After much internal debate and a mounting case of writer's block, I am bringing Twist of Fate to a close. I read and re-read the last chapter and decided it was a fitting place to end. Having written 320,000+ words in just over ten months I am drained creatively and I don't want the story to just wither away. Tonight I am posting a brief epilogue that gives a glimpse into the future for Harry and Draco.

I am planning on eventually writing a series of one-shots that will provide a little new perspectives for some story plotlines, Snape's POV of Harry and Draco's relationship, as well as telling Harry and Charlie's story. So be on the look out for those if you want more.

A tremendous thank you to all who have been following the story, especially those who have posted encouragement and reviews. I have loved reading every comment! I always tried to reply, but I know I've missed a few along the way, so thank you! And a big thank you to Kristine Thorne, my beta, who joined me a few chapters ago.

It truly has been a joy (and agony) to write and I will miss it.

Update 6/28/12 - I forgot about the necklace! Can't leave that out so I added a couple of sentences this morning.

July 30, 2002

The morning sun was still low in the sky and already it was stifling hot as Draco sat reclining on the chaise. His drawing pad was propped up on his knees as he sketched the preliminary storyboard for the next book from Harry's notes. He looked up as Harry burst up the stairs and onto the roof terrace.

"Hey," Harry smiled, breathing hard, "I was afraid I'd missed you."

"Let me guess. You ran up the stairs, because going out and running in this infernal heat wasn't quite enough." Draco said, eyeing him up and down. Harry had already taken off his t-shirt and was blotting his chest with it. Without even consciously thinking about it Draco flipped the page over and started sketching him.

"I ran up the stairs because I wanted to kiss you good morning." Harry said, taking the drawing pad from Draco and setting it on the table. He placed his hands on either side of Draco and leaned in, "Good morning."

"You do realize you are still dripping with sweat?" Draco said, crinkling his nose.

Harry glanced down, "Seem to be," he looked at Draco's crisp linen trousers and silk shirt. "You aren't."

"I know better than to try and move in this heat." Draco reached up and put his hand behind Harry's head pulling him forward, "Unless, it is well rewarded." Draco kissed Harry's neck, feeling the gold and silver necklace that lay against his sweaty skin. Harry hadn't taken it off since the day that Draco had put it back around his neck following the memory session of the first time he'd given it to Harry.

"You certainly moved last night," Harry murmured against Draco's neck.

"And, I was well rewarded." Draco smiled. "Go. Shower."

"Will you still be here when I get out of the shower?"

Draco nodded, "I'm not due at the Center for another hour."

Harry smiled and kissed him, "I'll be quick." He made his way down the iron staircase that led to their bedroom. Draco had moved in exactly a year ago, after the final memory session.

Draco grimaced as he remembered that session. He never thought that anything could match the pain of that September day but having to go through it again with Harry had been almost worse. When he had shared the final memory on the train and Harry saw the wand being held to his head he had screamed in protest, despite the sedation and bonds. The bond circles had tightened as Harry had desperately struggled to break free. They had emerged from the session in physical pain, clinging to each other as the healer hastily released them from the circle. Draco had held Harry tight as his hands struggled to free himself from Draco's grip. Finally the fight went out of Harry and he clung to Draco as they sat on the floor of the treatment room. Harry's tortured breaths and pulse gradually slowed down as his mind struggled to remember that the memory was in the past. That had been over a year ago and Harry still had to go in for monthly checkups at St. Mungo's to make sure that his memory fabric was continuing to heal and accept the grafting.

Draco stepped off the circular staircase just as Harry came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. "I'm guessing you aren't working in the art studios today, that purple shirt wouldn't last long in the studio." Harry commented as he moved over to his dresser and took out a t-shirt and khakis.

"The music counselor is taking her hols and I'm filling in for her. And, to clarify for your obvious and appalling color blindness," Draco glanced down at his shirt and slacks, "This shirt is a light shade of lavender, not purple," he added with a shudder.

"If you say so," Harry said with a smile, as he pulled his t-shirt on. "When are you going to tell me about the surprise party?"

Draco laughed, "Exactly, what surprise party would this be?"

Harry looked at him, "The birthday party you are throwing for me."

"What in Merlin makes you think that I am giving you a surprise birthday party?" Draco turned away and turning towards the dresser mirror, running his hair through his fringe.

"The flurry of secretive owls that you won't let me read and abruptly stopped floo calls.." Harry said with a smile. "Either that or you are having an affair."

Draco's hand dropped, "That isn't even funny."

"Oh, relax. So, is the party here? Or at Ron and Hermione's?"

Draco shook his head, "Just because your birthday is tomorrow, doesn't mean that you automatically get a party."

"Well, considering that this is the first time you've acknowledged that my birthday I figured you were hiding something special."

Draco laughed, "With everything going on at the Center, do you really think I've had time to plan a surprise party?"

"Well, if there is no surprise party, what are we doing for my birthday tomorrow?"

"I thought we could go out for dinner, just the two of us."

Harry eyed him suspiciously as he started roughly brushing his fingers through his short hair, making the tangle of hair even worse. Draco shook his head and came over, "Let me do that."

The heat wave had made Harry walk into a Muggle barber and have them cut off most of his hair. Draco hadn't spoken to him for two days until Harry had promised to start growing it out again as soon as the weather cooled off.

Running his fingers through Harry's hair, trying to get it to fall properly he reluctantly conceded that the new style suited Harry as much as the old. He missed the silky feel of it when he carded his fingers through Harry's hair and the delicious rush of gently pulling aside the hair from the Harry's neck and kissing the nape of his neck. Harry closed his eyes at Draco's ministrations. Draco took advantage of the moment and slid the coin into Harry's pocket unnoticed.

