Okay so I've decided to rewrite this story. I have re-read it, and I feel so horrified at what I read. This story was completely rushed, un-organized and above all- just really made no sense. Here I have, about two years later, rewriting this story. This time, I will make the story better.

Originally in this story I somehow made Bella magically related to Katherine, and had like three different sisters of different species. That made no fucking sense. Now Bella is NOT related to Katherine, and has NO sisters. Those OC's have been removed from this story permanently. I don't even know why I put them in here.

Then I made Bella and Damon fall in love and getting married within twenty chapters? Yeah, that doesn't settle well with me. I plan to make their relationship a lot more rocky here. Even maybe might at some Klaus moments here and there just for the hell of it.

Lastly, this story had no real plot. I had Cullen's and Jacob coming from completely no where. They got forgiveness way too fast. That's changing.

Basically this whole story is changing. The old plot was garbage in my eyes, and now here we go. Back at chapter one. I hope you all enjoy this rewrite!

Song used for this chapter: All The King's Horses by Karmina

Bella's Secret Life

Chapter One

Sudden Choices

Bella was currently on her way back to the Cullen household for two reasons- one, to see Edward and two, get her wallet. She wanted to talk (confront) Edward because lately he has been acting strange around her and the more Bella actually think about it- so had Alice. It was like the two were hiding this big secret, but Bella tried not to worry about it, but it was getting difficult to not worry. For example, Edward has been going on a lot more unexpected and unplanned hunting trips- so has Alice.

Secondly, Edward didn't visit Bella as often, but she doesn't mean to sound like a clingy girlfriend- it's just that he was usually here with Bella twenty-four seven. At least Bella had room to breathe now, she couldn't complain about that. Thirdly, Alice barely invited Bella over anymore to hang out or to go shopping. Yeah, definitely strange. Even Charlie commented on it.

Maybe they were just getting tired of Bella being round- the fragile little human. That made Bella roll her eyes. Or maybe she was exactly what Jacob pointed out she was- a human toy for vampires until she lost her value. At least according to Jacob that was all she had been to the Cullen's. Now Bella was starting to believe that.

Then there was the Jacob problem, he had been avoiding Bella as well, which left Bella wondering if I really belonged here in Forks. All those thoughts raced away once Bella parked her old beat up Chevy truck in front of the Cullen estate, trying to be as silent as she could with her loud ass truck. It wasn't very silent but no one came out. Maybe the family gone out hunting.

Bella took the spare key Edward had given her for emergencies. If she couldn't see Edward Bella could at least get her wallet which was really she needed since it had all her money, credit cards and drivers licenses. Bella had been here two days ago with Edward, spending time in his room as he practiced a new piano piece he had currently been working on. It was a small piece, but it held so much emotion in it, and if she had to describe it in one word, it would be beautiful.

The Cullen household was quiet, so naturally Bella took that as the sign that they were out hunting. Now she had one mission and one mission only- retrieve her damn wallet. It would be in Edwards's room, so Bella headed there first. Walking towards the stairs, her hearing picked up on a sound.

Bella wasn't quite sure what that sound was but as she kept walking up the steps, it was becoming more evident that it was moans mixed with thumping.

Rosalie and Emmett must be home, I have to be quick then if I want to be in and out before getting caught.

Bella approached towards Edward's room, but suddenly stopped, realizing the moaning and thumping was coming from his room. Soft moans fallowed by tinkering giggles, giggles that Bella would know anywhere. Slowly she nudged the door open, which she knew was stupid but needed to know. The sight killed her inside; leaving Bella to feel like a truck just ran over her heart. Or that Mike had successfully crushed her with his own car.

Alice was there on top of Edward, both unclothed and in a very intimate position. Yeah they were enjoying each other's company for sure. Okay Bella, just hold your breath and get your wallet which is… right resides the duo of cheaters.

Oh great, luck was defiantly not on Bella's side. For a second she wondered what the hell she did so bad to deserve such bad karma. It got worse when Bella's breath accidently hitched when Edward flipped himself and Alice- causing both vampires to look over at her wide eyes.

"Bella!" The both yelled, and I shuffled nervously as I glanced down.

"I just need my wallet.." Bella's voice was so soft, so silent. Well, can you blame her? Edward not only broke her heart once, but twice. The first time when he and the whole Cullen family left after the incident of Bella's eighteenth birthday party. Then Alice coming all the way here to warn her of Edward wanting to die because he believed she was dead, so they went all the way to Italy to save him. Ironic she was screwing him in bed now, saving him from his needs.

