Kuro Tenshi

Summary: "Tell me where they are!" "..." "Whip her." "You'll never find them, Persona. I've made sure of that haven't I?" "Just you watch Kagome. I always get my way."

A/N: Another one of my stories. :D Looking back at all the crossovers using these two anime it seems that whenever Kagome is put into it that Mikan is always erased from Gakuen Alice. Then I was all like 'Hey! Maybe I should do one that involves both of them!'. And so this story was created. Hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I don't own Gakuen Alice or Inuyasha! Wahh! T-T

Chapter One:

New Students

"Ne, minna-san I heard that there's two new students coming to the Academy! I heard that one of them is going to be in our class too! The other is in the middle school division. I wonder what they're like?" asked Mikan as her face looked thoughtful.

"Hmph! Well let's just hope that it's not another girl who will cling onto Natsume-kun or Ruca-kun! They're mine!" declared Sumire who had been evesdropping on the conversation.

"But what if it's a guy?" Kitsuneme butting into their conversation. He just seemed to love to break the silence that sometimes surrounded the group.

"Well then let's just hope he'll be at least semi normal unlike the guys here," said Hotaru while working on another one of her inventions so she could make more money.

"I wonder if he/she will be cute/pretty!" gushed Nonoko trying to imagine the new student's appearance in her mind.

"When is Narumi-sensie going to come? I want to see the new student too!" cried out Anna looking around for Narumi-sensie.

"Let's just hope Naru stays missing this time around. I might actually enjoy this class if he does," said Natsume smirking at them almost as if he did something.

"Hey, Natsume you didn't do anything to Narumi right? I mean he was acting a bit strange with you yesterday..." trailed off Ruka uncertainly thinking of what Natsume could have done to their blonde sensie.

"N-no! I just saw him this morning! Unless Natsume-kun could have...," trailed off Yuu not helping on the matter like he intended to but instead raised suspicion against the red-eyed boy.

"Not to worry! Natsume didn't do anything Narumi is right outside the classroom thinking 'What a great surprise!'," said Koko pointing to the door that led into their classroom.

As if on cue Narumi came twirling in. That's right he didn't walk in like a normal person but twirled into his classroom. Today he had a dark purple long sleeved shirt that looked as if it were drowned in glitter with black skinny jeans. Narumie also wore black two inch boots. To complete his outfit he wore a black bureau on his head.

"Good morning my darlings! As some of you already heard there is a new student here at Alice Academy. He came here from our sister school Alice Academy America with his older sister but she's in the Middle School Division. Please welcome him and treat him nicely!" chirped out Narumi.

Natsume and Ruka's eyes widened momentarily as a sudden flashback hit them. When their two best friends were moving away to the America to attend the Alice Academy there.


"Do you guys really have to go?" asked Aoi with tears in her red eyes as she watched her two friends packing their luggage in the trunk of their car.

"I'm sorry Aoi but we have to go to America because my Aunty who lives there got very ill and has no one to take care of her. We will also be attending the Alice Academy America there as well. But don't worry! I promise you we'll see each other someday again!" promised the older girl.

She looked to be the eldest out of all the children. She had big bright sapphire eyes that shone like real gems. They always seemed to tell what she was feeling. She had shoulder length raven hair. Today she had a gray shirt on with black shorts that reached her knees along with some black converse.

"We'll miss you two! When you get back we'll wait right here at the village! I know we'll be able to see each other again!" said Ruka giving them a grin trying to wipe his eyes of the wet moisture.

"For sure! Besides you all know how Onee-san always keeps her promises! She still hasn't even broken one yet! This one will be no different! We'll all see each other again again so this isn't goodbye," said a young boy that looked to be Natsume and Ruca's age.

He had messy black hair with bangs that almost covered his eyes completely. They had stored tears within them ready to burst any second. His large dark blue eyes managed to show through them. He had a light blue shirt with some tan shorts. Black running shoes were on his feet. He was trying to console not only his two friends but also himself.

"How do you know that?" hissed out Natsume glaring at the two siblings. "We don't now if we'll ever see you two again so how can you say that we are? Just because you say it doesn't mean it'll happen!"

Seeing that he was mad the raven-haired girl walked to him pulling him into her arms. "Don't worry Nat. We'll see each other some day. I promise you that. But even if we don't we'll always live on in your heart and mind right?" she asked giving him a smile that he couldn't see on her face.

She hugged him tightly in case he would try to break away from her embrace. He clutched her as if his life depended on it. Soon tears started to flow freely out of his eyes as his body shook with uncontrollable sobs. She whispered comforting words to him trying to calm him down.

Soon Aoi started to bawl running into their embrace with Ruka following her lead. Her younger brother was the last to join the group of crying children. "It's okay to let it all out. Don't worry it's all going to be all right," cooed the older girl while letting her own tears break free and fall. After crying their eyes out they all seemed in a better mood.

"I almost forgot to tell you guys that me and my otuoto have some gifts that we wanted to give you so you can remember us by!" said the girl smiling brightly at three trying to lighten the mood.

"Wow! You don't have to do this for us!" exclaimed Aoi thinking that they must have spent a lot of money.

"Okay then since Aoi doesn't want her gift I can accept it for her," smirked Natsume.

The girl laughed as the boy did too. "I think I'll miss hearing those smart comments of yours the most Nat," laughed out the older girl.

"So you'll miss him but not us? That's so mean Onee-san!" whined Aoi letting the name slip without realizing what she had just said.

"E-eh? Aoi-chan did you just call her 'Onee-san'?" asked Ruka looking at the girl in question.

