A/N: Hi there! This is my sequel to an existing Kames story called Something About This Place. It's just going to be a cute (and smutty) little two-shot. It was going to be a one-shot, but it's not all gonna fit into one chapter.

That being said, if you haven't read SATP, go read it and this will make more sense. I will warn you, it's kind of long, but if you like Kames, you should like it:)

Also! I have a poll in my profile for you all to answer so... answer that and answer it HONESTLY, I can't see who voted what anyways;)

*~*~so yeah~*~*

A sudden weight awoke Kendall, the bed sinking around him. Someone was on top of him, knees and elbows scrambling to get their place. Whoever it was then leaned down, bringing his face close to Kendall's.

Kendall blinked his eyes open. Through the dim light he could just barely make out James's eyes, the bright colors from the alarm clock reflecting in them. It was clearly before dawn; no light filtered through the big windows on one side of the room.

The previous morning, James had woken Kendall up sweetly, singing into his ear and making him waffles. Of course, the waffles were frozen in the middle and charred on the outside, but really, it was the thought that counted.

James had promised him a romantic weekend at home, saying that Mama Knight and Katie were going away for a few days and he could surely get rid of Logan and Carlos.

Kendall certainly was not expecting to be pounced on at an ongodly hour, James's face an inch from his, being straddled by an eager and all-too-awake James. Of course, there was no way he could've been any less ready than he was for what came next.

Before he could say a word, a bandana was thrown over Kendall's eyes. James cupped the back of his neck, pulling Kendall up towards himself a little. He quickly tied the bandana behind Kendall's head, blindfolding him even though he couldn't see a thing anyways, and kissed the blonde lightly on the cheek.

"James, what the fu-"

James silenced him by slapping a hand over his mouth, his fingers entering Kendall's mouth a little bit. Kendall tried spitting on them or licking them, but James kept his hand securely over his boyfriend's mouth.

"You think it's nothing I've dealt with before?" James chuckled darkly, sounding more psycho-axe murderer than romantic.

Kendall mumbled in reply, kicking and trying to get James off of him. Instead, James wrapped his free arm around Kendall's back, rolling onto his side so they were both lying on the bed.

"Now," James whispered, his lips pressed to Kendall's ear, "I would suggest not screaming because I'm bigger than you and we both know I can kick your ass. Also, it'll be worth it," he winked, though Kendall couldn't see, "just you wait."

With that, James picked Kendall up, tossing the gangly blonde over his shoulder. He held on to Kendall's bare ankles, carrying him quickly out of the room.

They stopped at what must've been Carlos and Logan's room, and James kicked the door open, calling out to them, "Have fun with the apartment this weekend!"

Kendall heard Logan mutter something, then a door opening. He counted James's footsteps, trying to get a bearing of where they were going. Another door opened- the door to the aparment?- and they kept walking. After a minute, James got them both into the elevator.

"What happened to a weekend in?" Kendall asked. James had finally decided to take his hand off of Kendall's mouth.

James shrugged, whispering as the elevator doors opened, "Change of plans."

"Oh boy," Kendall squeaked. He listened to James's footsteps and quiet breathing as they crossed the room that could only be the lobby, the sounds and the feeling of James's heartbeat the only thing he had to go by. It was strange, not being able to see, but being there, clutched tightly to James's body, he felt oddly secure.

James pushed the door to the Palm Woods open, the cool early-morning air hitting them suddenly. He walked across the parking lot quickly, clearly concerned about getting out as soon as possible. They stopped a moment later, and one of James's hands let go of Kendall's legs. Kendall heard a car door opening, and the next thing he knew, he was deposited onto a seat. It was fluffy, but felt old and worn out, the fabric a little scratchy and smelling heavily of weed.

He felt James reaching over him to do his seatbelt, but put his arm out and stopped the other boy.

"Dude," Kendall said, "I think I can handle that myself."