"Bella, love- let us explain." Edward spoke to Bella still as if she was a child that didn't understand. The chiding tone only upset Bella more than she already was.

"There isn't anything to explain Edward." Bella swiftly made her way forward, luckily without tripping, and grabbed her damn wallet. "Now I'll be going, I got more than I came for."

"Bella wait." Alice pleaded, grabbing her wrist before she made it out the bedroom door. Alice had gotten fully dressed now and so had Edward. That's what happens when you have vampire speed Bella guessed. "Please."

Bella gave her a stare as if she were crazy, "Alice, what is there to explain? I know what I saw- neither of you can change that I just walked in on a sex scene. There isn't anything else to say but leave me the hell alone."

"Bella you can't be serious!" Alice squeaked. "You're a part of this family!"

Bella shook her head, "I want no part of this family. Now let me go."

"Bella." Alice only gripped harder, causing Bella to wince slightly. "Please."

Bella realized Alice was trying to dazzle her then, trying to make her cave in and forgive Edward and herself. Not this time. Bella was not going to forgive and forget a betrayal that cut so much more deep than when they all left Forks. Instead Bella jerked her arm out of her grip, surprising both Alice and Edward and made her way down the stairs, only to find the rest of the Cullen family giving her a sad, shameful look. Bella distantly heard the footsteps behind me.

"Bella, love-"

"Don't call me 'love'." Bella snapped, causing the Cullen's to look over at her. Bella wasn't about to cry, not yet. Not till she was alone. "You lost that privilege when you started to have an affair. How long has it been going on anyway?"

No one answered first, which let Bella know that the whole house hold knew. A sense of deeper betrayal went through Bella but she would move on eventually, just like Edward, Alice and the Cullen's had. "Well?" Bella ask impatiently. "How long?"

"Since you visited Renee." Alice admitted. "Almost four months."

"Bella, we didn't tell you because you wouldn't understand." Esme tried to reason.

"That wasn't your choice to make. Despite what you believe is 'best' for me, it was not your place for you to keep this from me. You are not my mother or my family; you don't get to make those choices." Bella made her way toward the door before Emmett got in the way.

"Bells, we are your family."

She gave a cynical smile, "Not anymore, now if you'll excuse me- I have to go home and make my father dinner."

No one tried to stop Bella when she left, and she knew it was because either, one she wasn't important enough or two- they had to discuss what to do next since she had found out their dirty little secret. Honestly, who did they think they were to make these choices for her? Bella had a right to know that Edward wasn't faithful, unlike them Bella didn't have forever- and she just lost four months of her life she'd never get back.

When Bella got home it was empty, so she decided to make Charlie something simple for dinner- spaghetti. It wasn't anything fancy or special and to be honest Bella wasn't in the mood to be cooking. She thought that maybe she's be crying but surprisingly she wasn't. Bella was strangely angry and confused mostly. Confused by what though? By how she felt about this situation? Maybe. She was pissed but yet she was heartbroken. After everything Bella been through with Edward him, defending him and fighting for him- Edward never cared. He never did and never would, and right now it didn't hurt. Not like it did the last time he left her, Bella wasn't going to return back into that state- not again.

As Bella mentally cursed Edward and the rest of the Cullen's, she drained the now cooked pasta and began with the sauce. Cutting the onions with an angry precision, Bella didn't notice Charlie come in until he called her name. Glancing up Bella could see Charlie watching her with a worried glint in his eyes. I tried to ignore it, but apparently Charlie decided to check in on my life.

"Bella you okay? You seem upset." Charlie said, stating the obvious.

Well no shit. Anyone would be upset if they saw their vampire boyfriend banging their vampire adopted sister. Now that Bella thought about it- it was freaky. Huh, she guessed after centuries of living, vampires are bound to get kinky.

"I broke up with Edward today." Bella said nonchalantly, praising herself for being strong.

Charlie looked at Bella, stunned. "Bella, are you okay? What happened?"

Her face fell as she sighed. Even her own father couldn't have faith in her after breaking up with Edward. Of course she wouldn't tell him the truth and came up with a quick and easy lie.

"I decided to move away." Bella said once again. "Maybe to that old house that Grandma Swan left us in Virginia."

Charlie looked upset, "Bella, that's across the state."

