Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Hello dear readers usually I don't write on Sunday but during church, this story was having a plot bunny parade so you get the first chapter to this story hope you enjoy.

So there is no question's the story is starting during Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows soon after they got the locket.

Hermione, Ron and Harry ran threw the forests, Death Eater's were close behind them.

"How on earth did they find us?" Harry grumbled under his breath as they ran, the locket swinging loosely on his neck.

Voldemort somehow found out they had the locket, how he was not sure.

"We should be out of the antiaparation wards in a second." Hermione informed them.

Harry nodded. They Death Eater's tried to trap them by setting up aparation (Sorry if it's spelled wrong) wards so they had nowhere to go, luckily it backfired on them.

As he ran branch as branch hit him and his friends as they ran for their lives, to scared to stop.

"We're outside the wards!" Hermione informed them.

At that moment the 3 of them aparated to another spot in the forest over four miles away,

Harry let out a sigh of relief. "We made it." He breathed.

Beside him, Hermione and Ron nodded in agreement, seeming just as relieved.

Suddenly Hermione frowned. "Harry where's the locket?"

Harry frowned. "What are you talking about Hermione the locket's right here…" He froze as he realized he wasn't wearing the locket anymore. His blood ran cold. "This can't be happening." He murmured looking around.

Hermione and Ron looked around checking everything incase the locket fell into the grass, or was moved.

Nothing the locket wasn't anywhere to be found.

Hermione's eyes widened. "It must have gotten loose and fell of while we were running." Hermione told them.

Harry looked in the direction of where their camp was. "Great we while have to go back tomorrow or sometime to look for it."

(A few hours later)

A young man wearing all black walked threw the forest. He had dark brown hair and silver eyes.

He searched threw the stuff that for some reason looked like it was abandon by a group of wizard. He shook his head as he looked for anything of value

On his shirt, it said Wizard city Ravenwood in big bulging gold letters. He came here hoping to buy a special wand but for some reason the person wasn't there, so he decided to scavenging trying to make his money worth.

He sighed and started to walk off after deciding that there was nothing valuable there. He stopped suddenly out of the corner of his eye he saw something shiny in the grass, he bent down and picked up a small locket with a green S on it.

Unknown to the man, nearby a man with a mask watched him a distance.

The camera rumbled in Penny's hands as she tried to get it to work.

"It's on Penny." A yellow-eyed girl in front of her said slightly annoyed.

The girl Penny blushed as she pointed the camera at the yellow-eyed pale girl, with spiky jet-black hair.

She rolled her eyes and smiled at the camera. "Hello fan's of Chaos takes it all. As you know, I'm Heather ShadowBlood, as you all know. You all remember last week's episode where my friend Nora dyed my fire cat Midnight green…"

Penny pointed the camera down to the pavement to where Heather's cat was. It was a neon light green with patches of red showing. Penny brought the camera back up to impatient Heather.

"I think everyone's seen her Penny." Heather sighed.

"But she's so cut and funny that way I had to get her on camera." Penny said making one of those baby noises at Midnight. Midnight looked down in shame and hid behind Heather whimpering.

"Anyway. I decided it was time we pulled a prank on dear sweet Nora, as you've noticed we're in the haunted cave." She motioned to the creepy background behind her filled with fog and was really dark.

"Well anyway earlier today I told Nora one of the many versions of the story Bloody Mary." Heather smiled innocently while Penny shivered shaking the camera remembering what happen.

"Can you please keep the camera still!" Heather snapped.

"Sorry but the way you told it to Nora and me…it was scary." Penny murmured.

Heather rolled her eyes. "Well for the majority of you who don't know the story…err stories there are several versions. The most popular I believe is the one she's about to get married and a witch or something get's her. I heard of a version she was a witch. Um but the version I was raised on she was a poor girl whose awful Father came in at the dead of night and started slashing at her, and slashing, and slashing!" Heather made a slashing motion with her hand. "Till she finally bleed do death and she crying so hard and she was so scared her tears turned to blood." She said ominously. "After she died her father buried her in the cellar. The soul of the young girl became corrupted and she tormented her father until he committed suicide but it still wasn't enough for her, she craved blood!

Penny shivered again.

"Back home the tradition is to at midnight turn off all the light's and look into a mirror and chant her name. But so it will be easer to film I told Nora you need to do it in a grave yard and I triple dog dared her to do it." Heather smiled wickedly.

"Are you sure we should do this?" Penny asked nervously.

"Look Penny if you don't want to do this you can go, but I'm doing this." Heather told her patiently.

Penny sighed, deciding she was staying.

Heather smiled into the camera. "Ok I got Lady Blackhope here from Unicorn way and I at least 4 gallons of fake blood and it will be midnight in 5 minutes so let's begin." With that everybody got into there places.

Right on cue Nora started walking down the haunted cave eyes wide and wand pointed. Looking around making sure nobody was there she sat in front of some random grave.

"Bloody Mary." She whispered, after a second she seemed to find her courage. "Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary!" She jumped as soon as she was done and looked around.

The ground started to shake as Lady Blackhope popped out of the ground covered in blood and holding a knife! Blood seeped out of the ground from the little traps Heather set up.

Nora who looked like she was about to have a heart attack to a step back, trying to force herself to hold herself to hold her ground!

Lady Blackhope howled with rage, waving her knife back and forth! "Who dares to disturb Bloody Mary!" Blackhope cried.

All of Nora's courage fled her and she made a bolt for it, screaming at the top of her lungs.

Heather couldn't help it she burst into a fit of laughter unable to control herself rolling on the ground. "Come on." She laughed, getting up motioning to Penny. "Let's go get her."

Alright I hope you liked the intro to this story the next chapter will be here in two weeks at most till than Please review and have a nice day.