"If you're sure," James replied. Shrugging, he put the seat belt in Kendall's hand, "have fun."

Kendall heard the door close, and seconds later, another open. As Kendall struggled and fumbled, trying to find somewhere to click his seat belt into place, James slid into the driver's seat. A large, smooth hand took Kendall's, guiding it to buckle his seat belt.

"Thanks," Kendall mumbled, feeling his cheeks blush a little. Of course, it wasn't like James would be able to see the color of his face in the low light anyways.

"No problem," James said, buckling his own seatbelt, "It's kinda my fault."

"Yeah," Kendall sighed. He'd decided there was no use trying to fight James; he figured he'd just roll with whatever James did. "So, where are we?" he asked as he heard James turn the keys in the ignition. He noticed it got suddenly brighter, or at least the world outside his bandana did, so the headlights must've been on.

"Guitar Dude's van," James said casually, placing a hand on the back of Kendall's seat and twisting his body so he could back out. "Perfect for road trips."

"I bet," Kendall breathed.

"Don't worry," James continued, "I got permission to use it. Granted Guitar Dude was high, but what else is new? He even left the keys in here."

"So, road trip," Kendall replied, folding his hands in his lap, "Where to?"

"Do you think you'd be blindfolded if I wanted you to know?" James asked, rolling his eyes.

"No," Kendall yawned. "What time is it anyways? Must be like five AM."

"Four-thirty," James corrected, glancing at the old clock on the dashboard, "give or take a few."

"And how are you so awake?" Kendall asked.

"Damn, you are just full of questions," James commented, "Just relax, baby. It's our anniversary. Let yourself enjoy it."

Kendall sighed, curling up into his seat a little, and trying to ignore the scratchy seatcovers.

"Also," James added, "I'm on like, my seventh coffee."

~*~*a tad later*~*~

"Can I please take this off?" Kendall groaned, "It fucking itches!"

"Nope," James said happily, popping the 'p.' He held onto the shaggy faux fur that covered the steering wheel, smoothly turning the car onto another ramp. Glancing over at Kendall, he noticed the boy slipping a finger up under the edge of his purple bandana.

"Are you stupid?" James asked with a laugh, "I can see you, you know. And you are not allowed to take that off. You'll see where we're going!"

"That's the point!" Kendall shot back, "I hate not knowing!"

"Ah, but that's my point," James said, his voice calm and smooth, as if he was teaching a lesson, "It's a surprise. And surprises are no fun when you already know what the surprise is."

"This is even worse than the time you payed me ten bucks to wear a thong all day," Kendall grumbled.

"Now that was fun," James said, laughing, "and we had sex after. See? This is fun. And we'll have sex where we're going. I promise."

"That could be anywhere!" Kendall replied, smiling despite himself at their memories, "But I still can't see a damn thing."

"Dude," James said, "It's our anniversary. This is fucking romantic."

"No," Kendall said, "Yesterday you told me my mom was going away for the weekend with Katie, and we could get rid of Logan and Carlos, and you made me waffles and gave me roses and sang to me. That was romantic," he took a deep breath, "This morning you woke me up by jumping on top of me, straddling me, pinning me to the bed, shoving a bandana over my face, covering my mouth, making me swear not to scream, telling Logan and Carlos to have fun with the apartment, shoving me into Guitar Dude's van, and driving away."

"And that's not your idea of romantic?" James said, gasping sarcastically, "I'm offended."

"All I wanted were some goddamn waffles," Kendall grumbled.

"Well," James began diplomatically, "first of all, those waffles were terrible."

"But you didn't kidnap me and forcefeed them!" Kendall cried out.

"Second of all," James added, "Logan and Carlos are probably losing their shit trying to figure out what to do all alone for the weekend. Doesn't that sound funny?"

"Carlos probably gets waffles," Kendall mumbled, crossing his arms tightly over his chest.

"And third," James finished, "Doesn't this kind of give a little bit of an S&M aspect to the situation?"

