as he begun to mutter a quick prayer, something he always did right before going on a patrol.

"Most glorious prince of the divine army, Saint Michael Archangel, defend us in this fight of ours against the hostile princes and powers, against those that want to govern the world in darkness, against the negativity of all things spiritual. Do come to help men, those that God created in great number, those that He made in his image, and with great effort free them by the tyranny of the devil."

He exhaled slowly and opened his eyes. Turning on the heels of his feet, Ichigo quickly made his way out of his room. He talked quickly with his two little sister- Yuzu and Karin- both wishing him luck with tonight's exorcisms. He grinned and gave them a thumbs up. " Once I'm through with them, they wish they never turned their backs!" The called as he raced out the door.

11: 12 PM, Karakura Town Entrance

"All the years I've done this, and I'll never get used to this," Ichigo grumbled to himself, whipping away the black blood splattered on his face. At his feet was more black colored liquid along with a body. It was a wolf-like creature, clouded eyes wide with anger, lip still curled back in a snarl. however, the body was changing, shifting back into it the human it once was. The tail vanished, the fur becoming shorter and turning white. Long, sharp claws and massive paws shark to small tan hands and blunt nails. Ichigo sighed, lightly tapping the still form with the tip of his combat boot to make sure the thing was dead. The last thing I need is to be attacked by a werewolf that was dead, He thought to himself, flinching. Once, a long while back when he first started, one of the members of his exorcist team hadn't checked to make sure the werewolf he killed was dead and was attacked. Ichigo managed to kill the demon, but it was to late for the male.

Ichigo shook his head, looking around him, seeing if anyone was around. Once he was sure the coast was clear, he covered the werewolf's body in holly water. The smell of sulfur filled the air, but Ichigo did his best to ignore it as he then dropped a match onto the body. In less than a few seconds the body burned, one of the good things about disposing a demon's body; they burned very, very quickly. All that was left was a small patch of burning flesh.

The sound of footsteps caused Ichigo to snap his head up.



Ichigo could tell there were five people walking just behind him. He quickly hid his gun as the five stopped at the border of the city.

"Oi, ther', can ya help us out?"

Ichigo turned and felt shocked at what he saw. Indeed, there were five people. All the way to the left was raven-haired female. She was skinny, looking unhealthy thin. Her eyes were a dulled blue-ish gray, and she clung to a red-haired male that stood next to her. He had his arms around her waist, eyes narrowed dangerously. He had strange tattoos just above his eyes, which had dark bags underneath them. To the right was another male, who had a bright blue hair and teal eyes. He was grinning slightly, arm draped around a green-eyed male. The other male had raven hair, with green tear-like marks going down from his eyes. But that wasn't what surprised him.

There, standing in front of him was a very interesting looking male. He had snowy white hair and bleached white skin. An albino. Ichigo had never seen one before. The male also had the most interesting eyes; They looked like a sun floating in an endless dark sky. Ichigo was in awe at the male.

" -ya ther'?"

Ichigo was brought back to reality when he realized the male was talking to him. "Err, yes, sorry. What did you need?" The albino grinned, scratching the back of his head. " Well, me an' my friends 'ere-" He motioned to the four behind him, "- just moved 'ere. We were out for a quick walk, but we couldn' find our house." The albino chuckled. "Could ya help us find our way back?" Ichigo stared at the male, surprised. "S-Sure," He said, blinking. "Where do you live?"

After the albino gave him the address to their apartment, they were off. As the dim streetlights cast the group's shadows, Ichigo noticed how each one seemed to have sharp, clawed hands. He glanced back once or twice, but the other's hands were normal. He shook his head. This demon stuff is finally getting to me, eh? He though.

11: 48 PM; Apartment Complex

"Thank's again..uh..." the albino gave Ichigo a slightly confused look as he held out his hand. Ichigo realized he never gave his name. "Ichigo," He said, shacking hands with the male. "Kurosaki Ichigo." the male grinned. "Shirosaki Hichigo. Nice ta meet ya, Ichi." Ichigo scowled at the nickname, but said nothing. "Well, I'm off now," He said. Gotta get back soon before any vampire comes out, He though.

As Ichigo walked away, Shirosaki grinned, eyes never leaving the orange-haired teen.

Just wait my prey...Just wait...

A/N: Soo, does it sound promising? 8o

Is it better than my other stories in length wise? x3

Look, I even installed a spell check thing to help me out with spelling. cx

Anyway, Review please!~