"What do you have planned for today?"

"Andromeda and I thought we would take Teddy to a museum, beat the heat inside."

"Muggle museum?"

Harry nodded, "With Teddy starting Muggle nursery school in the fall I thought it would be good to give him more used to how Muggles live. We're even going to a chip shop for lunch."

"Well, I'll think of you whilst listening to Mozart being butchered by Lockhart and the Longbottoms." Draco said with a smile. "Think about where you want to go for dinner."


Draco vanished the takeout containers and looked around the back garden satisfied. The breeze from the moor was far cooler than the stifling heat of London. The garden was in full bloom, the flowers that Harry and Neville had been caring for and nurturing for the last three years.

Satisfied that there was nothing left to do he reached into his pocket and drew out the coin, the match to the one he'd slipped into Harry's pocket that morning. With his wand he tapped out the message and waited. It only took two minutes for the crack of Harry's apparation to break the silence, Draco walked to the doorway that led to the house.

"DRACO!" He heard Harry's panicked shout from the living room.

"Out here," he called out and watched as Harry ran from the living room to the kitchen, stopping short as he saw Draco leaning against the open back door. Harry held up the coin that he still held tightly clutched in his hand.

"Is this….?" Harry asked as Draco walked into the room and stood next to him.

Draco nodded, "Same one."

"I thought it was gone, I asked Hermione and she said she didn't have it, that she'd gotten rid of it liked I'd asked."

"She got rid of it by giving it back to me the last year at Hogwarts. She thought I would like to have it."

"Oh." Harry nodded, Draco could still tell he was confused, "Scared me to half to death when I felt it burning in my pocket. Why didn't you give it back sooner?"

"Was waiting for the right time," Draco said, kissing him. "Come outside."

Harry smiled when he saw the table set in the garden. "I thought we were going out to dinner?"

"We are, with your favorite takeout and favorite view." Draco said as he looped his arm around Harry's waist and drew him outside.


After dinner was done and Draco had sent the dishes to the kitchen, Harry settled back in his chair. "What did you have planned for the dessert course?" Harry asked suggestively as he ran his hand across Draco's hand that was resting on the table.

Draco lifted his eyebrow, "Aren't you interested in your present?"

"I rather hoped I could have the same present I got last year, you." Harry said with a smile, "I don't believe you can ever top that one."

"Hmmm," Draco pointed to the corner of the house where a package was leaning against the house, "Why don't you take a look?"

Harry walked over and picked up the long narrow package, he turned to look at Draco. "This looks like a..." his voice faded as he looked down at it, "Draco?"

"Open the letter." Draco said as he came to stand next to Harry. Harry looked down and saw the scroll that was attached. He pulled it open and read it, leaning against Draco. Draco knew what it said by heart, Watson had sent it to him just two days earlier.

"I'm cured? I can fly?" Harry said breathlessly, "When? How?-"

"I hope you don't mind, I wanted to be the one to tell you," Draco said softly. "The grafting took completely, the healing is done. We don't have to be afraid anymore. You can fly, play Quidditch, whatever you want to do."

Harry grasped Draco tightly. "I love you." Harry whispered. "I can't believe that -"

"I love you too, but I do believe that you haven't yet done me the courtesy of opening my present."

Harry laughed and broke away from Draco, "I think the shape kind of gives it away."

"Mayhap, but you still should open it." Draco said smugly.

Harry picked up the present and brought it over to the table. Untying the string the paper fell open revealing two brooms. "Two! You bought me two brooms?"

"I bought us two brooms. You don't think I'm going to let you beat me in a Seeker game simply because you have the faster broom, do you?"

Harry pulled out one of the brooms, "A Bolt 1200? I saw the team trying these out last week, they're fast."

"Let's find out." Draco said, picking up the other broom and pulling a snitch out of his pocket and holding it up for Harry to see.

"What? Here? We can't fly here - Muggles." Harry said looking confused.

"Tonight we can, the moor is warded to prevent us from being seen," Draco said with a smile. "And it is a full moon, as you would say, perfect conditions for night flying."

"You warded Dartmoor?" Harry said with a disbelieving laugh.

"Well, Hermione and George helped considerably, all of those owls and floo calls." Draco admitted. "We'll be invisible to any Muggle until midnight. Sheep might be a little surprised though."

Harry reached over and kissed Draco hard then pulled back, "Only until midnight? Let's not waste a minute."

"You warm up, it's been two years since you've flown any faster than tottering old witch speeds. I'll join you in a minute."

"You're sure?" Harry asked as he was already mounting the broom.

"I'm sure." Draco nodded. "I'll be right behind you."

"I'm counting on it." Harry said with a laugh as he kicked off the ground and shot forward, barely clearing the hedges that marked the end of their garden. Draco watched him soar straight into the sky in a barrel roll, twisting towards the sky with a jubilant shout. Draco shielded his eyes from the glare of the setting sun as he saw Harry silhouetted in perfection against the blazing colors. He flew past the upper limits of what Draco thought was possible and then, still vertical he suddenly twisted his broom a 180 degrees and plummeted towards the ground. Draco sucked in his breath as he watched Harry actually accelerate towards the ground, mere feet from the rocks he abruptly pulled out of the dive and spun towards Draco.

"Come on! What are you waiting for?" Harry shouted as he turned and raced away, skimming along just a few feet off the ground. Draco laughed and swung his leg over the broom and took off after him.