"I'm glaring at you right now," Kendall said angrily.

"Jesus, Knight," James said, "My eyes are up here."

"Fuck you," Kendall replied.

"Please, do."

"How long of a drive is this gonna be anyways?" Kendall asked, "I feel like I've been in this van forever."

"Pretty goddamn long, actually," James said. He put one hand on Kendall's knee, which was still bare, Kendall sitting in his boxers and a white t-shirt. He massaged the pale skin with his thumb, his hand pushing up and grabbing at Kendall's leg, and he slowly let it work its way up to Kendall's boxers.

"Whatcha doin'?" Kendall said, failing at sounding casual when his voice cracked.

"Feeling up your leg," James sing-songed back, "driving gets a little dull."

"I see," Kendall said, "Well, I wouldn't know, since I'm blindfolded in the passenger seat."

"You sure do talk a lot for a hostage," James commented, shaking his head.

"A hostage?" Kendall replied, "Since when am I a hostage?"

"I thought we were going for the whole S&M side of this," James said, "I mean, you know, it just seems more fun that way."

"You're stupid," Kendall told him.

"I'm a genius," James said, continuing to rest his hand on Kendall's leg, "And believe me, this will be romantic. Just you wait."

*~*~And now...~*~*

James pulled the gearstick back, shifting down as they turned into the driveway. He put his foot on the break and stopped the car, lifting his hands off the wheel and rubbing them on his jeans.

"Well," he announced, "we're here." Kendall's hand darted up to his bandana, but James quickly put his hand over Kendall's, preventing him from removing the piece of cloth from his eyes.

"Don't," he said, "Just wait a second."

Kendall obeyed, lowering his hand to his lap. He bit his lip, shaking a little; he couldn't wait to see where they were. He heard James get out of the car, noticing instantly when he was gone. He listened to gravel crunching under James's footsteps and unbuckled himself. The door to his right was pulled open, and Kendall practically leaped out of the car.

"Whoah," James said, wrapping his arms around Kendall's thin body and stumbling backwards a few steps, as Kendall collided with him. He took Kendall by the shoulders, turning him so he faced straight ahead, parallel to the car. Then, standing behind the blonde, he untied the tight knot of the bandana, letting it gently fall to the ground.

Kendall gasped, throwing a hand over his mouth as his light green eyes widened in shock. He looked at the short gravel driveway that wound up to the house, the lush green lawn, slightly muddy from the rain, and the cement steps up to the front door. The lawn went back behind the little house, to a backyard that probably still had a slightly wrecked and trampled patch of grass. He could see the shiny blue lake, looking more gray because of the cloudy lighting, extend behind the house, and he instantly felt himself begin to tear up.

"Oh my God," he breathed, "James-"

"What do you think?" James whispered, wrapping his muscular arms around him from behind and planting a kiss on his cheek, "Is this romantic enough?"

Kendall turned to face his boyfriend, his eyes sparkling because of hot tears that threatened his eyes. He smiled, wrapping his arms around James's neck. James leaned in, bringing his lips to Kendall's, opening his mouth eagerly, and pushing his toungue into Kendall's mouth. Kendall bit at James's lip a little, lunging forward and pulling James close, so their bodies were pressed tightly to one another.

"Let's go inside," James breathed, kissing Kendall quickly, his lips working with speed. He scooped Kendall up by the legs so Kendall was straddling him, carrying him into the house in that position. They walked quickly over the muddy lawn, and James put Kendall down by the doorway, reaching into his pocket for a key.

"How'd you even get the key to this place?" Kendall asked, running his hands over James's broad shoulders as the other boy twisted the key in the lock. He pushed on the door, which had seemed stuck, and it opened abruptly and with more force than either had anticipated.

They both stumbled in, tracking mud in through the doorway. Laughing, Kendall closed the door behing him, and they both kicked off their shoes.

