Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor do I own Rubeus Hagrid or Luna Lovegood.

A crisp autumn day had never been so nerve-wracking before. After all, to most, it would seem like a beautiful day. The sun was out and shining bright, colorful leaves painted the floor, and there was the faint sound of moving water due to the lake beside her.

The current events were nothing to fret about. Only the usual politics were a little worrisome, but even that was much better than it had been in a long time. Voldemort had been defeated a little over 4 months ago, and the world was finally getting back to what most would call normal (although, some, who have not known much peace, might consider it rather odd.)

But today, was indeed, terrifying. Today was the day she was going to do it, tell Rubeus what he meant to her.

She knew what was at risk; her reputation, her heart, everything dear to her...but she had to do it. Because of that small glimmer of hope; what if he loved her back? It was wrong in so many different ways. She used to be his student. He was so much older than her. Not many people could even see their connection, but it was there.

Every Tuesday night, Luna would come down to visit his hut, and gradually, they became best friends. Hours would be spent laughing at jokes, talking about rare animals...talking about everything. Somewhere along the road, Luna fell for him.

She didn't know if he loved her back, but she had to tell him. If she didn't, she would hate herself. Today was the day.

There were so many reasons she loved him, it's practically impossible to list. To start, the way they could talk for hours and never get tired. The way he would ask her if the nickname "Loony Lovegood" ever hurt her. The way everything he cooks is burnt to a crisp. The way he walks...talks...everything about him. Even his flaws were endearing to her.

Today was the day.

Summoning all the courage the Ravenclaw had, she began walking toward his hut. Her mind was a mess of 'what if's.' What if he didn't love her back? What if he did, but said it was too wrong? What if someone tried to tear the apart? What if he's not there? What if he gets mad? What if...what if...what if?

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Luna! Where'ya ben? I've ben meanin' to talk ter ya!"

"Hello Rubeus!" She managed to say cheerfully. "I wanted to tell you something, too."

"Well, take a seat."

"Thank you." They sat in there in silence for a few moments, until Rubeus broke it.

"Is everythin' alrigh'? Yah seem awfully upset 'bout somethin'. "

"I know. I'm just kind of nervous."

"An' what'd you be nervous 'bout?"

"I think...I think I love you. And, I have for a long time. All I need to know is...do you love me back?" Her soft voice grew slightly stronger as she went along, but the look on her face told the truth; she was terrified.


"Do you? Do you love me back?"

"Well, I...er..."

"That' alright then. I knew it was a possibility. I'm going to go now, Rubeus. Thanks, though."

"No! Luna, I love yah too. It's just, it's so wrong. I migh' not be able teh teach after this."

"But I'm not your student anymore."


"Please, Rubeus?"

"In one condition."

"What's that?"

"Yeh start callin' me Hagrid."

"I love you, Hagrid."

A crisp autumn day had never been so joyful before.

If I could have just one wish,
I would wish to wake up everyday
to the sound of your breath on my neck,
the warmth of your lips on my cheek,
the touch of your fingers on my skin,
and the feel of your heart beating with mine...
Knowing that I could never find that feeling
with anyone other than you.

- Courtney Kuchta -