"I'm eighteen already dad. I'm in my senior year. Besides, that college- Whitmore. It has great reviews!" Bella smiled at her father. "I have nothing here besides you. Jacob and me aren't friends anymore and I don't get along with anyone at the high school besides Angela."

Charlie look doubtful, "I don't know about you being by yourself Bella. I don't like the thought of it."

Bella sighed, "I'm a legal adult now Dad. I even have money saved up, I'm going to transfer over to Mystic Falls. Maybe even fix up Granny's old shop she left to me."

Charlie smiled at the memory of the beloved witch craft shop, "Your grandmother had weird stuff in the store. Me and your uncle would play with the trinkets she had in that store before she kicked us out for being a pain in her ass."

Bella laughed, "I remember the shop. It was always eerie and weird. Maybe I won't be reopening that place."

"That house is old too Bella." Charlie said, silently giving his daughter his consent of letting her go. "The roof is probably old and leaky-"

"I'll be okay Dad." Bella smiled, serving Charlie his plate of food and handing it too him.

Charlie nodded, "I know Bella, but it's just a big decision to suddenly move across the state. I want you to be happy, so if this makes you happy then I will let you go."

Bella laughed, placed her own plate of dinner down and hugged her father tightly. Charlie hugged back tighter, savoring this rare moment he had with his daughter. Charlie and Bella weren't as close as a father and a daughter should be, but at times they had their moments just like this one. The two ate, chatting for the first time in a long time.

Bella had to admit it; she'd miss nights like this.

The next morning Charlie had helped Bella pack her boxes, telling her that he'd pay the air fare to ship them and she could pay him back in the future. Bella had smiled and nodded at that. She knew her father was sad, but Bella wasn't going to change her mind now. As Bella got her suitcases ready, Charlie had took the liberty of going down to the school and getting her transcripts.

In return, Bella made her own call to Mystic Falls high school, getting everything straightened out. She'd be able to start her classes, and finish her senior year in Mystic Falls High school the following week- which was perfect for her.

Charlie had dug up the realtor for the house of Grandma Swan, telling him that Bella would be in Mystic Falls in the next twenty-four hours. Charlie then told Bella that when she gets into town that she had to go straight to the old Swan house, and there she'd get the keys and have to sign some papers. Bella had told her father that it was no problem.

By late afternoon Bella was ready to go. She had ignored her cell phone when Alice called, probably seeing her choice on leaving, but it was none of her business. It became a problem when Charlie had gone out to get a quick dinner. Alice had come over with Edward, and strangely Rosalie and Emmet.

"You're making a mistake Bella." Alice whispered. "If you leave, what about our secret? We had an agreement with the Volturi!"

"I don't care anymore Alice." Bella snapped. "I won't tell your stupid little secret, but I sure as hell won't stay here while you still try to control my life! I am done Alice."

"Bella." Edward called. "Think about it- we can still be-"

"You disgust me." Bella cut him off. "How I ever loved you is beyond me. You are a disgrace, and I hate myself for loving you. I guess that's my fault. Fool me once shame of you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

"Please Bella. Don't leave!" Alice cried dramatically.

"Goodbye Alice Cullen." Bella said, going to move past them but Alice once again grabbed her.\

"Alice." Emmet said. "Let her go."

"You can't keep her in this town." Rosalie added. "She choose to stay human, she choose to leave- let her. We can deal with the Volturi ourselves."

Bella realized then Rosalie and Emmet had come to make her stay, they'd come to make sure she stayed safe. Alice reluctantly let her go, going back to Edwards side. "We could have shared, I didn't mind. You're making a mistake."

With that, Alice and Edward left. Bella felt disgusted, but happy nothing less that they finally left. Bella then found herself in a bone crushing hug from Emmet.

"I'm sorry Bells I kept it from you." Emmet whispered sadly. "I didn't have the heart to break yours."

Bella smiled softly, "You were here right now. It's okay."

Rosalie then stepped up, giving Bella a grim smile. "I'm sorry I was so horrible to you. In honest truth I had envied the humanity you had, and I did believe that you were wasting it with Edward. Despite the circumstances, I am happy you choose to leave. It means you'll be safe from my family, and our life style. I wish you the best of luck Bella."

With a gentle hug, Rosalie left with Emmet. Not even five minutes later Charlie pulled up, helping Bella load the care with her suit cases. Then they were driving to the airport, where a new life awaited Isabella Swan.

I know this wasn't the longest chapter, but chapters will be long and a lot more detailed than the original story was. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Thank you to those who waited for so long.