"Well," James said, "it is Carlos's dad's place, so Carlos has an extra key," he winked at Kendall, "He's surprising Logie this weekend too."

"Wow," Kendall breathed, looking around the small house. The dark leather couch sat in the center of the room, and he ran a hand over the side as they crossed the room.

"Remember the time we almost had sex on this couch?" Kendall asked, smiling at the memories.

"And then Logan walked in on us? And you punched me in the face?" James clarified. He beamed, slinging an arm around Kendall, "Yeah," he said, "I remember."

He guided Kendall towards a door, pushing it open gently.

"Remember this room?" he whispered.

There were two beds against the wall, and a large sliding glass door overlooking the lake. Raindrops ran down the door, and the room had a gray tint from the low lighting outside.

"Yep," Kendall breathed, "I sure do."

"It's just like that day," James breathed, "Only, you know, you don't hate me."

"I just might," Kendall said, smiling at his boyfriend.

He gazed out the window, to the back lawn and the rain-splattered lake.

"I remember out there, too," Kendall whispered after a long pause, motioning out towards the sliding glass door. He smiled, remembering rolling around in the muddy lawn.

"I don't think I'd ever cried as much, fought as much, or had as interesting of sex as I did in those two weeks," James said, cracking a smile. He grabbed Kendall's hand and spun the blonde around to face him, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"You know," James whispered, bringing his lips an inch from Kendall's, his hot breath running over Kendall's lips, "we never did have sex in, you know, a bed here."

"Well," Kendall's eyes dropped to James's lips, then flitted back up to his hazel eyes, "we're just gonna have to change that." He stared into James's eyes for another moment, his pupils dialated, and slowly brought his lips to James's. Lightly, he bit James's soft lower lip, and James's hands climbed up Kendall's back, gripping it tightly.

James pulled Kendall down onto the bed, lying on his back as they kissed. He put his hands on Kendall's hips, which Kendall rocked up and down, straddling his counterpart.

Kendall brought his lips to James's forehead, kissing it and breathing on it, letting his breath run all the way down James's face.

"I love you," Kendall said gently, "so, so much."

"I love you too," James replied, kissing Kendall's jawline and moving down to his neck. He stopped after a moment, looking into Kendall's hungry eyes.

"You know," James said, "I did a lot of driving today," he took the bottom of Kendall's shirt between his fingertips, pulling it over Kendall's head and tossing it to the side, "so," he leaned up and kissed Kendall's chest, holding his head up and licking at it, "Why don't you do it now?"

"But of course," Kendall said, raising his thick eyebrows. He kissed James, slipping his hands into the top of James's jeans. Quickly, he pulled them off, moving down so he could slide them off of James's ankles. He ran his hands over James's muscular legs, hooking his fingertips into the waistband of James's boxers and pulling them down, too.

"Wow," Kendall observed, running a fingertip of James's erection, "Never ceases to amaze me."

"Kendaaall," James moaned, pouting up at Kendall with big eyes. He ran his hands over Kendall's shoulders.

"Yes?" Kendall replied. He licked the tip of James's dick, teasing by licking all the way up the length. He then brought James's head into his mouth, bobbing up and down slowly.

"Oh my God," James hissed, "Kendall, now." His hands ran eagerly down Kendall's body, trying to reach his hips and get to his boxers, which Kendall still had not taken off. Kendall continued to suck on James's dick, feeling it slowly hit the back of his throat as James laced his fingers through Kendall's hair. He dug his nails into Kendall's scalp, holding on tight as Kendall worked.

"Now," James breathed again, gritting his teeth.

Kendall took James's dick out of his mouth, moving back up to kiss James.

Stealing his boyfriend's signature move, he kissed James's ear, biting at his earlobe a little bit.

"I thought I was the driver," Kendall whispered, "not you."

"Not funny," James growled. His hands were already in Kendall's boxers, slipping into them and pushing them down as far as he could manage.