Aoi blushed and said,"But it's true! You're always taking care of us and comforting us when we need it. And you're always helping us with whatever we need help with too! You're like an Onee-san to us!"

The older girl looked at her with a smile. "Well then I guess my family just grew bigger again! How I'll ever survive with all you four is mystery," said the girl mumbling the last part out but the kids still heard her.

"Onee-san! You've survived with me for years you can survive with us all for at least some more years!" complained her younger brother.

"Besides that just means that you getting a boyfriend with us three younger brothers is going to be impossible." said Natsume smugly. No boy was going to steal their big sister away from them.

"You know I do hear that they have birds that can travel long distances very quickly...," said Ruka with a small smirk.

"Not you too Ruu-chan!" whined out the girl. She crossed her arms over her chest. No way were they going to interfere with her love life! She already had her grandfather to do that for her.

"Hey! What about those presents you promised us!" chimed in Aoi saving her big sister. Poor, poor Kagom-chan.

Sending the younger girl a grateful smile she took out a small bag filled with presents. "Me and him decided to get you our own presents so you guys will be getting two!" said their big sister.

Taking out his three presents the other boy snorted. "I told you that one would be enough but nooo we have to do it your way."

"Just give them your presents .We have to leave soon," chided the raven-haired girl giving him a playful glare for his comment.

The boy gave them all their presents. Aoi's present was a beautiful necklace. The chain was gold with red flowers around it matching her eyes. A locket hung on it that had a picture of all five of them which they had taken only yesterday.

Natsume's was the latest game that was based off of his favorite manga. It was supposed to be released tomorrow but since their Uncle was a game shop owner they got it earlier than the rest.

Ruck got a book that had all kinds of animals in their with facts about them. It said many different things about them and was filled with all sorts of other information that the animal lover would like.

"Hope you like them. We didn't have much time so...," he shrugged grinning at them.

"Time for mine~!" sang out the girl grabbing her three. Handing out her own gifts she smiled at them.

Aoi got a doll that was one of the only ten ever made in the world. It was a small doll not very big but was beautiful. The doll had black waist long hair raven hair with black eyes and a regal red kimono.

Natsume got a card that said he had to trade it in to any book store and he would receive a whole manga collection of his choice. She knew just how much he loved to read manga so...

Ruka got a small white bunny with red eyes in a cage. It was only a baby rabbit. Inside the cage was all he would need to take care of it or would need.

"Wow thank you guys! These presents are awesome!" exclaimed Aoi admiring the necklace and doll. She had been whining for a necklace but no one had the money to buy one and she loved dolls!

"Looks like you two do know how to give decent presents," stated Natsume looking at his. They both knew that that just meant a thank you in Natsume language.

"Thank you! H-how'd you know that I've been wanting to be these?" asked Ruka looking at his two gifts. He loved the little bunny in the cage and the book was going to be so useful.

"Hahaha we have our ways," said the girl as she winked at them while also giving them a secretive smile.

"You mean asking the store manager?" asked her brother innocently as he smirked at her.

They all laughed at her. She stared at them trying to tell them to be quiet but failed in doing so and ended up laughing with the rest of them. Their moment was, however, destroyed.

"Kids time to leave!"

"Well we have to go but remember that this isn't goodbye!" said the raven haired girl. "Yeah! We'll see each other again!" agreed her brother.

As they got in the blue car with their parents they looked back to see their three friends waving goodbye. Soon the five friends were left to go their separate ways.


"Natsume? Hey Natsume?" asked Mikan trying to wake up the Fire Alice from his dazed look. As soon as Narumi-sensie had mentioned the AAA he had gotten a dazed look.

"Look Ruka-kun looks like that, too!" said Sumire pointing to Ruka who had glazed blue eyes.

"Hn. What do you want Polka Dots?" asked Natsume coming out of his memories while glancing at Ruka trying to see if he remembered their friends as well.

Ruca had a look that was a cross between sad and happy. It seemed that both of them were remembering their old friends back at the village.

"H-hey guys! Narumi-sensie is letting the new student in!" said Yuu getting their attention.

Everyone looked to the front of the room actually paying attention to class for once. They all looked anxious to see the new student. It wasn't that often to get many students during the middle of the semester. They hadn't gotten a new student since Mikan had come along a year ago.

Everything turned quiet as soon as the new student walked in. It was a boy! He had messy black hair with bangs that almost covered his eyes. He had a boyish grin that made the girls swoon. The boy had large dark blue eyes. He was wearing the uniform only that he had loosened the tie and didn't have his shirt tucked in. It gave him a bad boy look.

"Hey Natsume doesn't he look kinda familiar?" questioned Ruca looking the boy over. He looked exactly how hewould look like.

"Stop torturing yourself Ruka. He's in America along with her. What would they be doing in Japan anyways?" said Natsume trying to make not only Ruka but himself believe his own words.

"I guess so but I still say he reminds me of him. If that is him then she just has to be here!" whispered Ruka trying to convince Natsume of the possibility of the new student being their long lost friend.

"Now please introduce yourself to the class!" chirped Narumi twirling to look at the raven haired new kid. He had a smile o his face and kept on staring at Nastume and Ruka with almost mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

"Yo! I'm... "

A/N: Oooooh. XD I'm pretty sure you can all guess who the two people in the flash back were right? Try to guess who they are if ya don't already. Anyways review! Reviews make me work faster! :D The more reviews I get the faster you get a new chapter!

By the way should I add the Inuyasha cast? I'm still debating on that. There will probably be a poll up by the time a post this chapter and if not it should be up for sure by second chappie.