"Jesus," Kendall said, smirking, "Someone's eager. I thought this was supposed to be slow and romantic," he teased.

"Kendall," James grabbed Kendall around the neck, pulling his face close to him, and speaking through gritted teeth, "I. Want. You. In. Me. Now."

"Then turn over," Kendall whispered, kissing James's nose.

James did as he was told, glad to finally be getting what he wanted. He heard Kendall taking his boxers the rest of the way off behind him, and soon enough, Kendall's erection was pressed to the side of his ass.

Kendall smoothed his hands over James's tan back, running his fingers over every well-defined muscle, massaging them gently. Slowly, he started to push the tip of his dick in, then pulled it out.

"Kendall," James growled in a deep, threatening tone, "Don't fuck around. Just fuck."

"Alright," Kendall breathed, pushing himself into James. He felt James contract around him, taking in a deep breath. He pulled out a little, then went back in, thrusting slowly and deliberately. His hands gripped James's hips, which rocked and bucked, grinding against Kendall and creating extra friction.

"More," James demanded, "faster." He bucked his hips up into the pale boy, making fast circles, which Kendall went along with. Kendall thrusted more quickly, pulling out a little and plunging as deep as he could. He started to move deeper and deeper, causing the bucks of James's hips to grow, going farther.

"James," Kendall moaned, "James, oh my God."

"Kendall!" James screamed as Kendall hit his prostate, throwing his head back and moaning, "Kendall, oh there again."

Kendall did as he was told, seemingly forgetting that he was supposed to be in charge. He pushed to the same spot, getting moans and more bucks out of James.

Kendall reached down, pumping James's dick as he thrusted, both in perfect, practiced, synchrony. They rocked, faster still, on the bed, the sheets pulled tight between their legs.

"Kendall," James moaned, "Oh, I'm gonna-" He groaned as they both came, feeling Kendall's hot seed fill him as he released onto the bed. Kendall thrusted slowly a few more times, then pulled out James, falling onto the bed next to him.

"Oh my God," Kendall breathed, "That was-"

"Amazing," James finished for him. He ran a hand through Kendall's hair, bringing his lips to his boyfriend's and pulling at his hair as they kissed.

"We should have anniversaries more often," Kendall said with a smirk. He was still breathing hard, and he licked his lips, causing James to collide his mouth to Kendall's again.

"Well," James whispered, giving Kendall another peck, "we have all weekend."


Kendall and James, now dressed, put their small suitcases down in the livingroom.

"How sweet," Kendall commented, running a finger down James's arm, "You even packed me a bag for my kindnapping."

"You know it," James said, guiding Kendall over to the couch. He handed Kendall his phone, adding, "You can even have this. Your mom's gonna want a text to let her know that everything is going smoothly back at 2J," he winked.

"Speaking of 2J," Kendall said, smiling at his phone, "Look at this."

He handed the small, black phone to James, who grinned at the texts on the screen.

Logan: Kendall where r u carlos has 20 ft of rope and a lot of booze (11:05 am)

Logan: A. LOT. (11:08 am)

Logan: Shit he's coming this way (11:11 am)

"He'll be fine," they said simultaneously. James tossed the phone onto the coffee table, turning the TV on and beckoning Kendall closer. Kendall sighed, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's waist and resting his head on James's muscly chest.

"I love you," James said, kissing Kendall on the top of his head, "You're the sexiest damn thing I've ever seen."

"I love your boob muscles," Kendall said in reply, grabbing at James's peck with one hand and smiling up at the other boy.

James tipped Kendall's chin up, kissing him gently. An insurance commercial blasted on the TV, Kendall's phone vibrated, and lightning flashed outside. The only thing the two boys noticed was eachother.

*~*~Now isn't that sappy~*~*

A/N: So, yeah. That was that. There will be one more chapter. Review if you liked it! Now, I'm gonna go watch some football after the utter fluffiness.